seaoi's codes

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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seaoi's codes
POSTED ON Mar 17, 2020 3:46:20 GMT
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You try everything
You can to escape
The pain of life
That you know

[attr="class","vcred"]@tag - words
a short note here maybe

[attr="class","vpostbg"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce turpis orci, pulvinar eget pretium vel, efficitur in libero. Praesent eleifend feugiat dui sed maximus. Cras pellentesque consectetur semper. In sollicitudin porta diam, sit amet vestibulum nunc varius at. Proin eu risus ac nunc sagittis pulvinar. Nam convallis neque at lectus imperdiet laoreet id eu elit. Ut aliquet tristique rhoncus. Ut ac ex ac metus bibendum imperdiet ut in arcu. Phasellus finibus urna luctus ligula feugiat pharetra.

Nam dictum, erat nec tincidunt posuere, tortor velit laoreet erat, vel fringilla tortor nunc in risus. Nunc elementum sed lacus a pretium. "Mauris enim velit, iaculis quis dapibus id, porttitor a massa." Cras mattis, arcu quis iaculis tristique, nisi metus malesuada metus, nec gravida velit augue nec nibh. Donec interdum, nisl vel porta aliquet, massa nibh suscipit justo, vitae iaculis leo mi vel lacus. Nulla nulla erat, dictum ut interdum id, elementum nec dui. Donec dignissim quam ac neque suscipit, ut rhoncus eros mollis. Donec sit amet augue urna. Donec ultrices interdum augue, at vehicula nibh maximus eu. Phasellus scelerisque tempus ante, eget porttitor nunc accumsan sed. Etiam libero sem, efficitur at consequat vitae, viverra fermentum metus.

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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seaoi's codes
POSTED ON Mar 17, 2020 4:05:59 GMT
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twenty-seven | female | bisexual | team rocket


[attr="class","dmoolah"] [break] APP

[attr="class","dmoolah2"] [break] TRACKER

[attr="class","dcointext"] FRIENDS


[attr="class","dcointext"] ENEMIES


[attr="class","dcointext"] LOVERS


[attr="class","dpennytext"] FRIENDS HERE. The sorrowful gust of wind that blew right between you and me Where did it find the loneliness it carried on the breeze? Looking up at the sky after shedding a stream of tears I could see for miles of blue, it's never been so clear. Speeches that my father gave me would always make me despair Somehow, I feel a warmth and comfort today Your ever kind heart, the way you smile, and even how you find your dreams I knew nothing, so honestly, I've always copied you. [break][break]

The sorrowful gust of wind that blew right between you and me Where did it find the loneliness it carried on the breeze? Looking up at the sky after shedding a stream of tears I could see for miles of blue, it's never been so clear. Speeches that my father gave me would always make me despair Somehow, I feel a warmth and comfort today Your ever kind heart, the way you smile, and even how you find your dreams I knew nothing, so honestly, I've always copied you.

[attr="class","dpennytext"] NOT FRIENDS HERE. The sorrowful gust of wind that blew right between you and me Where did it find the loneliness it carried on the breeze? Looking up at the sky after shedding a stream of tears I could see for miles of blue, it's never been so clear. Speeches that my father gave me would always make me despair Somehow, I feel a warmth and comfort today Your ever kind heart, the way you smile, and even how you find your dreams I knew nothing, so honestly, I've always copied you.

[attr="class","dpennytext"] MORE THAN FRIENDS HERE. The sorrowful gust of wind that blew right between you and me Where did it find the loneliness it carried on the breeze? Looking up at the sky after shedding a stream of tears I could see for miles of blue, it's never been so clear. Speeches that my father gave me would always make me despair Somehow, I feel a warmth and comfort today Your ever kind heart, the way you smile, and even how you find your dreams I knew nothing, so honestly, I've always copied you.

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[newclass=.dcoinpic] margin-top:9px;margin-left:9px;position:absolute;-webkit-transition: ease 0.4s; [/newclass]
[newclass=.dpenny] background-color:#323232;margin-top:5px;border:1px solid #000; [/newclass]
[newclass=.dpennytext] width:290px;height:80px;background-color:#323232;font:10px verdana;color:#eee;text-align:justify;overflow:auto;margin-top:10px;margin-left:10px;padding-right:6px; [/newclass] [newclass=.dpennytext b] font-weight:bold;color:#db7093;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
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