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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Feb 20, 2020 17:08:51 GMT
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This was definitely one of the weirdest jobs he'd ever agreed to.

Heat beats down upon the gathered would-be racers. Orion smooths his hair back from his forehead, squinting in discomfort, but the Arcanine at his side seems perfectly content. When he'd been told that he'd be going undercover in an illegal racing circuit — well, first he'd laughed, and demanded to know if it was a serious request, and then he'd known that the so-called 'legendary' canine was the perfect pup for the job.

He'd laughed again when he'd met up with his racing partner.

"Course they'd bring you in for something like this." The grin he flashes Kyle is brief, but genuine. He leans against a tree, grateful for what minimal shade it provides as he does his best to surreptitiously survey their target during the conversation. "You ever raced your dogs before?"

Occasionally, ash drifts lazily down from Mt. Chimney, looming overhead: inconvenient spot for a race, but necessary to avoid attracting too much attention.

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POSTED ON Feb 21, 2020 14:00:07 GMT
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kyle dons a disguise for the mission. it was nothing fancy, but without distinguished features such as height or scars, kyle manages to blend in with the crowd deceptively well.

"n-no," kyle answers with uncertainty. he perks up afterwards, however, and then turns back to orion. "i've been using them as a mode of transport though, so that counts for something."

if kyle knew this was a thing, he'd have participated. something as illegal as the race was bound to get him good cash.

kyle settles himself on top of his arcanine, his chin resting on the fire-type's head. they were basically just killing time until the race officially starts. his pokemon trots playfully around while his trainer remains limp, with only his head shifting to maintain eye contact with orion.

"what made you get involved though? office work got boring?"

that's all he could imagine council members spend their time on, to be honest.

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POSTED ON Feb 21, 2020 17:19:46 GMT
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Orion, not used to being recognized by anyone, had accessorized with a pair of sunglasses and a visor, equally as interested in fending off the sunlight as he was in remaining discreet. So far, so good.

"Definitely counts," he agrees. "For what it's worth, I've never done this either. Legal or otherwise."

Not that he'd admit to it if he had done any illegal racing, he supposed. He was a councilman now, that stuff was even more scandalous than it had been before he had a public reputation to uphold.

Kyle's question makes him laugh.

"Office work is always boring." He certainly hadn't gotten into politics for the paperwork. Along with the visor and shades, Orion had acquired a near-permanent accessory in the form of the bags beneath his eyes. Working for the council whilst also trying to keep up with the rangers was exhausting. "Honestly, this just sounded fun. You get the thrill of doing illegal shit while also being sanctioned by the league. Plus, it's a good way to work off some of his energy." He gestures to the Arcanine, currently chasing its tale like a puppy. When it notices Orion watching, the Arcanine offers him a huffing bark and wags his tail. "Our friend's on the move, by the way. Looks like he's going to meet up with his partner."

She was riding a Galarian Rapidash, its colorful mane streaming line a banner in the wind.

"Imagine how cool it'd be if we win this."

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POSTED ON Feb 23, 2020 6:39:49 GMT
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orion's response earns a smile from kyle. "that's not something you want to hear from a figurehead," he jests.

honestly, kyle understands his point, although he supposed he takes it to the next level, somewhat. hanging around slateport when it was under rocket influence, assembling artificial life and monitoring the black market were among other things deemed illegal that he has partaken in. he keeps these secrets unspoken.

his attention is taken to an individual a bit farther from them. discreetly, kyle observes their target with the corner of his eye. for once, he thanks his rather plain appearance for not standing out from the crowd.

"well, it's violent and dangerous for a reason." as pessimistic as his statement sounded, the follow-up quickly counteracts it. "i think i can secure a good enough placement if i play dirty." it was one of the reasons he likes missions rather than official battles. rules do not always go along with him.

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POSTED ON Feb 23, 2020 17:53:16 GMT
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"I'm not a figurehead," Orion insists, the false innocence in his tone suggesting the joke. "I'm just here to leave some racers in the dust."[break][break]

There's a certain spark of interest at Kyle's words. Teeth flash with his grin as Orion allows himself to slip further into the role of an illegal street racer: when in Hoenn, right? If their opponents were going to play dirty, then they were going to have to keep up with the Joneses in order to earn their respect.[break][break]

His Arcanine crouches at his behest and Orion climbs aboard, hands finding purchase in thick fur. The race was going to start shortly, and racers were slowly moseying their way over to the starting line. Nudging Apollo in that direction, he speaks soft to Kyle.[break][break]

"Did you have a particular plan in mind?"[break][break]

It's a team race, after all: better that they both secure as best a position as they can.

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POSTED ON Feb 25, 2020 4:04:33 GMT
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his shoulders give way to a shrug. kyle plans for most things, but a drag race wasn't one of them.

"i'll just improvise," he answers cheekily.

he finds that he works better under pressure anyways. whether that's just something he tells himself to console himself for procrastinating or not, orion has to pray it was true.

kyle stands upright, stretching his limbs atop his arcanine. the race was about to start, and limbering up was the smart thing to do if they'll have to hang onto pokemon running at top speeds.

"it's not like we can plan ahead anyways without knowing what to expect anyways." that, and it's going to hurt his brain trying to cram an entire brainstorming session within the literal last minute. "ready?"

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POSTED ON Feb 26, 2020 15:26:43 GMT
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Orion follows suit with the stretches, cracking his shoulder blades and feeling some of the tension leech out of them. Arceus, he really did need to check out the hot springs like had suggested.[break][break]

"Good point," Orion concedes, and then nods. "Ready."[break][break]

He feels strangely giddy as he urges Apollo toward the starting line, the large dog taking its place between Kyle's own mutt and a Zebstrika attempting to intimidate its opponents by pawing at the ground. Though not unnerved by the actions, the dust that it was kicking up irritated Orion's eyes and lined the back of his throat, making it itch. It was going to be that kind of race.[break][break]


A loud bang signaled the start of the race, and Orion doesn't have time to regret his life's choices before his Arcanine takes off with a burst of extremespeed. It keeps pace with the Zebstrika, and Orion sends out a silent apology to Pokemon and rider before urging his Arcanine to shoulder check the opponent and unbalance them. They surge forward to take the lead as the Zebstrika rears back and whinnies in frustration, and the councilman risks a glance backward to make sure everyone was OK.[break][break]

So far, so good.[break][break]

He glances over to Kyle to see how he's getting on.

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POSTED ON Feb 29, 2020 18:45:09 GMT
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orion would see the earth shift behind him. a shock wave emanates from the arcanine the moment the countdown turned zero, bulldozing the immediate area to something unstable.

the slower competitors have their pokemon trip and fall from the attack, while does that took initiative, much like orion and his own arcanine, escapes kyle's attack. it knocks the number of competitors by a margin, though kyle muses on whether they were relevant to the race anyways if they managed to get hit with his preemptive attack.

kyle's arcanine follows after orion's with its own extreme speed. it takes over everyone who fell for his move, but was still situated last for those who are still actively in the race.

when their eyes met, kyle forms an ok sign with his fingers to relay his state to the councilman. with both of them moving like a blur, he wonders if he can even see it.

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POSTED ON Mar 2, 2020 1:12:08 GMT
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As he glances over his shoulder, Orion witnesses the chaos that Kyle had promised. He feels a pang of sympathy for the Pokemon caught in the attack, though not their riders. He keeps his gaze on the pile-up long enough to see some of them get to their feet and attempt to rejoin the race, though it's doubtful they'll be able to catch up to the pack. They soon become little but specks left in the Arcanine's dust.[break][break]

With the speed at which they move, Orion can only make out some sort of hand signal from his partner.[break][break]

"Take it easy," Orion tells his Arcanine, not wanting it to tire out before the finish. "Give us some sun."[break][break]

Slowing its extreme pace, fur streaming in the wind, Apollo tosses his head back and howls at the skies. Overhead, an already sunny day becomes hotter, brighter, and several racers slow down as their Pokemon struggle in the heat. Arcanine thrives where others falter, picking up speed once more as he drinks in the unnatural light of a morning sun.

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POSTED ON Mar 3, 2020 17:13:20 GMT
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every step his arcanine makes delivers minor tremors when it incorporates bulldoze with its leaps and bounds. the shifts alert the racers ahead of him about his presence, but the little distraction it provides is all he needs.

kyle taps his arcanine before leaning in to whisper a command. a grunt from the fire-type ascertains the trainer that the pokemon understood.

an intimidating roar sounds from the arcanine behind every top contender of the race. pokemon from the opposition starts to get rattled, and the moment of hesitation allows kyle's arcanine to overtake them with extreme speed. bulldoze keeps them from catching up once they were behind the arcanine.

"awoo! awoo!" kyle barks fearlessly, knowing the winds drown most of the noises he makes.

with most of the competition taken down, orion is left with the top dogs of the race. as they were a long way ahead of kyle, who was busy taking down their rivals for the race for fun, the elite four even wonders if he can even interfere with the showdown.

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POSTED ON Mar 4, 2020 23:28:39 GMT
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When Orion next risks a look behind at the opposition, he sees them in ruins thanks to Kyle's interference. Grinning wild with his adrenaline, he shoots the Elite Four a thumbs up before turning his attention back to the real competition.[break][break]

Thanks to the baking heat of the sun, any competition apart from fire and grass types start to fall behind as those drawing energy from the heat take the lead. He witnesses the girl with the Galarian Rapidash cursing and abusing her Pokemon as he flies past her and makes a note to ensure she gets arrested alongside the man they were here to bring down.[break][break]

His mount is a Rapidash as well, of the Kantonian variety, its fiery mane streaming behind it like a banner. Try as he might, Orion's finding it difficult to gain ground on the experienced racers. The flaming horse fires a wheel of flame behind it, and Orion ducks low and clings tight to his Arcanine's fur.[break][break]


There's not enough time to dodge, so he trusts in Apollo as the Arcanine howls and leaps into the air. Orion feels the heat from the fire as they clear the hoop, but doesn't breathe until the dog's weight slams back to the earth and they're running once again.

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POSTED ON Mar 5, 2020 16:02:34 GMT
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there was no way for them to catch up with the rest. kyle and his defeatist nature gives up and steers his arcanine to more secluded areas by the forests, playing it off as his pokemon having an injury in case they were being watched.

as kyle disappears in plain sight, he wishes he had established some sort of communication with orion beforehand. it takes him a moment to mull over it before shrugging and proceeding to lead his arcanine to a short cut to the finish line.

winning was orion's job now. kyle proceeds to go for the better portion: spying around.

he supposed he'll hang around the end of the road, maybe set up an ambush or something after he has profiled the organizers of the race. it's been a while since he has done jobs like this, but it rekindles an excitement in the member of the elite four.

he sends a text message of his plans in some sort of weird code to orion as his arcanine ferries him to the end. it reads: 'getting ready for this dungeon raid. meet me up in the boss room after you get the loot'.

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POSTED ON Mar 12, 2020 1:03:06 GMT
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Orion's phone vibrates against his thigh, and it takes a great deal of effort to finagle it from his pocket while also clutching onto his Arcanine for dear life. This isn't the sort of multi-tasking he'd expected to be performing.[break][break]

The text is from Kyle, which is normal enough, but the words serve only to confuse him. He might've thought the Elite had texted the wrong number if they hadn't been embroiled in an illegal race at that very moment, and so instead he takes it to be some form of strange code.[break][break]

By 'boss room', was Kyle referring to the finish line, or the 'boss' being the man on the Rapidash?[break][break]

Fuck, Orion sucked at codes.[break][break]

Either way, he had to win this race.[break][break]

It takes a great deal of exertion on his Arcanine's part, multiple bursts of extremespeed in combination with the invigorating morning sun, but eventually they're neck and neck with their opponent and Orion orders Arcanine to retaliate the earlier attack, knocking the rider from his Pokemon's back and into the dirt. Though his altruistic nature would normally make him feel bad, or worried that the racer had broken something, he knows this man to be a ruthless individual who does all the same and worse.[break][break]

As it turns out, nothing's broken, and Orion smirks at the man on his approach.[break][break]

"Better luck next time."[break][break]

Though he certainly seemed annoyed, there was also a begrudging respect in the racer's expression. As he wanders off to reconvene with his own partner, Orion goes to meet up with Kyle.[break][break]

"What's up?"

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POSTED ON Mar 13, 2020 16:03:04 GMT
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the elite four wanders around the crowd until he sees orion wandering around. the moment he sees him, he approaches him.

kyle shows orion a paper folded multiple times. "two options. you keep winning for the money by participating on all the races scheduled here or-" he flips the paper on its back, showing scribbled text in kyle's handwriting behind. "we set up an ambush at this time and date."

his fingers fold the piece of paper neatly, creasing it nicely for a second time, before handing it over to orion.

"i'm not sure who the organizer is meeting up with, but it's probably some bigger fish. i'm not really sure since i just took a date from the calendar and it said 'meeting'. could just be a personal thing though, i dunno."

his eyes wander to a tent that housed the organizer's stuff. bodyguards come out, visibly confused and groggy. kyle scratches his head at the sight as he starts pondering how much memory did his beheeyem managed to wipe.

"so, do you want me to take your picture as you go up there and take your prize?" kyle asks casually as he turns back to orion.

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POSTED ON Mar 18, 2020 9:58:33 GMT
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It's only in coming down from the incredible rush of adrenaline that Orion realises how truly wiped he is; though his Arcanine had done the majority of the work, the stress of the race has him worn down. His shoulder aches when he stretches, and he thinks he might've hurt it taking down the other rider.[break][break]

So when Kyle suggests future races, his laughter is strained. "I don't think I could do this on the regular."[break][break]

There's an alternate option, however: ambush. Orion leans in with evident interest to examine the paper, accepting it when it's folded up and handed to him.[break][break]

"Personal or not, I'd definitely prefer our chances with a bit more privacy." Dark eyes scan the racers all congregating and clapping each other on the back, laughing, jeering. The man he'd beat out for first place catches his eye and waves him over, but Orion holds up a finger for patience. Kyle catches him off guard with the question, and his laugh is stilted. He's gotten slightly used to being in the public eye but having his picture taken still makes his skin crawl. He tries to play it off, shrugging. "Oh, uh, if you want? I'd better now though, or they might get suspicious."[break][break]

Should Kyle make no effort to stop him, he'd head for the group of winning participants.

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