Get the Goods and Get Out

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Annie Mei
Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2019 8:47:04 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar
Hers was a simple train of thought. Sleeping rough wasn’t nearly as fun when it was cold. Some parts of Hoenn weren’t as cold as others. If she went there, she wouldn’t be cold for a while. If she caught a fiery Pokemon befitting of her team while she was there, she wouldn’t be cold ever again! Thus, her arrival at the Fiery Path, with everything to her name on her person. Baggy clothes, a filled hikers’ backpack that she’d ‘commandeered’, and nine Pokeballs left to complete her family.

In light of her lack of a phone, navigator or any knowledge besides glancing at a map, she was quickly learning the hard way that she wouldn’t be staying for long. It wasn’t just warm, it was immediately and unpleasantly muggy – no doubt thanks to the steam vents blowing vapour into the path. Not to mention that it was a cave. The main path was well lit, but she could see packs of Pokemon lurking in the dark, waiting for an unsuspecting trainer to make the wrong move. It was like walking into the bad part of town, and Annie had done enough of that for the month.

‘But there was still a job to do’, she reminded herself! She took a deep breath (of gross, humid air), put on her overly-determined frown and stomped further into the path. She would catch a living heater that day, if it was the last thing she did! It would be adorable, it would be friendly, and it would know how to start campfires so she wouldn’t spend half an hour rubbing sticks together anymore!

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Hold on don't look back, you know we're better, better than that
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evan fader
Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2019 2:03:12 GMT
evan fader Avatar

Evan is on the usual kind of hunt, seeking out an old native in the local area he's spoken with in the past and that he'd like to check up on. How long had it been since he'd made his way to this part of hoenn? Too long, being tied down to Rustboro was hindering his usual habits too much for his liking but he couldn't simply leave the obligation there behind.

He really shouldn't be getting distracted, he only had so much time to spare for these kinds of visits now compared to how he used to. If it took him 10 days to find the person in the past that wasn't a problem. Now it had to happen in or two or else things at the Stray would get too far behind without his presence.

His sigh is long, drawn out, and laced with exasperation because he just can't help himself when he sees someone young with a backpack that looks almost too full. He deviates from the path he's been to step out onto the path beside her. "Good afternoon." he chirps, surprisingly cheery for a man in an ill-fitting tank top and baggy jeans befitting the heat of the area.

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Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2019 1:38:09 GMT



what will you do?

female / flame body[break]
incinerate / clear smog / recover / ancient power




what will you do?

male / white smoke[break]
iron defense / heat wave / curse / body slam

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Employee at the Stray
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Annie Mei
Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2019 22:23:31 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar
Annie’d felt uncomfortable enough before the man approached. She swivelled around as best she good whilst wearing half her weight, only to find… Him. A man covered in tattoos and piercings, with an oddly pointy face and the eyes of a demon. He looked like a thug. And not the regular kind of thug, that might glare at you from an alleyway. This was a Super Thug, the kind rarely seen outside of Saturday morning cartoons.

She took a step back, too bewildered by his appearance to remember to show her brave face. “Er… I...” Was she about to get mugged? He was out of luck – she didn’t even have enough money to own a wallet. He could have her sleeping bag if it meant that he’d back the heck off, but she’d die before he got his inky hands on her Pokeballs…

The girl was lost in her own thoughts, and appeared to be frozen in fear, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. It took the sight of a more immediate danger – that was, a pair of Pokemon charging their attacks over Evan’s shoulder – to drag her back to reality. Her hand moved of its own accord to grab a ball, and her mind caught up shortly after. “Bolt, get rid of the trouble!” She shouted as the ball released a beam of energy, contorting upon impact with the ground to form her Shinx. A little cat with a big voice, as demonstrated by his Roar sending one of their would-be attackers running.

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Hold on don't look back, you know we're better, better than that
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evan fader DOLLARS
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evan fader
Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2019 20:24:23 GMT
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Her response was something he was pretty used to, most people were startled by him at first glance. It was the eyes really, or so he thought. They were contacts of course but they were the kind of thing everyone thought got put in storage after Halloween was over. "Whateber you're thinking, my appearances are not as telling as you think they are." he holds his hands up in front of him in an attempt to prove he means no harm, simply a bleeding heart saying hello.

His attention turns to her pokemon as she releases it on the wild ones, an innocent kind of curiosity on his face as it roars one of them back instead of combating the wild pokemon like most do as their go to. Evan is not inclined to join in until the heat begins to wash over them in a wave of humid gust and he realizes one of them is undeniably hostile. One hand moves to the strap on his other wrist and the pokemon released arrives with the same regal appearance his name implies, the Vaporeon's fishtail curling around his feet as he watches with wide eyes.

"Pois, if you would." The pokemon stands and bears down on the torkoal with his water gun, pushing it back until the turtle pokemon finally realizes that fleeing may be a better option than trying to push back against the water type.

"Name's Evan by the way!" he states, turning back to her with a grin, never missing a beat. "You?"

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Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2019 3:13:35 GMT
shiv Avatar



what will you do?

female / intimidate[break]
glare / gunk shot / coil / acid spray




what will you do?

male / cursed body[break]
flame wheel / hex / flare blitz / leer

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Employee at the Stray
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @kyoukon
Annie Mei
Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2019 10:06:07 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar
She’d been thinking that the next words out of his mouth would be a demand for her valuables, so anything away from those lines was a small blessing. The man sounded polite. Friendly. Not eager to stab her. He said that he meant well, but -“That’s exactly what somebody trying to lower my guard would say!” Her perception changed – he was less of a Super Thug, and more like the devil’s trickster, with an all-too-perfect contract hidden behind his back.

She really needed to watch less cartoons and meet more people.

Torn between being polite to the man and running to… Well, there weren’t many places she could run, especially with everything she owned weighing her down, the girl settled for playing his game. Sort of. Her suspicions shone through on her face, and her back foot was ready to distance her if he pulled any funny business. His Pokemon was cute too – if he’d stop looking so creepy, she could’ve fawned over the little prince(‘ss? How did people even tell the difference?’) all day. Instead, she could only make doe eyes at the Vaporeon while his back was turned, and then go back to squinting her eyes when he looked back. Her partner, once he felt confident that the coast was clear, watched Evan as well, albeit with much more curiosity than hostility.

“My name’s Annie.” She found herself wishing she had some sort of title, something to puff up her chest with. “Annie Mei, up-and-coming trainer extraordinaire! So I’d be real careful trying to mess wi-” Her declaration was cut off by the Shinx... flashing?. Great, because she hadn’t thought up the other half of that sentence yet. Not so great, because his fur only gleamed when trouble was nearby. The little beast growled in the direction of a new pair of wild Pokemon, somehow more menacing than the last. “Would you, ah, give me a second?” Annie held up a finger to excuse herself, then pointed it at the threats. “Bolt, go ahead and strike!” He seemed happy to oblige, rushing forward to pounce on the snake. Fangs cackling with electricity sunk themselves into his prey, giving it all the persuasion that it needed to flee the scene.

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the stray
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Hold on don't look back, you know we're better, better than that
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evan fader DOLLARS
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evan fader
Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2019 4:13:26 GMT
evan fader Avatar

There is a certain sort of grin one makes when they are trying desperately hard not to laugh over something.

Evan is currently making that grin and trying his damndest not to let it show too much. He can't help it, that kind of gusto has always made him chuckle and now is no different. She's in a horrible spot to be talking so big but good on her from trying right? "Evan Fader" a chuckle laces his words, he's trying, really he is. "Bartender and Tavern owner, amongst other things."

His attention is vaguely on the pokemon, because he trusts his own to handle them with little trouble though the Vaporeon is still in need of some fine tuning in it's abilities. The water type was simply a worth while choice knowing he was coming this way. It's not until it's bearing down on the Marowak with a double kick that he really thinks about what it's fighting. He's got a soft spot for alola. "Poisedon, dear," the vaporeon returns to his side with surprising swiftness, slipping in between his feet, fishtail curling around an ankle as the man releases a different pokemon. The musharna takes the stage with a yawn and Evan doesn't really have to ask him before hestarts building the psychic energy. "Let's take that one along shall we?"

As the psychic type lifts the pokemon into the air Evan retrieves a loose pokeball from his own back, taking a couple of pockets to find it before he tosses it at the wild pokemon.

"So what are you doing out here amyway?" he asks of the youngster in front of him, attention back on her.

>>attempting capture on marowak!

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Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2019 20:06:31 GMT
shiv Avatar



what will you do?

female / swarm[break]
swords dance / spider web / pin missile / cross poison




what will you do?

male / steam engine[break]
flame charge / heat crash / smokescreen / ancient power

Evan caught the Alolan Marowak successfully!

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Employee at the Stray
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @kyoukon
Annie Mei
Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2019 22:50:47 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar
Was he mocking her? Judging by that look, he might have been mocking her. Then again, he might have just been happy to see another friendly face. She’d been there before – a few days without a real conversation would make her feel overjoyed to see anybody, even if they were a creepy old man. She wasn’t quite there yet, unfortunately for him, but the thought gave her a little sympathy. Her frown lessen-

No. He laughed. He was totally mocking her. He’d earned his way right up to a stink eye, and left her with a mild sting. She didn’t have much, but she still had her pride. She rarely took kindly to strangers denting it.

She let the man get on with his business, finding a spare capsule to catch his prey before he set his sights on her again. “Doesn’t matter! I’m not here to be some random old man’s entertainment.” She folded her arms, as if that would confirm that she meant business. “I’m glad that you got your laugh- no, actually, forget the sarcasm. I’m not, and I don’t like it one bit. I just want to find a good Pokemon and go somewhere that isn’t here, and you’re not helping with all of your…” Her brain couldn’t piece the right words together, so instead she gestured wildly in his direction. “You-ness. It’s not nice, and it’s probably not polite either, however much you pretend that it is. You’re not fooling m- Bolt, what’re you doing?!” She’d been so distracted by Evan that she’d forgotten to pay attention to her Shinx, who appeared to be attempting to nibble on a living lump of coal. With one forceful bow forward, the Carkol flung him off and almost into a wall. Annie’s little beast recovered quickly, and good thing too. Their enemy has raised rocks from the ground with Ancient Power and launched them at the biter.

“Oh, come o- break it up with a Discharge!” Bolt had moved far enough from Poseidon to safely fire an electrical assault, reducing the rocks to relatively harmless rubble. But the two were at a standstill, the little trainer looked conflicted, but that time around it seemed that her partner was awaiting orders before he moved in.

Neither of them had noticed the Ariados lurking nearby.

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Hold on don't look back, you know we're better, better than that
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evan fader DOLLARS
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evan fader
Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Nov 25, 2019 0:06:43 GMT
evan fader Avatar

"I ain't laughin' like that love." he let's the laugh go for real now, because it's obvious trying to hold it in won't do him much good at all. He's already gone and offended her, something he can't say he's unused to either. Evan has spent too much of his life being a little bit of everything but what people expect and all too often his looks taint his words in other people's eyes. He's nowhere near as malicious as people are prone to think him.

He gives her a moment to let it out nonetheless though, he's not going to resist and it doesn't diminish his grin in the slightest- he would have to take offense at her words for that to happen and he most certainly does not. "Good on you for saying something though, most people are too scared to do that." but he doesn't get far in his commentary before the wild pokemon force their hands again. Evan is willing to leave it be for the moment while she addresses her pokemon, the embargo that was recently lifted seems to have actively flooded the region with the unusual pokemon. He had expected more of a slow release but it seems they just went for it.

His hands return to his pockets as he watches, the nature of the Galar pokemon being something of interest. At least to a degree. It is thanks to his status as the observer that he catches the skittering from the shadows of the path. Despite the man being a space cadet his instincts are undeniably fine tuned and his eyes turn from their usual soft and joyful to a had look as he tracks the faint sound with his eyes.

"Vince." the pokemon follows his eyes and catches on as quick as ever, waiting. Despite what some might think of wild pokemon they can be just as crafty as trained ones, they repeat what they see just as much as humans do. Well most of them do, some have a little bit harder time figuring that sort of thing out than others.

The webs springs from out of sight, looking to trap the lured in prey that's fallen for the carkol lure. It's intercepted almost instantly by a wall of psychic energy from the musharna, suspending it mid air before it can make contact. "Future sight. Keep an eye on the Carkol" he comments over the bugs hissing, the energies swirl in the area surrounding his musharna for a moment before they make contact with the bug. it reels back and in the space between motions the musharna throws the spider's web back at it, locking it into place with it's own trap. A new future sight begins to build, and when it hit it will be the last.

Evan's attention turns back to the kid and the carkol, a snap of his fingers has the vaporeon between his feet at the ready should try to take advantage of the other pokemon's failure to come through.

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Employee at the Stray
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @kyoukon
Annie Mei
Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Nov 26, 2019 22:54:05 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar
A web sprung from nowhere but it never met its target. A surprised Annie turned to the devilman for answers, but he seemed a bit preoccupied with the battle. She realised that she should have been too. She bit her lip for a moment, hesitant to ask too much of her Pokemon, but if they weren’t careful they’d quickly be ambushed. “Bolt, think you can handle a Wild Charge?” The Shinx’s fur started shimmering with lightning before she even finished her sentence. He took off, electricity enveloping his entire body. He rammed himself into the rocky beast, the transfer of power enough to send it flying that time around. That was Annie’s cue to follow up with an attack – specifically, a Pokeball aimed right between the beast’s eyes. A damn good throw, and one she hoped wouldn’t be ruined by the thing breaking out.

“Doing good?” Her first priority was always her Pokemon. Small as he was, Kit had handled the backlash of his attack fairly well. “Think you can help out some more?” They both turned to eye Evan’s battle, only to realise that they weren’t needed. The Ariados, which she’d barely paid attention to until then, had ended up caught in its own web. The man and his Pokemon were calm and in control, in a way that Annie could only hope to be most of the time. She wouldn’t let it show, but it was a little impressive… And a decent reminder for her to try not to get into a fight with him.
A job easier said than done, when asked of Annie.

“Were you born like that?” She picked up right where they left off, brushing his horrible mockery of her aside. Sure, the first was still going on, but he seemed to have it under control. “I don’t mean the tattoos. Or the piercings, or the hair. Or your clothes, I guess. Your eyes.” Bolt, seemingly trying to mimic the Vaporeon, stuffed his way between his trainer’s legs to rest. If the Carkol was captured, he’d carry its capsule in his mouth. “Because it doesn’t make you look much like any owner I’ve seen. Besides, like, the drug kinds. Or the Rocket guys. Was that rude?” She didn’t leave much time for him to answer. “Well, consider it payback for earlier.” She paused, looking away from him with a furrowed brow.

“And… thanks for helping, I guess…”

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Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2019 3:30:22 GMT
shiv Avatar



what will you do?

female / magma armor[break]
rock slide / earth power / curse / flame burst




what will you do?

male / neutralizing gas[break]
self destruct / belch / sludge / sludge bomb

Annie caught the Carkol successfully!
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evan fader
Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2019 7:57:02 GMT
evan fader Avatar

The vaporeon settles again between his feet as the pair seem to make decent work of the carkol. An eyebrow raises and her choice to capture it but otherwise makes no comment on the matter. He doesn't even expect the thank you, as far as he's concerned it's more a lesson to be learned for her. Just because you think something in the wild has been bested does not mean the wilds won't find something else to throw at you. There's always something else.

Her question is met with his eyes snapping their attention to her, a sudden movement that on anyone else seems unalarming but his eyes give it it an added eeriness. The man is well aware of the effect he can have on people but somehow seems oblivious to the idea of paying closer attention to his own behaviors to mitigate it. "Who knows!" he says almost too chipper with an innocent smile. She's asked a question he prefers to leave up in the air, he's always gotten a bit of a kick out of the type of responses people have to his eyes. They're contacts of course, tattoos, while possible, come with risks to the eyes that even he's not willing to take. Custom contacts though? Those he can get behind. Not that anyone needs to know that.A man needs to have a little mystery about him right?

Evan crouches, bringing himself closer to the vaporeon at his feet so that he can pet the water type, it nuzzles at his hand with a trill at the attention. The pokemon is quite the cuddle bug and quite possibly one of his most mellow pokemon. "You're welcome. Is there a particular look owners of things are supposed to have?" he inquires, head tilting with innocent curiosity, as if to say he wants a genuine answer to her question. Which he does, Evan is an ever curious thing and will always listen intently when an answer is given.

Before she can answer a pair of pokemon wonder onto the path and he's struck by an idea. More like a little trick to show her, and perhaps help what looks to be a young pokemon bound to wear itself out after awhile. "Poise, buddy, wanna cover the area for me?"

The pokemon snorts at him but stands, slinking out from under him with a sway of his body. The pokemon moves with a deftness that likely plays a part in the popularity of the species. He dances around the wild things, coating them and the area with water via his water gun, the camerupt retorting with a snort at the stinging water and preparing a slue of fire for them.

"Rest is all your's" he says with a nod towards the water pooling beneath the pokemon, a perfect conductor for the electricity supplied by her own pokemon, hoping she'll catch his drift. His pokemon don't need the experience nearly as much. His own joltik would be able to supply the combo well enough but he sees no reason to pull the little thing out of its hiding place if she's willing to play along.

The musharna watches her closely, prepared to interfere should the need arise, psychic energies swirling around him in preparation for a psychic defense should she be too slow to the mark.

>>no captures!

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Employee at the Stray
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Annie Mei
Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2019 19:11:50 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar
He fixed his eyes on her, and she got the feeling that she shouldn’t have asked. It was the same sudden shift her Weavile made whenever she made a pun – every joke bringing her one day closer to being silenced permanently. On the bright side, the experience meant that she didn’t flinch at the man’s stare. Rather, she looked mildly confused. “You know. I mean, I hope that you do.”

While he showed his partner affection, Bolt nuzzled his head against his trainer’s leg, prompting her to reach down and give him a few headpats. It couldn’t last, of course. They’d drawn attention to themselves, and that meant that the wild Pokemon were curious and aggressive. The thug took charge, telling his Pokemon to soak the scene instead of going all-out attacking. Bolt stood on all fours, showing his look of realisation a few seconds before his trainer’s. “Oh. Well, there’s an idea.” She looked down at her Shinx. He didn’t need to be told. Instead, he sprung forward, landing at the water’s edge, staring down the Camerupt that dared threaten their party. “Finish them off with a Discharge!” She pointed at their foes, entirely for dramatic effect. It went surprisingly well with the devious grin she’d grown. Bolt let sparks fly, an array of golden bolts shooting from his person, across the water and to both wilds simultaneously. Augmented by the water, the attack was enough to make them collapse.

“…Huh. That was actually pretty cool. Why didn’t I think of that?” Her partner didn’t return to her, but approached Evan’s party. He raised a paw, partially in greeting, mostly to test the waters. Perhaps they could be friends. Perhaps their trainers could be friends too. The attack had emboldened the girl (not that she needed a confidence boost to begin with), enough that she could give a comprehensive answer:

“Fancy suit and tie, tailored. Glasses, probably. Short hair, straight from the barber. No tattoos. Or piercings. Or jewellery, except maybe a watch. You’re batting zero for, like, at least six there.” She was blunt, and at least a little rude, but that only happened deliberately if she felt offended or at ease. Transitioning from one to the other had to count for something, right? If nothing else, he could take comfort in knowing that she wasn’t one to talk about presentation. The ‘trainer extraodinaire’s funds were sorely lacking, if her outfit was anything to go by, and she’d been standing around in the cave long enough for beads of sweat to start rolling down her face.

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