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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON May 12, 2020 18:36:32 GMT
he decided a while ago that he would never second-guess his decisions. to live life with no regrets sounded difficult but not entirely impossible, and for the most part he's stayed true to his decision. but there are a few instances where his decisions greatly affected the change that followed; he'd be lying if he said he hadn't doubted his decisions then. maybe things would be different had he chosen correctly. maybe dad would still be alive. maybe he'd still be engaged. so she's not wrong when she says not all change can be good. he just wishes he had realized sooner. "i agree." but this change is good; it has to be. this change is warm and reassuring and calming and he wants more of it. more of her. 

"a slice of my chocolate cake! of course." mary is enthusiastic in her response; perhaps her enthusiasm stems from how odd it is to just have a slice of cake for dinner. but she doesn't judge! alexander chimes in then with a comment. "mary, just curious, what type of cakes do you have prepared tonight?" he holds his expression and waits for an answer. "ah well we have chocolate, red velvet, and i believe coconut." his expression almost lights up as he edges closer to mary. "ah! lovely. we will have all of them please." the audible friction of pencil against paper stops in that moment and she almost gasps. "a-all? like one slice each?" she asks, unsure of how to proceed. "all of the cakes, if possible please. i have just been really craving your baking, mary. it has been months." mary narrows her eyes almost suspiciously but finishes writing. "all of the cakes it is! who am i to judge what you young people eat these days. i'll be right back!" and with that she disappears into the kitchen.

only then does alexander break. 
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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
atlantic [m]
POSTED ON May 14, 2020 1:12:26 GMT
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[attr="class","illie b"]change is, in itself, a catalyst for a plethora of things. it can provide the groundwork for new personality traits, for new environments and even new relationships. it's inevitable, not in a some villain is about to ruin the entire world with a snap of his fingers kind of way but in a subtle way. things change around everyone. leaves, cities, people. somehow, the world almost seems to run purely on this fact, on this notion that everything in some way adapts to further itself. that's not to say that all change is good. in fact, as history has unfortunately shown, change can bring about awful developments. has he been on the receiving end of these? part of her wants to ask, wants to understand, but she doesn't pry. instead she'll hold his hand a little tighter as if he's the one thing she would never change. and perhaps, in some way, she wouldn't. he's a welcome change. one she's hoping to see more of.

illeana flushes a little more at the enthusiasm in mary's words. sure, it's a little bit of an odd choice to only have cake but... her habits aren't exactly the most normal of things. realistically, it's just a sweet tooth running rampant but he encouraged her and now mary is solidifying her desires with her pencil scribbling against paper. the soft scratching sound fills her ears for only a moment before alexander is speaking, drawing her eyes toward him again without hesitation. an urge to giggle rises in her throat, almost clawing its way out. she reigns it in and struggles to keep her composure as he questions their company. mary lists off the options a moment later and her composure begins to grow thinner. his expression lights up as he shifts a little closer to the older woman. he's cute, she muses with the hint of a smirk settling onto her lips. cute even when he's up to no good.

it's difficult to maintain a straight face during the exchange. somehow, both of them manage and it's only when mary leaves them to return back to their bubble that they break. he's the first to do so with her following a moment later. it starts as a soft giggle at first before evolving into an amused bout of laughter. "i can't believe you just did that," she snickers, her free hand rising in a feeble attempt to stop the giggles from escaping any further. they merely shift around her fingers into the air, unashamed. "how did you manage to not laugh?" she had barely been able to contain herself so the fact that he was able to is quite impressive. although, perhaps he simply has a brilliant poker face. someone remind her to never face him in such a game. she'd surely lose. illeana slowly begins to settle down only to return to another bout of giggles as another thought rises in her mind. "if we don't finish all of them, we'll be eating cake for a week straight." somehow, she knows she could eat cake with him forever and the thought has her beaming, warm and content.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON May 14, 2020 17:59:52 GMT
poor mary. he cannot imagine what it must be like to own a restaurant and have a couple of young people come in and order his whole supply of cake; cake that he most likely spent all morning baking! unbelievable. but if he were to really think about it: leftover cake is no good and he'd most likely have to throw some out anyways if not for the couple, so really, he should be shaking their hands and thanking them. maybe not-so-poor mary after all.

laughter flows around them and it's music to his ears. he relishes it completely. "maybe i was just born with this amazing gift." another breath and he continues, shaking his head slightly. "you develop a really good poker face in the corporate world. i feel like you have to." he isn't just talking about the countless corporate meetings that reeked of boredom, but also the deals he'd have to negotiate between companies. it isn't as easy as some people may make it out to be, but it comes naturally to him, perhaps because of the years of studying.

he subconsciously leans closer when she giggles; her giggle almost making him do the same. "that doesn't sound so bad as long as you're there with me." which of course is illogical but the thought does warm him. he lets the feeling sit for moments before breaking into a chuckle. "okay, i have a question, and please answer truthfully." he continues to lessen the gap between them as he rests his arms on the table. he almost whispers what he says next; the teasing-nature of his voice and actions abundantly clear. "what is your obsession with cakes?"
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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
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POSTED ON May 15, 2020 1:45:16 GMT
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[attr="class","illie b"]"oh really?" an eyebrow raises, her interest matching the ascent. she's leaning forward, the beginning of another smirk curling at her lips. it's intriguing, he's intriguing. somehow, she had expected business skills but to see such a skill used in this way? there's more to him than she had originally thought, different facets of the same gem. it's funny, she hadn't believed that someone could bring about that same curiosity that seeking knowledge does but in this moment, he's proving her wrong. "one could say it's also a curse." the comment is soft, as if she's wondering if he truly wants to have such a weapon at his disposal. would such a thing make relationships difficult for him? from what she has come to understand about the act of a poker face, it's easy to hide behind. her parents had hid behind theirs and perhaps he is no different. ah, but something tells her he's not even within the same realm as them, not even close.

"do you enjoy having such a good poker face?" it's a genuine question rising from the usual curiosity. she wants to know more about him, about his background. and yet, she's voicing her thoughts anyway, that hesitation of overstepping from earlier somehow no longer clinging to her. "wouldn't it make some things difficult? like, i don't know... how do you know when to not use it?" it's impressive to her if she's being honest. not wearing your heart on your sleeve, hiding behind a calculated mask. is it something that comes naturally to him or did he need to learn it? and... could he teach her?

he's leaning closer to meet her halfway, the space between them fading as quickly as it had come. there's no barriers now, no walls. just them, their bubble, and this conversation. it shifts to allow unspoken feelings to bubble between and she's hanging onto every word. the smile that follows is easy, melting onto her lips like warm chocolate. "that could be arranged," she quips with a wink. if he'd allow it, of course, but something tells her that he just might. and then, he's chuckling with the beginnings of a topic change following suit. her own laughter rises when the words hit her ears and she's tilting her head, almost flirtatious as she scrunches her nose at him. "you think i'd lie about my cake habits?" more giggles come next and she's unable to hide the grin. "i'm quite proud of my obsession with sweets, thank you very much!"

the slight shift from earlier returns, however, as her laughter subsides and her eyes retreat toward the window beside them. pedestrians still linger on the sidewalks, some in groups and some by themselves. she watches them for a moment, distracted by something she can't place. a memory, perhaps. "i wasn't allowed sweets as a child," she supplies after a brief pause of silence. her eyes find their way back to his as she continues. "so now, i go overboard because my parents aren't able to punish me for it." in the back of her mind, she's aware of the closets she's opening. the glimpses into her background, those painful memories that she tries oh so hard to bury. it should scare her to reveal anything related to such things but... he's safe and affectionate and her walls are no match for him.


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june 12
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON May 15, 2020 19:06:46 GMT
it is a blessing and a curse and she echoes his sentiments exactly. slowly he begins to unravel the different facets of what defines him as a person. his background, his story, he reveals what he normally doesn't and he shares more with her than he has with most. "sometimes i do. but you're right: it can be a curse at times." he answers truthfully because he feels no need to guard himself from her. "it was something i learned to do for business but i'd be lying if i said i haven't used it in my personal life. it does make things difficult. it's almost like a crutch to hide behind, and most of the time it's subconscious because i'm just so used to doing it." he's briefly reminded of all the arguments he's had in past relationships. his mask, his facade, seems to have been a catalyst. "i guess you just have to be aware of it. and i am trying to be." but, like all things, it takes time and patience.

he would allow it. cute; the way she scrunches her nose has him melting. "no, of course not! i am just curious." because it's not every day that he has cake for dinner. there's a slight shift in the air as she diverts her gaze to the window. it's subtle enough that he chooses not to linger on it, and much like he has done, she's starting to unravel her facets too. even though it goes unsaid he knows of the possible sensitivity behind not only her words but also what's unsaid. some things just don't need to be said; he understands as much.

so he listens with genuine curiosity and care, nodding as she continues. "i'm sorry," escapes him almost involuntarily. his words are soft and caring as is his touch; he reaches for her hand to perhaps provide some level of comfort. maybe it's physical touch that'll keep her grounded with him in this moment. or so he hopes. "i take it your parents are back in sinnoh?" 
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played by


illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
atlantic [m]
POSTED ON May 16, 2020 18:45:02 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]she understands, to some extent. the glimpses of him provide enough clues to draw up conclusions in a way. there's honesty in his words, truth dripping from every syllable. the love-hate relationship of a poker face is understandable, even more so with his comments. she stays quiet for a moment, as if rolling the words around to get a better sense of the concept. truthfully, she has no experience with such a thing. her expressions constantly change like the weather, always mirroring exactly what lies beneath. he, however, is practiced in the art of concealing those emotions. it's impressive but... she wonders if it's difficult to know when to put the mask down. "do you mean to use it in personal matters?" she presses further, slowly easing into prying. "i could see how it might not make people happy to see when dealing with relationships." while it might be well suited for business, she can see the downsides more clearly with each word.

a hum follows and the curiosity is sated for now. slowly, she nods. "i'm sure it's easier said than done," she murmurs. a smile follows and she's offering words of encouragement, of reassurance as he had her. "but i think as long as you're trying to change it, that's all that matters."

her smile dips slightly, curling in a way that seems teasing. it's quickly followed by words ushered in through the form of a wink and a giggle. "curiosity killed the cat," she chimes. satisfaction, of course, can bring it back... but is he satisfied? she, for one, knows that she will be as soon as that cake is sitting in front of her.

the shift continues, gradually settling onto her shoulders with a familiar weight. it's not a topic that she's necessarily uncomfortable with. god only knows how many times she actually thinks of them throughout the days but there's something odd about airing out dirty laundry with another person. even just hinting at such a thing makes her stomach twist. "it's okay," she whispers and her eyes return toward the window. not much has changed outside besides less citizens. "it's not your fault." it's mine, her mind finishes and she's letting out a soft sigh. his hand stretches toward hers and she's almost unashamed in the way her fingers clutch at his. there's a greedy sort of desperation in her touch. a need to be comforted rises soon after and she's shrinking into the back of her chair. "no, they're not," she says and she knows that they're too close for her to be comfortable with. they're somewhere nearby, lingering in some shady business that is so fitting for their talents. "i'm not sure where they are now but they're in hoenn." her eyes dart back to his as she attempts to continue. "honestly, it's a little unnerving knowing they're so close. i -- i don't want to run into them." her fingers tighten around his with some silent plea she doesn't understand and before she can stop herself, she's saying too much. "they'd be worse than last time."


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON May 22, 2020 17:36:42 GMT
"sometimes." she touches on a sore spot and he finds himself struggling to find the words. "i try not to but sometimes it's easier to just hide behind it." he remembers the few arguments he's had with stormy; how she'd bare her emotions of annoyance and anger and how he'd just sit there and take it with his mask of indifference. sometimes it helps. but sometimes it just makes things worse. "it's one of my flaws, i suppose." her words of encouragement and reassurance is appreciated and a small smile forms. maybe it's exactly what he needs to hear and in that moment he decides to never use it with her.

the air around them dips ever so slightly as she talks about her parents. he sees it in the way she shrinks into the back of her chair, feels it in how her fingers clutch his for comfort and reassurance. it makes him sad to see her like this, to hear her words that slowly reveal more of her past. it comes in small pieces but it's enough for him to start to piece together. 

"it's okay. i promise you'll be safe here." here in rustboro, here with him. "i promise." he says it again as if saying it twice makes it more reassuring. he still wears the same smile, still hopes his touch keeps her in the moment. but he feels this weight inside him at the thought of her parents. it's dark in nature and it's heavy and he fears it'll linger. he pushes it down for now but he knows curiosity will get the better of him. he knows he won't be able to stop himself from finding out more.

mary saves them and pulls them both out of their possible spiral. he breathes, smiling, as mary places down various slices of chocolate, red velvet, and coconut cake. there isn't a complete cake but if they were to put the slices all together they'd at least make one and a half full cakes. he nods a thank you to mary and falls back into their bubble.

"yeah i don't think we can finish this."
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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
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with what's to transpire.
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
atlantic [m]
POSTED ON May 26, 2020 2:41:43 GMT
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[attr="class","illie b"]part of her understands it in a way that isn't similar. there's bits and pieces that make sense: the act of hiding behind something, of using it as a defense mechanism. everyone has their own, unique only to them. hers are smaller, less distinct. they come in the form of apologies, of covering herself up with clothing and fluffy blankets until there's no scars and no damage peeking out from beneath destroyed skin. perhaps his is his mask of indifference, of schooling his features into nothingness to deflect everything away. is it easy for him? does it come back to haunt him in the end?

"may i ask why?" it's soft, hesitant, as if she's saying the wrong thing and perhaps she is. yet, she's curious to know, to see the workings behind such a thing. her smile is gentle when she tilts her head at him, charcoal eyes softening at the edges. "flaws aren't always a bad thing, you know." somehow, she knows that he does and there's a slight upward curl of her lips. "they make you who you are."

it's almost odd in a way that isn't quite real to discuss acceptance of flaws. after all, she has never accepted her own. they've haunted her, fueled a past written in red until it's all she sees. the flaws, the failure, the shame. a cycle that repeats for an eternity until she no longer recognizes it. the air dips a little further into the growing somber tones.

she's clinging to the words like a lifeline, a buoy keeping her from drowning. safety, security. here, in this cafe, in this city, in his presence. it's soothing to think about and her shoulders ease ever so slightly. the weight is still there with a pressure she can't possibly handle but it lessens somehow just from his voice and the meanings laced between syllables. "thank you," she whispers. her fingers squeeze at his and she's considering sharing more. maybe it's the atmosphere or the way he's grounding her but promises of safety have her believing that the memories won't hurt her. not here, not with him.

mary comes at just the right time, however, and the mood dissipates. cake is here and lots of it. oh god, so many slices! is this what heaven is like? it has to be. she can't contain her excitement, bouncing slightly in her chair with the brightest smile of the day plastered upon her face. there's nothing like the bond between a girl and her dessert. illeana chirps her thanks to mary and once their bubble is back in place, she lets out a half delighted, half amused laugh. "cake for a week!" the thought is pleasing, although not nearly as pleasing as that one particular slice of chocolate cake. it's practically calling her name. her eyes dart away from the slices toward him with mild curiosity. "which one are you gonna have first?"


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jul 2, 2020 10:29:48 GMT
why? alexander ponders on this for moments. he tries to find the right answer; one that will satisfy her curiosity. but perhaps he approaches it the wrong way. perhaps it's not about finding the right answer but rather: the truth. "i was taught to never show my weaknesses for people to take advantage of. it applies in business and politics more than anything else, but i just try not to be vulnerable." he avidly remembers his father's words. it's comforting. but as he sits across her now, he's starting to realize that perhaps being vulnerable isn't as scary as he once thought.

alexander wishes he could remember how her face lights up at the sight of cake forever. he takes a moment to try.

"i've always thought coconut was underrated," he replies as he reaches for the plate. he slices his fork into it and smooths it down to get a much smaller slice. he raises it like he would a glass of wine. "to cake." 
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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
atlantic [m]
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2020 6:06:03 GMT
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[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]"would you be vulnerable if you wanted to?" the question comes a moment after he finishes and she flushes. it comes too quickly and too suddenly for her to exactly take back now. and maybe she's prying or maybe she's just curious but it's a thought she can't silence for long. illeana shifts in her seat as if mildly nervous about the answer. "not everyone will take advantage of it." she wouldn't is what she's really getting at but she has a feeling he can see the meaning between her words.

she watches him get his slice, drawn in by the movement. and perhaps her smile grows a little brighter, a little more blissful than it should just from watching him cut cake. it strikes her, then, that she'd be content to share cake with him for as long as he'd let her.

"really? i didn't take you for a coconut kind of guy," it's light, teasing, and she's laughing at the end. his actions are mirrored, the second half of a toast following. "to cake! one of the best inventions." another laugh and there's no time wasted when her hand reaches for a fork.

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june 12
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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atlantic [m]
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2020 10:48:35 GMT
[attr="class","stone b"]
[attr="class","stone i"]"i would try to be for some people." the answer takes a little longer to follow the question, but he needs to be certain. and he is. alexander knows it's unhealthy to live the way he does, to keep everything to himself, to never show his true colors. but he means what he says. for certain people, he will try. for her.

the two of them sit for what feels like too little but it isn't until mary returns to tell them she has to close up the store does he realize how long they had been there for. the realization has him flushing, and after giving mary a parting hug, they leave and step back out into the streets of rustboro.

by now, the streets have grown quiet, people most likely back home and preparing to sleep. it hits him then, and he turns to her with an apologetic look. "i'm sorry! i kept you for a bit too long. i can fly you back to dewford, if you want." but it's just oh so late. there's innocence in his words when he says: "but you can also stay the night here."

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
atlantic [m]
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2020 17:31:38 GMT
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[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]she hums at the thought but doesn't offer any comment. he'd try for certain people. it's enough for her to feel comfortable with the idea. and while she doesn't like to assume her place in other peoples lives, she has this little voice in the back of her mind telling her that yes, she's included in that sentiment. it leaves her lightly flushed and smiling.

they sit for hours, really, but it feels like minutes. the bubble stays and grows with an easiness that's been persistent all day. and she's all smiles, all brightness and bubbles. content, comfortable, warm. her hand finds his across the table once she's had her fill of cake and it isn't until mary comes over to inform them she needs to close that time seems to come back to them. she shouldn't make promises to see mary again without knowing what the future holds but she does anyway, sealing it with a tentative hug after alex is done and then, they're on their way out.

the people that had been out wandering the streets have retired to their houses for the night. it's calmer now, almost quiet and serene. it's nice, she realizes, with a glance up toward the moon and the stars. she almost prefers the quiet calm to the hustle and bustle. "oh, it's okay! i don't mind," her smile is reassuring, as if this is probably the best time she's had in a while. and really, that's accurate but she's trying to not blurt that out between them. her cheeks heat with a sudden flush at the next sentence, however. her, spending the night. is that normal? her fidgeting gives away the awkwardness, the nerves that plague her.

"um," she squeaks, dissolving from intelligent woman to squeaky dog toy in the blink of an eye. "if you'd like me to then i can." she wouldn't want to put him out for the night. but she also wouldn't want to force him to bring her all the way back to dewford either. the choice is up to him and she can't seem to look him in the eye as she waits for a decision. instead, her head tilts up toward the night sky, moonlight making her too rosy cheeks more pronounced.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 19, 2020 12:29:13 GMT
[attr="class","stone b"]
[attr="class","stone i"]the pronounced initimacy behind his words is not lost on him. it's easier to imply and allow her to infer than it is to ask. her response delights him, as evident by his smile, and he responds: "i would."

his hand finds hers, fingers intertwining to seal his words. they slip back into their little bubble, not really having left anyway, and walk through the quiet streets of rustboro, back to his apartment.

the lights automatically flick on when he enters, sensing his presence. "please make yourself at home." he takes an immediate right to the open kitchen area to deposit leftover cake into the fridge. "would you like something to drink?"

[newclass=.stone] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.stone b] color: #6c9975; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.stone i] text-decoration: underline dotted #6c9975; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,340 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
atlantic [m]
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2020 18:47:40 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]her cheeks shift from pink to red as he confirms, as he lays out implications and meanings behind two simple words. and as she turns to face him, her own lips widen at just the sight of his smile. it doesn't matter if she's caught staring so long as he's still directing that smile at her.

his hand slips back into hers and she's quick to lace her fingers with his. it feels right, natural, warm. the bubble stays, as it has all day. and to think that stumbling upon him on the shores of dewford could lead to this? she never would've believed that such a thing could happen. not to her, anyway.

the walk to his apartment is over in what feels like the blink of an eye and by the time they enter, the lights are already flickering on to greet his presence and she's unable to stop smiling from ear to ear. "okay," she murmurs, slipping her shoes off at the door and padding across the floor to his living room. and while she takes in the unfamiliar surroundings, he calls from the kitchen with a question. a glance is thrown over her shoulder toward the direction his voice comes from and her answer sounds a moment later. "whatever you have is fine!"

and then, like a moth to a flame, she's drawn to the windows, to the cityscape that twinkles just outside. it's beautiful and she can't help but linger there, mesmerized even as he comes in.

[newclass=.illeana] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana b] color: #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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june 12
406 height
406 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,893 posts
part of
TAG WITH @stone
atlantic [m]
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2020 7:17:40 GMT
[attr="class","stone b"]
[attr="class","stone i"]though not a seashore house, he prefers his penthouse apartment for the gorgeous view it gives him of rustboro. there is no other place he would call home but here. not sootopolis. not sinnoh. only rustboro.

alexander returns with two glasses of water. the sight that greets him is warming and he pauses for a moment to truly appreciate it. remember this, he reminds himself. he leaves the glasses on the coffee table for now.

"it is my favorite city for a reason," he says as he approaches, gaze on the skyline of his home.

[newclass=.stone] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.stone b] color: #6c9975; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.stone i] text-decoration: underline dotted #6c9975; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing