circe's infamy file

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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circe's infamy file
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2019 5:56:20 GMT
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what's public, what's not

It's the doctor's orders, love ♥[break]

PUBLIC [break][break]

  • A renown doctor who 'vanished' a few years ago, abandoning her practice and firm to a student under her study. Given the epithet 'miracle eye' due to her knowledge in the field.
  • Most only knew her by her last name, 'Ms. Crowe', mostly due to her fondness of changing names whenever she saw fit.
  • The same goes for her appearance, which is currently more 'natural' than it was several years ago.


  • League greenlighted and helped fund a program involving the genetic manipulation and bioenginering of pokemon to help rid certain species/types of various flaws, various elemental weaknesses, etc. This was done in hopes that they could apply the research to humans and remove various illnesses from their genetic pool or, otherwise, 'cure the incurable'. Some more radical protesters of this controversial study suggested the league wanted to attain more powerful pokemon with this research to fend off possible aggressors.
  • Under her management, the project took several turns, as she grew interested in 'perfecting' pokemon rather than improving their health. She took from several sources, including how they were in primal eras (arguably, where they were strongest) and from human research of humanities' ability to adapt and evolve in their own way. She kept most of this research's results private and secretive.
  • The project was eventually shut down due to the questionable ethics of the topic, and the reported deaths of not only several pokemon, but, children succumbing from illness under her unauthorized testing. This inevitably fell back on the league because of their fund and support. However, the situation was 'swept' underneath the rug and radar. Circe's silence was bought for the price of her medical license not being revoked and the privacy of her life being 'left alone' by officials.

WHAT ROCKET KNOWS[break][break]

  • Only recently donned the name 'Circe'.


  • Suffers from minor ocular albinism, hence why her retina is pink & the rest of her iris is blue. In the past, she used to wear colored contacts and dye her already pale hair a darker color. Surprisingly, the hair part was mostly to make her seem younger!
  • Was a point of contact between Aether and the League's Science Branch, personally aiding with the former's infiltration, and, otherwise, having information about their association with one another.
  • Due to her natural love of witnessing humanity at its lowest and believing you can see other's true colors within chaos, she relishes in being a doctor, as it allows her to see people at their all time low. Saying it simply, she takes pleasure in other's misery.
