Delivery for "Jack Mehoff" [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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June 30th
Rustboro City
Ranger / GrubbinHub
Let's be better
Than before
5' 7" (170 cm) height
5' 7" (170 cm) height
Society's collapsing, hanging by a thread. The kids are running wild and chivalry is dead.
16 posts
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TAG WITH @arabella
Arabella Trovato
Delivery for "Jack Mehoff" [m]
POSTED ON Sept 7, 2024 21:22:38 GMT
Arabella Trovato Avatar
[attr="class","mix-cerbwrap Arabella"]









Well this delivery is going to cost a pretty penny. Not only was it a large order to begin with, but it pretty much had Arabella traveling across the entire town to get over to this place, at least the tip seemed worth it. In all honesty the tip was so high she was beginning to think that it had to be a scam, who has money like that to throw around...[break][break]

That was until Arabella found herself going down into a slow roll at the main gate entrance of this monster of a mansion. If you need your own road to get to the house, you have to be rolling in the dough. Who knows if they're good looking enough, maybe she can work her magic and score herself a sugardaddy --or mommy/parent, she doesn't judge.[break][break]

Parking her ride, she'd pull out her phone to check the details on the order, "fuck, that's bright.." It was getting dark.. And of course, they want it to be hand delivered. Thankfully, this was one of those rich fuckers with those intercom, but she never used one before. "Uhm.. hello? Hey? HEY!" What started normal soon started to shift towards frustration as she begun to hit every button on this board, poking at the screen. [break][break]

At this point it wasn't for the fact the gate was locked she would have just drove her way in, but then again when has a little lock ever stopped her~ ♡ Perhaps they were just busy and forgot to unlock the main gate, she's seen it happen before in the past with locked communities. So with her chomping down on the bag carrying their order, she'd take a few steps back and rush at the gate. [break][break]

She was used to parkouring as a kid so it was a simple one foot on the bar then push herself up, but with some of the paint flaking off her foot slipped while she was half way over. With a quick twist of her body she managed to squeeze in-between the two spikes at the top to catch a better grip and catch her breath, but before she can go and finish the job she heard the sounds of tires approaching. [break][break]

Well this is awkward, but maybe it was the owners coming home late. This can EASILY be explained, but is someone this rich really driving a truck like that?


You're not the One











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played by


He / Him
May 11
Vermillion City, Kanto
Delivery Boy
don't you worry
bout a thing
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
8 posts
part of
TAG WITH @wyatt
Wyatt Rodgers
Delivery for "Jack Mehoff" [m]
POSTED ON Sept 7, 2024 21:58:19 GMT
Wyatt Rodgers Avatar

The truck's engine cuts off. It's a beat-up little pick-up, rusted red with a motor that makes an awful noise. Life expectancy expired years ago, but that engine kept running, roaring to some level of life, if you can call it that. Like a patient in hospice, the horrors persist, and so does Old Red.[break][break]

It's dark now. That complicates things. Hand delivery is hand delivery though, and when the rusted car opens with the most intense sound, it sounded like a nail ripping into life's proverbial chalkboard. It's a ride with personality.[break][break]

Out comes a dog. A Maschiff, to be precise, sniffing the ground with two big sniffers he calls nostrils. Tiny red thing snorts, scooting around with intensity and wanderlust, as a brunette walks out, adorned in a number of rings, two white wristbands, and his black leather jacket in this chillier airy night. He shuts the door, moving towards the back, unnoticing the other delivery person present, as he retrieves the box, as he whistles.[break][break]

He checks the label one more time. 'JACK MEHOFF'. "Classy," calls out the brunette, as he picks it up, whistles, and walks, only noticing the bike as he approaches. While he thinks to remark if its cool or not, he turns towards the gate, and hits the intercom, repeating the actions of the missus who did so before. He presses the button.[break][break]

"Hello? Mr. Mehoff? Delivery... hello?" His voice is low-pitched, but he doesn't even seem perturbed. He pulls out his phone, and points the phone flastlight forward, shining on-[break][break]

"Oh uh... Miss Mehoff?" He looks back to the package, back to the lady. Did he just assume this customer's gender?



- OUTFIT, MISSION: You're Not the One[break]
- Drives in in his old red pickup truck Old Red, and grabs the package. Classy delivery name.[break]
- As he approaches the intercom with his Maschiff, noticing the bike, he clicks it and asks for Mr. Mehoff. Sees Arabella with a phone flashlight, and assumes perhaps she's here for the package, being in the lot already. Miss Mehoff? Gotta keep the joke going.



[newclass=".wyatt1"]--accent:#DAA520;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".wyatt1 .wyatt1credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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played by


June 30th
Rustboro City
Ranger / GrubbinHub
Let's be better
Than before
5' 7" (170 cm) height
5' 7" (170 cm) height
Society's collapsing, hanging by a thread. The kids are running wild and chivalry is dead.
16 posts
part of
TAG WITH @arabella
Arabella Trovato
Delivery for "Jack Mehoff" [m]
POSTED ON Sept 7, 2024 22:20:06 GMT
Arabella Trovato Avatar
[attr="class","mix-cerbwrap Arabella"]









From the sounds that ride is making she highly doubt that this was the customer, and lucky they haven't really noticed her maneuver up onto the gate just yet. She had all the cover sounds she needed to land on the other side without a trance, before spotting a panel on the other side. Not really knowing what to press she'd start poking at random buttons, dropping her food package on the side to give herself more space to work.[break][break]

"Hello? Mr. Mehoff? Delivery... hello?"[break][break]

God was that what she sounded like? Embarrassing. But perhaps she can save him the embarrassment, it was when she took a step away from this panel to grab his attention is when she had the flashlight turn on it. "Oh fuck, what are you the police?" She's mutter under her breath as she'd use her hands to shield her eyes from the beam and to get a better look at him. "Miss Mehoff? What happened to the Mister? But naw, not your gal."[break][break]

Once she said that she'd drop down to pick her own delivery bag and give it a light shake, "It seems we're here for the same reason~ Here give me a second I'll get this bad boy open, they may be busy on the shitter or something." with that said she'd turn back to the panel, and upon noticing a part that needed a key a small grin grew on her face. Now this, she knows what to do with it. Taking out a bobby pin and her ranger badge, she'd use the pin on the back of it to keep the key turned whilst she spoke up, "Unless you can hop the fence, how big is the package?"[break][break]

If he didn't jump the fence by the time she finished picking the lock, Arabella would have pulled away from the panel and very dramatically swung the gates open like she was the manor butler, even throwing in a bow for that extra flare. Good evening, sir. Tips are always welcome for my services~" With a laugh she'd push past the stranger, making sure to give him a quick look over as she'd throw her hands up and behind her head still holding her food bag. [break][break]

"Also, I wasn't talking about your delivery earlier. The name's Arabella, and you handsome? Oh-- don't worry about gettin' in trouble either." She'd quickly add at the end, swinging her hip to the side to hopefully draw his attention to the green ranger armband that was hanging half out from it.


You're not the One











[googlefont=Rubik][googlefont=Ysabeau Infant]
[newclass=".Arabella"] --accent:#5F868A!important; [/newclass]
[newclass=.mix-cerbwrap]position:relative; box-sizing:border-box; width:547px; background:#1B1B1B; border-radius:4px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.mix-cerbnotes]width:75%; height:1px; background:var(--accent); color:var(--accent); opacity:90%; font: 400 20px Poppins;[/newclass]
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He / Him
May 11
Vermillion City, Kanto
Delivery Boy
don't you worry
bout a thing
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
8 posts
part of
TAG WITH @wyatt
Wyatt Rodgers
Delivery for "Jack Mehoff" [m]
POSTED ON Sept 7, 2024 23:25:51 GMT
Wyatt Rodgers Avatar

Ruled that out. Question was, what did that leave? Concubine? The woman in front of him was definitely looking the part, but that's assuming a lot of things, and that wasn't how Wyatt ran things up in that department. The bag, however, stops him from considering another avenue. Competition.[break][break]

With the gruff of Maui, as he lets out a boof to the woman's intention to pick a lock, Wyatt decides to roll with it, seeing as the woman had a Ranger's badge, and lets her dismantle the lock. In that short, short time he waits, he runs a hand through his brown hair, making sure to keep a good balance of the package, as small as it was. Professional balancer skill? Useless maybe, but waiting tables did well back then.[break][break]

The gate opens, and with her flourish, and her mention, she notes that tips are welcome.[break][break]

He holds his tongue at that. He had a job to do, but he wasn't about to wave off her flirty mentions, or not stare at the hips. Man brain. "Wyatt," he starts, and with a sizable chuckle, he walks on. He's not giving her that info. Not on the job. As Maui leads the charge, the tiny dog sniffing with his big sniffa on the ground, Wyatt turns. "I'll buy you a drink once I- we, get done with this." It's a promise, since she seemed so forward.[break][break]

He eyes the manor in particular, and whistles. "Big shot kinda place here, huh?" His flastlight moves over the front door and-[break][break]

It's... open.[break][break]

"You sure it's not Arabella Mehoff? Door is wide open," Wyatt isn't perturbed. Even in danger. Maybe he's also fishing for some information.



- OUTFIT, MISSION: You're Not the One[break]
- Lady is flirty, wowee. When she opens the gate, he doesn't respond to the 'package' delivery quota, but gives his name. He does offer to buy her a drink once their definitely short horror stint is over though.[break]
- As he sees the manor, and flashes his light to the front door, it's open. Wyatt has to ask. That's concerning.



[newclass=".wyatt1"]--accent:#DAA520;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".wyatt1 h2"]font:14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);font-weight:800;[/newclass]
[newclass=".wyatt1 .wyatt1body"]background-image:url("https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:18px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".wyatt1 .wyatt1credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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played by


June 30th
Rustboro City
Ranger / GrubbinHub
Let's be better
Than before
5' 7" (170 cm) height
5' 7" (170 cm) height
Society's collapsing, hanging by a thread. The kids are running wild and chivalry is dead.
16 posts
part of
TAG WITH @arabella
Arabella Trovato
Delivery for "Jack Mehoff" [m]
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2024 0:17:27 GMT
Arabella Trovato Avatar
[attr="class","mix-cerbwrap Arabella"]









Wyatt, huh? Cute name, rolls off the tongue, but man is he serious about his job. Then again, didn't she hear that delivery drivers get the short end of the stick? He probably got packages stolen; the porch poachers really have been skyrocketing with tensions growing as of late. What she wasn't expecting was him asking her out for a drink though, a whimsical smile grew on her face as she'd take more of a pep in her step to catch up to his pace.[break][break]

"Oh? I'd love that."[break][break]

Then he whistled, and when she zoned in on what he was eying she too couldn't help but mimic it. "Oh ya, they MUST be loaded. Lets hope we can get some bonuses from this papa~"[break][break]

"You sure it's not Arabella Mehoff? Door is wide open,"[break][break]

Her eyes didn't leave the open door, she was expecting a person, a light, literally anything, but nothing. even when she went to speak up to him she didn't loose eye contact with the building, instead shifting her gaze up to the other floors and windows, "Uh, no.. Does the buyer also have Arabella as a name?"[break][break]

It was at that question that she'd drop her gaze down to her phone, quickly and efficiently flipping through her different apps before she'd land on the name. "Oh." Jack Mehoff. This is MOST definitely a prank, probably some kids stole a credit card, or was using a burner of some sort. She really should be paying attention to the name attached to the order number next time..[break][break]

With a slight sigh, she'd throw the bag over her shoulder before leaning towards him, the light annoyance being easily clouded over by the playful smirk on her face, "No sorry, I'm not related to Jack Mehoff, " She said without a hint of shame, even making a similar hand motion before laughing, "Unless you were hoping for something different~"[break][break]

From there she'd hop over to the front door, sticking her head through the entrance; this wouldn't be her first time sneaking into someone's house, and this person didn't look like they were hurting for money. Surely they wouldn't mind missing a couple valuables here or there. "Hey, wanna check it out~ Maybe the rascals are deeper inside, plus it's not everyday you get to explore a mansion~"[break][break]

And with that she'd practically skip inside, making sure to kick her feet into the front carpet to whip off any dirt and grime off her shoes. She isn't rude enough to track dirt in this home at the very least.


You're not the One











[googlefont=Rubik][googlefont=Ysabeau Infant]
[newclass=".Arabella"] --accent:#5F868A!important; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.mix-cerbfootline]position:absolute; bottom:14px; left:14px; box-sizing:border-box; width:526px; height:103px; border-bottom:solid 1px var(--accent);border-left:solid 1px var(--accent);[/newclass]
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[newclass=.mix-cerbnotes]width:75%; height:1px; background:var(--accent); color:var(--accent); opacity:90%; font: 400 20px Poppins;[/newclass]
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played by


He / Him
May 11
Vermillion City, Kanto
Delivery Boy
don't you worry
bout a thing
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
8 posts
part of
TAG WITH @wyatt
Wyatt Rodgers
Delivery for "Jack Mehoff" [m]
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2024 0:54:28 GMT
Wyatt Rodgers Avatar

Snorting, Wyatt shrugs. He'd already been paid properly, this was just the delivery. If Mr. Mehoff was loaded, maybe she'd get a good tip. Generous, mayhaps? His payment was. It's when she mentions if the name of the person was Arabella, that he watched her chek her phone, to see the name, and in her playful smirk, she responds in tow.[break][break]

The lewd hand gestures have him stare, and his own smirk comes onto his face, planted by a chuckle. Yup. Woman was really forward, not that he minds it. No reason to shame that kinda lifestyle. They'd settle that later.[break][break]

"Play your cards right, beautiful, and maybe I'll ask for something different. After you though." A little hard-to-get never hurt anyone.[break][break]

For now, when Arabella heads on in, Wyatt follows with Maui leading him in, hands to his jacket pocket, thumbing over the switchblade. This is some twisted as hell home invasion plot, and unlike the movie, Wyatt wasn't about to become a murder victim in a horror movie, definitely not to some philantropist playboy with a big house.[break][break]

Turns out the big house is big, but its quiet and dark. The corner leave an encroaching feeling of dread behind each inch. Very grungey, very abandoned looking. "That's... weird-"[break][break]

And then the door SLAMS.[break][break]

Wyatt wheels around, startled but not fully, as he turns back towards Arabella. "Horror movie logic? Long as we don't bump uglies right now, we don't die... that's how it should work," Wyatt pops a joke, as he pulls out a little zippo lighter and illuminates the interior of the dark manor.[break][break]

The lobby is haunting, and the lighter makes each shadow far more extensive than it should be.



- OUTFIT, MISSION: You're Not the One[break]
- Oh yeah, the comment on the order name has Wyatt laugh and agree as long as Arabella plays her cards right.[break]
- As they enter inside, Wyatt notes how creepy it is, before the door locks shut behind them, and Wyatt pulls out his zippo lighter, illuminating the lobby for the duo, before talking about 'horror movie logic' keeping them alive.



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[newclass=".wyatt1 .wyatt1pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".wyatt1 .wyatt1credit"]width:100px;background-color:#232323;font-size:10px;margin-top:7px;padding:3px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".wyatt1 .wyatt1credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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played by


June 30th
Rustboro City
Ranger / GrubbinHub
Let's be better
Than before
5' 7" (170 cm) height
5' 7" (170 cm) height
Society's collapsing, hanging by a thread. The kids are running wild and chivalry is dead.
16 posts
part of
TAG WITH @arabella
Arabella Trovato
Delivery for "Jack Mehoff" [m]
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2024 2:46:51 GMT
Arabella Trovato Avatar
[attr="class","mix-cerbwrap Arabella"]









Beautiful, eh? She can't lie whenever she gets compliments it always lands butterflies in her stomach, even if she's heard them a thousand times before --it never gets old. But even while being distracted by the flirting, she did keep an eye out on the strange details within the room. Cobwebs, some furniture far in the back covered in a white sheet, all reminiscent of an abandoned house, it was at this discovery she'd move towards a table and lightly place her bag of food down onto it as quietly as a mouse.[break][break]

"That's... weird-"[break][break]

It was at the door slam her rattata, Whiskers, instantly popped out of it's Pokémon shell, it's head lowered towards the ground and growling at whatever presence was suddenly around them. However despite the outwards appearance of her calm demeaner, even hooking her thumbs into the hoops of her jacket straps. "Well, that sucks.." She muttered under her breath, and with a couple taps of the tip of her shoe onto the ground, she'd give a quick scan around the room before making her way to Wyatt's side.[break][break]

"A horror movie, eh? Well it really depends.." She'd say approaching him, her hands reaching up towards his leather jacket to pull out the collar and straighten it more, "I'm not really a blonde.. and I'm surely not a virgin, I can maybe be the fool, but you unfortunately.." She'd pull herself closer to his form as if to whisper the next line, "You definitely fit the jock. You seem strong, tall and most definitely handsome."[break][break]

With that she'd let him go and seeing how they weren't being attacked right away, Whiskers would calm down slightly but was completely on edge, scanning the room constantly. "Well, our killer has to be rowdy kids, an actual serial killer, maybe Pokémon.. or Rocket? I haven't done anything to piss them off, have you?" She didn't want to get caught up in some elaborate plan to assassinate someone, but if that was the case it would be weird she got called in..[break][break]

Then again, most rockets are insane.[break][break]

"I hope it's not Pokémon, though. It's most likely be ghosts," she said, lifting her hands up in a jokingly way, "and most of my babies are normals, or untrained."


You're not the One











[googlefont=Rubik][googlefont=Ysabeau Infant]
[newclass=".Arabella"] --accent:#5F868A!important; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.mix-cerbheadbox]position:absolute; top:-21px; right:40px; box-sizing:border-box; width:185px; height:220px; background-color:var(--accent); border-left:solid 5px var(--accent); border-right:solid 5px var(--accent);transform: rotate(10deg); overflow:hidden;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.mix-cerbfootline]position:absolute; bottom:14px; left:14px; box-sizing:border-box; width:526px; height:103px; border-bottom:solid 1px var(--accent);border-left:solid 1px var(--accent);[/newclass]
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[newclass=.mix-cerbnotes]width:75%; height:1px; background:var(--accent); color:var(--accent); opacity:90%; font: 400 20px Poppins;[/newclass]
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played by


He / Him
May 11
Vermillion City, Kanto
Delivery Boy
don't you worry
bout a thing
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
8 posts
part of
TAG WITH @wyatt
Wyatt Rodgers
Delivery for "Jack Mehoff" [m]
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2024 8:51:48 GMT
Wyatt Rodgers Avatar

Arabella moves to put something down on a table, covere din a white sheet. Between cobwebs, the shadows that extended further than thought possible, or the creeping paranoia moving upwards, it would have swallowed him up. She was calm though, and that was why it calmed him down. A party of two made it much easier to handle the monsters that lie in wait.[break][break]

Horror movie or not, even with the little growl from the rat, it did little to stop the woman from moving closer, pulling herself to him, as she spoke and whispered. If he didn't know any better she was seducing him, breaking the one rule of horror movies, as his collar was straightened.[break][break]

Unfortunately for him, she's not wrong. He's tall, he's strong, and he's conventionally attractive, but even through all the flirtation, he just gives her the look.[break][break]

"Yeah... thing about horror movies is, two beautiful people usually die," he indirectly compliments her, this time being a little more than sweet, a hand that snaked around her waist, to her side, as he pulls from her when she does.[break][break]

Maui growls at the room corner, as Wyatt continues. "Could be a whole combination. Ever see a rowdy serial killer Rocket Pokemon, who turns out to be a kid? Oof. Don't envy the poor soul who pisses on their cornflakes." He laughs, trying to keep the mood light, even with his dog going ballistic. But when she jokingly lifts her hands, noting she can't do anything about ghosts, he points to his pooch.[break][break]

"Don't sweat it, beautiful. Maui's got this, don't you, buddy?" Maui boofs out as Wyatt smirks with a level of confidence in his dog. "See? You're all safe."



- OUTFIT, MISSION: You're Not the One[break]
- Arabella coming on over to flirt has him respond in tow. Indirectly as it may be, he's on it.[break]
- Popping a joke at her words, he does tell her not to worry. His pooch has got the sauce. Confidence is key. Genre-savvy Wyatt.



[newclass=".wyatt1"]--accent:#DAA520;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".wyatt1 .wyatt1credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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played by


June 30th
Rustboro City
Ranger / GrubbinHub
Let's be better
Than before
5' 7" (170 cm) height
5' 7" (170 cm) height
Society's collapsing, hanging by a thread. The kids are running wild and chivalry is dead.
16 posts
part of
TAG WITH @arabella
Arabella Trovato
Delivery for "Jack Mehoff" [m]
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2024 1:46:18 GMT
Arabella Trovato Avatar
[attr="class","mix-cerbwrap Arabella"]









His hand most definitely did not go unnoticed and to think that when they first met he was being so standoffish. Still she was glad it was working at least, her whole plan for this entire interaction was to cut the tensions and calm him down. If it really is ghost Pokémon, they feed mostly on peoples fear and life forces and while she can't control the later, she can at least ease the former. With much like his hand, his pokemon's growls didn't go unnoticed either, a hand seemingly casually hovering by her belt in case maybe it would need some back up.[break][break]

"Could be a whole combination. Ever see a rowdy serial killer Rocket Pokemon, who turns out to be a kid? Oof. Don't envy the poor soul who pisses on their cornflakes."[break][break]

"Seeing how you're joking around at this point, you must be fine." She'd take a step away from him completely giving him a light punch on his chest and a gentle smile, not flirty like the ones before it. That smile only grew when him and Maui proudly declared that she would be safe around them, it was reassuring to have someone on your side for sure however they will just be sitting ducks if they stay around here, obviously the front door isn't the way to go so..[break][break]

"Guys it's go time, time for info." She didn't seem to be bothered that only a couple would come out, leaving it up the imagination that the others were still young and untrained, "Whiskers, and Squeakers you guys go out search and converse, I'm sure there can be some friends here. As for you Nibbles," She said reaching down to pick up an overly eager and plump pawmi that was trying to chase after their Rattata and Tandmaus partners, "You're back up. Just in case."[break][break]

It wasn't that she didn't trust Wyatt's hound, but ghosts are such tricksters, and if there was something more outside just ghosts it never hurts to have a pocket taser-- One that's very proud to show it off, as the second she placed it down onto her shoulder, nibbles would suddenly puff up with static to set up for a premeditated charge. Already the longer they stayed in this room she could feel the temperature dropping, a Gengar? It's be best to clock all that's in here, it'd be cute to see a sinistea.[break][break]

"I highly doubt they are here to hurt us if they're wild. But if you ever get scared you can always hold my hand~" She'd say with a cheeky grin wanting to not raise any alarm bells. Then she'd hold her hand out to see if he'd actually take it, if he did he'd be sure to get a playful static zap with her squeeze, "Let's go check out the backdoor~" she'd say with a giggle before taking off, making sure to pull him away from the direction where his Maui was broking at.


You're not the One











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[newclass=.mix-cerbfooter table a]text-transform:uppercase; font: 400 19px Poppins; line-height:22px; letter-spacing:2px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.mix-cerbmidtop]position:absolute; top:176px; left:15px; background:var(--accent); width:1px; height:20px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.mix-cerbnotes]width:75%; height:1px; background:var(--accent); color:var(--accent); opacity:90%; font: 400 20px Poppins;[/newclass]
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played by


He / Him
May 11
Vermillion City, Kanto
Delivery Boy
don't you worry
bout a thing
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
8 posts
part of
TAG WITH @wyatt
Wyatt Rodgers
Delivery for "Jack Mehoff" [m]
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2024 17:45:21 GMT
Wyatt Rodgers Avatar

He's fine, she's finer though, and even the playful punch to the chest has him grin. He's gotta be tough, for the ladies. The shadows continue to grow in here, but he's not all the perturbed. Ghosts are real, they're Pokemon, and superstition is a real thing.[break][break]

Maui would stay close by, as Arabella sends the rat squad out to search and converse. It's smart to keep the Dark Type closer to them, smarter to keep eyes out with scouting. "Simple, but effectve," he compliments her, the usage reminds him of way back when. Platoons of Pokemon he sent out to scout.[break][break]

Back then, he wore the red R with pride.[break][break]

Her hand comes out as she cheekily talks about holding his hand if he's scared, and he for a moment intends to pull her close, only to find his hand shocked. For a moment, he is taken back to shock therapy, the higher-ups at Rocket did it as a means of punishment for failure. That second, he locks up.[break][break]

And then he exhales. A trick, but a playful one, as she takes off. His eyes move downwards as he watches her walk away, fixated on... unmentionable plush.[break][break]

"Rate your going, the murderer is coming to get us," he growls out in delight, as he proceeds after.[break][break]

Maui leads them into a room with a number of sheets over large furniture items. From above, the purple flames light a chandelier, illuminating the room in a hue of purple. The dust in the air is thick, coating everything and daring to attack both Trainers in a coughing fit. When Wyatt pulls up over one big sheet, he whistles.[break][break]

He presses a finger underneath, and the key of a piano plays, signifying the importance of this room. A music room! "Ever do it on a granddaddy piano before?" Now whose forward?



- OUTFIT, MISSION: You're Not the One[break]
- He's enjoying the presence. Impressed by her spreading out for clues with scouts, but has a memory hit him about Rocket shock therapy in Kanto-days. He breathes. He's chill.[break]
- Maui leads them to a room with a lot of sheets, and Wyatt peers under. A piano key plays, and he asks Arabella a fun little hehe question.



[newclass=".wyatt1"]--accent:#DAA520;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]
[newclass=".wyatt1 b"]color:var(--accent);font:800 14px Roboto;[/newclass]
[newclass=".wyatt1 i"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
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[newclass=".wyatt1 h2"]font:14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);font-weight:800;[/newclass]
[newclass=".wyatt1 .wyatt1body"]background-image:url("https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:18px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".wyatt1 .wyatt1credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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played by


June 30th
Rustboro City
Ranger / GrubbinHub
Let's be better
Than before
5' 7" (170 cm) height
5' 7" (170 cm) height
Society's collapsing, hanging by a thread. The kids are running wild and chivalry is dead.
16 posts
part of
TAG WITH @arabella
Arabella Trovato
Delivery for "Jack Mehoff" [m]
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2024 19:52:03 GMT
Arabella Trovato Avatar
[attr="class","mix-cerbwrap Arabella"]









Arabella was doing her best to split her attention between him and the room, so when he seemed to have freeze at the touch of her hand, namely the shock, it most definitely did not go unnoticed. It wasn't uncommon for people who are tense or afraid to be hyper vigilant of their surroundings, she had seen and experienced it before but even still he was trying to take it stride. Well, he has nothing to fear anyways, she'll be there to back him up and maybe even tank a couple hits of need be, he's just a civilian after all.[break][break]

"Rate your going, the murderer is coming to get us,"[break][break]

A chuckle left her lips, as she took a moment to look back at him, "We can always test our luck, I'm way better at dealing with murders anyways." Taking this as a small opportunity to show off, she'd swing her hand away from him and with that short movement a knife appeared in her hand looking similar to a karambit and a shear, where she'd playfully spin it around in her hand before tucking it away back to her sleeve. Humans are far more scary than Pokémon, Pokémon are at least predictable, they fill a role and most times follow that like the bible--but humans..[break][break]

I mean rocket even exists. That's why she always has tricks up her sleeve, or in her shoes in some cases.[break][break]

Upon entering the room, Arabella's attention wasn't on the covered furniture but instead at the chandelier, something she highly doubt just was lit for the time this mansion was abandoned. The chuckle that left her lips was barely just a breathe as memories of her sneaking into abandoned storages brought her to some Chandelure's hide out. She never screamed so hard while trying to escape it's flames.[break][break]

Though what greeted her next was dust, unable to not cough whilst trying to wave the dust cloud from her face she'd turn her attention back over at Wyatt uncovering what looked to be a piano. My, does that bring her back.[break][break]

"Ever do it on a granddaddy piano before?"[break][break]

"Have you?" She'd tease, sliding over to his side before lightly placing a hand over his own to guide his finger over a couple keys. "To answer your question, no I haven't.. but that could change." There wasn't a lot of drive behind it as much as the other comments, mainly because of how awkward it would be and dusty, but something far more personal. The last time she really saw a piano was back at the orphanage, she remembered sitting with some of the kids while they all tried their best to show off. She did love and hate it back then, but obviously hate overrode any sentiment since she ran off in the end to live on the streets.[break][break]

Now she's a street rat through and through, and something she'd never trade for the world. Nothing felt better than being content with yourself, any hint of nostalgia would quickly pushed to the side for the cutie in front of her. An arm would reach up to firmly grip the back of his neck and pull him down towards her, her body pushing her way to get in between him and the piano even at the expense of having her backend press down on some keys.[break][break]

"I'm sure we can make some beautiful music here~ and if the audience is too much, what's stopping us from finding a way to roll this bad boy over to that truck of yours." While she spoke her free hand would playfully brush against her thigh to catch his attention as she'd switch to using two fingers to walk their way up to his inner thigh. She was being more mischievous than serious, but than again this wouldn't be the worse place she scored in; all in all she just wanted to test how much of his words were bark than bite.[break][break]

If they would give into the tension of fear and pleasure, an audience they would really have; one of them blatantly making themselves known as the rusty creak of a door slowly opened out of sight. While she couldn't see the accomplice, she could see that from the direction it came from looked to be a staircase, but since it didn't sound like it came upstairs she can only hope it's a room nearby and not some basement door. Knowing ghosts, it's most likely the second.


You're not the One











[googlefont=Rubik][googlefont=Ysabeau Infant]
[newclass=".Arabella"] --accent:#5F868A!important; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.mix-cerbnotes]width:75%; height:1px; background:var(--accent); color:var(--accent); opacity:90%; font: 400 20px Poppins;[/newclass]
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played by


He / Him
May 11
Vermillion City, Kanto
Delivery Boy
don't you worry
bout a thing
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
8 posts
part of
TAG WITH @wyatt
Wyatt Rodgers
Delivery for "Jack Mehoff" [m]
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2024 2:22:27 GMT
Wyatt Rodgers Avatar

Test their luck? That's a fun way of putting it. Little slot machine roulette, and if they hit triple 7's, they get a little prize before they get offed. Of course, finding out she has a knife is concerning, but she's too into him to really do anything messy to him. If anything, everyone else had to worry.[break][break]

They were both dangerous.[break][break]

When she teases him about his question of the piano, her hand gliding over to his, moving it to different keys, as she speaks so sweetly. A little tease, but when she pulls an arm around his neck, and down to her level, he pulls her onto the keys, and with a loud, off-key push of the keys, letting out the 'beautiful music' she referred to. And when her hands play with his thighs, he smirks.[break][break]

Thing about dogs, if you mess with them too long, they have a tendency to show their fangs.[break][break]

Wyatt takes a moment to stop, look over her. He raises a nearly impressed brow, as he tilts her chin up to look him in the eyes. He stares for a moment, maybe more than a moment. "Don't need a piano to handle a woman."[break][break]

If given the proper consent, he ignores the opening door. And pushes closer to her, giving her a longer kiss, his hands now around her hips, moving to her tasteful backside. If she hops on him, more power to them. Maui will probably keep watch.[break][break]

But if she doesn't, that's fine. Just a kiss. That's it.[break][break]

Ghost Pokemon things. They were hopefully a little more scared of little growling Maui. But Maui would see the door, and make his audible boofs.



- OUTFIT, MISSION: You're Not the One[break]
- Ah. Yes. The test their luck kind of fun. Wyatt accepts this, and practically picks Arabella up.[break]
- If consent given, he gets the party started as the door opens. Maui be boofin' like Charles B. Barkin.



[newclass=".wyatt1"]--accent:#DAA520;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]
[newclass=".wyatt1 b"]color:var(--accent);font:800 14px Roboto;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".wyatt1 h2"]font:14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);font-weight:800;[/newclass]
[newclass=".wyatt1 .wyatt1body"]background-image:url("https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:18px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".wyatt1 .wyatt1credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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played by


June 30th
Rustboro City
Ranger / GrubbinHub
Let's be better
Than before
5' 7" (170 cm) height
5' 7" (170 cm) height
Society's collapsing, hanging by a thread. The kids are running wild and chivalry is dead.
16 posts
part of
TAG WITH @arabella
Arabella Trovato
Delivery for "Jack Mehoff" [m]
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2024 4:52:20 GMT
Arabella Trovato Avatar
[attr="class","mix-cerbwrap Arabella"]









What a way to rewrite a memory, the way he pulled her up onto the out of tune keys, she couldn't help but laugh. This memory perhaps will be way better than whatever was rattling in her brain earlier. She liked this a lot, the warmth his body gave off, the way his fingers felt like against her skin and even the way he tilted her chin up to look at him. There was something electrifying about the tension between the two of them, the vulnerable edge she felt leaving her vitals up and exposed to a stranger she just met today. [break][break]

"Don't need a piano to handle a woman."[break][break]

This tension between them perhaps was reaching at an all time high, enough so that her Pawmi soon realized that this was her queue to leave, scurrying off from Arabella's shoulder and finding its way over towards Wyatt's Pup.[break][break]

"Really? I couldn't tell.." An obvious lie, more like to taunt him further as she'd even inch her face towards his own. It was like they were both testing the limits of how far their teasing can get before getting a confirmation and permission, one without explicitly saying it in words. So when the moment their lips met all bets were off and the way he eagerly pressed this kiss longer and his fingers hungrily gripped her hips, she felt like she scored a winning hand.[break][break]

It was almost like a pleasant purr left her lips when his hands pressed further, her own hand behind his neck sliding up into his hair to drag both the entirely of her palm and her nails through his locks. The kiss she was returning back was a bit more rough in nature, even taking a second to open her own mouth to try and pry his open to deepen the kiss even further, and her body's movements only further pushed how hungry she was.[break][break]

When his grip on her seemed strong enough to support her, Arabella wasted no time in hopping off the piano and into his embrace. While doing so they're lips would separate as to not accidently bump teeth in the rough movement, but from the way she'd lustfully slide her tongue along her bottom lip to lap up his saliva showed she had no intension of keeping them apart for long.[break][break]

"Just say sike if you want to save it for your truck ♡," heavy and breathy were her words she slipped in before gripping his hair and bringing him back down into another heated kiss. With quick rugged hops, she'd try to pull his body closer into her own as if she was trying to erase the very existence of space between their bodies. Another distorted chord of the piano rang through the room when her free hand slammed down into the piano keys, acting like both an anchor and invitation for him to let loose and push back into her.[break][break]

She wasn't going to be cruel and not give him a chance to speak, even if that took the form in attempting to guide his head down towards her neck and chest with her grip still on his hair. After all if he obeyed then she could give herself a free hand to find a way to get his pesky belt--if he even had one-- and then his pants off. He'll surely not need them for what she'd want to do next.


You're not the One











[googlefont=Rubik][googlefont=Ysabeau Infant]
[newclass=".Arabella"] --accent:#5F868A!important; [/newclass]
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played by


He / Him
May 11
Vermillion City, Kanto
Delivery Boy
don't you worry
bout a thing
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
8 posts
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TAG WITH @wyatt
Wyatt Rodgers
Delivery for "Jack Mehoff" [m]
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2024 18:46:48 GMT
Wyatt Rodgers Avatar

In moments, Maui is gone too, and Arabella could see the confidence that Wyatt so easily exuded. Teasing from her, teasing from him, blended together until the hunger fully took them. The moment alone, as they explored each other, nails in his hair, hands on her body, grabbing the world's juiciest cake alive, it was all he could do not to just take her now. But when she hops into him, to let her tongue slide along her bottom lip, he whistled as she spoke.[break][break]

"Kay-" is all he can get out, before he's back in the trenches, delighting in the pleasures afforded to him, as he tosses his jacket to the side, letting it hit the ground, as he pulls away whatever was left of reluctance, and dove in. When his hands finish their grand voyage that his mouth and tongue were too busy enjoying, he would help her undress.[break][break]

Where they were going next, they likely didn't need them.[break][break]


The moon peers steadily from above, as they lay upon the granddaddy piano's back. The dusty sheet below them was barely comforting, and the lack of cushioning made the debaucherous act an uncomfortable one, yet no less enjoyable. Where he laid, not a single means to hide away or holster, he just lays bare as he looks to the cracks of floor and roof, that blue moonlight beautifully illustrated above their own moonlight sonata.[break][break]

Quiet. Stumbling more awake, he would turn over towards her. "You know, most delivery drivers get a pretty generous tip these days. How about your number, and we call it even?" He peers to her, hand firmly resting on her plump backside.



- OUTFIT, MISSION: You're Not the One[break]
- Uh-oh teehee there's a little yeehaw. [break]
- After some very fun hehe haha moment, on the back of the piano, asks Arabella for her number.



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June 30th
Rustboro City
Ranger / GrubbinHub
Let's be better
Than before
5' 7" (170 cm) height
5' 7" (170 cm) height
Society's collapsing, hanging by a thread. The kids are running wild and chivalry is dead.
16 posts
part of
TAG WITH @arabella
Arabella Trovato
Delivery for "Jack Mehoff" [m]
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2024 5:51:55 GMT
Arabella Trovato Avatar
[attr="class","mix-cerbwrap Arabella"]









How strange it felt to be both warm and cold, her body pressed into his own is the only thing that stopped her from shivering in her boots, well.. her boots were probably somewhere. While the scenery was nice, the service was great, she wasn't really the cuddling type. While many may want to bask in the warmth and flutters that came from intertwining with another, Arabella was really only in it for the pleasure or better for the fun. She's 100% the type of person that is gone by the morning with a low chance of a note. However in those situations, she isn't normally locked together with the person due to supernatural ghost Pokémon-- if they haven't scared off the Pokémon at this point.[break][break]

"You know, most delivery drivers get a pretty generous tip these days. How about your number, and we call it even?"[break][break]

How cute.[break]
She'd roll further onto her hand, propping herself up onto her elbow so she could have a better look over at him, or better yet the work she had done from the amount of faint red scratches caused by hers truly and the piano. With a sly smirk, she'd a hand to her face as if she was holding an invisible cigarette, taking a long and extended moment to breath it in and blow it out with an exaggerated sigh.[break][break]

"My, most wouldn't ask for a 7 figure tip, especially after.. what was it you said? Oh mommy, I'm sorry~ Do it harder?" Be it that she was fully bullshitting or not was really in between them both and the floorboards of this whole mansion which may have seen worse in its days. With a mocking laugh she'd pull herself up into a it, not before giving him a playful and somewhat degrading slap on his thigh.[break][break]

The first and foremost thing on her mind was finding all the pieces of her clothes again, so after finally getting her undergarments on and let him finish his rebuttal, she'd finally answer his adorable request. "You'll need your phone first." It's when she grabbed her tights did her eyebrow raise, it seems in the fight to get them off many more holes were created, it was honestly at this point she should probably invest into new ones.. but was it really worth it?[break][break]

She'd continue to get dressed beside him in the mean time of him getting his phone or at least his number ready. It was at the point she got to her jacket did she choose to shake it out first, having not just one but two blades fall from it, some loose pokeballs and most importantly her phone-- cracked screen and all. "Well, we can say with 99.9% certainty that it wasn't a serial killer," she'd casually say while sliding her blades into her sleeves, and pokeballs back into her pockets, "If that's going to be your tip, then what's mine?"


You're not the One











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it's a long life full of long nights

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP