as above, so below [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the malevolent / kat
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
as above, so below [m]
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2020 23:11:58 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar


[attr="class","campustitle"] 'CAUSE OF YOU

[attr="class","campussub"] now my heart is so icy.

[attr="class","campustag"] WRITTEN FOR


how silly.
kat cast her eyes upon the paper she had been delivered, scanning its contents once more. 'HAUNTED WAREHOUSE. TAKE CARE OF IT.' it was signed with the insignia of team rocket, but no name was written upon this page, nor was it addressed directly to katherine herself. team rocket is dead, after all. evidence that seemed to indicate otherwise couldn't just be left around. it took no more than that glance for kat to memorize the already-short address, and then, a match was lit to burn the letter entirely.
"Kirlia, we have somewhere to be," kat's kirlia turned to blink at her, head tilting to one side, as if questioning its trainer 'where'. "I am not sure yet. I have an address, but... Never mind what I think, I suppose we'll see why we were so necessary once we arrive." the snowy-haired woman lifted her hand to point somewhere, and kirlia already began teleporting them together. they had to take a couple of short breaks, as there was still a fair amount of distance to cover.
[break]almost lifting its hand in preparation of teleporting both himself and his trainer, kirlia followed kat's instruction naturally. "This is the place. We're just waiting on someone else to show up..." why did they even pair her with someone? she could've handled this all by herself! silly, silly, silly. "Do you think they are already here, Kirlia?" katherine asked her partner before carefully fixing the dark, bunny-mask that rested upon her countenance.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Mar 20, 2020 0:25:10 GMT
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she ran as fast as possible.
yet another mission jumped up into her radar - and luckily someone else needed a partner. Wren was quick to accept and book it on the appointed time. spotting a head of white hair ahead of her, she'd slow her pace. at her side was her newest member - Imogen the Ninetales. she had her other Pokemon in their respectable spheres, tucked away on her belt.
"sorry. where you waiting long?" she asked, straightening up once she caught her breath. the shiny fox cooed softly at the Kirlia, waving her tails in greeting. "I'm Wren" she added "and this is Imogen." gesturing to the Ninetales, she'd look past the other woman and to the building. a haunted warehouse... it should be fun! b-but she didn't say that out loud. Rocket needed to expand. this was serious.
and the other may not share her enthusiasm. "so, uh, should we go inside?"

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
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good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
as above, so below [m]
POSTED ON Mar 20, 2020 1:01:03 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

heart of steel
stand and fight live by your heart




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kirlia tugged at katherine's sleeve, urging her to turn as soon as it felt the presence of others. the masked woman obliged gracefully, turning to face wren and her ninetales. "a little bit, yes. it's fine," she lies, as it certainly wasn't fine. she wasn't supposed to be waiting. it delayed their mission. a deep breath was taken then, the trainer attempting to dismiss that thought away. "but who knows when we'll be done with this. all they mentioned is that the warehouse is haunted. oh, you can call me kat."
how depressing. it could mean that wren and katherine will become partners for the whole night.
kirlia spun in place for the ninetales, attempting to impress the fox with its dance as the pair of rocket grunts spoke. "let's head inside." she nodded her head in agreement, gesturing for kirlia to pay attention and follow. it didn't take long for them to find the entrance to the building, katherine scanning the door with her eyes, "i really doubt that the door is unlocked, haunted house or not..."
"kirlia, use psychic on the lock. make it open for us, alright?" once more, the dancing pokemon spun in place and brought its hands upwards, waves of psychic energy emitting from their mind. as soon as they reach the lock, sounds of metal clicking and shifting are heard. everything was going smooth, save for the late entrance of wren.
click, click, click.
the door opens, and kirlia flashes a pleased smile. he was proud of itself, of course. "we're in. do you have any guess on how we should start, wren?" kat seemed to lack the experience with haunted places.



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[googlefont=Mr Dafoe]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Mar 20, 2020 18:27:02 GMT
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the other girl was understanding - or pretended to be. either way, it was welcomed to Wren. she didn't need nor want to be screamed at for her failures. a gentle hand could be preferred, but they were both grunts to her knowledge. else Kat would have announced her rank and such things. the redhead nervously smiled as the Kirlia fiddled with the lock, grasping for something to say to the other Rocket.
"maybe lure the ghosts out" she suggested as she walked into the warehouse "but we'd have to find out what triggers them and I have no idea" she shrugged. but the other way was much more... destructive. "or we could start smashing shit and see if they come out?" she kicked idly at an abandoned box full of dust. she'd cough as it sprung into the air. Imogen's eyes danced at the thought of burning something.
"ghosts are territorial" Wren went on "this is their home. we have to force them out, make them never come back. any ideas?" she asked Kat, turning her face to look at the other grunt.

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
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good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
as above, so below [m]
POSTED ON Mar 20, 2020 23:51:16 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

heart of steel
stand and fight live by your heart




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"i have no clue either. why even haunt this place? it looks so... ordinary." kat looked around inside the warehouse once the pair of them entered, almost as if searching for something. a clue, a hint, a reason for a ghost pokemon - or an actual ghost - to haunt such a place. she wasn't expecting anything in particular, but still... the fact this place was so ordinary and simple. ugh. it could only mean this won't be as easy as she wished for it to be.
"smashing shit, huh?" katherine paid another glance to her immediate surroundings. destroying things seemed easy. almost too easy, but she certainly wouldn't complain. "fine. i can go with that. let's hope it works." much like wren, she kicks a box, tossing it far and wide inside the warehouse. "kirlia, you heard her. destroy thing. throw them around. go wild." letting go of any restraint to deal with a problem seemed counter-productive, but really, kat was enjoying this too much to consider doing something else.
and soon enough, the pair of trainers and their pokemons manage to awaken another presence inside the warehouse. what starts a low cry that can barely be noticed eventually grows louder, a wail of a spirit. "if i had to guess... i'd say it isn't happy. keep going!"



[googlefont=Roboto Condensed:400,700]
[googlefont=Mr Dafoe]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Mar 21, 2020 0:46:03 GMT
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it seemed she'd have to be the one to think of ideas. okay. cool. maybe she was just going to bullshit this until it failed and they'd both give up. go back with their tail between their legs to Rocket and explain that they couldn't do it. no. Wren needed something... more. she needed to find the key to this. she needed to think. Kat, meanwhile, began to do what she suggested. smash things, break objects, anything. the Kirlia did as well, earning a low moan from the warehouse around it.
"whoa" the redhead stated, feeling the ground tremble under her feet. whatever this ghost was, it was strong. she shot a look to her Ninetales, who knocked over a few stray cans with her tails before rising. a veil of energy formed around the party, effectively using safeguard to protect against any status effects the ghost may have. confusion, paralyze, sealing... anything. "keep it up! make it pissed off!" but hopefully not so much that they'd be unable to defeat it.
the ground rumbled again, shaking boxes and cans and other items more violently.

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
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good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
as above, so below [m]
POSTED ON Mar 21, 2020 1:06:41 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

heart of steel
stand and fight live by your heart




written for


it has yet to reveal itself.
"well, fuck. if this ghost isn't going to show up then we might as well burn this place to the ground. not like they'd care. they need the space, but not this exact warehouse, right?" kat mused aloud, wondering to herself how practical this idea might have been. she toyed with it for a while, her mind venturing elsewhere... perhaps they should at least consider this. in case wren's method doesn't succeed.
fortunately, it doesn't seem like it'd be necessary. not yet, at least. they were making progress. "ah, so it can speak. spooky." sarcasm poisoned her voice. "i think i might have an idea," she declares, eyes drifting down towards her kirlia. "kirlia, do you think you can use future sight to pin-point where this ghost might be hiding?" it was a long shot, sure, but it was something! a direction! anything beats just smashing things around, right?
[break]katherine also looked around as the barrier erected around the group, protecting them of any vile tricks the ghost might attempt against them. "good, we have the time for it then. go ahead, kirlia. i am sure wren's ninetales can keep the barrier for enough time."
kat offered wren a curt nod afterwards, clearly agreeing with her approach. "we got this. it can't hide forever."

[attr="class","curragebot"]4/5, teamwork makes the dream work!


[googlefont=Roboto Condensed:400,700]
[googlefont=Mr Dafoe]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Mar 21, 2020 1:26:14 GMT
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Wren sucked in breath, willing herself to not shake her legs. as much as she studied ghosts and other paranormal things, she wasn't a ghost hunter. she didn't even train ghost types. she had zero experience dealing with them. she knew they could be amazingly strong for a dead spirit, and their tricks knew no boundaries. they were also quite cruel.
the Kirlia would use Future Sight against it though. as they waited for the result, negative energy suddenly burst into a physical and visible appearance. a swirl of darkness above their heads. "geeeeeeet ouuuuut!" the voice snarled, the dark materializing before the psychic type could pull a fast one on it. revealing itself on its own terms, the ghost's body came to be a Gengar. it wasn't alone though.
two Haunters appeared next to Wren and Kat. one of them reached for the Ninetales, pulling the fox backward with such force it was dragged back into the darkness. "Imogen!" Wren yelled, fumbling after her partner. the fox arched her head, sending a spew of flames at the Haunter. she broke free, rushing back to the group. "damn it..." the redhead hissed, knowing they were surrounded. luckily for them, the route back through the door was unguarded. it seemed like the ghosts wanted to force them out.
scare them a little. "w-we aren't leaving!" Wren said to the ghosts. one Haunter cackled darkly, while the Gengar just looked pissed.

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
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good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
as above, so below [m]
POSTED ON Mar 21, 2020 2:23:06 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

heart of steel
stand and fight live by your heart




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they wanted the game to be theirs, and not wren and kat's. their terms, their conditions - their victory. funny. the trio of ghost types had no idea who they were up against. just how viciously petty kat could be when she set her mind on something. while the gengar did manage to startle katherine and her kirlia - it was far from scaring them away. to give up? this easily? pfft. as if! "now that's scary! congrats. you did one thing right!" kirlia, attuned to their trainer's excitement, was seemingly only eager to begin this battle. it was just as happy as kat was now, seeing the pokemons revealing themselves.
"i don't know if a two versus three is very fair though, kirlia. what do you think?" kat's partner shouted in response, an attempt at scaring the other pokemons. "yes- just as i thought. how about we show them how a real ghost does things, huh?" a pokeball is retrieved, and the button at the center of it is pressed firmly. katherine tosses it into air, allowing her mismagius to materialize from within it. "mismagius! we have a lesson to teach! they tried scaring us, can you believe it?" the purple, hat-adorning creature laughed whimsically, its red eyes staring daggers at the other ghost-types.
"kirlia, use psychic and toss that haunter," she pointed directly at the one who dared to cackle in front of wren and her, "away. close to the other one. turn his smile into a frown!" a glance to her side, mismagius addressed with an order next. "mismagius, show them what it's like when you're making a real entrance, alright?" the witch-pokemon dipped its head in a nod, a dark, violet-tinted portal emerging behind her. before it is possible to stop her from leaving - she is swallowed by it.[break]
for a moment, it seems like she's gone entirely. but not quite. she merely appears behind the gengar - charging right into it. it is sent flying away towards the haunter imogen was coating with flames.
now, all three of them stood together at the same place. weakened by the force of kirlia's psychic attacks and the ghastly assault of mismagius. "finish them, wren. they're weakened!"



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
as above, so below [m]
POSTED ON Mar 21, 2020 18:23:33 GMT
Deleted Avatar

it was a flurry of emotion and action.
Wren wasn't used to this. she wasn't used to heavy shit getting in her way. she avoided trouble - so why was she in Rocket? heck, that was a complicated answer for another time. right now the important thing to do was survive the assault. luckily Kat was calmer under pressure than she was. releasing her own ghost-type, battling the others head on. Imogen was doing what she could, Wren was doing what she could, but in the end they didn't turn out to be the stars of this show.
Kat looked delighted to battle and fight the ghosts. Wren was trying to analyze strategy. she stood back, allowing her Ninetales to swallow the Haunter in fire. the safeguard prevented anything nasty thrown their way, so there wasn't a lot left to cover. Kat's words made the redhead start, before giving a nod. "Imogen, use Inferno!" it'd hit multiple targets. the fox spat at two of the ghosts - focusing on her Haunter and the Gengar as she spewed more fire. the ghosts hit sizzled under the flame.
the Haunter was the first to fall. Imogen quickly shot another fire-attack at the remaining Haunter - it too would fall. the Gengar, however, was stubborn. it gave a last hateful glare at the humans before - surprise surprise - it fled. it left its friends behind in a last cowardly action. shooting through a cracked window, it disappeared into the night. the Haunters were able to muster up last bits of strength and flow (slowly) after their boss. Wren stared after them, shocked but - "we did it!" she'd turn to Kat with a grin.

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
as above, so below [m]
POSTED ON Mar 21, 2020 23:22:20 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

heart of steel
stand and fight live by your heart




written for


her plan seems to work. the haunter is tossed by kirlia straight where she wanted it to go, and the gengar is headbutted into the same place. the trio, now struggling to stand up, was prepared for a finishing move. much like wren, katherine wasn't all too used to a lot of heavy lifting. she tended to avoid it, if anything. there was a reason why she never stuck to a single job. but it was different with rocket. they took her in when no one else would. she owed them in a sense. and as far as she was concerned, her debt hasn't been paid just yet.
luckily, she didn't consider battling a few pokemons as heavy lifting. mismagius was delighted to see the nintales spewing embers on the other ghost-types, and kirlia merely stood and watched in silence. the stream of flames was undoubtedly going to finish this, which brought a smile to the rocket's face, "good job, wren. you kept your cool better than i expected you to." or at least it seemed so for kat. regardless of if such a compliment was well deserved or not, it was more than enough to cause the snowy-haired woman to forget about wren being late earlier. and they finish just in time, didn't they?
"i think they'll be pleased. we didn't burn this warehouse down, and... well, it isn't haunted anymore, is it?" she paid another glance around before opting to head towards the exit, "but- we're probably not needed here anymore. and i do want to catch some sleep tonight, if that's even possible," who knows. maybe she'll find another mission waiting for her at home.
she tossed a piece of paper, allowing the air to control where it'll float to. she aimed for it to reach wren though, "that's my number. in case you feel like you'd prefer to go on your next mission with me instead of whatever grunt they'll pair you with." she wasn't very good with goodbyes, and so, mismagius was put back inside her pokeball. kirlia, however, was regarded with a glance, "let's head home now, yes?"
a pink light flashed inside the building before kat and her pokemon disappeared.

[attr="class","curragebot"]probably a good place to finish it!


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
as above, so below [m]
POSTED ON Mar 21, 2020 23:58:54 GMT
Deleted Avatar

before she knew it, the whole thing was over. just as well - it was getting late even for this insomniac. Wren was still a bit surprised the other grunt seemed to be pleased with her work. she scratched at her cheek idly, not knowing what to say. before she could say anything, the other girl would vanish. leaving nothing but the note cast to the side.
landing on the ground in front of her, Wren picked it up and pocketed it. sure, it'd be a good idea to call this other Rocket when she needed some extra hands. did she make a friend? probably? maybe? or not. in the end, they were just business partners. "c'mon, Imogen" she did need to report their activity to the higher-ups anyway. she'd send an email and wait for the response. 
with a last look around, she'd walk out. having no psychic type to teleport her, it was back to her campfire by foot.
END! good job!

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
as above, so below [m]
POSTED ON Mar 22, 2020 2:32:09 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","reward"]mission complete!!
[attr="class","reward2"]you two receive the following: 50 pokédollars & 5 infamy.
The Shula Region
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The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing