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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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golden boy
september 23
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najwa essam
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let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
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POSTED ON Nov 2, 2019 5:48:04 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
The case of missing people and pokemon was one he had not expected himself to be handed, but with the shortage of hands readily available, the labour was thrusted into his lap.

It was taken with unease, the man doing his best to push work onto another, even giving names of cadets like himself that would have been a better pick for the job. But alas, his pleading was in vain, a suck of his teeth signalling the forfeit of any further pressing.

The only luck he had was with the companion that he was assigned for the job, a cute little thing he couldn’t help but look over a few times before introducing himself.

Kim Cole. Nice to meet you.

He put on his best smile, extending a hand as he leaned in a bit closer.

The location they were addressed was the supposed hotbed for said Hypnos, an old home in Mauville Hills; abandoned for years yet untouched by modern construction. It gave off a bad vibe, one Kim would rather not inspect for fear of dangers more sensible than the hypnos that resided within.

How about we just ditch this and go do something fun? I know a good restaurant in Mauville that’s got the best steamed Octillery you could ask for. What do you say?

He gestures towards the flashing lights of the city, a light smile on his lips as he awaited her answer.

@bean4 // mission

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POSTED ON Nov 2, 2019 6:00:53 GMT
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If there was something new to discover, Najwa was there. In the case of the missing children and pokemon, however, she sees no real reason to actually be out in the field, other than her affiliation with the league mandates it.
So, she tries to make the best of it.
Standing straight as she's introduced to her partner, she unfurls her hand from her pocket and takes Kim's lightly, shaking her partner's hand.
"Najwa Essam." Her tongue wets her too-dry lips as she stares up at the house. While his offer sounds appealing... She has rent to pay, and loan repayments for her doctorate.
"Maybe after." She says quietly, her mouth pulling into a tight, thin line. She has no intention of actually going, but maybe when they were done, he wouldn't want to anymore. She knows she's horrible company anyway, so what would be the point of her going? She'd just bring the mood down.
"Shall we?" She gestures to the home, squinting up at the windows.


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golden boy
september 23
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najwa essam
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let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
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POSTED ON Nov 2, 2019 6:55:17 GMT
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It seemed she would not budge on the mission that they had been assigned to, stagnant in her decision to further into the decrepit, abandoned homestead. The only light from the interaction was the indecisive answer she had given that, ‘maybe after’ raising Kim’s mood just a tad.

I’m buying so you don’t need to worry about overspending… well, when we get there that is. I’m holding you to that maybe after all.

He says with an uncoy wink, pushing the front doors open and allowing for her to enter first. Once the two had been properly settled inside the house Kim would begin looking to and fro, a tap to his side releasing a Teddiursa. The cub would stand to the mans side, looking up at Najwa briefly before turning his attention forward, walking together with his trainer.

Pardon my assumption but you don’t exactly look like the type to accompany cadets on excursions like this. Do you mind me asking why you decided to come along?

The small talk was mostly a distraction from their surroundings, dilapidated wood jutting here and there as the floorboards creaked with each step the trio took. Kims eyes would briefly turn away from Najwa only to look at his surroundings, an attempt to spot any signs of the inhabitants that they sought in order to abscond from the scene they currently resided in as soon as possible.

@bean4 // mission

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POSTED ON Nov 2, 2019 18:51:05 GMT
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Najwa sighs softly as they step inside, looking around slowly. Kim continues to speak, and she listens quietly - but it's not at the forefront of her mind. When he asks her about why she came on the mission, she slowly looks over to him and stares for a moment, thinking. To an outsider, it may have come off as she didn't hear him, but suddenly, she voices her answer.
"I wanted rent money." She says, casual, open. There was no need to lie, so why would she? Also, she was curious about another thing he had said. "What do people who normally go on missions look like?" She looks down at her clothes, taking the comment literally.
Was she improperly dressed? What exactly had she done to warrant him thinking she didn't belong here? "What do I look like?" She looks back up, raising an eyebrow, honest confusion written on her pursed lips as if she had never been complimented before in her life.
Or maybe she was too used to brushing them off from her parents socialite friends, that she didn't notice them anymore. Not about her appearance, anyway.


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golden boy
september 23
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najwa essam
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let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
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POSTED ON Nov 2, 2019 20:09:24 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar

He voiced, her answer seeming obvious upon further consideration, forcing him to look away for just a moment, thinking about how dumb he may have sounded because of the question. Soon enough he would return his gaze to hers, further pressing on with questions that further flustered already flustered thoughts.


He pauses to ponder for a moment, rubbing the chisel of his jaw for a brief moment before giving an answer.

I mean, every so often I get a cute girl like you accompanying me, but usually they’re more, prepared, y’know?

Lifting his shirt slightly he would display a tool belt with a number of items any league recruit would be given, said belt aligned with a multitude of devices for identification as well as capturing pokemon, along with a clip to holster filled pokeballs.

See? I’ve got all this gear on me and I’m ready to handle just about any situation that’s thrown my way. I don’t meant to be rude or anything but from where I’m standing you don’t seem comparable to me in the way of preparedness.

Dropping his shirt, he’d give her a look over once more, crossing his arms over his chest.

Though looks can be deceiving...” He whispered under his breath, circling her once or twice to get a good look at the woman.

You’re more than just a pretty face, aren’t you?

@bean4 // mission

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2019 19:04:26 GMT
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An eyebrow rises on her forehead as she listens to his words — observes him lifting his shirt to show her his tools — and then concludes with something that hits a very deep nerve. The words “pretty face,” slice and tear at the wall she’s built around herself. She’s lucky she is a very good bricklayer. Najwa’s only indication that this even affects her, is a small inclination of her head as she looks him over, regarding him quietly.
Scrutinizing, as her mother did her.
”It’s an astute observation, Mr. Cole.” She says finally, before pointing to the bag slung over her shoulder. ”My tools are in my bag. I’ve come prepared to deal with what we need to.” She glances behind them and looks around at the open door. In the darkness, she knows her #2 is out there, waiting until she needs his help.
”My kabutops will make his presence known, when we need him.” Her fingertips pull out a small flashlight from her pocket, and she clicks the button, illuminating the dark house. ”Are you ready to proceed upstairs?”


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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
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najwa essam
311 height
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let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2019 23:21:12 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
Her expression stifles, but only for a second, enough time for Kim to observe and take note of her minute mannerisms quietly. His lips curve into a light smile, her composure regaining as she began giving an explanation.

He listened, gave a few nods, and chuckled as she spoke, taking in the information she relayed with a lax expression on his features. Once she concluded, demonstrating her preparedness with a flashlight, Kim would give a nod, allowing her to begin their move as he followed alongside her.

Their steps caused creeks in the well worn staircase, the aescent returning worry to Kim as he eyed Najwa cautiously. His attention would only shift once the Teddiursa, perched upon his back, shouting its name, pointing to a shadow that shifted further up the stairs.

I’ll take the lead.

Kim stated confidently, only for the floorboards to give in under the trio. Whether or not it was the combined weight of the three causing the stairs to give way or a trap sprung by the Hypno was inconclusive, the only thing he knew, was that they were falling, and the darkness below was not a good sign as for what was to become of them.

He’d act quickly, releasing a Gothorita, the pokemon quickly causing the group to float with psychic, debris falling and signalling that concrete was not too far from where they had been caught. After a brief moment they would all float gently to ground level, the Gothorita giving a sigh to the man before being returned to its ball. Kim would swap her out for a Volcarona, the solar moth instantly giving off a warm glow; lighting up, what could only be assumed as a basement, fully.

With their surroundings now in full view, it was easy to spot the predicament they were in, dropped smack dab in the middle of a Hypno horde, a wide array of eyes locked onto the group and ready to pounce at any move they made.

Kim examined the situation quietly, his eyes locking onto the reason they had come here in the first place, the feeding ground for this horde: a stockpile of sleeping pokemon and people alike. Slowly he leaned over to Najwa, whispering once he was in proper earshot.

Call your Kabutops and stick close to me. Don’t leave my side for even a second.

Even if she was his partner in this situation, she would still be considered a civilian, Kim unwilling to get her caught in the crossfire of what was about to happen.

The Teddiursa lowered itself from Kim’s back, prepared to defend their position with all of its might, the Volcarona floating idly as its body shimmered, continuously casting light. The declaration of war was imminent, the only thing that would signal the start of their battle being Najwa’s outcry for her Kabutops.

@bean4 // mission

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POSTED ON Nov 4, 2019 4:36:01 GMT
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One moment, they were talking, and the next? Najwa's eyes widen substantially as her feet come out from under her, moving to grab onto the closest thing she could. Her fingers wrap gently around Kim's shirt sleeve as she yanks at him, pulling him upwards - intending to hit first so he would have something to land on.
When they're caught by the pokemon's psychic powers, Najwa breathes a soft sigh of relief, letting go completely and closing her eyes.
She hated heights - especially in the darkness.
As she feels her feet touch the ground again, she closes her eyes and waits for Kim to shed some light on the situation, before opening them when she can see the soft glow of the Volcarona's body.
"Oh." She whispers softly back to Kim, shaking her head. This wasn't good. And a part of her knows she should be a little more alarmed, or scared - but honestly, she's just annoyed it's happened. "He won't need calling." Her head shakes, slowly backing up so that her back was against Kim's. "Not after that."
Not even a minute later, there's a slowly, metallic dragging noise, as if someone was dragging knives across the floor of the basement.


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golden boy
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najwa essam
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let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
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POSTED ON Nov 5, 2019 0:01:58 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
The clinking of metal-like scales forced a Hypno’s hand, in turn forcing others to do the same, an array of psychic blast honing in on their location.


Kim voiced out out loud, the Teddiursa and Volcarona each dispursing outward and away from the two as Kim quickly embraced the woman, pulling their forms closer to each other as a means of protection, only for his Gothorita to release herself; a protective barrier forming around the duo as the psychic type floats above, maintaining her focus calmly amidst the chaos and smattering of attacks.

I respect you trying to protect me when we fell.

He pulls her closer, the symphonic destruction of an ecosystem mere background noise to this moment they shared.

But, like I said, you’re not as prepared as me. So…

He leans out, eyes locking onto hers as their bodies melded as one.

Leave this to a professional.

He releases her allowing freedom after he had voiced what he had wanted; the distance between the two once more expanding as he moved to bear witness to the Hypno falling one by one, their fate decided with their unfortunate typings.

It would only take moments for the battle to calm, victory in the hands of the obvious, and once the final Hypno had fallen, Kim would give a call to his higher ups, telling them of the mess of fainted psychic pokemon that would now be passed onto them.

With the arrival of more league officials, their departure from this mess was imminent, Kim looking to Najwa one final time before extending one last offer to her.


@bean4 // mission

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POSTED ON Nov 6, 2019 1:55:08 GMT
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Najwa wrinkles her nose as he drags her closer, her hands coming up to brace against his chest. Oh. This was not nice, not at all. She stares at him as he speaks, before pushing her away - and did he just assume that she wasn't a professional? Her mouth twists in reaction to an emotion that's she's frequently used to feeling.
Did he not think that she had received some sort of training for this? To be in a league? She finds herself being caught up in the negative emotion of being affronted in her position within the league, that she barely registers what happens around them - because clearly, Kim has it handled.
When he finally turns towards her, she licks her lips and stares at him, watching the league officials show up to find the discarded hypno.
How would he know if she could do anything, if he didn't let her?
The next words have her blinking incredulously at him.
"Excuse me?" She stares, blankly. "You just insulted me." She gestures around them, squinting at him. It wasn't a lie, even if he felt differently. He had, that was simply how she felt, with no real reason to tell him otherwise. "And you want me to go for food?"


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golden boy
september 23
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najwa essam
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let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
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POSTED ON Nov 6, 2019 16:15:20 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
"A no would suffice, sweetheart. No need to get your panties in a knot."

He smiles, a hand waving back to her as he began to take his leave.

"Next time we meet maybe you'll accept my offer, hm?"

An unlikely outcome, but he figures throwing the suggestion out there would do no harm.

@bean4 // mission

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