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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 3, 2019 2:59:22 GMT
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While Noelle didn't consider herself too much of a battler, as a member of the Hundred Devouring Clan, it did run in her blood. And so, she figured as such, doing a small training session with her pokemon didn't seem like a bad idea. Aside from growing stronger physically, it was a great way to strengthen her connection to her pokemon. Especially her problem child, Nero. While he'd grown far more dependable and gained a far better liking to her now that'd he'd evolved, the hydreigon was still...Destructive? A total scourge? Still, he was her 'baby boy' - she loved him with all of her heart.

But, maybe training in Fiery Path wasn't the best idea for the violent dragon.

The fearsome and aggressive pokemon that lie within the steaming hot and murky depths of the cavern were something fierce. And a misplaced dragon rush from the hydreigon sent the tunnel collapsing. It was a blur of falling rocks and the sound of things crashing to the ground; Noelle was utterly terrified that she'd be crushed.

When the ruckus finally died down and she opened her eyes, the hunkering body of her hydreigon moved away, a rare look of concern in his eyes as he shoved his snout in her face, looking over her. The dragon master felt the dark dragon's worry and irritation hotter than any fire, and she gently pressed the palm of her hand to his forehead.

"I'm okay," she cooed, giving a slightly trembling smile, "you protected me, didn't you?! You did great!" She showered the regretful pokemon in nothing but affection and praise; perhaps she'd always been too 'easygoing' on him, but, it was hard not to. He was just...a big, misunderstood baby.

"I'm not sure where we are though..." The rock-slide had blocked one side of the tunnel completely, making it hard to decipher just where they were within the dark cave. It was then when the pinkette heard...a voice? Oh, arceus, had someone else gotten hurt in all the commotion?!

"Hey - hey...Hello!?"
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 3, 2019 3:55:17 GMT
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A sudden rumble captures her fleeting attention, legs wobbling with the vibrations. The Gengar beside her snickers and ventures further into the cave, despite her half-hearted protests. She wants to know what's going on too, of course, but her poor darling could get hurt! "Genny, dear!" She chirps out, bouncing forward on slightly shaky legs. "Don't wander too far, you could get hurt." Still... This is exciting!

It's not every day some rocks fall and cause a ruckus.

Well, it probably is but not for her. Currently a city dweller, she rarely gets the opportunity to see the calamities of nature in person. Usually they're merely on the television instead. A giggle bubbles into the air from her throat and the bluette picks up the pace with ease. So much to see, so little time! For all she knows, they could get crushed within the cavern but man, that would be fun. Pancaked against the earth certainly isn't the worst way to go, right?

Jubilee slides to a stop as Gengar comes into view, lingering just a few feet away from a girl and her dragon. Pink hair is the first thing she notices and without a second thought, words come spewing from her mouth. "Hey, Girlie!" She leans forward, twin braids swinging with the motion. "Your hair is so nice! Hey, we kinda match!" The second half of the statement comes as a second thought upon further inspection. It is true, in a sense. More-so in the fact that they both fashion their hair in braids than similar colors but hey, her eyes match the shade of pink!

She climbs atop a nearby rock with quick movements and agile limbs before flashing a show of teeth in the form of a lopsided grin. "What brings a pretty girl like you around here? Ooooh, did you cause that ruckus?" The bluette pouts, then, and adds a mumbled, "I'm jealous." Mayhem is kind of her thing, you know? If someone else causes it, it isn't nearly as much fun...

Beside the rock, Gengar snickers around that signature smirk. The ghost type is used to this by now. Finding or even causing havoc is basically their routine but even the purple Pokemon is a little miffed to not be the center of this event. Jubi eyes him from her perch, attention shifting yet again. Poor little guy, he's jealous too! No matter, they'll cause their own scene soon enough. Well... After she learns all about dragon girl over there. Speaking of Pinkie, that dragon of hers is awfully big. With another snicker, she raises a hand to twirl the end of a braid around idle fingers as she says "Big boy you got there. Does he bite? I bet he does!"

words. hope you don't mind me snagging this c:
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

[newclass=".jubilee"] [/newclass]
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POSTED ON Oct 3, 2019 4:18:05 GMT
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[attr="class","lnr lnr-bubble"]
[attr="class","lnr lnr-magic-wand"]





A PUMPKABOO FLOATS BY with a treat clasped underneath its tiny fangs. both of you receive the following:[break][break]
(note: you do not need to engage with the pumpkaboo icly).

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POSTED ON Oct 3, 2019 6:15:49 GMT
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what will you do?

male / blaze[break]
flame burst / lick / fury swipes / acrobatics

@jubilee &




what will you do?

female / levitate[break]
double hit / sludge bomb / destiny bond / smog

@jubilee &

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 4, 2019 2:19:44 GMT
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In actuality, the priestess wasn't expecting someone to answer her back. And so, when a very...eccentric woman appears, she was at a bit of a loss for words. The other girl looked very...intriguing? Was that the right word? Then again, could she even talk? Her bright hair brought attention, and the oh-so-dreaded question of whether or not it was natural. Still, the energy the other gave off was...frightening? She couldn't exactly place a finger on it, but...ah perhaps she was just looking into it too much. With a big, 'scary' dragon like a Hydreigon hovering about, she supposed she didn't look too friendly either. And so, Noelle gave a little wave of her hand and a smile. "Really? You think so? Thanks!" Her hair color was quite the sore topic for her, and so, any who found it nice was always appreciated. "Right back at ya!" That blue was a pretty nice shade!

The mention of the shifting cave and falling rocks made the dragon master falter, her smile twitching as her stare briefly turns to Nero, who huffed and looked away. "It was," she admitted a bit sheepishly, "hopefully you didn't get hurt any?" She questioned. Her emerald stare flickers to the ghost type lingering by her side - gengar's were so...peculiar. The energy and presence they gave off, to a priestess such as herself, it was mystical? Her grandmother had a strong stigma against ghost types, especially some of the more crude ones, such as gengar's. Thankfully, such belief's hadn't transferred over to the young woman though, who merely smiled at the wide-grinning creature.

Her hydreigon perked up slightly as he was mentioned, the bad-tempered dragon beginning to slowly snarl as he stared at the newcomer until Noelle placed a hand on his snout. "easy," she breathed out, "sorry, he's...not the friendliest. so, yea, i guess he does bite?" she rubbed he back of her neck.

"hey! are you lost in here too?" she didn't admit that she was lost thanks to the ruckus her dragon had caused, as it'd thrown her off track. "i have a good guess where the exit is, but, do you wanna go together? i mean, two's better than one!" her dragon gave a soft, almost jealous growl. "sorry, sorry, four i mean."

nearby, a simisear tottered about, pausing to look at the group with a tilted head. although, a single icy glare from the bad-tempered dragon quickly sent it packing. it didn't want to deal with any of that. 

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 4, 2019 21:53:00 GMT
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Jubilee grins, glancing at the braid twirled between her fingers. It's not necessarily unusual for someone to take a liking to the color of her hair. A bright electric blue and almost as long as her height. It took years to grow it out to the length it is now and more than half of her life to accept the odd coloring. When she was younger, she had always wanted different hair. Black, blonde, brunette, even red. Anything but blue... Perhaps this girl understood the feeling, what with how bright her locks are. "Thanks, sugarplum!" She chirps before glancing up to lock pink onto green. "Used to hate it, but now I can't picture myself without it!" She wouldn't be Jubilee Jagger without the blue braids, that much is for certain.

Gengar lets out another snicker, perhaps one of the only noises he readily makes, as his gaze flickers between the girl and her dragon. Unruly thing it seems and Gengar is quick to pick up on the ill-tempered mannerisms of the beast. Perhaps if he... No, Jubilee would ring his neck. The ghost type merely widens his smirk as the pinkette stared, a smile rising to her lips. Jubi takes the opportunity to respond, a giggle of her own filling the spaces of the cave. "Nope, no injuries here!" She leans forward, braids swinging. "An accident, right? Pity." One eye closes in the form of a wink and the bluette pokes her tongue out in an attempt to be playful, oblivious to the chagrin of her new acquaintance. "I was gonna say you did a good job."

The ghost type puffs up slightly at the snarl, crimson eyes narrowing. His trainer, however, merely laughs once more and pats the top of his head with a half gloved hand. "Feisty! I like him," she remarks. Reminds her a bit of her other trusty companion, Chompy. The shark Pokemon was always snarling and snapping at things left and right. She found it adorable. Others? Not so much.

"Lost?" she questions, a blue eyebrow raising. "You weren't exploring?" It's true that most people get lost in caves relatively easily with all the different paths one could take. She just happens to be part of the one percent that purposely wanders too far in hopes of finding something exciting. Being lost is all but another excuse to find some shenanigans. Nevertheless, she leaps from her perch with ease, swinging her arms out in a grandiose flourish. "Let's get going!" Her excitement is noticeable, leaking from her pores with every move. Jubi isn't sure what she's more excited for, exploring or learning more about this pink girl and her adorable dragon. Probably both... No, definitely both!

Gengar's attention is stolen from his trainer by the sudden appearance of a Wheezing, puffing and moving much too slowly to escape the sinister look from the other purple Pokemon. He cackles, then, and dances closer, alerting his trainer to the Pokemon's presence. She gasps and follows suit without so much as a second thought, already ordering an attack before the Wheezing can move another inch. "Shadow Ball, darling." The walls of the cave flicker with the attack's glow as a swirling ball of dark violet comes into view at the ghost type's hands. He releases it with careless abandon, sending it hurdling toward Wheezing. Jubilee reacts next with the chucking of a Pokeball and doesn't wait to see if it connects or catches before bouncing closer, her blue braids flying about wildly with the action.

"You coming?" She glances over a tattooed shoulder, pearly pink eyes flickering with a fierce mixture of mischief and glee. The Gengar merely sniggers and collects the newly filled Pokeball abandoned on the ground, easily tossing it between two hands as his trainer begins to catch up.

words. <3
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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POSTED ON Oct 5, 2019 3:37:31 GMT
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what will you do?

male / flash fire[break]
fire lash / slash / hone claws / flamethrower

@jubilee &




what will you do?

female / blaze[break]
lava plume / swift / rollout / smokescreen

@jubilee &

@jubilee caught the weezing successfully!

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Dragon Princess
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 16, 2019 7:35:39 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
It never really occurred to her that others with as bright hair would feel similar to her, and it was a rather comforting thought. Others believed she always tried to get attention with her hair, believing she dyed it such a way. some found the combination rather ugly, whilst others believed it to be an eyesore. however, the fact that her mother, a woman she seldom remembered, possessed such a bright color herself was something that always cheered the child up in the end. regardless - it was nice to see she wasn't just an overly sensitive kid or something.

growing a bit flustered as the girl went ahead and lightly patted the hydreigon on the head, she flailed her arms about in warning; many times before, the dark dragon had tried to take a chunk out of adam for simply looking in his direction. thankfully, nero merely scoffed, a bad tempered snarl rumbling in his throat before he returned to noelle's side, grumpily hovering over her with a pointed stare to the blue-haired trainer. a very clear, 'you stay over there'.

"yep, lost!" she affirmed, not sounding all too embarrassed. she'd long since learned that directions was not her 'thing'. if someone wasn't holding her hands and guiding her along, she could somehow manage to lose her way down a one way hall or something. "coming!" she was quick to follow on after the eccentric girl. the energy she gave off was...crazy. slightly disturbing, but, not...bad? it made noelle curious, if anything. she wanted to know more about her - or, perhaps that was just her naturally friendly demeanor getting the best of her.

hurriedly following on after her, and giving a clap of 'good luck' for the other's capture of the poisnous pokemon, she soon tilted her head. "hey, hey! so, what's your name? i can't go this whole way calling you girl or something!" she giggled at her, dumb, little joke. "noelle, that's me!" 

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 19, 2019 1:21:51 GMT
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An easy laugh escapes the blue haired girl as she watches her new companion flail about. Warnings never mattered much to her. She welcomes danger, thrives on it really, and the idea of this dragon being anything other than a cute bristly baby never really crosses her mind. It's no surprise, however, that the beast snarls at her touch and retreats to his owner's side. Cute, she muses to herself. Maybe she should get one of those! The thought brings a grin to her face, all teeth and excitement.

"You wanna get even more lost?" Her glee at the notion is overwhelming, practically pouring from her skin and into the damp cave air. "It'll be an adventure!" Jubilee chirps, clapping her hands together as she joins the side of Gengar. The purple Pokemon snickers, possibly the only sound he willingly makes, and all but chucks the Pokeball in his hands at the big blue head of his trainer. She snags it with ease, her own laughter filling the space around them in response. With a wink and a flourish of agile hands, she clips it to her belt of wonders, settling for an open spot between Chompy's ball and bullets. Her companion rushes to catch up, a whirlwind of pink and clapping hands, the word coming slipping from her lips with ease. Jubi waits, all pride and crossed arms.

She moves, then, a dramatic bow of her upper body as she accepts the praise, giggles tumbling from her with little care. "Thank you, thank you!" She boasts. The life of a circus performer is constantly in the spotlight, center stage with cheers and claps and whistles. She's no stranger to praise, even if it's all in her mind. The bluette rights herself and offers a half gloved hand with a wild grin plastering to her lips. "Jubilee Jagger, although you can call me whatever you'd like!" Blue girl, weirdo, that odd girl with the braids, she doesn't care. As long as she gets to have some fun, someone could call her any insult under the sun for all she'd care. With a wink at Noelle and an extra skip in her step, she bounces along, humming an off key tune as she goes.

A Cyndaquil crosses their path, then, and the squeal she lets out is shrill, Gengar letting out a growl at the noise alone. She points, eager and unwilling to wait for another moment. This cute little firecracker would be hers, she'll make sure of it! "Sucker Punch," the command is uttered without a second thought, her feet carrying her closer and closer to the fire type without fear. It squeaks, a cute little noise of surprise, and attempts to puff out a smokescreen to cover its escape. Gengar reacts too quickly, however, a rush of purple and laughter as it connects with the small Pokemon, disappearing into the cloud of smoke. She launches a Pokeball, chucking it into the smoke with braids swinging and then before long, she also bounces right into the inky plume. Giggles bounce off the walls of the cave and she emerges with remnants of smoke clawing at her skin. With a peace sign and a wink, she chirps to Noelle again, "This is so much fun! Are you enjoying yourself?"

words. sorry for the wait ;u;
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

[newclass=".jubilee"] [/newclass]
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POSTED ON Oct 31, 2019 2:31:44 GMT
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what will you do?

male / blaze[break]
mystical fire / flame charge / psychic / howl

@jubilee &




what will you do?

female / blaze[break]
imprison / fire blast / payback / extrasensory

@jubilee &

@jubilee caught the cyndaquil successfully!

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POSTED ON Jun 23, 2020 7:09:51 GMT
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[attr="class","wildtitle"]DELPHOX FLEES!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] BLAZE
[attr="class","wildtabox"]MYSTICAL FIRE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]FLAME CHARGE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"]YOU RECEIVE 10 PD!

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP