
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 24, 2018 8:51:10 GMT
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there was a beauty to it. the comfort of a cool day, and low-hanging sun. before him, a garden. the garden. the flowers rose upwards towards the sun. straining to reach what they never will.

sound familiar?

micah blinked. the persian draped around his shoulder purred into his ears. keeping one arm leaning against the rail, micah reached his other out, cupping the cat's chin and rubbing it beneath his thumb. her presence was always there to soothe him; pull him back. one gift he had been grateful for.

a casual glance about told him he wasn't alone. it surprised him not to have noticed. usually, he was more astute than this. what was with him lately? "quite something," he said aloud, eyes not leaving the flower bed. "the flowers. hell of a view." his gaze falls upon her then.

will she notice?

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 24, 2018 18:23:54 GMT
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wee woph


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[attr="class","eitmpostbody"] The outskirts were usually slum-like, but without the people. Remnants of buildings and degrading roads really made the place out to be a collection of ghost towns. But there was a kind of calmness to it, and sometimes strays would poke their heads out of the deteriorating houses. Ami was sure there was also a lot of misdoings here, directed towards the Pokemon who have settled down. She thought about this with a scrunched nose.[break][break]
Ami had been hanging out to see the sights; lately she had been really holed up in one place and decided she wanted to have some air. She had herself planted on top of the railing, her feet on the lower bar to stabilize herself. Her Pancham's short legs weren't able to reach it, but was masterfully balancing herself on the top rail next to Ami. They weren't conversing, but just gazing out into the garden. One day, probably, Daisy would evolve to be a lot bigger, and it would be harder for them to hang out so casually.[break][break]
The silence was broken by a stranger. She turned her head over to see a tall but sort of suspicious-looking guy. Kind of a lame conversation starter too. But she didn't expect someone else to be there; how long has she been sitting here for, staring out blankly?[break][break]
"Yeah. One of the few nice things out here." Ami gripped the railing under her palms. She didn't know if she was supposed to continue the conversation. "I. Like your Persian. She's cute."



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 25, 2018 2:36:49 GMT
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it was easy to see that micah wasn't the only one caught off guard by the stranger standing near them. perhaps she too got lost in her own world sometimes? then again, didn't everyone?

"thanks," he said, voice sounding genuine and warm, despite lacking the enthusiasm of it all. "she can be bit of a diva. probably gets it from me." he smiles as he speaks, doing his best to give off a friendly disposition. he didn't often approach strangers with conversation, but what what would be the harm here?

pushing off, he moved a few feet closer to her, leaning his back on the rail towards the foilage. "micah," he answered to a question that hadn't come. "i like your pancham. it's pretty cute too." the rocket grunt's eyes fall to the pokemon, than what back to her. "hows your day going so far?"

casual converastion. his favorite kind.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2018 4:10:22 GMT
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wee woph


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[attr="class","eitmpostbody"]He didn't seem like the diva type at all. Imagining a quiet guy like him acting so made Ami chuckle. "Daisy gets really rowdy too. I'm not like that at all," she teased, rolling her eyes at her Pancham. She grunted in response and crawled into her lap. Ami scratched her head affectionately. [break][break]
She wasn't exactly looking to have a full conversation on this mini-trip to the outskirts, but it looked like they were already in the middle of it. Ami eyed him, a little cautious. It was less dangerous for her to travel alone because of her party, but a girl could never be too careful. But, it was daytime, and his posture wasn't suspicious. She didn't protest when he scooted closer. Maybe he was just a weird, lonely guy.[break][break]
"She is cute! And she knows it," she sighed. "I'm Ami. Nice to meet you." She shot him a friendly smile. "It's pretty good. I've been kind of a shut in lately. So it's the first time in a while that I've been out just to enjoy being out." There was something special in a fleeting conversation with a stranger. For some reason, people spilled more information about their lives than necessary. Maybe it was the understanding that they'd most likely never cross paths again.[break][break]
"How about you? People usually don't come out here to sightsee."



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