atlantic [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
atlantic [m]
POSTED ON May 1, 2020 22:40:55 GMT
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[attr="class","illie b"]she can already picture the high ceilings, the quiet tables occupied by people bent over books, the sea of colored covers that stretch across organized shelves. as grand as it looks on the outside, she's certain now that nothing compares to the inside and every part of her intends to find out if she's right. the tidbits of information he gives merely add fuel to the fire and really, it takes everything in her to not yank him in there right then. she refrains, if only to see the tour to the end, but he's encouraging her and she's flashing a smile. "each library has something unique about it," she supplies. the one in lilycove is impressive, constantly lending itself to her never-ending pursuit of understanding, and the one in sootopolis is perfect for furthering historic research but something about this one seems different from the rest. maybe it's the variety held within or maybe it's the location and the company but she's certain it's in a class of its own. the look on his face only cements her desires further. "i will," she's promising with a giggle. "apologies in advance if i abandon you for books." it's half a joke, half factual. she always has this habit of retreating into the words on a page, getting lost in the information until her eyes burn. although, something tells her he might not mind.

"ah," she's humming understanding with an embarrassed flush. he mentions jubilife and the city feels like another world away, nestled in another realm outside of her memories. it exists, this much she knows, but everything of sinnoh has always been nothing but a looming temple, a lakefront, and snow-capped trees. mentions of the faraway region fade, however, and she's latching onto information instead, quirking an eyebrow at him. "did any of the lessons help with your practice?" the question gives way to another before she can stop the trail of thoughts. "what do they even teach in a trainers' school, anyway?" her eyes drift away from his toward the outline of the building in question and her mind tries to supply the lack of answers. do they teach type match-ups? tips and tricks for battles? it's such a different world than the one she knows and yet, it's so intriguing all the same.

the gym is pondered upon briefly, if only due to the way it almost seems to compliment the structures around it. modern architecture has become more popular, more frequent, and yet this city finds its foundation on buildings of old. it's a welcome change of pace compared to the sleek buildings of slateport and lilycove. part of her finds herself preferring rustboro to the rest although it's becoming increasingly apparent that she's easily influenced by her company. her eyes retreat away from the buildings to find his and they soften at the words of his father. "he sounds like a smart man," she murmurs. a smile graces her lips and she's echoing the sentiment of his father, voice barely above a whisper. "we're made by history if you think about it. if we didn't preserve it, how would we learn?" it sounds silly and probably too philosophical for her mind to wrap around but the concept is virtually the same. learn from the past to mold the future. preserve the past to tell a story of old, of trial and error that helped shape humanity. it's dizzying to think about sometimes but isn't everything monumental overwhelming?

her smile widens at the squeeze of his hand in hers and she's squeezing back, thumb slowly beginning to trace lazily circles on his skin. "i just might be," illeana replies. the admission comes surprisingly easy, although it's paired with dark eyes that reveal too much beyond the syllables of words. and then, she's glancing away in contemplation, a soft hum escaping. "as far as you'd like," she decides on because he's kind enough to show her everything the city has to offer and really, she'd be ridiculous to not see it all. her eyes drift back toward him, excitement mingling with curiosity. there's a look in his eyes that has her momentarily captivated. something about it is alluring, drawing her in closer. perhaps that's why she winks when she speaks next, almost playfully bumping her shoulder lightly into his. "lead the way!"


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON May 2, 2020 18:53:38 GMT
her words ring true. each library does have something unique about it and even the ones in hoenn are unique in their own right. each of them hold knowledge of their own respective focus; lilycove might have a more wide variety of choices but sootopolis possesses a deeper knowledge pool of history; hoenn's, in particular. he speaks from experience. "that's okay. i'll try my best to find you." he figures he would have to because he has a similar habit to hers where he loses himself in what he's doing. he's had to be pulled away from the library at times.

from a young age he'd been fed so much information that he has a hard time remembering where they're from. so when she asks if any of the lessons he had learned help, he has to take a moment to recollect. thankfully her second question is a lifeline. "just the basics, really. pokemon typings, their various moves, general tactics in a battle, nothing too advanced for children, but still advanced enough to get your money's worth." he hums in thought before continuing. "they actually did help quite a bit. i believe it's important to get the fundamentals down and those lessons helped with that." he pauses and his eyes light up with the prospect. "i can help teach you as well, if that's something you'd be interested in." 

there used to be a time where even the thought of his father would fill him with such grief and sadness and guilt. he's had to learn to overcome that by embracing those feelings. naturally when he speaks of his father, he feels a pang of grief in him but it's lessened in a way he can't quite explain. "he was. we were lucky to have him." we, the city, the family, him. she echoes his sentiments and it brings forth a warm smile. "exactly." 

it's soothing, the way she traces lazy circles on his skin and he relishes it, relishes the warmth that comes with it and with her words. "as far as i'd like," he repeats her words as she lightly bumps her shoulder into his. a soft chuckle escapes him before he strings her along one of the many roads of rustboro. here, they pass by a row of buildings that emits an appetizing aroma, almost drawing people towards it. he points to one of the buildings and explains it's one of rustboro's most treasured bakeries. they do amazing puff pastries in the shape of various fishes. down another road is an equally popular cafe with the best green tea, as he so describes it. they can stop if they wanted to but their end destination remains the same.

as the sun starts to lower in the sky, they finally arrive at their stop. "here we are," he says as he takes one final step. "one of my favorite places in the city." 

they stand on a small incline of a hill that's just high enough to give them an overlook of the city in its glory. the skies turn a darker shade of orange as it slowly starts fading, and the more it fades the more alive the city becomes. tall skyscrapers light up as do the smaller buildings that surround it. it's a gorgeous display of the city and they stand at just the right spot to admire it all. he smiles; his gaze fixed on the city he calls home. 

"what do you think?"
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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
atlantic [m]
POSTED ON May 3, 2020 1:44:38 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]"promise?" comes out hopeful, as if she'd like nothing more than to get lost in the corners of a library with him. and perhaps, in a way she would, but it comes with a dawning realization that she's falling more than she'd like to admit. it came slowly at first like subtle waves licking at bare feet until it's crashing with the force of a tidal wave and she's submerged completely. despite it all, she flashes an affectionate smile because maybe, just maybe, he feels the same. or, she's choking on her hope and allowing it to cloud her judgement. it wouldn't be the first time she's gotten too attached too quickly...

her mind dwells on thoughts of them browsing bookshelves for a little while longer before he's drawing her out of her thoughts and back into the moment. for now, she has to file away thoughts of libraries and being found between the pages in the back of her mind. after the tour, maybe they could entertain it further but right now, she's being given a list of subjects and each one seems more interesting than the last. "do they provide practice as well?" an eyebrow quirks upward and she's considering how much one could truly learn from lessons without applying teachings in training. would it be the same experience as learning from the pages of a textbook? or does one need to apply the methods in battle to fine tune the practices? as if having an inkling for where her mind is traveling, he's giving more insight and she's humming in response. "the fundamentals do provide a good structure for building on one's gift," it sounds more experienced than she actually is but... in a way, developing the skills to be a pokemon trainer is no different than honing skills in a lab. somehow, despite not knowing a thing about it, she somewhat understands. and then, he's offering to show her just what he's learned and she's flushing crimson at the thought. maybe it's the way her emotions overtake her mind so easily but it sounds so intimate that she's momentarily stunned. it gives way to doubt in the end with a slight fan of her unoccupied hand. "that's very kind of you but," she pauses, glances away for one last look at the school. "i don't think i'd be very good at the whole training thing."

the mood around them shifts ever so slightly, tinged with the familiar sense of loss and she understands a little too slow. it clicks into place a moment after the words leave his lips and her mouth parts as if words want to escape before being reigned in. perhaps it shouldn't come as a surprise that others have been dealt their own causalities but somehow it does. an apology comes before she can stop it, can pause to consider not adding more fire to the flames. "i'm sorry," it's barely above a whisper and she decides against adding anything further. instead, she squeezes his hand with gentle fingers, a soft comfort.

warmth in his smile coerces warmth from her own and it travels throughout her body, spreading like wildfire until she's content and fuzzy and practically putty in his hands. the circles on his skin continue, even as he whisks her away to the destination he has in mind. the sights along the way cement the allure rustboro has further in her mind. between the shops, the smells, the crumbs of information he feeds her, she's confident that she fully understands any bias he has for the city now. it's growing on her as much as he is and perhaps she'll come back. perhaps she'll even stay. illeana's cooing at the mention of pastries, at the enticing aroma of baked goods, and her sweet tooth would have already gotten the better of her if she was alone. but, she's not and while they stay on the path he has set for them, she's happily chirping that she'll have to drag him to the bakery too. oh, and the cafe! her list is growing with each shop he's pointing out. and by the end of the day, she might just drag him all over the city he has just shown her. would he mind? something tells her no but she doesn't want to press her luck.

a sunset paints orange and pink across the sky as they reach their destination. it's breathtaking, so much so that it elicits a gasp of awe from her lips like a prayer. fading light from the sun shimmer against tall skyscrapers and while the night is slowly creeping in, the entire city is basking in that last bit of daylight. there's an almost ethereal glow to rustboro now, highlighted and put on display from their vantage point. subconsciously, she drifts a little closer but her eyes never stray from the cityscape. "it's gorgeous," she murmurs. there's something magical about a sunset, a city, and the beginnings of twilight. it leaves her at a loss for words and perhaps she doesn't need any. instead, maybe all she needs is this sight and his hand in hers.


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june 12
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON May 3, 2020 18:42:20 GMT
"promise," comes out truthful, because he yearns for the prospect of spending more time with her. to just be by her side is enough, but when he imagines her sitting across him in the library, in the same spot he'd always frequent, he feels comfort like it's the one thing he's always wanted. it doesn't sound like much but to him it's everything. and though she doesn't voice her hopes, he does feel the same.

again, his memories of the academy are hazy at best so he has to try to remember them. "they do. there's just so much information for trainers to know that it'd be hard to digest them all without practice. but i think that's one of the best ways to learn." it's not surprising that she understands his sentiments. the methodology of training shares correlations with research. both require strong fundamentals to provide a good structure for building. her words resonate in his mind. she flushes at his offer and he's quick to ease her doubts. "between you and me, i wasn't very good at it as well. i doubted myself a lot and it reflected in the way i'd train my pokemon. things only improved when i changed my mindset." his words are genuine. "i started trusting in myself."

as grief looks to overpower him as it has done before, her voice, though barely audible, keeps him grounded in the moment. he seeks refuge in her eyes, in the way she looks at him, and when he feels her gentle fingers squeezing his hand, he knows that he's survived the wave. "thank you," is all he says, grateful.

perhaps the route he takes her on has a reasoning behind it. the various buildings they pass: the puff pastries, the cafe, perhaps there's a hope in him that she'd drag him back later. it's a hope that exists because of the way she reacts to them. the way she reacts to him.

it's a hope that lingers even as he peers out at the orange and pink skies that compliments the complex skyline of rustboro. "it is," he murmurs in response. she is the last thing he expected when he returned to the region. it might be coincidence or luck or perhaps even fate that brought them together, but all he knows is that he's grateful to have her here with him. "i do hope you decide to come back," he starts; his thumb now tracing circles on her skin as he speaks. "it might be hard to understand why i love this city so much but i promise it has more to offer. i suppose what i'm trying to say is," there are meanings behind his words that are unspoken as they have been before, but this time he decides to take the leap. 

"i would really like it if you stayed, illeana."
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played by


illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
atlantic [m]
POSTED ON May 4, 2020 0:43:03 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]confirmation of a promise has hope cementing itself into little inklings of reality. he'll find her in the maze of shelves and perhaps he'll lose himself there too. the prospect of having someone to browse with, to chirp excitement toward over a book of advanced chemistry or a collection of folklore, has her heart racing. it's always just been her and the realms of the pages at her fingertips and now it's not just her anymore. there's another living, breathing person actually interested in spending hours in a library with her and the meaning behind the concept is profound. unspoken intentions, feelings kept half hidden. they come in glimpses until she's understanding a little more with each passing minute, no longer grasping at hope but concrete emotions.

"yeah," she breathes and there's a pause before she's placing lessons around each other until it's a schedule that makes sense, that makes training seem easier somehow. "that is a lot to take in with just teaching alone." and then, she's reciting a quote from her past, from days spent hunched over evidence until she can make sense of them without sparing a glance. "practice makes perfect." funny, it tastes less bitter now. perhaps with the steady flow of time, it's easier to speak of such things. or maybe it's the ease that settles in her with his presence at her side. "it's easier to find what fits for you with practice, too. some things look good on paper but they might not be right for the individual." once again, the statement stems from mild experience. different yet similar enough for her footing to be secure. the thoughts are tinged with mild disdain, however, and she quickly ignores them as soon as they rise. instead, she steals a glance at him and the rosiness of her cheeks darkens. "really?" curiosity lingers in her tone. he hadn't been good at training when he first started? does that come with the age one begins or does it come with the soul within? something tells her it's a mixture of both and yet not quite that. before she can look further and dissect it, he's waving away her doubts with genuine sentiments, nothing but truthful words leaving his lips. "was it difficult to change your mindset?" she's whispering now, eyes drifting away from his. can something like that be so easily changed when it's all you know? only one way to find out, she supposes. "i -- i'd like to learn to trust in myself."

his eyes seek refuge from hers and she's softening beneath the understanding. loss is a heavy burden, a weight that never truly leaves. it simply becomes easier to bear until it's not so suffocating and perhaps accepting it is the key. unfortunately, she doesn't know how to navigate it, not like he does. and so, she offers a dip of her head, stray locks of hair brushing against her cheeks. her fingers curl further around his as if she's trying to confirm he's alright without prying more.

a mental list grows with each shop they pass, with each one he points out. she's enamored past the point of return and feelings kept hidden slowly reveal themselves in her reactions. what started out as maybes have begun to turn into attempts at concrete plans. the bakery is the first on her list because really, how can she resist that smell much longer? it lingers even after they leave it behind with promises to return, with every intent of going together.

coincidences, a collection of small moments setting something into motion, seem to have a funny way of working sometimes. maybe there's higher powers at work or none at all. fate or destiny or simply the right place at just the right time have drawn them together beneath the glow of a sunset. the city is laid out before them and it holds so much mystery still left to be uncovered. she wants to know every detail, every little thing that makes it so unique from the rest. and he's offering to show her more, to bring her back and unveil everything they've been tiptoeing around with his thumb tracing her skin. "i will," she's promising and it sounds more breathless than intended but soothing circles and rising emotions will do that sometimes. her eyes leave the city's outline in favor of finding his. "i'm starting to see why but," a pause to offer an almost coy smile. "i might have to spend more time here to fully understand." and then, he's taking the leap that she had been trying not to hope for and heat rushes to her cheeks. stay. it's such a simple concept and yet, she's slowly seeing the meaning beneath. is it just her hope that she's seeing or is it the confirmation of shared feelings between them? whatever it is, illeana's following his lead, taking that leap with her hand squeezing his. "yes," she whispers and there's a pause, a tuck of hair behind her ear. "i would like to." shyness overtakes her and she's glancing away, back toward the outline of the city and the settling of twilight in the sky. unspoken meanings and feelings swirl around them and her hand grips his a little tighter while the sun dips a little further beneath the horizon. and then, a soft giggle escapes and her eyes find their way back, shining with things she can't quite say yet. "nugget will be ecstatic."


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june 12
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @stone
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POSTED ON May 4, 2020 16:50:08 GMT
practice makes perfect -- even after all these years it still lingers in his mindset and from what she says, it might just linger in hers too. "i've heard that before." repetition is the key to success is a version that's not often used but one he's also heard before. "yeah. i think the most important thing is that everyone at least tries to apply what they learn. even if it doesn't work for them, then hey, at least they know it doesn't and then they can work towards something that would." he shares his statement from mild experience too. she meets her glance and understands the curiosity in her tone, to which he replies with a nod. "it was at the start. what really helped was surrounding myself with people who truly cared and wanted me to improve." he finds himself inching slightly closer when she whispers. "i'm sure you have every reason to trust in yourself. all it takes is a little patience, understanding, and compromise." and then he squeezes her hand as if to let her know that he's there, and that he's willing to help her.

loss can be quite jarring especially to someone like him who was essentially born with a silver spoon in his mouth. he's never quite experienced it before his father, or at least not to that extent. he remembers the feeling of hollowness that persisted for weeks, months, and even to this day he still feels it. they tell him that life will never be the same, that this is just something he would have to carry for the rest of his life. it feels heavy, it always has, but it gets lighter with time, and right now, as he feels her fingers curling further around his, it doesn't feel too heavy. he reciprocates to let her know he's alright.

sometimes a leap is all it takes. he falls for what feels like forever but there's a hope in him that keeps him from crashing. and then he hears it; one word that makes it all worth it. yes. and it's funny because he can't seem to find the response to that. he wants to say that he's glad she's staying, and that he's excited to spend more time with her. but instead he says nothing, because the moment calls for nothing. just her being there next to him is enough. her touch. her smile. her presence. "as will galahad." the thought warms him.

time flies by and it's not until he hears the familiar buzzing of volbeats and illumises in the background does he realize the time. a dark shade of blue now hangs in the sky and with it are a myriad of small bright stars that shine down on them. "it's getting late," he mutters more so to himself. "are you hungry? there's a small restaurant close by that i've been missing for months."

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played by


illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
atlantic [m]
POSTED ON May 5, 2020 3:30:52 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]sometimes, it's easy to forget that others have had similar pressure applied to their shoulders. the crushing expectations of perfection, of achieving greatness. they vary from person to person, family to family, but the end result tends to be the same. to know that another has heard the same sentence uttered to them is slightly comforting in a way she can't quite describe. perhaps it's the realization that others have been placed on a similar pedestal, a similar path set for success and accomplishment. or it's simply nothing more than her mind trying to ease the weight that still lingers all these years later. whatever it is, she files it away to mull over later when it's just her and the shadows of a room. and once it's tucked away does she smile with a slight bob of her head. "exactly," she murmurs. everyone learns differently, through various methods, and sometimes it's not often touched upon enough. "trial and error can go a long way for someone who wants to improve. besides, i like to think that there's no right way to training, you know? it's more of what works for you that matters." perhaps that's why she sticks to what she knows instead of trying new things. comfort zones are difficult to break away from, it seems.

his words are mulled over carefully, eyes searching his for a moment before she's letting out a soft sigh. it sounds both simple and difficult in a way. the people around you tend to assist with periods of doubt, of insecurity, of struggle. but can they really be enough to change set ways of a mind? or are they merely influences on a personal decision? she's uncertain but a mental glance of the people in her orbit has her finding some footing. "i see," she offers quietly. he drifts closer and warmth follows, easing some doubt away from her skin. "it's kind of like adapting to the environment, then?" her mind thinks of it in terms of molecular levels, of atoms and cells changing over time to provide the tools to survive within a difficult environment. and after another moment, she's finding more sense in the concept but applying it is a different story. "i hope so," an awkward laugh follows and she's turning sheepish at the thought. doubt has lingered for too long, insecurities rooted too deep to rip out gently. he's reassuring, however, with a squeeze of her hand and it's enough to keep negativity at bay for now. "it'd be nice to try, at least. learning how to train might be good for my pokemon too."

her mind is eased away from worry at the reciprocation. he's alright and that's enough for her to settle back into comfort. loss can come in waves and sometimes, it can be soft laps against sand or it can be overwhelming to the point of drowning. it seems to be easier to handle with the presence of another providing comfort and perhaps that had been enough for him to overcome it in the moment.

a leap of faith can pay off in an instant and this one has. there's an easy sense of acknowledgement that comes with it, of understanding the implications laced in their words. part of her wants to offer something that reveals more and yet, words fail her. they fail both of them in the end and perhaps this moment doesn't need words. in the end, just their connection is enough and she's smiling a little wider, content and happy. a giggle escapes despite herself as mild bliss settles. the thought of nugget and galahad having more exchanges, more time to bond, fills her with a fondness she can't quite describe. "i did promise more nugget to him, after all." and she never goes back on her word.

the colors of the sky shift into darker tones around them and by the time the familiar buzzing of bug types begins to rise, she's noticing the concept of time returning. stars now glimmer overhead against a dark backdrop. her eyes roam briefly, constellations being noted in the mind before alexander's muttering beside her and drawing her attention back in as if it had never left. illeana hums in response, sparing one last glance toward the starry night. it's funny, they seem brighter now than they have in previous nights even with city lights threatening to outshine them. "yeah," she murmurs. before her stomach can growl at the thought of food, she's offering a smile. "that sounds lovely. what kind of restaurant is it?" her thoughts are already drifting toward types of dishes before he can even answer and without considering actual options for dinner, she's muttering, "i hope there's cake."


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june 12
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON May 5, 2020 18:37:35 GMT
she's right when she says there's no right way to training. "exactly," he echoes her. "you just need to find what works for you." for him, it was a mixture of both but more so theory than practice. he's always had the ability to process large amounts of information and retain it without much of an issue. all it takes is time.

he can see her eyes searching his and he knows it's because of how simple yet difficult his words are. "kind of," he replies. "i suppose it's more like being influenced by the environment. if you surrounded yourself with positivity and care and knowledge then you'd most likely reflect those qualities." it's harder to explain that he originally thought but he hopes he gets his point across well enough. doubt festers within her and it's familiar in a way because something similar lives in him. he finds it hard to believe that it doesn't live in most people, but what makes the difference is how they're able to find peace with it. "i'll be here whenever you're ready." he reassures once more, not wanting to rush her into a situation where she'd be uncomfortable.

a long silence creeps up on them but it's a silence that he does not mind. it's soothing in a way -- to be able to stand next to her with her hand in his and not worry about making conversation. they're just enjoying each other's presence. and that warms him almost as the thought of seeing nugget again. 

he follows her glance up to the starry night and he takes a moment to truly admire the sight. "they're not usually this bright," he almost whispers his comment as he ponders on it. again, call it whatever you want, but the stars are literally aligning. "it's one of those places that serve everything. but i promise it's good!" again, he might be biased but if she's learning to love the city the way he does then perhaps she'll love this place too. she mutters her hope for cake and he chuckles in response, nodding. "there's cake at least." he softly squeezes her hand and gestures down the path. "come on. it's just a short walk." after their long walk earlier he feels the need to reassure her.

and sure enough it is a relatively short walk. the path leads down the small hill and it snakes for a bit before eventually coming to a stop at the base of the hill. a little to the left, standing on its own is a small cafe-like building with a sign out front that reads 'mary's'. he leads them to it and holds open the wooden door for illeana before stepping in after her. it's humble inside. a fireplace burns off to the side and there are a few tables set up around the room. very faint music plays in the background, almost jazz-like but not quite, and it's rather soothing. there are maybe two or three patrons at tables of their own.

and then a voice calls out from behind the counter. "alex? oh, alex! it is you!" an elderly woman stumbles towards them and she stands quite short, short enough that when she reaches out to give him a hug, he has to bend down ever so slightly to accommodate her. "it's been so long. oh, i've missed you." he returns the hug in full as a smile overtakes his features. "i've missed you too too, mary." when he pulls away from the hug he turns to his partner. "illeana, this is mary. we've known each other for--" she quickly interjects. "since he was a wee little boy. he used to be my height, if you can believe it." she takes illeana by her hand. "it's so lovely to meet you, dear." she spares one quick glance to alex before chirping in a delightful tone.

"so, table for two?"

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
atlantic [m]
POSTED ON May 6, 2020 19:14:13 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]she's humming agreement without a second thought. there's so many different ways to learn, to retain, to understand. of course, it all depends on the individual and their specific set of skills in the end. what works for her might not work for him. although... they might be more alike than they realize. pouring herself into all of the information at her disposal and picking apart the fundamentals until she can recite them from memory tends to be her method of learning. it's easier to memorize and retain than actually going through the motions until it's second nature.

his explanation allows her to paint a clearer picture in her mind, to string together meanings until it's all making sense. it seems her theory had sort of been correct in a sense. people, pokemon, and nature all adapt to the environment around them. on a cellular level, the body changes to reflect its surroundings over time and from what he's saying, the mind is no different. "oh so it's basically like surrounding yourself with those who have the mindset you want to have?" there's a light giggle that follows before she's flashing a small smile. "it makes sense. hopefully it's not easier said than done." doubt lingers in her words as it always does, in halves and sometimes whole. she hasn't found the solution to not allowing it to cloud her mind but with him here, it's a little easier to put her faith in attempts toward dispelling the insecurity. her smile widens a fraction with the words of reassurance, of confirmation that she can go at her own pace. "thank you," she murmurs. she doesn't have to rush into anything, doesn't have to force herself to be a trainer until it's comfortable. "i might need some time to think about it."

the atmosphere around them feels like their own personal bubble in a way. it's almost as if they don't need to fill the spaces with words because there's no need to. his hand in hers, his presence, his feelings are enough to keep her content with the silence. it's comfortable and easy and she doesn't feel that incessant need to scramble for conversation to hold his interest. the concept comes with a warmth that's spreading from her fingertips against his skin to the tips of her toes.

"yeah," she whispers back and there's a familiar sense of admiration in her bones at the sight of the stars. "you'd think they'd be dimmer with the light from the city." and yet, they're almost too bright against the outline of rustboro, against the darkness of the night. it's beautiful. her lips curl further and she's glancing toward him as he's explaining the restaurant he has in mind. "if you've been missing this place after experiencing the delicious food in sinnoh then it must be good!" a wink and then a giggle follow before the tips of her ears flush a soft pink. her mumbling had been heard and she's caught in the act. the sweet tooth she possesses is a bit too strong to ignore sometimes but he chuckles and she's letting out a small bout of laughter. "perfect," she chimes, her hand returning the squeeze a moment later. illeana's head bobs slightly with agreement before she's following his lead. the length of the walk doesn't bother her much, not when there's cake on the line.

as they approach the building, she's letting out a soft coo. it's adorable! something about it reminds her of sipping hot chocolate by a fire and perhaps it's the warm, homey ambiance that seems to exude mary's. and then, alexander's holding the door for her and she's showing her gratitude with a fond smile. the inside of the restaurant is even better than the outside. it's warmer than she had first believed. the soft crackle of fire in the fireplace mingles with slightly muted tones of pleasant music, offering a peaceful environment to the patrons within. while she takes a moment to glance around and absorb the entirety of the room, an elderly woman is approaching with a rush of words escaping her lips. her eyes abandon the task at hand to drift back toward him as the woman speaks further. there's a fondness that creeps over her at the sight of a reunion and it only grows as he turns toward her. "hello," she smiles. the expression widens when mary takes her hand and an amused giggle escapes soon after. "really? that's adorable! it's nice to meet you, mary." the scientist gives a soft squeeze to mary's hand. "you have a lovely place here," she comments and then with a glance toward alexander, she's offering a nod in response. "yes, please!"


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june 12
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON May 7, 2020 17:49:31 GMT
that's exactly it. he nods his head in agreement and mimics a soft smile. doubt lingers in her words and it's doubt he's more than familiar with because it leaks into his words sometimes too. he's reminded of a memory, of a time when doubt looked to drown him. but people were there to save him. "i was rather lucky in that regard because my family were all really supportive. my mom especially, since she was a trainer as well." she was far from the best but she was capable. more importantly, she understood compassion, and that's the core of what makes a trainer good. so when she says she needs more time to think about it, he understands, and he makes sure to reassure her that it's okay. "there's no rush." 

they're floating in their own personal bubble and he's cherishing every moment in it. even at mary's when he's momentarily pulled out of it, he doesn't mind, because he knows it still exists. he can fall right back into it without an issue and it's from that level of confidence that makes him feel safe.

mary's brief interaction with illeana warms him and it shows in the way he watches them. it isn't long until mary leads them to their table by a window that overlooks the quiet streets of rustboro. it's peaceful this far up north of the city. mary gives illeana's hand one last squeeze before letting her go. she places two menus on the table and gives alexander a knowing look before leaving them to their bubble. "so that's mary," a chuckle escapes him. "i hope you didn't mind."

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played by


illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
atlantic [m]
POSTED ON May 8, 2020 3:10:11 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]there's a slight shift in the way she holds herself at the mention of family. it's barely there, just enough that she stays quieter than he's come to experience. she shouldn't withdraw in such a way but family's a sore topic and she's unable to ignore the mixture of feelings that rise with the mention. mild jealousy seems to give way to a bitter taste that lingers in her mouth and she hates it. just because she had awful parents doesn't mean everyone else experiences the same. it shouldn't bother her, not anymore. but it does and she's trying a little too desperately to shove it all away. "that's lovely," she murmurs and for the most part, it's genuine and not reeking of bitterness. there's still a hint that leaks into the words that has her speaking further, if only to cover it up with questions as she always does. "their support must have meant a lot to you while you were figuring out what you wanted to do." the ghost of a smile rises, there enough for her to overcome the pressure of negative emotions. they're shoved back into the box they came from and locked away in the recesses of her mind to collect more dust until they escape again. and then, she's humming with a grateful bob of her head. no rush. she can take her time and he'll support her through it. the thought leaves her warmer than before.

warmth lingers and weaves itself through the air around them. the bubble they're within has a natural ease that lends itself to the situations. even when mary draws him, and then her, away from their own little world, they still find their way back as if it's the same concept as coming home. part of her wonders if it's meant to be as simple as this, as warm and comfortable. and then, she's hoping it never leaves, never fades.

illeana flashes him another smile as mary moves to lead them to their table. the window offers the perfect outlook over this part of rustboro. a few pedestrians linger in the streets, basking in the glow of the streetlights. compared to the slight business of the city from earlier, this section is quieter, peaceful even. she spares another glance toward the window before the squeeze of her hand draws her back in. mary's adorable, precious, must be protected. the woman is chirping out a thank you with a bright smile when mary places their menus on the table. and then, they're returning back to their bubble when she leaves. the knowing look sent in alexander's direction is missed by the scientist as her eyes drift to scan the menu briefly only to return to him as he chuckles. "she's so sweet," illeana coos, smile growing wider. "i can see why you've been missing this place." fondness lingers in her words, half toward him and half toward the older woman.

the hard part comes, now, as her attention shifts back to the menu. oh god, there's so many choices and they all sound delicious. the pleasant aroma that seems to fill every inch of the room certainly doesn't make her decision any easier. pasta would be amazing right now but... her eyes focus on one particular line of text and she's confident in her choice now. cake, just like he promised. more than one, even, and she's delighted at the prospect of trying each one. there's a flush to her cheeks when she glances back up toward him, smile slightly sheepish. "don't laugh but," she giggles. "i might clear her out of all the cake she has."


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june 12
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON May 8, 2020 18:10:03 GMT
it's so subtle that he almost misses it. almost. but he catches on to the slight shift in her composure when he mentions his family. he's not sure what it is but it's there -- something that weighs her down. something that she's trying to suppress. her tone dips and he notices, he does, but he has no intentions on bringing it up because he knows it's not his place to right now. they've both opened themselves up but there's still a line that separates them. it's a line that he refuses to cross just yet. so he simply nods and replies with a "yeah," and pretends like everything's okay. and for the most part, it is.

it feels so natural to fall back into their bubble. it's almost instantaneous when mary turns to leave them. suddenly it's just them again and nothing else matters, not even the few pedestrians that linger outside the window. "she makes it feel like nothing's changed sometimes." and that's something he desperately needs. the realization warms him as he glances down at the menu.

it's not long until he's pulled away from it. "i'm sure she would love that," he does what she tells him not to do and laughs. it comes out of him naturally and he's helpless against it. "i would as well. go on, illeana, try all of them." it escapes him almost as a dare with how he smiles and teases. "i'll help you." 
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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
atlantic [m]
POSTED ON May 9, 2020 2:35:25 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]perhaps later on, skeletons will be unfurled from closets and put on display for him to see. that time isn't now, however, and she's spared the explanations, the recounting of memories. if he notices the shift, he doesn't touch upon it, and for that she's grateful. it's too much to unload onto another person, too much to expect them to understand, and she hasn't found the right way to even understand it herself. ah, but she feels the slight settling of awkwardness and she fidgets beneath the weight of it pressing into her shoulders. and then, he's murmuring with a nod and slipping into the pretense that everything is okay. she knows that eventually, she'll have to expose what lies behind her but for now, it's left in boxes to collect dust a little while longer.

the bubble provides a warmth and comfort as they settle in their own little corner of the room. even the views of the window fade after a moment, becoming nothing more than a backdrop. in the end, everything falls away until it's just them and this moment and really, she wouldn't have it any other way. "do you sometimes wish that things hadn't changed?" the question is soft as it leaves her lips and she's glancing toward him with a curiosity that she can't hold back. change always seems so inevitable and with it, the concept of wanting things to go back to the way they used to be. she has no concept of what changes he's been through, what trials he's had to endure, but that doesn't stop her hand from seeking his again. her gaze drifts toward the direction mary went as she murmurs. "we all need someone consistent in our lives, i suppose." it's a comment that leaves her silent a moment later, features morphing into a more pensive expression.

her flush deepens as his laughter filters into her ears. it's a lovely sound, really. one she wouldn't mind hearing more of, she realizes as her body warms at the thought. "hey," she pouts, cheeks puffing slightly at his teasing tone. "it'd be rude to eat her entire cake selection." she can't decide, however, so she just might throw caution to the wind and do it anyway. a laugh of her own joins his after a brief pause and she's unable to hide the way her pout dissolves into a shy smile. "will you?" it comes out a little more teasing, maybe even more flirtatious, than she intends but he started it and it feels natural to respond in kind.


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june 12
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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atlantic [m]
POSTED ON May 9, 2020 18:15:02 GMT
ooh. "tough question," he responds with a soft chuckle. he hums in thought for moments before he feels her hand on his again. "change is good. it's how we grow and evolve as people and without it we'd be stuck. change gives meaning, i suppose." it comes out more reverential than intended but it gets his point across. his thumb caresses soft circles against her skin as he continues speaking. "there are a lot of things that have happened that i wish didn't. but i don't have any regrets." his eyes follow hers towards the direction mary went but soon return to her. he smiles as he gives her hand a soft squeeze. "i like where i am now." 

he finds himself leaning in closer as if that little bit of distance makes all the difference. everything from her pout to the way she laughs just draws him in. "only if you want me to." he matches her tone in kind. the idea of clearing out all the cakes sounds like the start to a math question he remembers so fondly. as impractical as it sounds, he's quite certain mary would actually appreciate it. 

a few more moments pass before mary comes back to the table, perhaps interrupting whatever conversation they might have been in. again, their bubble still exists, but it fades just while mary's here. "so! have you decided what to order?" mary says, holding a notepad and a sharpened 2b pencil in her hands. alexander tilts his head towards illeana and shoots her a glance. "have we decided, illeana?" there's almost a smirk on his face. almost.
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played by


illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
atlantic [m]
POSTED ON May 12, 2020 1:16:05 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]she's lulled further into comfort at the stroke of his thumb against her skin. the back of her hand tingles beneath his touch, spreading with a fuzziness that gives her a giddy feeling in her stomach. it distracts her for longer than she intends and as her eyes drift away from their hands to his, she's offering a hum of understanding. "that's true," she muses. change is almost required for evolution to continue on, for species to continue thriving. if any were to stand still and never change, they would more than likely face extinction. "it seems like change has its pros and cons, though. not all of it can be good." her fingers lazily curl around his, seeking more contact, more warmth. and then, her eyes soften in both understanding and sympathy. "i'm sorry," is whispered out into the space between them. his hand squeezes hers and as her lips break into returned smile, she feels her hopes rising a little more. implications settle in her mind, desire latching onto meanings and holding them a little too tightly. "i'm glad."

gravity seems to center itself between them, pulling him closer and in turn, her as well. there's a bubbly feeling to the way she responds with a brighter smile, a delighted giggle escaping. somehow, the idea of them pounding down cake after cake has her excited. perhaps it's due to him matching her tone or simply just his presence alone but she's fond of the concept all the same. "i definitely do," she chimes with a squeeze of his hand. sure, she'd feel a little bad about hoarding all the cake but she has no doubt in her mind that mary definitely makes some delicious dessert.

their bubble shifts again to welcome mary's presence back into their corner of the world. it edges away slowly as the woman approaches, still there yet not in full. illeana greets her with a warm expression, although it gives way to mild embarrassment a moment later as alexander's head tilts toward her. the way he says it has her flushing. it's teasing in a sense that isn't quite there. his lips almost seem like they want to quirk up into a smirk but they refrain and she's slightly puffing her cheeks in response. something about it has her fidgeting slightly in her seat but she can't place why. "yes," she murmurs toward him. and then, she's glancing toward mary, cheeks deepening in color. "could i, um, have a slice of your chocolate cake?" she's starting off slow, perhaps, because it's a bit mortifying to order an entire cake for yourself let alone the entire stock mary has. her gaze shifts again as it's pulled back toward alexander. the corners of her lips almost give way to a coy smile, an expectant look overtaking her features.


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RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing