fun with baking [mission]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
fun with baking [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 26, 2019 16:02:07 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

[attr="class","coveredhills-icon"][attr="class","lnr lnr-cloud"]


snow-covered hills

can i sail through the changing ocean tides?





[attr="class","ch-p-2"]kyouya braviary


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]gabriel salamence


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]vincent lucario


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]carina ribombee


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]fenrir noivern


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]? wooloo


It was that time of the year again, and Alexei had run low on funds.[break][break]

While he was being paid for his position as the Fortree Gym Leader, most of the money he made went straight to the maintenance and general overall upkeep of the Fortree Rescue & Treatment Sanctuary. He had employees to pay, medicines to order, buildings to maintain, and the strain was definitely showing.[break][break]

He didn’t have much money left and so with immense trepidation, he decided to give in and host a bake sale. Any and all proceeds would go to building up the Sanctuary’s funds, since it was proving hard to secure funding from the League in general. He could only wonder why that was so, but it upset him so much.[break][break]

He’d managed to organize a large outdoor kitchen and several nearby tents, and some of his more enthusiastic staff members were running to and fro. They were in charge of baking cookies, cakes, various other sweet treats, pastries, and Arceus forbid, even macarons from a recipe Alexei had managed to find on a Kalosian website.[break][break]

And here he was as well. No scarf, dressed down simply in a shirt and jeans, apron draped over his attire and shouting orders to the other overeager staff members to mind the flour and keep an eye on the ovens because it would be hell if they burned what they were going to sell.[break][break]

Amidst this mess, there was a little round ball of fluff running around, with the tiniest little crown perched jauntily on its head. Bleating and nipping at the feet of the eager staff members who were running with trays of cookies to the tent where the ovens were located, making sure that they did their work and kept at it.[break][break]

The smell of delicious things baking was sure to draw a crowd, he hoped…


word count: 311; fundraising for the Fortree Rescue & Treatment Sanctuary through this mission here



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[newclass=.coveredhills] }.ch-p:hover + .ch-p-2 { opacity:1;[/newclass]
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played by


flower boy
june 14th
laverre, kalos
alexei ivanov
0 height
0 height
Pulling down backstreets deep in your head / slipping through dreamland like a tourist.
14 posts
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TAG WITH @florian
Florian Laurel
fun with baking [mission]
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2019 4:22:03 GMT
Florian Laurel Avatar






abeille has evolved!

Florian's little house on the edge of Verdanturf came alive with sugary-sweet scents that morning, the back door open to the outside air as his newly-evolved Rimbombee buzzed between the kitchen and garden. She'd been in high spirits ever since their first visit to Fortree; Florian had followed Alexei's advice and scattered the seeds from the park alongside what full-grown plants he'd bought to give the space a vibrant head-start. Abeille had taken to tending the gardens as faithfully as she had back home, and she no longer seemed to pine for the familiarity of Kalos.[break][break]

Florian himself was still adjusting to life in Hoenn, surfing the web for different things to do in the region in order to feel more at home. It was here that he'd discovered that there would be a bake-sale in Fortree, and well... how could he resist?[break][break]

"Thank you, my dear," Florian tells Abeille sweetly as she carefully sets a final pollen puff on top of the crepes. "Do you want to come with me to Fortree?"[break][break]

She stays at home more often than not, fussing like a mother-hen over the fledgling garden, but she flits directly in front of his face and bumps against his nose. That was, undoubtedly, a plea to come along.[break][break]

They arrive by air-taxi, Florian leaving a tip before he sets off in the direction of scent-and-sound. It's unmistakable where the sale is being held, and Florian's expression lights up as he spots a friendly face amidst the chaos. Two friendly faces; Florian’s almost sure he recognizes that ball of fluff as one of the ones they’d protected. And now it has a little crown![break][break]

"Alexei!" he calls, greeting the gym leader like an old friend despite only spending a small amount of time together. Florian was quick to accept others into his life. "This is your sale, no? My Abeille and I have brought gifts!"[break][break]

The Ribombee takes off from his shoulder and buzzes around the gym leader in greeting. Florian approaches at a more leisurely pace, holding up the warming-bag he'd filled with traditional Kalosian treats. Macarons, crepes, and the famous Lumiose Galettes.[break][break]

"Let me know how I can help, mon amie. For a good cause!"









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[ b]font:bold 10px Roboto;color:#57b6ce;[/newclass]

[ a]font:bold 10px Roboto;color:#57b6ce;[/newclass]

[newclass=.vivalyric]margin:-12px 0px;background-color:#57b6ce;color:#f9f9f9;font:bold 7px Raleway;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:right;padding:20px;padding-top:50px;line-height:10px;[/newclass]

[newclass=.vivaright]font:bold 8px Roboto;line-height:10px!important;text-align:right;padding:9px;background-color:#f9f9f9;border:solid 1px #eeeeee;letter-spacing:1px;margin:-2px -10px -7px -10px;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]

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played by


Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
part of
TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
fun with baking [mission]
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2019 11:53:13 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

[attr="class","coveredhills-icon"][attr="class","lnr lnr-cloud"]


snow-covered hills

can i sail through the changing ocean tides?





[attr="class","ch-p-2"]kyouya braviary


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]gabriel salamence


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]vincent lucario


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]carina ribombee


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]fenrir noivern


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]? wooloo


Distracted, the Wooloo with the crown let out a little bleat, before breaking ranks and making a mad dash across the grounds where the outdoor kitchens were set up.[break][break]

Halfway, it had made up its mind to just roll instead (because it was faster) and eventually crashed into Florian’s foot in greeting.[break][break]

Alexei had been keeping an eye on the little ball of fluff, and wondered why it had changed direction mid-tack—a few moments later, the reason was clear as he heard a familiar voice.[break][break]

In his excitement he almost dropped the tray of cookies he was about to pass off towards the ovens—thank hell one of his more attentive staff members noticed what he was about to and rescued the tray before it hit the grass![break][break]

“Really?” was all he could say for the Wooloo’s sake, sighing as he quickly thanked the staff member who’d run off with the tray before reaching for a nearby cloth and wiping his hands down in order to approach their first guest.[break][break]

Only it wasn’t a guest, it was a very familiar someone—[break][break]

“I am so sorry about the Wooloo,” he began sheepishly in Florian’s direction, scratching the back of his head. “Just… so much energy, he adds a few moments later, before taking a look at the contents of the bag that he had brought along.[break][break]

The Ribombee’s greeting was not missed, either. Knowing that Abeille would be amused, he flicks a pink Love Ball forward, watching as his own Ribombee emerged, letting out the tiniest of yawns once she’d emerged in the sunlight. “Hi, Carina,” he began at the sight of his own Ribombee. “Care to keep your friend company?”[break][break]

At the sight of the other Ribombee, Carina hummed excitedly, before whipping up a Pollen Puff for them to share and flying off. Seeing that they were going off somewhere, Alexei then strikes this ridiculous-looking pose before ending with a flourish.[break][break]

“Well, it’s come to this. I’ve caved, I’ve given up trying to get funds from the League, so I figured, why not do this myself and see what happens,” he added, waving at the outdoor kitchens and the set-up.


word count: 361; have a silly Wooloo



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[newclass=.coveredhills] }.ch-p:hover + .ch-p-2 { opacity:1;[/newclass]
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played by


flower boy
june 14th
laverre, kalos
alexei ivanov
0 height
0 height
Pulling down backstreets deep in your head / slipping through dreamland like a tourist.
14 posts
part of
TAG WITH @florian
Florian Laurel
fun with baking [mission]
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2019 18:54:36 GMT
Florian Laurel Avatar

he's so positive all the time


Florian startles when a — surprising soft — mass crashes into his foot, barely unbalancing him but causing quite a shock nevertheless. He looks down to see a rather familiar Wooloo staring back at him, the little crown on its head askew from its tumble.[break][break]

"Well hello, darling," he laughs, reaching down to give it a welcoming scratch between its horns. He straightens up to beam at Alexei, not seeming bothered in the slightest. "No need to apologize; they are very cute. This is the little one from the farm, no?"[break][break]

How could he forget the little fluffball?[break][break]

"I have my darling Ponyta with me as well; she is a Rapidash now, and she has changed quite a bit!" He's careful to make sure that she won't be in anyone's way as he releases the equine from her Pokeball, Laverre tossing her pastel-colored mane and letting out a snort. She's certainly different from the fiery-maned Ponyta that he'd received from the farm. "I do not know how she came to look this way, but she is beautiful, is she not?"[break][break]

He returns her to her ball as Carina and Abeille flit off together, giggling at Alexei's dramatics. He returns the theatrics with a flourishing bow, ridiculous and silly as he always was. "Well, perhaps your League may not be of use, but together we will raise all of the funds you need." He claps his hands together, still smiling. "How is your advertising? Are you offering samples to draw people in? It smells delightful out here; that is sure to bring in customers."









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[ b]font:bold 10px Roboto;color:#57b6ce;[/newclass]
[ a]font:bold 10px Roboto;color:#57b6ce;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.vivaright]font:bold 8px Roboto;line-height:10px!important;text-align:right;padding:9px;background-color:#f9f9f9;border:solid 1px #eeeeee;letter-spacing:1px;margin:-2px -10px -7px -10px;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
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played by


Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
part of
TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
fun with baking [mission]
POSTED ON Dec 9, 2019 16:16:07 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

[attr="class","coveredhills-icon"][attr="class","lnr lnr-cloud"]


snow-covered hills

can i sail through the changing ocean tides?





[attr="class","ch-p-2"]kyouya braviary


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]gabriel salamence


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]vincent lucario


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]carina ribombee


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]fenrir noivern


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]? wooloo


The Wooloo let out a bleat in welcome, before rubbing itself right into Florian’s touch—oh how it loved the attention![break][break]

“Yep, and would you believe me if I told you that it’s the same one who smacked against the fence?” Alexei continued, unable to hide a laugh in his voice.[break][break]

“They literally asked me to take the poor thing, the other members of the herd didn’t want the little troublemaker, because of what it’d caused back on the farm,” he explained before picking the fluffer up and straightening the crown he had perched atop its head.[break][break]

“Now, now, don’t go rolling recklessly like that again, okay?” he admonished the Wooloo gently, who let out a bleat and attempted to nip his ear in return.[break][break]

Oof, they were pretty heavy when weighed down with so much fur.[break][break]

His eyebrows went up in silent wonder at the creature that made an appearance before them—because Alexei could swear the last time they met, Florian had a normal, flaming Ponyta. How had it managed to turn into something that resembled a unicorn straight out of a fairytale?![break][break]

“Did—did you feed it cotton candy of some sort while you were in Verdanturf?” he inquired, outright gaping at the blue and purple-colored mane that flowed out behind the unrecognizable equine. He really didn’t have words for it, other than ‘what happened?!’ which would certainly be for another day.[break][break]

“Right now… the first batch of cookies are in the ovens over there. We’re in the middle of baking pastries and pies, too… if… if you know how to make legitimate Kalosian macarons then I would really like to see how it’s done because it’s impossible to get right, he explained as he pointed to where the outdoor ovens had been set up in a separate tent that now had more people coming out with hot trays.


word count: 312; oh dear Arceus, Alexei



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[newclass=.coveredhills] }.ch-p:hover + .ch-p-2 { opacity:1;[/newclass]
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played by


flower boy
june 14th
laverre, kalos
alexei ivanov
0 height
0 height
Pulling down backstreets deep in your head / slipping through dreamland like a tourist.
14 posts
part of
TAG WITH @florian
Florian Laurel
fun with baking [mission]
POSTED ON Dec 11, 2019 15:47:10 GMT
Florian Laurel Avatar

florian is ridiculous and i'm not sorry

Florian giggles as the Wooloo laps up the attention given, grinning at Alexei at the question asked. "I would!"[break][break]

What other Wooloo could cause such a stir simply by existing? It was a little troublemaker, that much was certain, but Florian adored it all the more for its little quirks. "What a cute little crown you've given it," he croons, watching Alexei straighten it out. "Have you named it?"[break][break]

Florian tends to name everything — unless he has intentions of trading or gifting it away. Naming things creates an attachment, and he finds it so much harder to part ways with a beloved Pokemon upon whom he's bestowed a nickname![break][break]

"If you haven't," he giggles, before Alexei answers, "you should name it something royal! Like... like Duchess, or Prince."[break][break]

The Kalosian's eyes light up at the mention of macarons, a devious little smile playing at his lips.[break][break]

"As a matter of fact, monsieur, I do!"[break][break]

He pulls out one of the little sacks of baked goods he'd prepared for this very journey, kept warm by the bag he'd carried them in. The bag was meant for keeping Pokemon eggs warm during travel, but he'd found a secondary use for it![break][break]

"I can make Galettes, too! They are very popular back home in Kalos, have you ever tried one?" He offers up one of the aforementioned pastries, taking another for himself. "I would be more than happy to teach you and your staff!"









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[ b]font:bold 10px Roboto;color:#57b6ce;[/newclass]
[ a]font:bold 10px Roboto;color:#57b6ce;[/newclass]
[newclass=.vivalyric]margin:-12px 0px;background-color:#57b6ce;color:#f9f9f9;font:bold 7px Raleway;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:right;padding:20px;padding-top:50px;line-height:10px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.vivaright]font:bold 8px Roboto;line-height:10px!important;text-align:right;padding:9px;background-color:#f9f9f9;border:solid 1px #eeeeee;letter-spacing:1px;margin:-2px -10px -7px -10px;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
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played by


Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
fun with baking [mission]
POSTED ON Dec 31, 2019 15:17:01 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

[attr="class","coveredhills-icon"][attr="class","lnr lnr-cloud"]


snow-covered hills

can i sail through the changing ocean tides?





[attr="class","ch-p-2"]kyouya braviary


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]gabriel salamence


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]vincent lucario


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]carina ribombee


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]fenrir noivern


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]william wooloo


“He deserves it. Smarmy little thing. Asserted dominance over even my Salamence, and that’s one Pokémon you don’t want angry at you!” he shares, recounting the time that he’d brought the Wooloo home after their first encounter and letting it run loose.[break][break]

While most of his Pokémon had welcomed the little one, there were some that… didn’t take to the attention lightly, and that Salamence was one of them.[break][break]

“Literally climbed on top of my Salamence’s head and started bleating from there, it upset the big guy so bad, he added with a shake of laughter. “My Braviary just… derisively cawed in his face, and accepted the little Wooloo as the new overlord,” he continued a few moments later.[break][break]

“My Salamence is a shitface, I tell you. He thinks he’s in charge. But, well… little William here kind of just upset the throne,” he ended, the look of mirth still on his face as the Wooloo let out a little bleat from within Alexei’s hold. He really did earn the crown after all![break][break]

At the offer of the snacks Florian had brought along, Alexei felt his ears go red, though for some reason he couldn’t pin down the reason why.[break][break]

“A-are you sure I can try these?” he asked, reaching for the warm bags and peering into them. Spotting what he thinks is a blue-colored macaron, he goes for that one and pops it into his mouth. The delightful taste of blueberries explodes in his mouth, and it melts just right![break][break]

Speechless for a few moments, he takes the offered Galette and takes a bite out of it, before nodding—dang, if the real thing was this good, he would be stupid to pass up the offer of having an actual Kalosian teach them how to make the real things![break][break]

“Dang, these are absolutely heavenly!” he said once he’d swallowed his share of the food before whistling as loudly as he could, the better to get his staffers’ attention.[break][break]

“Please, teach us!”


word count: 332; oh dear Arceus, Alexei



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[newclass=.coveredhills] }.ch-p:hover + .ch-p-2 { opacity:1;[/newclass]
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played by


flower boy
june 14th
laverre, kalos
alexei ivanov
0 height
0 height
Pulling down backstreets deep in your head / slipping through dreamland like a tourist.
14 posts
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TAG WITH @florian
Florian Laurel
fun with baking [mission]
POSTED ON Jan 2, 2020 8:08:17 GMT
Florian Laurel Avatar

whoops i got carried away

"A Salamence!"[break][break]

Of course, being a professor who specialized in fairy-type Pokemon, Florian was less intimidated by the thought of dragons than most. Nevertheless, he knows them to be very large and territorial creatures whom the average person or Pokemon did not want to mess with, and the thought of the little Wooloo trying to dominate such a creature was hysterical.[break][break]

Florian has to take a moment to recover from the giggle-fit that overtakes him, wiping away a tear of mirth before he's able to compose himself.[break][break]

A part of him also felt bad for the clearly jealous Salamence, wondering if the dragon felt insecure about his place in the household when the little Wooloo was clearly fawned over, but he doesn't think Alexei seems the type to neglect his Pokemon! If anything, Florian understood what it was like to deal with territorial Pokemon. Many fairies were notorious for demanding to be the center of attention, and when your entire team was comprised of them... well, he's lucky that most of his companions were so docile![break][break]

... most, because Laverre certainly was not.[break][break]

"William. Ah, how cute!" Florian reaches out to fluff the soft wool. "Little Bill."[break][break]

Florian gives an eager nod when Alexei seems hesitant to sample the treats, thrusting the bag closer as if to emphasize his willingness to relinquish them. "Of course! They are made to be eaten, after all!"[break][break]

He's nervous as he watches the other man try his cooking; he thinks they taste good, but taste was subjective! What if they weren't as good as he imagined? But Alexei seems to experience a moment of utter bliss before expressing his delight, and Florian lets out a sigh of relief.[break][break]

"Of course I'll teach you!"[break][break]

Alexei's staff gather around them, and Florian takes the lead for a moment as he lets them sample the intended creation before carefully explaining how to make them. He's gentle with any corrections and overall just excited to share what he knows, his confidence growing with each successful instruction.









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[ b]font:bold 10px Roboto;color:#57b6ce;[/newclass]
[ a]font:bold 10px Roboto;color:#57b6ce;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.vivaright]font:bold 8px Roboto;line-height:10px!important;text-align:right;padding:9px;background-color:#f9f9f9;border:solid 1px #eeeeee;letter-spacing:1px;margin:-2px -10px -7px -10px;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
[newclass=.vivabot]padding:6px 2px;height:32px;width:40px;border:solid 1px #eeeeee;background-color:#f9f9f9;float:right;margin-left:10px;border-radius:100px;[/newclass]
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played by


Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
part of
TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
fun with baking [mission]
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2020 3:06:28 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

[attr="class","coveredhills-icon"][attr="class","lnr lnr-cloud"]


snow-covered hills

can i sail through the changing ocean tides?





[attr="class","ch-p-2"]kyouya braviary


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]gabriel salamence


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]vincent lucario


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]carina ribombee


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]fenrir noivern


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]william wooloo


The blue macaron was gone in moments, and Alexei was shuffling through the pouch for another. This time pulling out a pink one, he guessed that this may have been a strawberry one, but he wasn’t going to take any chances.[break][break]

Stuffing it into his mouth, he began to follow Florian around as he made his way around the outdoor kitchen, showing his overeager staff members how to make actual, legitimate Kalosian macarons.[break][break]

…hell, they were all snacking on various-colored macarons as they kept their eyes on their boss’s guest, measuring out ingredients and sinking into a new flurry of activity.[break][break]

Alexei, on the other hand, contented himself with munching on the macarons, pulling out random-colored ones as he did so. It wasn’t until he’d pulled out another blue one did he stop and realize something.[break][break]

“Florian, I have a question, if you’d allow me to ask on behalf of everyone,” he began, taking a bite out of the macaron he had with him.[break][break]

“How do these come in so many colors? Is there like, a secret to the madness? Like, how the blue ones taste of blueberries, the pink ones taste of strawberries… that kind of thing. What sorcery is in these things? he added a few moments after he’d downed the rest of the blueberry macaron he was working on.


word count: 222; he is in awe of the macaron colorings. So is everyone else XD



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[newclass=.coveredhills] }.ch-p:hover + .ch-p-2 { opacity:1;[/newclass]
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played by


flower boy
june 14th
laverre, kalos
alexei ivanov
0 height
0 height
Pulling down backstreets deep in your head / slipping through dreamland like a tourist.
14 posts
part of
TAG WITH @florian
Florian Laurel
fun with baking [mission]
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2020 22:56:19 GMT
Florian Laurel Avatar

had to do some research on macarons l m a o

Florian tilts his head, an invitation to proceed with the question. Blue eyes glimmer with mischief, teeth flashing in a matching grin.
"It's a secret!"[break][break]

He holds that for a moment before laughing and shaking his head. It would be cruel to withhold such an important step from them, especially when it was clear they were enjoying his home-baked treats. Florian was a man who loved to share all that he knew.
"Most of the time they are just one flavour; it is food colouring that gives them such a beautiful appearance." But Alexei had been correct in determining the varied palate that Florian's desserts offered. "I use food colouring as well, but I also use various extracts, jams, and chocolates to make sure that the flavours match up with the colour! My favourite are the lemon and honey!"
He hunts around in the bag for one, breaking it carefully into two and handing one half to his friend. The other is popped into his mouth, chewed, and swallowed before he continues.
"I mix Combee honey — ethically sourced, of course! — in with the filling, and add lemon into the crust!"









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[newclass=.vivaright]font:bold 8px Roboto;line-height:10px!important;text-align:right;padding:9px;background-color:#f9f9f9;border:solid 1px #eeeeee;letter-spacing:1px;margin:-2px -10px -7px -10px;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP