took my heart

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
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freya morningstar
took my heart
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2024 23:31:12 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

she rests by the water's edge, staring out into the crater. the water moves in quiet ripples, so unlike the frothy tumult from a week prior. whatever blood had spilled in the battle had been cleansed from the pristine white rock. 

her palm is indented from the gentle back and forth way she rubs it against the rock. she's had to remind herself that this is real. the water drifts around her bare legs; skiffs bob near her and wingull cry overhead. 

all the sights and sounds and smells she's missed for three years, and now she's here, and everything is wrong. 

overhead, a long shadow trails through the clouds, reminding sootopolis' healing citizens that someone is watching over them.
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january nineteenth
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
15 posts
sariel duong DOLLARS
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sariel duong
took my heart
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2024 6:07:14 GMT
sariel duong Avatar
a week prior, she had believed that rapture had arrived. with her very eyes did she witness the second calamity; of the gods and humans, of power and war. she had seen it all, and having survived it, she knows that she is cursed. for she is a mother without child, and a priestess without a god.

she had no reason to pray. the gods had forgotten her as they are wont to do. and she could not blame them, for she is nobody.

but in the very least, nobody has a home.

sootopolis. a holy place marred by war and wrath. and yet, despite what it had endured, it was still alive. sootopolis was where she was born, and sootopolis would be the place she would die. she would always have returned no matter the circumstance. and now the time has come to rebuild the place she had been born; the origin of all creation. EDEN.

where there had been blood had been wiped away by her hands. where there had been bodies—abandoned and unidentified, had been buried according to the rites of her parish. and where there used to be torrents of rain and cracks of lightning, was now blue skies and the occasional shadow of a god. the presence of one that leads to another.

"welcome home, miss morningstar." she says. resting on the edges of a crater, sariel greets her with cautious reverence, having witnessed the girl's rebirth. in the draconid's hand was the control of one god, and the killing of another.

indeed. SHE had killed the god.

is SHE really a savior, or a savage?

what is SLEEP but a premature death?

draped on her shoulders is a simple cloak, reminiscent of her old covenant. there's a basket hanging from sariel's hand, and in the basket laid floral tea: dried buds and flower petals, harvested from the garden that had bloomed in her home—what little that had remained after the calamity.

"did you miss it?"


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played by


the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
3,167 posts
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
took my heart
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2024 17:31:35 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

there are staunch, bleeding reminders everywhere of what was done to this city. its citizens are still trying to make sense of it. it's impossible to remain unrecognized, with horns of obsidian curling from starlit hair, and hushed whispers reach her ears as scant snippets of conversations.

'did you know the league led kyogre here?'

'i heard she was eaten alive.'

'is she kyogre's new avatar?'

'rocket will protect us.'

'the league will protect us.'

calamity birthed this city and in turn, invited the very same for its baptism. down, down, down the leviathan sleeps and with every ripple, every wave that laps against her fair skin, she feels the gnawing hunger in its belly. 

a ghost glides into her peripheral, woven basket clutched in terse hands. freya turns her chin, golds betraying her shock. memories rush forth, ones from this lifetime - her adoptive mother's face thrown back in laughter, arms around the shoulder of the priestess. 

incense smoke against tame blue waves, fractals of light in all directions.

"every day," she whispers. 

parfum from the dried buds scratches at nostalgia.

"i'm sorry it came to this."

i'm sorry i couldn't do more.
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played by


january nineteenth
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
15 posts
sariel duong DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @sariel
sariel duong
took my heart
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2024 6:31:17 GMT
sariel duong Avatar
the city is as old as life itself, and thus the citizens remain as staunch in their views, steeped in tradition. the streets have eyes, and they talk too. as one who walks amongst them, sariel has heard it all.

the so called savior is a MONSTER. she looks like a monster, and she acts like one too.

she places the basket between them, kneeling before the pool of water before unpacking the tea. from her thermos came hot water, poured over dried leaves and petals. nostalgic was the scent that filled the air, crisp fruit and florals originating from their land.

her measured movements were familiar despite years of disuse; long ago, she had also done the same for the girl's mother. now grown, she can see the parts of her mother reborn into her mannerisms. but freya had yet a path to walk down, destiny uncharted. she was still young. she thinks my-hoa would have called someone like freya an older sister.

sariel closes her eyes, letting the scent of brewed tea take her back to warmer memories. it was bittersweet, interlaced with the scent of sea salt.

"a house is not always a home; sootpolis will become whole again, piece by piece."
sariel says. she was now a priestess after all; what comforts she hands out is dressed in cryptic riddles and harsh truths. she pushes a warm teacup into freya's hand.

"you cannot repent for an affair you had little choice in, child. is this what you wanted?"



it's a long life full of long nights

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