one last glass [o]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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one last glass [o]
POSTED ON May 31, 2020 6:14:22 GMT
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If I wasn't comfortable with myself, I would never be comfortable.

The blue-eyed assistant finds himself leaping over the fence with ease, landing back on solid ground with a thud from both feet before he sprints forward to navigate the rest of the alleyway ahead. A filthy Aipom jumps up onto a fire escape and ascends it when its daily rummaging through the dumpsters is interrupted by the human male. It chatters angrily at him before stopping abruptly, catching sight of a Honchkrow in the sky above and immediately diving to take cover in the trash again.

Though Atlan finds the haze settling in to be rather strange (and almost certainly not a coincidence of any sort), he turns a corner and follows the rest of the alley pretty easily despite that. He just needs to keep pushing forward. It's a straight shot back out onto the streets of Rustboro, where he expects to intersect with the thief and hopefully seize a chance at tackling said thief down.

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Meanwhile, Satine has been using her natural senses to track her target, but the haze proves to be slightly disorienting. Taking quick notice of the Honchkrow in the skies above, and recognizing it as the source of the hindrance, she reacts in a manner that can be perceived as both instinctual and territorial. Swinging from one lampost and landing against the side of another, the Galvantula fires a wide arc of  ELECTRO WEB at the crow, hoping to slow it down— if not incapacitate it altogether.

Chase Meter: 1/3 →

Atlan pushes through the alleyway in a sprint, hoping to clear the haze and intersect with the thief:


Thief sprints across the street, heading towards an abandoned factory:

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
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good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
one last glass [o]
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2020 3:18:18 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

I've tasted blood and it is sweet[break]
I've had the rug pulled beneath my feet[break]
I've trusted lies and trusted men[break]
Broke down and put myself back together

"Faster, Morgana. We are not losing him."
It was much less about whatever the thief could have stolen at this point. Now, Katherine simply cared for the competition involved. It's no surprise, of course, considering who she was. Everything is in some way related to outperforming others, upstaging a fellow contestant, defeating a person in a battle. Heck, even toying with a guy's heart was related to showing off her skills.
In this area, she was as mature as a preschooler.
She wants to win.
[break]She wants a trophy.
The ghost-type keeps a steady flame floating by her side, offering a 'lamp' of sorts for her trainer. She insisted on chasing this man in the dark-- which included having to deal with the darkness and these shadows. Regardless, despite the kind gesture, Kat doesn't acknowledge it quite yet. She is too focused, unable to offer a compliment.
Honchkrow, however, demanded no compliments from his trainer. Much like Katherine, he found joy in silly, childish things. In his case, it was watching people boil with anger that stemmed from his tricks and pranks against them. In short: he was one hell of a bitch. Loud, obnoxious-- and in case Atlan or Galvantula almost forget about such a fact, he caws loudly another time. Qrow was a creature of the night through and through, and he was no stranger to having things flying at him.
In this case, it's a web of lightning that attempts to surround him.
A beam emits from his beak in response to the attack, a spiraling mass of dark energy that connects with the web and rips it apart. He caws three additional times, his own way of saying 'I survived!'.
Still... So, so annoying.


[attr="class","sltdrkcred"][ DARKEE ]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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one last glass [o]
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2020 3:54:35 GMT
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If I wasn't comfortable with myself, I would never be comfortable.

The Honchkrow's caw succeeds in reminding Atlan of its presence and, in addition, its failure to trap him in the alleyway with its Haze. In fact, when he exits said labyrinth of alleys and finds himself only a few feet away from the thief, the assistant is almost thankful for the proverbial fire that had been lit under his backside. He reaches out with one hand, attempting to grab the man by the hood he wore but quickly reeling his arm back in when he realized the effort was futile at this juncture.

What he needed to do was sprint forward, faster than the thief was trying to do, and tackle him down before he reached the abandoned factory ahead. It would appear that he was in this alone, as his Galvantula was more than likely preoccupied by the interfering crow. Katherine was crafty, this much was certain. But, even without inter-dimensional shadow portals to travel through, Atlan was a doer. And he intended to bring this little contest of theirs to a quick end in his favor.

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Satine, in the meantime, is quite irked by the Honchkrow's haughtiness. Though well aware that Atlan was depending on her, however, she doesn't trust the crow to do nothing if she were to turn her back on it. So, instead, her compound eyes gleam as they hone in on the black avian. With all the accuracy and intuition of a rapid-strike predator, she fires off a wide-spanning Sticky Web that, even if it doesn't strike the bird full-on, manages to form a large barrier across the street.

Whether wrapped up in her web or not, she trusts it will slow the Honchkrow down as she leaps backward, spins around in mid-air, and scuttles away to catch up with Atlan and the thief. Too much time wasted!

Chase Meter: 2/3 →

Atlan intersects the thief, and tries to tackle him down:


Thief bursts forward in an attempt to crash open a locked factory door:

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
one last glass [o]
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2020 22:23:22 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar


Shit, shit, shit. She was so close.

And just when Katherine felt like he was hers, the thief managed to slip from her grasp and avoid her by turning when she was too focused on him rather than the road. A curse is murmured as she realizes just that this was her mistake that led to this failure. Sure, it wasn't over just yet, but...

Now Atlan's chances grew bigger, didn't they?
Although she should be happy that it seems like one of them was going to capture the thief-- she is not willing to celebrate. Not unless the winner is her.

How immature.

"I suppose it won't hurt to try and slow him down now, Morgana. Try to aim for his clothes, alright?"

Without so much of a word, the ghost-type twirled in the air and conjured a blizzard of leaves. MAGICAL LEAF was a move that could very much hurt the thief and perhaps even leave him with a wound or two, but Kat was willing to take the risk. Regardless, her partner did aim to mostly scare him with the attack. Or maybe, if she's lucky, graze his cheek with a leaf or two.

Qrow and Satine's little game wasn't over quite yet, it seemed. The bird was persistent, sure, but the spider had yet to raise a white flag. In fact, while entirely too occupied with cawing in a mocking manner-- the Honchkrow fails to prepare himself for the bird's STICKY WEB. It reaches him just in time, undoubtedly slowing him now.

He wouldn't be a problem for the duo anymore.


notes: ---

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
one last glass [o]
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2020 9:04:35 GMT
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He'd been so darn close! Just a hair away from seizing the thief by the collar, in the fact. When he had attempted to do so, however, the mysterious criminal sprung forward at just the right moment and sent Atlan stumbling for balance instead. The thief kicked open the doors to the abandoned factory and ran inside during the time it took Atlan to regain it, narrowly avoiding a flurry of magical leaves that only dealt a cut or two to his clothes.

The Holon native spared a moment to turn over his shoulder and smirk at the sight of Katherine and her Chandelure. But he didn't stay there long before disappearing within the factory himself. Realizing he wasn't going to be reaching the thief so closely again any time soon, he reached for a heavy ball clipped to his belt as he ran. Then, with a toss, summoned a shiny Morpeko that emerged from a flash of silver light already in mid-run.

"Goodcop! Run him down with Aura Wheel!" He quickly commanded in-between breaths, pointing at their target and realizing he was headed straight for an old (and certainly unsafe) metal staircase. "Do it quick!"

With an affirmative squeak and a determined gleam in its beady little eyes, the two-faced hamster nodded and burst forward with immense speed as the electricity crackling around its body slowly began to form a spinning wheel. It would do its best to run down the larger opponent as asked!

But would it reach the man in time?

Chase Meter: 2/3 →

Atlan stumbles through the door and summons his Morpeko to try and run the thief down!


Thief tries to lose his pursuers by ascending a rickety staircase.

[newclass=.everybody]padding:10px;[/newclass][newclass=.say]text-align:justify;font:25px arial;margin-top:2px;color:#AEB3B8;letter-spacing:-1px;font-weight:bold;-webkit-transition:all ease 0.2s;transition:all ease 0.2s;opacity:.8;[/newclass][newclass=.atlan]font:40px arial;text-transform:uppercase;color:#AEB3B8;text-shadow:1px 1px #fff, 2px 2px #AEB3B8;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:1px;margin-top:-50px;font-style:italic;-webkit-transition:all ease 0.2s;transition:all ease 0.2s;opacity:0;[/newclass][newclass=.beckett]text-align:justify;margin-top:5px;font:10px arial;text-transform:uppercase;padding:5px;margin-top:-50px;-webkit-transition:all ease 0.8s;transition:all ease 0.8s;opacity:0;[/newclass][newclass=.everybody:hover .say]-webkit-transition:all ease 0.2s;transition:all ease 0.2s;opacity:0;[/newclass][newclass=.everybody:hover .atlan]-webkit-transition:all ease 0.2s;transition:all ease 0.2s;opacity:1;[/newclass][newclass=.everybody:hover .beckett]margin-top:0px;-webkit-transition:all ease 0.8s;transition:all ease 0.8s;opacity:1;[/newclass]·
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