boom, smash, ker-pow! [c/tos m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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boom, smash, ker-pow! [c/tos m]
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2020 13:42:29 GMT
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"Yes, I completely understand, sir." Asher reassured the man who owned the Petalburg Junkyard. "I'm sure we'll get it taken care of in absolutely no time at all."

"Well, you'd better." The man furrowed his brow. "I just don't trust these young ones, you know?"

Asher could see his concern, but immediately played a charming smile. "I promise, our demolition will only stretch to the one section of cars that you have specified, my good sir. Try not to worry too much about it."

With that, Asher gave him a wave and made his way over to the cars, where his short blonde compatriot waited. He went ahead and tossed out Bridget, his copperjah, who was a little less enthusiastic than most pokemon would be to be freed from her capsule. She even gave a toot-toot of annoyance at Asher before wrapping him up in her truck to give him a kiss.

After a laugh, he returned the affection to her trunk and was set down. His eyes focused on the cars before him as he placed a friendly hand on the shorter one's shoulder.

"Are you ready, friend? It's just this group here, and I've assured the gentleman we won't cause anymore harm than he has requested in his advertisement."


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Arashi Akiyama
boom, smash, ker-pow! [c/tos m]
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2020 18:05:18 GMT
Arashi Akiyama Avatar


Finally, something he felt he was actually good at! Majority of his Pokémon were built to be either ‘large and in charge’ or ‘smash and destroy’, and boy had he been itching to give them all a spin. Like, seriously.

So when he heard about the little junkyard down at Petalburg needing some extra hands to take care of junking some cars that had been sitting around in the yard for a while and had to be compressed down for a scrap?

Arashi was so in on this.

I mean, that’s what my Pokémon are made to do! Be big, smash things, and make a mess of the place! He thought excitedly, trying to stay calm as he looked around the area before seeing the biggest elephantine Pokémon make its appearance.

“Shit, I want that!” he exclaimed as he saw the Copperajah. It definitely fell into his category of ‘big and strong’ Pokémon. Stretching his arms over his head, he then pondered on who to send out first. This was a demolition job after all.

“Go, Alex! Show ‘em your buffness!” he called out eagerly as he watched the flash of red light from the Heavy Ball transform into a Steelix, rumbling as it let out a victory screech once it had fully emerged.

“Okay, so. Point me. Where do we start? he asked the older man, eager to get cracking.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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boom, smash, ker-pow! [c/tos m]
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2020 21:28:32 GMT
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For a moment, a split second, Asher wondered if he should have been a bit more concerned. There was something about this young one that made Asher wonder if perhaps he needed to see a shrink.

But he was so small already??

Without much more thought on that, though his own joke brought a smile to his face, he looked toward the junk and pointed at a few of the cars, waving for his copperajah to follow him.

"Alright Bridget. Let's get things settled. Red car, pull it sideways against that gold one. The tan truck, lay it on it's side here, and... there!"

Throwing his arms into the air, Asher showcased how he had made a perfect square with his copperajah, and moved out of the way for the steelix.

"Just smash whatever you want in that square, Alex."

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he / him / his
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Enju, Johto
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Arashi Akiyama
boom, smash, ker-pow! [c/tos m]
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2020 21:41:15 GMT
Arashi Akiyama Avatar

“That’s a perfectly nice square you made there,” he cracked a grin on his face as he then noticed how perfectly square the proportions of the created square were. He knew that his Steelix was heavy on the damage, and it was possible he could pull off something like the Road Roller here.

Even if the place was full of cars that the Steelix was itching to smash and careen into.

“Alright Alex, you heard him, go! he added a few moments later, encouraging the Steelix to basically rush forward and swing his heavy tail through the nice-looking ‘box’ his companion for the day had created. Bellowing, the Steel Snake Pokémon then wiggled through the perfect square, pondering where best to take aim next.

Meanwhile, Arashi gave his companion, as well as the Copperajah, an appraising look.

“No, seriously, where’d you find something like your Copperajah? I’d sure like to know where to find one,” he remarked, before introducing himself.

“Arashi. My name’s Arashi, and you would be…?” he inquired, hoping he would get an answer from the older man.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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boom, smash, ker-pow! [c/tos m]
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2020 22:21:56 GMT
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Could he tell the kid that he won his copperajah in a poker game when he first got to Hoenn? No, no probably not. So instead, he just smiled and shrugged his shoulders.[break][break]

"A gift from a friend, if you can believe that."[break][break]

Saying that it was hard to believe was a way for Asher to show that while he might not even believe himself, the other should believe him even more because of it. A decent social tactic that usually worked in his favor. Though sometimes, it blew up. Much like one of the cars did.[break][break]

"Well done! Let's try a cross up, shall we?"[break][break]

With that offered, he waved his hand for his copperajah who immediately held up her trunk and then slammed it down, with a heavy slam, on top of the cars.

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he / him / his
september 10
Enju, Johto
errand boy
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Arashi Akiyama
boom, smash, ker-pow! [c/tos m]
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2020 22:41:04 GMT
Arashi Akiyama Avatar

“Well you must have some really nice friends out there, because I can’t seem to find one of them out in the wild here. Either that or my luck just sucks,” he continued with a sigh as he scratched the back of his head.

For the Steelix’s part, the blue car that was just behind the little box proved to be a perfect place to sink its teeth—or tail, into. Letting out a bellowing roar, the Steelix then practically stuck its tail through the blue car, smashing the inside as he began to swing and flail around—the weird vehicle’s car alarm suddenly went off.

“Aw, nuts,” he grumbled before whistling a sharp note. “Alex, careful there! Try to find where the noise is coming from and keep it down!” he added a few moments later.

Knowing that his Steelix was smart enough to take the hint, he watched as the tail came out of the insides of the car—before coming to slam down with a powerful crashing noise on the hood.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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boom, smash, ker-pow! [c/tos m]
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2020 22:55:55 GMT
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"They are a relatively new thing to the region, are they not? Not really all that native. It's not much of a surprise you haven't found one."

Asher's tone showed that he was trying to comfort the young man. A way of reassuring him that while he hadn't found one yet, it didn't mean he wouldn't find one ever.

It appeared as if the they'd given the cars a decent smashing, the makeshift sort of 'hitbox' that Asher had created beforehand had helped to keep the damage to a minimum and only allowed the demolition of the cars that the owner had asked for.

"We've done very well..." it was then that Asher grunted, remembering something very important. "I just realized, I don't know your name... I'm Asher." He began with a smile.

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he / him / his
september 10
Enju, Johto
errand boy
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Arashi Akiyama
boom, smash, ker-pow! [c/tos m]
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2020 23:04:26 GMT
Arashi Akiyama Avatar

Was he for real?

Maybe it was because they were both enjoying smashing the cars so much they had forgotten to introduce themselves while they were at it!

At least the car alarm that was coming from the wrecked pile that his Steelix was manhandling was done in now. Who knew that car alarms had an annoying, tiny little hitbox within the stupid frame?

Breathing a sigh of relief, he stretched his arms above his head. “In case you missed it—I’m Arashi. Nice to finally put a name to the face… Mister Asher?” he tried.

Well, if he was right the man was… much older than he was. Of course he had to treat him with some respect. Although he wasn’t sure how Asher was going to take it. Either way, the Steelix then continued to wiggle around like an overexcited ‘puppy’ (if you could call him that) as he continued to squish and shred another car that was right underneath the blue one he’d just destroyed moments ago.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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boom, smash, ker-pow! [c/tos m]
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2020 0:21:54 GMT
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Mister? Damn, talk about a verbal hitstun. Asher felt his breath leave his lungs, eyes fluttering for a moment. He never did lose his smile though, and simply laughed once he recovered a few moments after the title was given.

It wasn't unheard of... but only in class. Outside of class and campus, it felt wrong.

"No need for the formalities." Asher insisted as he noticed his copperajah getting annoyed with being out of her pokeball for what he was sure she would claim was 'no reason.'

The smashing was finished and it was time to check in with the owner. So, Asher looked to the young man and gave a parting smile.

"It's been a pleasure, Arashi. I do hope for good graces in your path." Asher even extended his hand for the young man to shake, because Asher was as much a gentleman as he was patient.

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he / him / his
september 10
Enju, Johto
errand boy
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Arashi Akiyama
boom, smash, ker-pow! [c/tos m]
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2020 0:28:39 GMT
Arashi Akiyama Avatar

Ooh, did he just unintentionally burn the older man with him? He couldn’t believe it.

Either way, he was told to do away with the formalities, at least when they were out here. The hitstun from his earlier, well, ‘show of respect’ at least went off well with Asher! Looking over to where his Steelix was busy pulverizing the remains of the car he had decided to focus his attention to, he knew that one of his Pokémon had gotten all the rage out for that particular day, at least.

“And the same to you, the pleasure is all mine,” he agreed, meeting the other’s handshake with the same gesture of his own. Now that his Steelix was pretty worn out, he knew it was time for the hulking snake to take a rest.

“I think we’re going to see each other again—I don’t know how soon, though. Call it an educated guess? he ended with a grin on his face as he recalled the Steelix to let Alex take a good rest after tiring himself out today.


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TAG WITH @shiv
boom, smash, ker-pow! [c/tos m]
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2020 4:58:54 GMT
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[attr="class","reward"]mission complete!!
[attr="class","reward2"]you two receive the following: 50 poke, 5 infamy, 1x sparkling dust.[break]
bonus: 50 pokedollars, 1x gachapon ticket.
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