Hot Flames, Swinging Fists (Alec/Evan)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hot Flames, Swinging Fists (Alec/Evan)
POSTED ON Jan 9, 2020 5:55:28 GMT
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Alec could not help but to continue marvel at the giant volcano as he started walking down Route 112. "Woah! A volcano??" as he had continued to walk down the road, he had seen a sign. With a smile, Alec ran towards it to see what it said. On the sign, one way was pointed towards the way Alec was headed, and the other was back towards the Volcano. Mt. Chimney, huh? Well it fits the bill," Alec said, continuing to walk down the path. Alec had decided that if there were any Wild Pokemon around that would jump out at him, he figured bringing out one of his Pokemon would be a good idea. "Alright, c'mon out Iris!" Alec said, tossing the pokeball out in front of him. It opened and his Piplup appeared. She began to look around her, takin her surroundings. It scared her a little but when Alec picked her up and grinned at her, her concern had begun to melt away.

"Alright, Iris. Are you ready to catch some Pokemon with me? Doing so can help you out too! I promise as long as I'm here, you'll be safe. I promise!" He said to the Piplup. After hearing that, it had seemed that his Piplup understood him. She had a really happy look on her face and with that the two of them began to walk together. However, as they did, Alec had seen something rather Interesting. It was another trainer, or at least that is what Alec had assumed.

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Hot Flames, Swinging Fists (Alec/Evan)
POSTED ON Jan 9, 2020 6:08:56 GMT
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Evan could find a reason to be just about anywhere, the route just a little ways off of Mt. Chimney was no different than the rest and he found himself wondering the path with no clear direction. As it was the man was overjoyed to be out and about, the funky weather of the previous month more than enough to leave him feeling the effects of the cabin fever he tried so hard to avoid ending up with.

Of course, the diva of a Vaporeon at his side seemed to think otherwise, as always Poisedon was eager to get this over with. He wanted to go home and be lavished with pets and scritches not stuck out here. Despite his grumpiness it is the pokemon that notices the others on the trail before Evan really takes note of them. The pokemon tugs at the laces on his boot and gets his attention.

Evan turns to see what the pokemon is so worried about and finds himself waving at what he assumes to be a rather young looking trainer.

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Hot Flames, Swinging Fists (Alec/Evan)
POSTED ON Jan 9, 2020 7:07:32 GMT
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female / swarm[break]
bug buzz / amnesia / string shot / flame charge / morning sun




male / shell armor[break]
rapid spin / iron defense / heat wave / protect / skull bash

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Hot Flames, Swinging Fists (Alec/Evan)
POSTED ON Jan 9, 2020 7:25:12 GMT
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Alec had seen the older trainer from head-to-toe. He also had noticed the Vaporeon at the guy's side. Alec couldn't help but say hello. "Hiya! That's an awesome Vaporeon ya got there!" Alec said with a grin. That was when he had felt something clutch to his pant leg. He looked down, seeing his Piplup concerned about the presence of the trainer and his Pokemon. "There's no need to worry, Iris! Why don't you say hi," he said cooing her practically. Alec knew that his Piplup very much on the timid side, so it was kind of normal for her to be worried around people or Pokemon she didn't know all too well. Before Alec could say anything else to the other trainer, A torkoal had caught his eye. There was also another Pokemon present, but in all honesty, Alec couldn't help but want that Torkoal more.

He quickly looked at Iris and said, "Okay, Iris. Ya see that Pokemon over there?" he said, pointing towards the Torkoal. Piplup replied with a nod with a light chirp. "We're gonna catch it alright? From the looks like a fire type, so that works well in your favor! You ready?" it was then that a small sense of pride washed over Piplup, now having a brave face on itself. However, Alec still knew his Piplup was still nervous. "Okay Iris! Blast em with Bubble Beam!" Alec said, and Iris did just that. As it let out a chirp a powerful barrage of bubbles flew out from her mouth, her eyes closed afraid of her own result. However, Alec himself was quite shocked because he saw the whole thing and that Bubble Beam hit the Torkoal directly in the face.

"Alright! Way to go Iris! That was good one! Don't let up though! It's not over yet!" Alec said cheering her on while also making sure she stayed focused. The Torkoal was hit pretty badly by the Bubble Beam but it was agitated now, attempting to lunge at Iris with a Skull Bash. "Dodge it, Iris!" Alec said, however, Iris had slightly hesitated due to her being scared. When she did move though, this threw off the Wild Torkoal Slightly but it used it's head to swipe to the right where Iris had moved and hit her on the side. She squeaked in pain from th3 blow, landing on her tummy, but she didn't seem to be down for the count just yet. "Your doing great still Iris! Show em who's boss with another Bubble Beam!" Alec said, and surpisingly Piplup didn't hesitate to fire off another stream of bubbles from her mouth and from the look in her eyes, she wanted payback for the hit she took. The Torkoal had attempted to charge Piplup again, however the second Bubble Beam had already been fired off by Alec's Piplup. Torkoal was flipped over on it's shell, struggling to get up. At this moment, Alec had decided to throw a pokeball, finally attempting to catch the Torkoal. Alec stared at the pokeball that was bobbing forth on the grass. Lets hope that was enough, Alec thought.


  • Roll 1 (98) - Iris' Bubble Beam was a critical hit on top of being Super Effective.
  • Roll 2 (94) - Wild Torkoal Responds with Skull Bash after taking the hit.
  • Roll 3 (45) - Iris Hesitated to dodge Skull Bash and took damage.
  • Roll 4 (59) - Second Bubble Beam hits. 

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Hot Flames, Swinging Fists (Alec/Evan)
POSTED ON Jan 9, 2020 8:42:55 GMT
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"Well thank you." Evan said with a chuckle, it wasn't uncommon for the pokemon to get compliments and the Vaporeon seemed to sense he was being praised, it was obvious in how he puffed up his chest and seemed to go out of his way to strike a pose worthy of being admired in. The diva loved the attention.

The moment the youngster seemed to get distracted by a pokemon on the route Evan let himself go back to wondering a moment. The kid had some gusto at least though, he could give him that much.

Somewhere off to the side Evan noticed the small bug having a bit of a struggle getting across the path and with the battle going on Evan didn't blame it. "Let's go little guy." he says more to himself than anything as he walks over, picks the critter up and takes it over to where it seemed like it was trying to go.

Evan sets it down and waves it off, before looking over his shoulder to check on the youngster in question.


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Hot Flames, Swinging Fists (Alec/Evan)
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2020 2:56:32 GMT
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male / infiltrator[break]
inferno / night shade / pain split / overheat / acid armor




female / flame body[break]
bug bite / fire lash / lunge / wrap / struggle bug

Alec caught the Torkoal successfully!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hot Flames, Swinging Fists (Alec/Evan)
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2020 6:38:04 GMT
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Alec had started to walk over to where the man and his Vaporeon were after returning Iris back into her pokeball. He knew she wouldn't go for another battle after she given her all battling the Torkoal they had just caught. He also had made sure to stash the Pokeball in his bag before heading back over to the older trainer. He was going to speak to him and ask him if he knew about any of the Hoenn Gyms that he should try and challenge as a beginner. Alec knew nothing about the Gym Leaders as well as what types they specialize in. Hell, there were types that Alec has probably never heard of before.

However, before he could, he saw another Pokemon that he never had seen before. However this one was completely weird looking. It was a ... Lamp? Whaaaaat!?! "I don't know what kind of Pokemon that is ... But it doesn't matter! I'll capture it anyways! Since it looks like a lamp it has to be a fire type ... But I could it be more than one type? It looks ... Creepy." Alec had mumbled to himself. That was when it clicked in his head after saying the word 'creepy'. "I got it! From the way it's moving as well as it's appearance, it could be also either a dark type or a Ghost Type on top of being a Fire type!" Alec proclaimed. However he didn't know if he was actually right or not. Im fact, his assumption sounded rather dumb. But he did have a way of finding out!

"Come on out, Rex" he said, throwing the pokeball that had his Shelgon inside. Shelgon had immediately seen the wild Pokemon and awaiting for Alec to tell him what to do. "Alright, Rex! Charge that wild Pokemon with Zen Headbutt!" Alec said and with that Shelgon charged the wild pokemon, releasing a powerful aura around him and his shell made of Psychic energy. The wild Pokemon had seen Rex coming with it's attack and attempted to stop him with night shade, but the attack was know match for Rex's momentum and Rex had collided with the lamp-like Pokemon. Alec noticed right away that it seemed to be weak against the move. After getting hit badly by Rex, it was dazed and confused. He quickly threw a Pokeball at the Pokemon, now attempting to his second one in a row thus far.

- Notes: Hope you're okay with this. :3 -

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Hot Flames, Swinging Fists (Alec/Evan)
POSTED ON Jan 12, 2020 11:42:02 GMT
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Well, at least the kid seems to be enjoying himself, good for him. Evan's enjoying his walk for the most part today too. It's only been a small handful compared to many of his other outings lately and Evan is grateful for that. He's not sure he could handle too much excitement if they were being honest. They had enough of that last month.

Evan almost interjects with the youngster but opts not to say anything in particular as he seems tow work it out for himself. Instead Evan just watches, getting mildly distracted by another bug type that wanders across the path. He wonders if perhaps its a friend of the last one and he accidentally separated them. At least this one didn't seem to need any help.


>>sorry for the delay

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Hot Flames, Swinging Fists (Alec/Evan)
POSTED ON Jan 12, 2020 22:46:58 GMT
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female / flame body[break]
smart strike / fire spin / stomp / flame charge / double kick




male / libero[break]
bounce / double-edge / quick attack / flame charge / super fang

Alec caught the Lampent successfully!

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Hot Flames, Swinging Fists (Alec/Evan)
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2020 23:50:18 GMT
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Alec was extremely hyped due to the fact that he was on a roll. "Way to go Rex!" Alec said, now having it return to his pokeball. He then began to face the male trainer finally having the chance to speak with him. "Sorry about that! I just can't help it when I see a new Pokemon," Alec said, scratching his head while having a tone of admittance in his voice. Honestly, it was actually way worse when he had officially began his Pokemon journey, but then again, he was a lot younger back then, that was probably something that was expected.

"So, are you from Hoenn? The reason why I ask is because I'm completely new to the Region. I've never stepped outside of Johto before," Alec said having a grin on his face. I also wanna compete in the Pokemon League, or at least try to!" Alec said, thinking about Reaching the Elite Four. Especially Mateo. It had been quite some time since he had seen him. Honestly, Alec assumed that Mateo probably wouldn't remember him. After all, Alec's gym battle wasn't really all that memorable. In fact, it was over before Alec had even knew it. It was a defeat that had taught him something invaluable.

"I'm Alec - Alec Foster by the way! I came from Blackthorne City. I gotta say, Hoenn os completely different compared to Johto too. Honestly, it's a wonder I haven't gotten lost yet," Alec said laughing half-heartedly. It was then that Alec had begun to ask the other trainer an important question. "I know this might be a Random question but do you know which Pokemon Gym is close by? I'd like to have a go at getting my first Gym Badge, but um ... I honestly don't know where amy of the Gyms are," Alec said chuckling. Well, there was truth to his words however he had passed Mauville City which had a gym but had completely forgot about it being there. This is what happens when he catches Pokemon. He tends to forget things very easily.

Just after Alec waiting for an answer he had heard a Pokemon from behind him. It had the appearance of a bunny and was standing up on its hind legs. It looked angry and it's glare was directed towards Alec. Alec blinked, wondering why it was so angry at him and then he had remembered something. He did just catch a Pokemon. Maybe they were friends? The bunny like Pokemon had said, "Rab-Rab!" in a demanding tone. It was then that Alec had believed the wild Pokemon standing before him had issued a challenge.

"Alright little guy! I'll battle you. I'll also catch you so you can be with your friend still. How about that?" Alec asked, smiling at the Rabbit like Pokemon. It seemed kind of shocked at the fact that Alec was being so nice to him and willing to do it a favor. It was then that the Rabbit like Pokemon smirked and nodded at Alec. The Wild Pokemon jumped back a few feet, awaiting for Alec to bring out another Pokemon.

"Alright, Veda! You're up!" Alec said, calling out his female Dratini. She was immediately released from her Pokeball after it was thrown. As soon as Alec caught the thrown Pokeball, the rabbit like Pokemon had immediately started to go in for an attack using Quick attack, however Alec was prepared, "Dodge with Agility!" and with that Veda quickly had dodged it, using her snake-like body to it's advantage. The Rabbit like Pokemon was indeed quick, but Alec's Veda was faster. "Counter with Dragon Rage!" Alec said, and it was then that Veda had blasted the rabbit like Pokemon with what seemed like bluish colored flames up close. It was hurt from the attack but it still had some fight left in it.

It then began to use flame charge and it hit Veda. Veda was slightly caught off guard but she still had a lot more fight left in her too, and she was about to prove it. The Rabbit Pokemon sought this as an opportunity to attack with Bounce, however Alec had gave out another command to his Dratini would seal the win. "Use Thunder Wave while it's still in the air, Veda!" Alec said. The Rabbit like wild Pokemon made a mistake getting a little carried away. It jumped a little too high when deciding to use Bounce, most likely to try and land a critical blow on Veda to win the battle, however as it was coming down for the strike, Veda unleashed an electric shock from her mouth and made contact with the wild Pokemon before it's attack could even hit. This result made the Rabbit-like Pokemon fall to the ground hard, while paralyzed by the Thunder Wave. Alec smiled softly grabbing a Pokeball. "You did well little guy! And a promise is a promise!" he said, throwing a Pokeball at it to catch it.

- Notes: last capture attempt ^^ wanna save me last pokeball lmao xD -

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Hot Flames, Swinging Fists (Alec/Evan)
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2020 4:28:42 GMT
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Evan thinks the kid has a lot of energy and he's starting to wonder if perhaps his age is actually catching up to him a bit seeing as he doesn't feel like he's quite keeping up. Or perhaps it's just that he's mellowed out enough in recent years for him to be more willing to wait until the other person is done to answer them rather than trying to interject like a younger him might have.

Instead he just chuckles, watching as the kid talk to him only to get distracted again, while he's busy he nudges his own pokemon with his foot. The vaporeon looks up at him as if to ask how dare he using his foot like that before realizing Evan is gesturing to a pokemon down the road. The vaporeon is indifferent but another nudge makes him moves down the path in his usual sauntering fashion.

Acid begins to drip from the pokemon's skin, its acid armor coating the surface of its scales to deter an outright attack from the wild pokemon. The flames the rapidash attempts to intimidate him with mean little against the hydro pump the pokemon retaliates with, and with each move the rapidash attempts to make it is hosed down again until finally it comes to a complete standstill waiting. The vaporeon is persistent, and Evan takes the chance to throw a pokeball.

By the time he's picking it up the kid seems to have finished his battle and Evan's attitude in answering him is rather nonchalant. "Evan Fader by the way. I am not from Hoenn and I do believe the nearest gym is in Lavaridge, if you keep following the path it should take you there before too long." it's not quite as far as it seems.

"If I remember right, don't quote me, that one focuses on fire types. Though I have little interest in the gyms so I don't really pay as much attention as I should." e states with a gentle grin, hoping that would be of help at least a little bit.

>>capping rapidash

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Hot Flames, Swinging Fists (Alec/Evan)
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2020 4:43:54 GMT
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female / flame body[break]
smart strike / fire spin / stomp / flame charge / double kick




male / libero[break]
bounce / double-edge / quick attack / flame charge / super fang

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Hot Flames, Swinging Fists (Alec/Evan)
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2020 23:06:54 GMT
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Alec had heard the man speak, giving the young Ace Trainer a name. Evan Fader. The man had also confirmed that he too was also not from Hoenn. To be quite truthful, Alec would have never guess that he wasn't from around here. After all, he did seem to know this place rather well. Evan was also nice enough to tell him where the closest Gym was to him, which was located in Lavaridge city. He even told him what type of Pokemon the Gym Leader had used.

Alec had shown his excitement as he was told that. It kinda made him want to go face the Gym Leader now. Maube, I should go face a Gym Leader... Alec had thought to himself wondering if he was actually ready. There was a slight sense of doubt in his heart unfortunately. What if he still wasn't ready? He shook that thought away and had begun to have a sense of ease around him. "I wouldn't sweat it! After all you did help me out the best you could! Alec said, having a grin on his face as well.

"Speaking of which, if you ever need help with something important, I wouldn't mind helping you out," Alec said offering him a deal. Well, it wasn't really a deal due to the fact Alec would help anyone regardless, but that's just the way he thought.

- Notes: -

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Hot Flames, Swinging Fists (Alec/Evan)
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2020 19:38:41 GMT
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Evan chuckles, something soft and gentle. "Oh it's not that." the kid's trying though, he won't deny him that. "I just don't have the best memory so I may be confusing it with a different gym. Pretty sure I have that right though given the area." despite being as knowledgeable as he was, the man was never quite that well mentally organized.

The vaporeon returns to Evan's side, sitting beside his leg with a huff and a mewl for attention. The man crouches down to oblige, the vaporeon may have been a diva but he was also amongst his best trained pokemon at this point. The creature seemed to almost purr as it leaned against his leg to relish in the attention it felt it so deserved, adoring every moment of it.

"Thank you though." he says, looking back up at the kid from where he perches next to his pokemon. "I appreciate the gesture. Alec was it?" he confirms, just to be sure. "Can't say there's anything on the list today but maybe next time."

Today was meant to be a little bit of a lazy stroll after all.

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Hot Flames, Swinging Fists (Alec/Evan)
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2020 23:43:43 GMT
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Alec had tried to understand Evan as best as he could have, but he still felt like he needed to owe him a favor later down the road. He was raised that if someone had helped you out, even if what they helped you with was something extremely simple or small, that you should offer that person whenever they needed it. 

Unfortunately, Evan said that nothing had come to mind that he needed help with at this very moment. "Well, If you ever need help, I'll be there! You can count on that!" Alec said with smile. He noticed that the sun was beginning to set. "I hadn't realized that it was so close to evening. That usually happens when I see a Pokemon I don't know. But then again, that's probably gonna happen very often now," Alec said, scratching his head while having an admitting tone in his voice.

It was then that Alec was curious as to how good Evan was when it came to Pokemon Battles. "Hey Evan... How good are you when it comes to Pokemon Battles? N-not that I wanna battle you or anything, but just for curiosity," Alec had asked. Honestly, he did want to battle him, but if Evan didn't want to then he wasn't going to force him into doing something he didn't want him to do. Plus it was getting rather late. Alec would have to get to the nearest town or city before it got dark, as well as find a place to stay. Most likely the Pokemon Center.

-Since I got some more Pokeballs, after a few more posts we can do another wild spawn if you're up for it :3-