Settling [open]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Hold on don't look back, you know we're better, better than that
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POSTED ON Jan 12, 2020 1:31:06 GMT
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"Please do." Evan says without hesitation, polishing off what's left of his drink in a quick motion to cover up that he might have blurted that out a little fast. He doesn't like the idea of anyone getting in an accident on their way home from the Stray but he particularly dislikes the idea of it happening to Lars.

"Avoid an accident I mean." he clarifies, setting his finally emptied glass on the table and his employee already knows not to give him another. "The last thing I want to hear about is someone not making it home after being here."

"We do have rooms though, half off after a night at the bar, or can get you a ride home and you can come get your keys in the morning if you decide you'd like another though." he says, actually if he has enough he'll be told he either hands over his keys or he's done anyway. A policy Evan's rather strict about to ensure people aren't driving themselves home drunk. Evan prefers giving them a room half off over potentially sending them to their deaths.

He's mostly just rattling off the script they all say on the matter at this point though, he catches it in the mild dullness of his tone and eyes flick back to Lars for a second before he motions for a second drink after all. Technically he's not on the clock right now and he's set the work aside so he can give himself the leeway. "I'll let you know what performances we have coming up next time though, it's a little sparse this time of the year with less traveling performers and the holidays making everyone busy." he'd find the board now but that could take him an hour or more to do with his luck. It's never in a spot that makes sense.

Once there's a glass in his hand something Lars said dons on him and with a raised brow he asks. "Which bike is yours?" there's a couple that come around the Stray and a couple of them he knows the owners too and he can't help but be curious which of the others is Lars'.

>>he thinks lars' is gonna jinx it by bringing up 'accidents'

[newclass=.evantalk b]color: #7d6484;[/newclass]
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Settling [open]
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2020 1:28:08 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar



this shit be ANCIENT yo lol

He was contemplating on going home to Verdanturf after this, but the way Evan phrased the situation, it’s something that he has to stop and consider for a few moments. While his footing wasn’t as rocky as it was the first time he had something hard to drink, he knew that the other had made a point with what he was saying.

“I might take the offer of a room, as long as you’d let people who want to get food delivered here save the address of the Stray so that whoever would come by with deliveries doesn’t get lost,” he said as he reached for a nearby platter of peanuts and threw a few into his mouth. Okay, he really needed some of that salt right there.

“I’ll make sure to keep note of that. Honestly, I want to see more of that homegrown talent come to life here,” and with it another batch of peanuts makes its way into his mouth. While it’s nothing compared to the salted caramel squares he tended to favor so much, it’s a start at least.

At the mention of motorbikes, this unreadable grin spread across his face.

Oh, it’s the Indian. I had to build it from so many spare parts I found around the region. Got lucky to find the body of a discarded Indian and just decided to assemble the bike from whatever other extra parts I could get my hands on at that point.”

[newclass=".lars"] [/newclass]
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the stray
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Laurence Anderson
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Hold on don't look back, you know we're better, better than that
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evan fader
Settling [open]
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2020 4:37:13 GMT
evan fader Avatar
"Of course." Evan says without hesitation. "There are a couple of locals ones that we have partnerships with for that even. And we have the dining room open until the bar closes as always." the joints in question were all advertised in the rooms themselves as well. As one might expect in an actual hotel. Though it wasn't nearly as many as he would have liked, it helped keep things local and thriving.

The man nods along, because he thinks it's one of the things that adds a little charm to the place. Local talent, local people, local everything. It's like a piece of the heart of the area lives in the walls, thumping along to the beat of a city made of stone.

He loves it.

His mind trails over the bikes he's seen in the parking lot, hard to pick one apart from the others if only because the man's memory comes and goes as easy as the wind changes direction. "I think I know which one you're talking about. I didn't realize it was parted together, very nice." he says, sounding a little impressed. Though it would be a stretch to call Evan a mechanic he'd spent many a night in garages over the years, taking great interest in how the contraptions worked but never owning one. Preferring his own two feet over anything else.

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alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
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is gonna be the loneliest
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Settling [open]
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2020 6:47:18 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar



this shit be ANCIENT yo lol

“I was lucky to have found the body, to be honest… took me a real while to get it shined up and functional again. So much elbow grease, but it was well worth it.”

He speaks of the process with a fondness in his voice—having to source out various bike mechanics scattered all over Western Hoenn was no easy task.

Then he had to make the danged thing have less of a carbon foot print when it used up gas, because he lived in a town that was known for its natural beauty and he didn’t want to ruin it.

“I can get word out to the local mechanics I’ve met, if they want a good place to knock back a few drinks without having to pay too much I’ll send them your way,” he offered.

He knew that some of the mechanics were hardcore partiers, while some of them preferred drinking with friends.

The one thing that brought them together was the fact that they all loved to have a good damned-ass drink, for one.

“If they know anyone who wants to perform—like family members or friends who want a place to show their talent I’ll pitch that in too. How’s that sound?” he asked the other, hoping that the response would be favorable.

[newclass=".lars"] [/newclass]
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the stray
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xxx, orre
bar owner/keep
Senior ranger
Laurence Anderson
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Hold on don't look back, you know we're better, better than that
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evan fader
Settling [open]
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2020 7:25:17 GMT
evan fader Avatar
"So you rebuilt it from the ground up then?" he asks, curiosity apparent on his face, how he leans an elbow on the table and rests his chin in his hand.

For a moment though, the offer catches him by surprise. That kind of advertising, word of mouth, was crucial to helping ensure the Stray continued to boom and bustle. It would keep them from being lost in the hubbub of the city and changing pace of the region. Something that he himself was still getting the hang of and figuring out how to work around.

"That would be fantastic! I imagine may of them would feel right at home here." Evan grins. "And if not we'll find a way to make them feel at home, we always do." because that was part of coming to the Stray wasn't it? The variety, the coziness, everyone belonged somehow. Evweryone was greeted with a smile.

"But really, you don't have to go out of your way for us, we're managing alright. I've still got to figure out a plan of attack for advertising myself anyway."

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
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nessuno vince.
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Laurence Anderson
Settling [open]
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2020 13:20:15 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar




“Yeah, I did. I had some help from some of the mechanics I mentioned, since at first I didn’t know how to tell the difference between a fan belt and a radiator, he admitted with an embarrassed chuckle.

After downing another helping of peanuts, he blinked at the sudden… was this embarrassment coming from the other man?

“Look, it’s the least I can do,” he countered gently. “I mean, I’ve been living here in this region all my life, and I travel a lot for work, so it’s definitely easier for me to get around and let everyone who wants good booze and a good time to come here and spread the word. Really, it’s nothing to worry about, he added with a slight wave of his hand.

He wondered how the other man would take it. He was offering to spread the good word around, wasn’t that payment enough for all the delicious drinks he always ordered here? Well…

“It’s much faster if you go by word of mouth. I mean,” he continued after he finished the contents of the peanut dish in front of him, “…you know how word spreads quickly when it comes to looking for a good place to knock off after work for a few hours and want to have a good time all in one place.”

Would Evan relent to allow him some part of getting word out about the Stray?

“And besides, I also meet travelers during my work,” he added a few moments later. “I could also throw in a good word about the ‘inn’ aspect of the Stray, right?”

[newclass=".lars"] [/newclass]
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the stray
thirty three
xxx, orre
bar owner/keep
Senior ranger
Laurence Anderson
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Hold on don't look back, you know we're better, better than that
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evan fader
Settling [open]
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2020 4:38:28 GMT
evan fader Avatar
Evan was already overjoyed at just the idea of the bar getting a good word out with someone that might actually be able to help put them on the radar again. The fact he mentioned bringing up the 'inn' part as well took him by surprise. It was the least used part of the Stray at the moment and the thought they might actually get some traffic upstairs was more than he was expecting.

"That'd..... that would be such a huge help Lars. You have no idea. I know I'm managing to keep the place afloat but it's been difficult getting things under control so I could figure out to really make this place flourish like it used to."

He moves his hands off his glass as if to gesture with them but puts them back, not sure what to say. He's at a loss for words. It's one thing when people simply do it but to offer to go out of his way to mention the stray in particular?

"If you ever need anything, let us know. It's the least I could do for you being so willing to talk about the old place. I hope we can live up to whatever you tell anyone."

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he / him / his
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alto mare, johto
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is gonna be the loneliest
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nessuno vince.
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Laurence Anderson
Settling [open]
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2020 21:20:30 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar



I think this is a good end for this thread?

“Look, not everyone’s got enough cash to burn so of course they’re going to be looking for a nice place they can temporarily crash at while keeping an eye on their wallet, you know,” he added with another nonchalant wave of his hand.

The light buzzing feeling in his head was starting to recede for the moment. However, his depth perception was a little whacked because of the potency of the drinks he’d had.

“You know what—I’ll take one of the rooms for tonight. I’m not going to trust myself to get back to Verdanturf, even if it’s nearby. Who the hell knows what’s going to happen to me.”

And the bike, he added to himself in the back of his mind. He was definitely playing it safe this time. He didn’t want to risk it, because holy shit getting parts for his rig was a pain and a half considering how far Hoenn was from the other nations that had specific motorbike parts unique to his build.

[newclass=".lars"] [/newclass]
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the stray
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xxx, orre
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Laurence Anderson
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Hold on don't look back, you know we're better, better than that
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evan fader DOLLARS
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evan fader
Settling [open]
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2020 22:03:10 GMT
evan fader Avatar
His words do nothing to change the smile on Evans face. If anything it gives him more reason to go so, soft and genuine in its apreciation of the offer lars has made to him. Even if the man thinks nothing of it Evan knows how important a gesture it is, what it means to the place in the long run.

"I'll get you a key then, just a moment."

He stands, steadies himself on the table top and then athers the papers he'd been working on earlier in the evening. He wonders off with a nod at lars.

Moments later he'll return with hand empty of everything but a room key. Lars is welcome to reture whenever he pleases.

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
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Laurence Anderson
Settling [open]
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2020 6:37:47 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar



I think this is a good end for this thread?

He did his waiting, right by the bar counter.

Even though the crowd wasn’t thinning out yet, the pressure building up at the back of his eyelids reminded him that he needed to get some sleep—and quickly.

Had he even packed a change of clothes when he left home earlier today? He couldn’t remember. Either way, he let the noise wash over him until the other man returned—this time holding a key out to him.

“Ah, thank you,” he said with a barely-stifled yawn. Geez, had it really gotten past that time?! He wondered if he really did need more than a few hours’ worth of sleep tonight. He was rather buzzed after all.

[newclass=".lars"] [/newclass]
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