Sweet 'n Sour [pvp]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Sweet 'n Sour [pvp]
POSTED ON Apr 21, 2020 16:30:24 GMT
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[attr="class","hallowedbreezes-title"]feed me

[attr="class","hallowedbreezes-subtitle"]paint me darling fleur



It was sunny on the outskirt beaches of Slateport City. The salty smell of the nearby ocean and the warm feeling of sand in her toes reminded the blonde-haired woman just why she loved the far ends of her hometown. She had made many memories here, after all. It was a common hangout place for her and her friends when they were still training as rookie-Rangers. It was funny, really. Much time had passed since then, but the scenery here had hardly changed. The wind blew through her golden hair as she stood on the beach, a confident expression plastered over her features.[break][break]

But it was enough reminding for one day. She needed to keep her mind focused on this battle, after all. [break][break]

"Grovyle, Leaf Blade! Don't let that stupid 'ole Cloyster scare you!" Charli exclaimed out to one of her Pokemon partners. [break][break]

She'd gone for a quick evening walk on the beach but had encountered some young and snooty trainers who had egged her for a battle. The headstrong Charli would never refuse such an offer, even if she knew she'd likely outclass them by far. There wasn't a better feeling than putting a brat in their place. [break][break]

The leaf-lizard leaped up, the blades on its wrists glowing a bright emerald. Charli's Grovyle was swift and managed to hit the shell Pokemon before it could close up. The Cloyster fainted, and Charli was victorious. [break][break]

Grovyle landed next to her, a sneer on both Trainer and monster's faces. "And that's a wrap! Go find some other punk to bother, would you?" She called out to the deflated teen who was now scurrying away. [break][break]

It felt good to be victorious. [break][break]

Notes: ---

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Sweet 'n Sour [pvp]
POSTED ON Apr 21, 2020 19:27:17 GMT
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Nostalgia had brought him back here, and a sense of restlessness. He hadn't spoken to her in some time, had even been avoiding her. But it was hard to do so when she was a coworker, a fellow ranger in the field. And it made sense that she'd be here - this was her hometown.[break][break]

But it still struck a chord in him when he happened upon the final breath of a battle. Charli stands, as beautiful and captivating as ever, lording her victory over the young punks who had challenged her. Her victim scoops up his fainted Cloyster to scurry away and recover from his bruised ego.[break][break]

"Y'know, doll, you really don't have to be so hard on 'em. They're just kids."[break][break]

Despite the message he delivered, he has a playful smirk on his face. He expected nothing less from her, after all. He'd known her almost his entire ranger career.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...


template by kay

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Sweet 'n Sour [pvp]
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2020 0:43:42 GMT
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[attr="class","hallowedbreezes-title"]feed me

[attr="class","hallowedbreezes-subtitle"]paint me darling fleur



Just as the boasting blonde was basking in her glory, a suspiciously familiar voice interrupted. Charli whipped around to see the face of none only than Matthew, a man who had been a friend in what felt like a distant past. She crossed her arms, pursed her lips, and rose an eyebrow. Charli had a suspicion that he might have followed her here without her knowledge. "Alright, what do you want from me this time?" She asked, her greeting far from anything particularly warm. "Lemme guess, it's a proposal-- but you got me a donut instead of a ring! Bahaha!" Charli giggled to herself and her partner, laughing at her own joke. Despite her bright features and friendly looks, Charli knew how to be mean, too. [break][break]

Curiosity getting the best of her, the woman decided to humor Matthew and approach, her gaze unbreaking. She stopped just short of him. "Well, first thing's first, I'm not your or anyone else's 'doll'." Said Charli sternly. "Second-- they're the ones who started it! I'm just doing what any good person does when met with a challenge. You completely destroy it." [break][break]

Her mentality had obviously not changed after all of those years. Charli was well an adult now but she had the mindset of a cocky teenager. Her passion was undying though and she clearly did enjoy what she was doing as a Ranger. Firn, her Grovyle, grinned devilishly at Matthew as it stood at its Trainer's side.[break][break]

"So, what?" Charli inquired, reaching down to her belt to where her Pokeballs were stowed. She grasped ahold of the red and white capsules and gripped it firmly in her left hand. "You here for a battle? Or nah? Cause if you don't mind, It's getting late and I should be heading home."

Notes: ---

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Sweet 'n Sour [pvp]
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2020 20:54:53 GMT
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Matthew hadn't meant to follow her, he never really did. It was just unhappy coincidence or fate that liked to pull his strings. He was but a puppet for the universe's entertainment and they really liked the way he squirmed under pressure, felt heartache whenever he saw her. [break][break]

He felt it now when she turned to face him, when he watched her expression devolve into a scowl. It hurt to see her look at him that way.[break][break]

She immediately mentions the proposal and he swallows the lump in his throat.[break][break]

And then he quickly realizes he had made a mistake calling her 'doll'. He tended to make a lot of mistakes, it seems.[break][break]

"You've always been good at that."[break][break]

He sounds tired and he shoves his hands into his pockets, fingernails pulling at lint.[break][break]

Charli reaches for a Pokeball and does what he expects - she challenges him to a battle. Of course, Matthew relents because he knows this is the only way he can get close to her. [break][break]

Even despite how mean she is, how cold, he still cares for her, misses her.[break][break]

"Can I walk you?"


[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...


template by kay

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Sweet 'n Sour [pvp]
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2020 17:09:46 GMT
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[attr="class","hallowedbreezes-title"]feed me

[attr="class","hallowedbreezes-subtitle"]paint me darling fleur



Blue eyes watched curiously at the man's drained expression. Charli loved competition, a fire from her opponents' eyes. But Matthew wasn't exuding that sort of behavior. He seemed tired, run ragged by all the games she'd played with him in the past. Charli grumbled, "Come on, you're not even going to fight my offer? No smart-ass jokes? No conflict from you?" She asked in a surprised manner. "That isn't the Matt I remember." [break][break]

Charli decided to accept his offer anyway, so long as she'd get the battle she desired. "Alright. Fine," She replied. There was an open expanse of sand and sea-side rocks just up ahead, a perfect environment for a battle. Firn followed suit, taking a place on the opposite side of the sandy field. It appeared ready for a rumble. [break][break]

Notes: ---

[newclass=".hallowedbreezes"]margin: 10px auto; max-width: 87%; max-height: 500px; min-height: 400px; background: #f9f9f9; padding: 10px; position: relative; display: grid; grid-template: auto / 43% 1fr; color: #222;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Sweet 'n Sour [pvp]
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2020 17:19:56 GMT
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Matthew can't help but emit a tired chuckle at her response, her disappointment. But it also tugs at him, a mild sense of guilt. He hated when she was disappointed, when she was unhappy. She deserved the world.[break][break]

So he reaches for Ludicolo's Pokeball and holds it out, glancing between it and Charli.[break][break]

That, and she had accepted his offer to walk her and it caused a bud of hope to flower in his chest. [break][break]

"Of course I'll battle you Charli, how could I possibly say no?"[break][break]

The capsule in his palm bursts open to reveal Romeo. The Ludicolo sways from side to side as if dancing to an unheard beat. Matthew gestures to the woman, encouraging her.[break][break]

"Ladies first? Unless you plan on letting me get the upper hand and win."[break][break]

He winks.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...


template by kay

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Sweet 'n Sour [pvp]
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2020 20:58:37 GMT
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[attr="class","hallowedbreezes-title"]feed me

[attr="class","hallowedbreezes-subtitle"]paint me darling fleur



Charli moved to the other end of their sandy arena, facing Matthew as well as the Ludicolo he had just brought out to the fray. Firn grinned and crouched down, hungry as always for a good battle. The woman overheard the Ranger's words and scoffed. "Well, I guess you get how a role. You'd also know I don't plan on losing, either." She stated with a playful haughtiness, something Charli was known well for. [break][break]

It wasn't like she was going to pass off the offer of first move, either. Hand on her hips, Charli shrugged. "You heard that Firn, let's go! Pursuit!" [break][break]

The Grovyle burst off into a sprint, clawed fingertip barren as it charged towards the Ludicolo. When its hand became coated in a darker purple aura, Firn swiped forward to hit its enemy. [break][break]

Sand had been kicked up now. Like a tidal wave, old memories began to wash back onto the shore of her subconscious. These were her tired and true training ground from her rookie days. Matthew's too, when they'd still been closer. Charli stared over at him with her azure eyes, curious if he remembered that far back too.


Notes: ---

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Sweet 'n Sour [pvp]
POSTED ON May 13, 2020 23:12:19 GMT
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Charli wastes no time in simultaneously badmouthing him - in a way - and beginning the battle with a kick. Her Grovyle encroaches rapidly, claws raking the sand as he PURSUES the Ludicolo. Romeo is bewildered by the sudden advance, blown back by the Pokemon's physical attack. He stumbles backward, glancing down at the injury to his chest. It hurts but isn't terrible.[break][break]

"Not bad, Romeo. Now, let's start an uproar."[break][break]

The man begins to clap to a beat and Romeo follows suit by bellowing, screaming, stomping his feet. It doesn't match the tempo at all but it's the thought that counts, right? The ground shakes as he charges, using the power of being a pain in the ass to disorient the Grovyle.[break][break]

Even despite the intensity of a battle, Matthew can't help but find his gaze growing soft as he looks upon Charli. He's surprised to see that she's looking back, and the man offers her a small smile. He couldn't help but feel nostalgic all of a sudden, watching their Pokemon spar. It reminded him of when Romeo had been just a small Lotad, and then a Lombre.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...


template by kay

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Sweet 'n Sour [pvp]
POSTED ON May 18, 2020 23:36:13 GMT
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[attr="class","hallowedbreezes-title"]feed me

[attr="class","hallowedbreezes-subtitle"]paint me darling fleur



After landing back in its place, Charli's Grovyle winced at the loud noise and vibration that the opposing Ludicolo began to stir up. The Grovyle was hit with the attack and seemed to hiss out in pain. Charli gritted her teeth, unapproving of such a show of weakness. She clenched a fit and called out, "Don't be such a wuss, Firn! Get back at 'em with an X-Scissor!" [break][break]

As the noise settled down, Firn looked up and nodded sheepishly. She didn't want to make her Trainer disappointed. [break][break]

The blades across its arms began to illuminate a bright magenta. Firn charged, arms moving in a crossing motion as it aimed to hit Romeo. [break][break]

"Romeo's as annoying as always," Charli grumbled out to Matthew with a pout. "I'da thought it would have learned a new move that wasn't so loud by now. Jeez!"

Notes: sorry 4 delay!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Sweet 'n Sour [pvp]
POSTED ON May 19, 2020 19:57:37 GMT
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The Ludicolo comes to a brief pause as his UPROAR slams the Grovyle back. As he recovers his tempo to resume after a quick breather, Matthew glances away from Charli. The way she speaks has always been crass and intense.[break][break]

Romeo is attacked again with an X-SCISSOR before he could continue his UPROAR, but the pain from the magenta-charged attack is enough to kickstart his energy. However, it appears as though his movements have become a bit slower as exhaustion and injury add insult to his advances.[break][break]

Matt smirks in response to Charli's comment, his eyes glancing down at the perfect pout.[break][break]

"Nah, he tends to stick to what he's good at, y'know?"


[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...


template by kay

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Sweet 'n Sour [pvp]
POSTED ON May 23, 2020 16:56:48 GMT
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[attr="class","hallowedbreezes-title"]feed me

[attr="class","hallowedbreezes-subtitle"]paint me darling fleur



"It sort of just sounds like an excuse to be lazy," Replied Charli, rolling her eyes... but they had a playful edge to their look. Charli, Charli. Anyone familiar with her knew just how much she liked shielding herself in a tough persona. But they also knew that Pokemon battles were a soft spot that could pierce through that armor. She had trouble hiding the fun she had while participating in one. In that way, Matthew may have really been winning this whole ordeal. [break][break]

Blue eyes refocused once more on the battle before her. "But fine, I'll look past it. What can I say? We like doing what we're good at too." Said the blonde, eyeing her partner. Having taken the blow of another Uproar, Grovyle winced but smiled back too. [break][break]

"Let's try to finish this up, no? Mega Drain!" She ordered. Grovyle moved forward and began to glow a bright emerald. Pinpointing its target, it tried to sap even more energy away from the Ludicolo to replenish itself.

Notes: ---

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Sweet 'n Sour [pvp]
POSTED ON May 28, 2020 3:34:13 GMT
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Matthew shrugs in response to her comment. She had a point, but he wasn't about to admit it. Instead, he'd much rather play along and add fuel to the fire.[break][break]

"Why learn something new when you're already an expert at what you've got?"[break][break]

He winks, a cocky smirk gracing his lips.[break][break]

Even despite his teasing he can see, plain as day, the amount of fun she's having. Though she tries hard to mask it behind a scowl or foul words, he can see the smile in her eyes. [break][break]

"And you look good doing it too."[break][break]

Matthew chuckles despite the impending doom coming Romeo's way. His UPROAR is cut short as the MEGA DRAIN literally drains his voice. His horrible singing ebbs away as he coughs, wheezing. Due to his lazy nature, the big galoot promptly trips over his own feet due to how heavy he had become.[break][break]

He falls on his face and sighs heavily.[break][break]

"Well, well, well, Charli. Looks like you've beat me yet again."


[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
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Swords Clashing