bloss, bloom
may 18
dendemille town, kalos
flower-picking girl
and the secret garden bloomed and bloomed and every morning revealed new miracles.
TAG WITH @blossom
Blossom Delier
rks: freya and blossom
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2024 3:22:22 GMT
[nospaces] [attr="class","blossomdelier blossom"] [attr="class","banner"] [attr="class","mlyric"] if you look the right way [attr="class","mlyric2"] you can see that the whole world is a garden [attr="class","textbox"]
Blossom never imagined that her first time venturing into this simulation would be with someone as important as a member of Hoenn's council. But then, since her arrival a mere few months ago she has met a Galarian princess and a pop sensation, both of whom were kind to her. There is no reason that Freya Morningstar should be any different.
And yet, the ranger can't help feeling like her heart is lodged in her throat as she sits behind Freya on the saddle, her grasp around the other's waist as light as she can make it without putting herself at risk. She would probably be more appreciative of just how real this simulation feels if she wasn't so intimidated by the very much real councilwoman. As is, she barely notices the wind whipping at her face or the clear sky, let alone enjoys them.
When Freya speaks to her, she actually tightens her grip out of sheer fluster; the alternative would be letting go, and likely falling off the saddle in mortification while at it. Not that she's any less embarrassed like this, mind. Of course Freya would speak to her. She must look like an idiot.
"Oh, uh, n-not at all, councilwoman," Blossom squeaks despite her best efforts not to, then clears her throat. "I'm happy to defer to you, this is actually my first time..."
Merde. She was not supposed to mention that last part. Now she definitely looks like an idiot.
[attr="class","nbox"] NOTES[break] # freya morningstar[break] — Reach your destination: 50 RKS points [attr="class","line2"] [attr="class","banner"] [googlefont=Abril+Fatface] [googlefont=Roboto] [googlefont=Poppins] [newclass=".blossom"]--accent: #d79f8e!important;--toggle: block!important;[/newclass]
[newclass=".blossomdelier"]--accent: #d79f8e; --bg: #2b2b2b; --toggle: block;[/newclass] [newclass=".blossomdelier"]width: 450px; margin: 0px auto; background-color: #222; border: 1px solid #333; overflow: hidden; position: relative;[/newclass] [newclass=".blossomdelier .textbox b"]font: 500 14px 'Poppins'; color: var(--accent);[/newclass] [newclass=".blossomdelier .banner"]height: 10px; background-color: #2b2b2b; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right;[/newclass] [newclass=".blossomdelier .mlyric"]text-align: center; font: 35px 'Abril Fatface'; font-style: italic; color: transparent; text-shadow: 2px 2px 0 var(--accent); -webkit-text-stroke: .25px white; position: absolute; top: 45px; width: 450px; text-align: center;[/newclass] [newclass=".blossomdelier .mlyric2"]position: absolute; top: 88px; width: 450px; text-align: Center; font: 500 10px 'Poppins'; letter-spacing: 2px; text-transform: uppercase; color: #555;[/newclass] [newclass=".blossomdelier .textbox"]font: 12px 'Roboto'; letter-spacing: 0.5px; text-align: justify; color: #d8d8d8; padding: 20px 50px; margin: 80px 30px 20px; position: relative;[/newclass] [newclass=".blossomdelier .textbox::before"]position: absolute; content: ''; left: 0px; top: 0px; height: 10%; width: 5%; background: #222; box-shadow: -1px -1px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.9); z-index: 1;[/newclass] [newclass=".blossomdelier .textbox::after"]position: absolute; content: ''; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; height: 10%; width: 5%; background: #222; box-shadow: 1px 1px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.9); z-index: 1;[/newclass] [newclass=".blossomdelier .nbox"]width: 300px; margin-left: 20px; background: #2b2b2b; font: 10px Poppins; padding: 10px 30px; color: #eee; margin-left: 50px; position: relative; z-index: 99; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; border: 1px solid #262626; border-radius: 5px; opacity: var(--opacity); display: var(--toggle);[/newclass] [newclass=".blossomdelier .tagline"]position: absolute; right: 20px; top: 20px;[/newclass] [newclass=".blossomdelier .tagline span"]background: #222; border: 1px solid #2b2b2b; padding: 0px 13px 2px; border-radius: 5px;[/newclass] [newclass=".blossomdelier .tagline a"]font-size: 72px; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#222, var(--accent)); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; font: bold 10px 'Poppins'; font-style: italic; color: var(--accent); letter-spacing: 2px;[/newclass] [newclass=".blossomdelier .nbox b"]font: 900 14px 'Quicksand'; color:var(--accent);[/newclass] [newclass=".blossomdelier .nbox a"]font: 500 12px 'Poppins' !important;[/newclass] [newclass=".blossomdelier .line2"]height: 20px; width: calc(300px * 20px); background-color: transparent; position: relative; margin: -10px 30px 30px 70px; z-index: 1; opacity: 0.7; border: 1px solid var(--accent); content: ''; border-radius: 5px; display: var(--toggle);[/newclass]
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