Do Scientists Dream of Theoretical Sheep? [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Grigori Sokolov
Do Scientists Dream of Theoretical Sheep? [M]
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2024 18:05:16 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Across the scene, timers rang out. Bells, chimes, whistles, physical screams of excitement, groans of relief. A symphony of controlled chaos, yet all for a common goal. Grigori himself kept calm and reserved, but he let his handful of nails clatter back into the box all the same.

Beneath the sapphire blue sky, the clock struck noon. For construction workers across Petalburg, the blessed time had arrived. Ordained by Arceus itself. One hour of relief, of food and deliciously cold water. Some flocked to work trucks, and others began to huddle around cheap fans and water gallon jugs.

The grunt, instead, opted to visit the remnants of Petalburg. Not all had been destroyed. Some infrastructure had come out relatively unscathed. They’d been fixed first, if only to offer some normalcy to the people who remained.

Across the street was one such place. A very limited selection of stores remained, but remained they did. Usually occupied by the overseers, foreman, and…

Sometimes, on rare occasions, the cream of the crop of Rocket. For one reason or another, they procured spots at these little stores. They watched progress for many reasons. Boredom, being told to, waiting for noon to pull away select grunts for other matters.

Good…” he glanced at his wristwatch. It now read twelve-o-one. “Afternoon, Dr. Ameena. What brings you to our productive worksite?

likely hoped it was to wait for her turn in the guillotine. He’d heard the groans and complaints about her ‘experiment’ plenty. To a nauseous degree. “Anything I can do to assist you?

He hoped the sweat that caked his simple t-shirt and jeans did not smell atrocious. It was only natural, underneath the hot sun and under such physically demanding conditions.

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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi
Do Scientists Dream of Theoretical Sheep? [M]
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2024 16:14:12 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

"Mr. Sokolov," she returns in kind. The scene holds endless hustle and bustle as everyone contributes to the rebuilding effort. There was a good spread of grunts and upper management, though she suspected the rebuilding effort was not going to be enough to comfort the Petalburg citizens who found themselves living under the iron fist of Rocket. Sootopolis had long acclimated, but this wound was fresh. [break][break]

Some more morale boosting efforts might be a worthwhile investment. She knew Rangers tended to donate aid and food for publicity by establishing support lines and tents in damaged cities. Mauville City had seen plenty right after the rampant toxic chain arrivals. The whole city reeked of Pecha.[break][break]

"It behooved me to visit and see the newest developments. I see we are focusing on restoring what was lost, first." She crossed her arms, but she nodded in approval. "Here to observe, but Alakazam can assist with some lifting and placing if that would benefit the site. I wanted to see things firsthand. So, really, how are things going?"[break][break]

She was no admin, requiring lofty words and overconfidence and overpromising. But word of mouth would distort the truth of the rebuild, so she knew it was best to ask a real authority on the topic. She had no idea what to expect for the timeline.

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Grigori Sokolov
Do Scientists Dream of Theoretical Sheep? [M]
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2024 20:54:58 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
The offer of assistance is greatly appreciated, but it will have to wait until the lunch break is over,” Grigori explained. The current hustle and bustle was to escape the sun and rest in peace, rather than to proper fix things. but it was hard to see it any other way. “There is no work to be done right now.

As for a timeline…” Grigori glanced back at the worksite. He absently rubbed his chin and carefully assessed the progress. “I’ve only a wildcard guess, but if we’re lucky and things go smoothly, this row might be done within a month, perhaps two. Three if the architects change the blueprints. Again.

It had caused a great deal of stress the first time. A second time would end in mutiny, and riots. They might tear the whole thing down again.

For a more accurate assessment, I recommend a proper foreman,” he motioned to the side, where they also sat and watched. However, unlike Ameena, they wore the standard safety helmets and boots.

How about your efforts, Dr. Ameena?” He turned his attention back to the researcher, hands held behind his back. “After all, these are but physical matters. Cities will be destroyed and rebuilt, but your work will make permanent progress in our understanding of the world.

He had attempted to read some of her work, but Howard and his own lack of scientific knowledge made the endeavor a hard one.

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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi
Do Scientists Dream of Theoretical Sheep? [M]
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2024 15:12:20 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

She smiled at his visible frustration with architects. She could relate, with her dev team frequently finding themselves tangled up in meaningless details that they simply needed to iron out before getting to the meat of a project. She tired of dealing with anyone who knew a damn thing about computers. [break][break]

"The timeline for Sootoplis looks dreadful, so that is not so bad." She wasn't sure her comfort would help at all, but at least keeping busy was good for the mind. [break][break]

She was surprised about his interest in her work. Dream research was polarizing, and most did not care for it at all. "It is coming along. demonstrated a significant function of the interdream zone not too long ago. If we can develop that further, I think the war is as good as won." Not that the weaponizing of dreams held any interest to her whatsoever, but she accepted Rocket's patronage with the understanding that her work had better contribute to its political agenda. [break][break]

"The world is changing so fast that understanding it might be a fool's goal," she said sardonically. "But if I did not study dreams, I have no idea what science I would turn to." The closest relative would be psychology, which did not interest her. More applied work like interrogation or brainwashing might be a more effective use of her studies, but doing something with such an immediate dead-end for development left a sour taste in her mouth. "Given the opportunity, what would you study?"

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[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]

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December 26
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Grigori Sokolov
Do Scientists Dream of Theoretical Sheep? [M]
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2024 20:27:51 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
That… was the first person he attempted to decipher the research of. After several long sessions in a Moped’s coffee lobby and two packs of highlighters, he’d given up. In his defense, it came off the back of the blood moon incident– hard times for the man. “Naturally, of course.”

And that no matter what happened, it’d be abused and manipulated to become a weapon against the League. That’d killed his interest as well.

The world is progressing fast, but it is a ritual we’ve engaged in for our entire existence,” Grigori offered. “At first, it was about how to grow crops better, how to construct structures for safety, then how to tame Pokémon. We are fools, but we are intelligent, capable fools.

At the question of his own interest, Grigori crossed his arms and stroked his chin. What a simple yet impossibly difficult question to answer. Not only had he never been a proper member of the scientific community, but he did not even hold a high school diploma under his belt. What did he know about the field?

If I had the chance, I’d do something with Pokémon– maybe their ecosystems, perhaps? I know not the proper term for the field,” he admitted. “Stay on my feet, active, get to be around the wildlife.

He looked more like a fool with every second spent on his interests. “But I do not. Such is the way my life has progressed. What of you, then? Surely there must be some defining event that lead you to choose the field of dreams as your sole focus. Enough to block other avenues of interest.

Yet hopefully her interest did not develop as ’s had. His own experience with her had been unnerving and recounts from Howard only further exemplified the visage.



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