Presents blasting off at the speed of light! [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Jet O'Haire
Presents blasting off at the speed of light! [m]
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2019 17:20:42 GMT
Jet O'Haire Avatar


For whatever reason a higher associate of the rockets thought it was a good idea to group the two blue haired grunts together because colour coding was important to him. Honestly those big shots thought they could do anything! Other than that degrading fact Jet was rather impartial about the whole thing. He had never met many rockets other than the exporters so he wasn't too sure what to expect. They did have the same colour hair but he had to wonder if he dyed it. A slightly more pressing matter, he wondered if this person actually elected to join the criminal syndicate or was forced into it much like himself.

The job in question was an odd one. Apparently some certain "people" friendly with the rockets who resided at the top of mount pyre were awaiting their "gifts" from a delibird. Since they had been left delayed both Jet and Priam were sent out to see where the Delibird was and why hadn't it delivered the packages yet. Now if that already sounded like finding a needle in a haystack then it didn't help matters when seeing the sheer size of the mountain and all the possible locations. The weather wasn't too good either. While it was naturally cold due to the Winter weather it began to sleet lightly making it that much more of a hindrance on the two blue haired rockets. "We should get started. I don't want to be here all night." he said to Priam, his breath visible as he spoke through his red scarf. Jet had his hands buried into his bomber jacket hoping to keep himself warm. Since the two were just randomly put together there wasn't any time for introductions yet. Besides Jet didn't seem to keen to converse just yet. He only really wanted to get out of the cold.


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Presents blasting off at the speed of light! [m]
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2019 17:43:06 GMT
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his teeth were chattering with the cold. although he was used to sleeping outside, the tropical hoenn weather had made him soft for sudden changes to the temperature such as this.

slowly, his hands move to where he keeps his pokeballs, glossing over every single one until he reaches the one containing the arcanine. he presses the trigger, releasing the fire-type for him to immediately wrap his arms around. the heat that it gives off eventually warms priam enough that his shaking eventually stops.

"okay i'm ready."

he climbs on top of his arcanine and lies on its back. "okay jet boy. i don't want to be out here in the cold too, so we're doing this fast!" his words were contrary to the waste of time he did by taking his arcanine out. he then presses his arcanine-warmed hands to his face, finally getting the color of his face back. "i don't know how we'll find it, but my doggy can help!"

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Presents blasting off at the speed of light! [m]
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2019 13:24:05 GMT
Jet O'Haire Avatar


Taking his own pokeball in his hand he released his own Arcanine. "Nice taste in pokemon." he said patting his fire pokemon for warmth too. That was a great idea! The heat he felt after doing so was instantaneous. Really should have done this earlier. "Anyway, no more need to waste any time." Saying that, he patted Cu on the back and at once the doggo ran off. "I'll let Cu scout ahead for now before it starts snowing too heavily, or else we might lose the delibird's tracks." putting his hands back into his bomber jacket he'd begin to walk ahead where Arcanine ran.

"SO, when did you get your Arcanine?" as he asked the question his breath was visible once again. This time he was glancing up at the noble looking pokemon. He seemed quite a bit different than his own. And Jet was curious why another rocket grunt chose this kind of pokemon. Maybe all the rockets just choose it? He was interested to learn regardless. But damn hopefully the found the Delibird soon, it was getting hella cold.

The sleet began to fall


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Presents blasting off at the speed of light! [m]
POSTED ON Dec 7, 2019 18:14:35 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
"i forgot."

he points the fact out bluntly. the effort of actually trying to figure it out comes later. he folds his arms and starts to think about it deeply, however, finding some vague answer from the depths of his memories.

"i bet you got yours in some exciting story! anyways, i think someone just gave it to me cause they told me i remind them of their puppy. like, can you believe it? how am i a puppy?! they should've told me i'm like a predator instead, no wait, a beast! yeah, that fits me better."

the rage quickly turns to content as he agrees with himself. his arcanine does act more like a beast than the gentler aura that the rest of his species seem to exude. there was ferocity and a no-nonsense hint of its personality with its stare, but with how fine it was with priam treating him like this suggests otherwise.

he starts to get pelted from above. he raises his head check, only to physically cringe when it hits his face.

"hey, does your arcanine know extreme speed? he gets off of his arcanine, patting it on its side with an instruction to locate the delibird, easily distinguished by the scent of materials rocket uses for their goods. as soon as it got the instruction, it runs off ahead.

he turns back to jet. "let's just rush this, please." priam's ready to just get his arcanine to run around at max speed at this weather just to find that delibird before they freeze to death.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Jet O'Haire
Presents blasting off at the speed of light! [m]
POSTED ON Dec 7, 2019 19:20:30 GMT
Jet O'Haire Avatar


Forgot? Ugh he really was a Rocket. No other self respecting trainer who half cared about their pokemon would forget how they got their pokemon! Well that wasn't totally true it seems since he had some recollection of how someone gave him it. So they had that in common too? Interesting. Apparently he thought it was given to him because the person thought of Priam as a puppy even though he preferred to be called a beast. "I think puppy suits you just fine." he joked with a coy smile and running a hand through his mohawk. "Mine was a gift too actually. It was a growlithe at the time though. Dunno why I was given it other than as a birthday present. Doubt my dad put much thought into it and got whatever he came across." he admitted whilst also riding his pokemon. A sad backstory to be sure but one Jet gave little to no fucks about. It was probably why he didn't care about sharing it with Priam. Well that and knowing this feather head he'd probably forget it after the mission anyway.

Despite being a featherhead though, his fellow rocket had a good idea. "Of course. You heard him Cu, extreme speed, try and find it asap." patting his fur for one last bit of warmth from the increasing snowfall, both doggos ran off in search of the delivery bird. Snow was already starting to stick to the ground, making the ground crunch underfoot. "Ahhh fuck. let's move. If I catch a cold from this shit I swear." he said burring his hands into his pockets again trying to keep the warmth from his fire type within his body as best he could. Even if they weren't going to be as useful as their pokemon in searching for the target, they could at least do something so they weren't frozen in place.

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Presents blasting off at the speed of light! [m]
POSTED ON Dec 9, 2019 18:38:08 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
"hey! a birthday present's still a present! why d'ya sound so depressed?"

priam wished he got presents on his birthday at all. he wouldn't be picky with it as long as they're given to him for free.

cold starts to settle in, being more evident once their arcanines had left them to go ahead. he starts to rub the sides of his arms as he starts to regret his decision. "maybe we should've kept one of our arcanines for warmth..." hindsight was 20/20. this was why he works better as a follower instead of a decision maker.

"can't do anything about that now though.

priam gets moving, his pace starting to get faster as it gets colder. he moves to keep his body temperature up more so than actually searching for their target. this was why he didn't like the winter seasons despite supposedly getting used to it as someone who went homeless for a while.

a howl then sounds in the air. one of their arcanines may have found the delibird.

"finally!" he exclaims exasperatedly.

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Jet O'Haire
Presents blasting off at the speed of light! [m]
POSTED ON Dec 9, 2019 19:06:48 GMT
Jet O'Haire Avatar


"D-Depressed? Me? Nah are you joking? Clearly my life has gone great! W-Why else would I be here with you." he joked, lightly shouldering into Priam. Even with all his layers Jet wasn't able to keep the cold from causing a stutter in his speech. He even needed to purse his lips together to keep his jaw from chattering. It really didn't help matters that his colleague mentioned how much smarter it would have been to keep an arcanine around. "Ugh, I-It's too cold to think straigh- Achoo!" His complaint was cut short by a sudden sneeze which echoed across the mountainous range while he sniffed his nose hard. In a somewhat Risky move, Jet walked closer to Priam and wrapped his arms around one of his while they continued to move. He didn't say anything but it was clear he was hoping to get some extra heat out of the action.

Thankfully after his sneeze explosion and a little more walking, some howling could be heard in the distance. Immediately the two began to pick up the pace and sure enough the little animal was just a little ways ahead. It looked like it was up a cliff, trying to haul it's heavy bag up and over the mountain which was probably why it was taking so long. "B-Bring down the bag Cu." he called out to his Arcanine who caught the sack with it's teeth and hopped down the mountain. This seemed to really piss off the Delibird who threw some Ice shards at them while shaking it's wing arms angrily. "Relax, we're with the rockets." he said waving his hand airily at the bird who came down with a big jump, just stopping a heavy landing with a few flaps of it's wings.

"O-Okay, let's see..." he took out a slip of paper from the bag which had a list of addresses for each present written on it. "Seems like they"Just regular speed." patting his pokemon's mane it ran off up the mountain upp to the town.


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Presents blasting off at the speed of light! [m]
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2019 17:10:55 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
a grin forms with jet's maneuver, doing little to nothing to stop it from happening. "ah, i see my charm finally came and got you," he teases. he tilts his head upwards, arrogance showing in the smirk on his face, as he tries to get a view of the other's reaction to his words. part of him wants to probe further, though he guesses that his first statement was enough to convey what he wants to convey.

as they approach the source of the sound, jet's arcanine is revealed to have been the one to find it. priam looks around for signs of his own arcanine, but finds it nowhere close. he supposed it would come back later after it heard the howl. their focus for now should fall onto the delibird anyways, being the main objective of this chore brought unto them.

as jet inspects it, all priam can do was watch. "ugh. they're actually expecting us to continue these delivery ourselves, huh? he whines out loud.

it was then that his arcanine finally appears out of the bushes. "arcee, my boy!" priam immediately meets it halfway and starts to walk with it towards jet, arms wrapped around its neck. it makes an uncomfortable grunt, but it does not seem to mind otherwise. being one of the older members of his party, the arcanine has already grown to accept priam's antics as normal. this was nothing different, if not more tame than his other stunts.

he immediately hops onto his pokemon's back when he sees jet send his arcanine ahead of them. "come on. we're following your dog!" his hand pats the spot behind him for jet. they probably wouldn't be able to catch up with an arcanine burdened with passengers, but at least they won't lag behind too much.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Jet O'Haire
Presents blasting off at the speed of light! [m]
POSTED ON Dec 11, 2019 14:36:27 GMT
Jet O'Haire Avatar


"Yeah you got me now shut up, you're making it weird." he said with pink cheeks, trying not to look at the smug face painted over Priam's face. He definitely was a jokester that was for sure. But since he was warm Jet felt like he had to put up with it.

At the very least once the presents were found they could finish up this damn mission. Not long after his own left, Priam's Arcanine came running back and was subsequently mounted. Jet walked over and hopped up on the pokemon too after he was told to. Jet naively thought that he'd be fine holding onto the fur of Arcanine but that idea was quickly shattered when he nearly fell off. Instinctively the blue haired boy latched onto the guy in front of him, wrapping his arms around his torso tightly. "Did you tell it to use extreme speed or something?!" he shouted through the wind and snow. While the Arcanine was moving fast, it probably wasn't using extreme speed with two people on it, especially trying to navigate through a snowy mountain. Jet's though probably would have and could act a little bit more on the dangerous side reach Sootopilis faster.

Reaching the town wasn't actually too bad and quite fun actually. Once the two rocket grunts got off the Arcanine they would see the other one sitting down near the pokecenter with a shady man beside it. Naturally feeling concerned over this, Jet ran over to his pokemon who seemed fine. Giving a relieved sigh he turned his attention to the man near Cu who met his gaze. "I take it this is yours?" he asked in a gruff tone, opening his jacket to show the 'R' emblazoned on his jumper underneath. "Took you long enough to deliver them. Here, for the effort." From inside his jacket pocket he then gave Jet and Priam their reward for getting them back to the town. "What are you still doing here? Beat it, you're causing a scene!" he grunted rustling through the bag.

Stepping out from the alleyway he turned back to Priam, still with a rosy expression on his face. "Thanks for the help." he said light scratching his cheek. "You wana grab a drink or something? Ya know, to celebrate and to keep warm." he said quickly, coughing afterwards as if he was nervous. Weather the answer be yes or no it wouldn't matter but Jet thought he may as well at least ask.


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Presents blasting off at the speed of light! [m]
POSTED ON Dec 18, 2019 18:25:35 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
eyes widen at the invitation. "drink? oh, no. i'm too young for that." while not necessarily a lie, priam puts up a front simply because he does not like the taste of alcohol.

instead, he pulls out a pack of cigarettes and lights a stick for himself.

it was one of the habits he got from rocket. while the members themselves did not want him trying it out in front of them, it did not stop priam from trying it out away from their sights. he hopes that jet wouldn't rat him out, or at least, not be aware that there are people trying not to get him addicted on unnecessary things.

he takes one puff and blowing the smoke away from him before offering one to jet.

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Presents blasting off at the speed of light! [m]
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2019 1:10:14 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","reward"]mission complete!
[attr="class","reward2"]you two receive the following: 75 poké, 5 infamy, and a free level tutor move each!