Prospectin' Protection! [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jun 23, 2020 1:34:25 GMT
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296 Words!
The sand shifted beneath Nerian's feet easily. Softened by the surrounding frigid waters. Nerian was no stranger to cold, having grown up in Circhester, and this was not his first visit to Shoal Cave. He had heard that the pokemon Eevee could evolve if it was trained based on environmental factors. He was hoping that training Lumi in such cold Environs would maybe one day evolve her into a Glaceon.

He shook his head a bit as the aforementioned pokemon jumped up running along his arm to sit on his shoulder. "Ee-Vee!" She cried softly and nuzzled into the side of his head, causing him to smile slightly. "Good girl, Lumi," he said, reaching up to feed her one of the little treats he kept in his pocket.

The cold didn't bother him in the slightest, seeing his breath in the air felt reassuring even. He chuckled as he wondered how long his companion was going to take to catch up to him. He would be willing to bet that she wasn't as enthusiastic about the current environment as he was.

He looked over at one of the miners they were accompanying, tasked with protecting them from any wild pokemon that may pop up. He looked nervous. "Fear not, my friend. We will protect you," he said with a soft smile, his words cool and soothing. Full of cold confidence, though not arrogance. The miner gave a nod and seemed to relax a bit.

Nerian lowered his hood to get a better view of their surroundings. It was beautiful, the icicles hanging from the cavern ceiling, and the ice protruding from the ground, the water gently lapping at the sand in certain areas. This was a place he didn't think he would ever grow tired of.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jun 23, 2020 1:58:03 GMT
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five hundred and thirty-six[break][break]


time to let Litty melt the cave down. that'll protect them, right?

The chill in the air seemed to dig its way deep into Rosalyn's bones. With every breath that escaped her jaw, a white cloud escaped visualized before her eyes. The white wisps rose up slowly before dissipating, only to be replaced by the next not even a moment later. She held herself tightly, her hands grasping onto her heavy jacket on the opposing arms. She could feel the chill in her lungs as the air slid into her lungs, wishing that her body could warm it up faster. "Lit lit!" Her eyes turned to the ground next to her where she saw she trusty friend and companion looking up at her as if understanding her dilemma. "I can't depend on you every time I get cold, silly Litty," shge said with a joking tone even as she reached down to pick the candle pokemon up in her hands. She reached behind her to place Litty in the hood of her jacket whose pink fluffy rim lay gently against her back. Thankfully Litty wasn't heavy enough to weigh it down much, but the soft warmth emitting from the Pokemon's body flame seemed to take the edge away.[break][break]

Smiling, the pink-haired woman realized that she had started to fall behind from her companion and the miners that they had taken up the mission to protect. Feeling a new energy combing through her with Litty's help, she picked up the pace until she was just a few steps behind Nerian and could hear his remark to the nervous miner, "Fear not, my friend. We will protect you." Rosalyn smiled and took a couple big steps tell she was walking right at Nerian's side and turned her eyes onto him, pushing her face close to his as they walked, "But you wouldn't want to hurt your favorite kind of Pokemon, would you? Those poor little freezing icicles!" She chuckled as her face lit up at the joke. This was his home turf, a place where he could come and lay on the ground like a swimmer sunbathing on the beach. The thought of him in a swimsuit trying to relax here made her smile grow even more, even though she knew that not even he would be that crazy...[break][break]


Rosalyn moved her head back and let her hands' grips loosen from her arms and moved them behind her, pushing her head back and letting her pink hair trail behind her. Her gaze turned upwards as she tried to push a nonchalant face forward like the cold bothered her very little, but she was just thankful for Litty's help in that regard. She could feel the little candle move slightly in her hood, the weight becoming slightly uneven towards the side where the others were. Her gaze turned back to Nerian as she chuckled, "I think Litty wants to play with Lumi. She forgets that we are on a mission to serve and protect." She could feel Litty moving back towards the middle of the hood's dip and she chuckled, reaching back to give the Pokemon a reassuring pat, though she could tell by the Pokemon's quiet noises that she wasn't upset and was just in a relatively good mood.








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Prospectin' Protection! [M]
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2020 3:27:52 GMT
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404 Words!
Nerian turned to look at Rosalyn as she caught up with him. "But you wouldn't want to hurt your favorite kind of Pokemon, would you? Those poor little freezing icicles!" he heard her chuckle, and saw her face light up, and couldn't help but let a soft smile cross his features as well. "They're strong little icicles, they can handle it," he replied jokingly.

Truth be told he really didn't want to have to harm any pokemon, but if they were going to attack the miners they would have to be stopped. He hoped if it came to that he could calm them down without hurting them over much.

Nerian yawned quietly, and Lumi cocked her head to one side, looking at her trainer with confusion, probably wondering why he was tired when he had slept so well the night before. He'd like to know himself, it was a quirk of his, he was almost always tired.

He heard the shuffling of cloth coming from Rosalyn's hood, and eyed it warily, he was always wary of her Litwick, not wanting to let it get too close to his Ice type pokemon. "I think Litty wants to play with Lumi. She forgets that we are on a mission to serve and protect." came Rosalyn's voice. "Normally I'd say no on principle, but Lumi here hasn't evolved yet so she should be alright." he said relentingly. "Don't get me wrong, Litty's cute and all, but fire is no good for the health of most of my pokemon. No offense Litty!" he said with a shrug and minor shake of his head.

Nerian reached up to scratch behind one of Lumi's ears, eliciting a soft sound almost like a purr. One of the miners signaled to his fellows to stop. "This looks like a fair place to start!" came the miner's voice. Hearing this, Nerian looked around, There were rocky outcropings along the cavern's walls and some interesting shells, and there were some uniquely colored icicles jutting out from the cavern floor in certain areas.

Nerian wasn't sure what the miners were looking for but if they thought they found it that was fine by him. They set about readying their tools and began digging with pickaxes and the like. The sounds made Nerian cringe a bit. He was sure pokemon wouldn't respond well to this. He certainly wasn't. He just hoped it wouldn't take too long.

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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POSTED ON Jun 23, 2020 4:04:45 GMT
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six hundred and two[break][break]


when do we start singing the dwarf's mining song?

Rosalyn was happy to see that smile cross the icy boy's face as he responded to her joke with, "They're strong little icicles, they can handle it. She grinned as she gazed at him. "You wanna bet? Litty could take on any ice Pokemon that came her way and if that failed, they'd have to face Slasher's blade!" Their teams weren't exact counters to one another, which was good because then neither of them could complain about having the advantage over the other just by nature. Though there was a lot more that went into Pokemon battles than mere type advantages. She had to admit though that two of her Pokemon faired less well against Nerian's icy Pokemon, but she also had those two that could hold their own and then some.[break][break]

The yawn that came from the light-blue haired boy caused a yawn to escape from her own mouth and her gaze turned sharp as she jokingly shot at him, "Nerian! Stop it! You're not a slowpoke. No need to put everyone to sleep. How else are we supposed to protect these miners as they do their work?" Of course she was joking. It took a lot to make her really yell at anyone, but it also felt like cheating to yawn. Yawning was contagious and it both amused and confused her when her mouth opened wide for that gasp of air merely on our refle-[break][break]

"Damn it!" she said with a laugh as she realized she had started to yawn yet again. She smiled and moved her hands to the top of her head as the walked over the sandy floor of Shoal's Cave. "Don't get me wrong, Litty's cute and all, but fire is no good for the health of most of my pokemon. No offense Litty!" Rosalyn rolled her eyes and looked at him, shaking his head. "Litty can hold her heat, can't you girl?" The candle Pokemon nodded as the flame burned a little bigger and Rosalyn made a gasp that caused the small Pokemon to reel it in again. "Well, most of the time I suppose," she said with a laugh. Litty looked up to her like the Pokemon wanted to get out of her hood and truly walk with Lumi, and Rosalyn pouted, "You want to leave me, Litty? But I'm not as cold-shouldered as Nerian, I'll freeze over!" She looked to her friend and gave him a sly wink, "No offense, Neri."[break][break]

In the end though, as the miners called for a stop and determined that this was a good place to start their mission, she stretched her arms into the air and flopped onto the ground, taking Lumi out from her hood. Litty let out a squeak and ran towards Lumi. Rosalyn smiled as she watched her pal try to play with the Eevee who would one day evolve to be as icy as the rest of their friend's team. Then again, her team of ghost types probably weren't much better, or in many trainer's eyes, maybe even worse than his. Smiling, she p8ulled her knees up so she could rest her head atop them, her hair fanning out around her as her gaze took in their surroundings, looking for anything that could come as a danger to the miners. "Stay sharp, Neri. Just because your affinity is ice does not mean they'll come with high spirits."[break][break]

She knew he would be on his guard as she was sure neither of them would be surprised to find unhappy Pokemon around with the loud sounds of the miners making work through the cave's wall.








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Prospectin' Protection! [M]
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2020 21:36:38 GMT
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329 Words!
Nerian watched quietly as Lumi started playing a game of peek-a-boo with litty. This caused him to raise an eyebrow in amusement. Imagine that, the normal type pokemon was playing peek-a-boo with a ghost. He snickered a bit without really meaning to, which caused his Eevee to look up at him with her head cocked to one side as she tended to do when she was curious. He just shrugged at her and shook his head slightly before Lumi started running in circles, trying to entice Litty into chasing her most likely.

Suddenly Nerian's eyes shifted to a side path leading into the area they were in. He thought he heard something, though he was not quite sure what. It was hard to tell over the loud clanging of the mining equipment. He thought it almost sounded like when Sandy used rollout, but that couldn't be right, he was tucked safely in his pokeball at his trainer's side. The sound was slightly softer than rollout, but was growing louder and louder. Nerian Narrowed his eyes, something was approaching!

He snapped his fingers, and Lumi snapped to attention immediately running to his side and turning around to sit beside him, peeking out from behind his leg and staring in the same direction he was. One of the Miners stopped to look back at the trainers. Nerian raised his hand and waved him off as if to say 'Don't worry about it, we know.' and just after that he reached down to his belt pulling out Mimey's pokeball.

He had a feeling he knew what was coming. "Spheals," he said to Rosalyn. Before pressing the pokeball's button, expanding it and tossing it into the air, and sure enough four spheals came rolling into the room. "Keep mining, we've got this!" he called out as his Galarian Mr.Mime appeared in a flash of light, directly in the path of the spheals, tap dancing this way and that to avoid their rollout attacks.

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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Prospectin' Protection! [M]
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2020 0:10:36 GMT
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four hundred and eighteen[break][break]


notes go here and feel free to go all sorts of crazy!

Watching the two little pokemon play brought a smile to Rosalyn's face as Litty put her little arms into the air every time Lumi revealed herself to the candle Pokemon. There was even a moment after where it looked like Litty was trying to hide her eyes behind her little white arms. "Lit," she'd say with her arms held up and her eyes shut, though her arms did not quite reach, and then as she ripped her arms downward, copying Lumi's actions she'd say, "Wick!" Rosalyn smiled and laughed as she leaned backward where she sat in the sand, her hands sprawled behind her holding her up. About the time that Lumi started running around and Litty chased behind her, squealing with happiness, Rosalyn shifted her gaze to look towards Nerian.[break][break]

That's when she started to hear something as well, but she shrugged it off at first, pining it off to the miners making more noise than she would have thought possible. It was only when she noticed the look on Neri's face that she realized something must be off. He snapped his fingers and the well-trained Lumi came to her trainer's side immediately. Litty looked after the Eevee's departure with a sad look on her face, but the stern gaze that had befallen Rosalyn's face caused the Pokemon to nod and come to her trainer as well. Rosalyn stood on her feet and brushed the sand off her pants just as Neri confirmed to her, "Spheals." She nodded and just as he had, she took one of the Pokeballs at her side and expanded it with a press of a button.[break][break]

"Lit!" from the Litwick came an indignant noise from Litty and Rosalyn turned to give the little Pokemon and said, "Next time. Their water posses a danger to you. Let one of the others have some fun." With that Rosalyn focused on the four Spheals and she saw Mr. Mime doing his thing, tap-dancing like a boss, as she threw her Pokeball and called, "Let's go, Slasher!" Without looking to Neri, she smiled and said in a challenger, "C'mon, don't fall behind now!" And only a breath later she called out, "Slasher go, use Iron Head!" She watched as Slasher went for the Spheal which was furthest on the left. She smiled as it hit and the Spheal seemed to get hit hard by it, though it wasn't completely down yet as Slasher turned to keep the focus of one of the others that was nearby.








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POSTED ON Jun 24, 2020 0:42:19 GMT
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226 Words!
Nerian's face betrayed no emotion as he focused on the battle in front of him. "Mimey, double kick!" he called out while reaching down for another pokeball, tossing it into the air and releasing his Alolan Sandshrew. "Sandy use metal claw on the one furthest to the right!" he called out, catching the pokeball as it returned to him, and placing it back on his belt. The Alolan Sandshrew carried out it's trainers command without hesitation and Metal Claw hit home.

"C'mon, don't fall behind now!" came Rosalyn's voice. "I don't plan on it, Rosey!" he said with a small smile, though it quickly faded as he refocused his attention on the battle at hand. Mimey had just jumped into the air and slammed his feet down into one of the spheals. "Come on guys! Don't make us hurt you! We're just doing our job!" he said, hoping the spheals would back off.

As it turned out however, he had no such luck, one of the spheals launched an Ice Beam attack towards Sandy! "Hunker down Sandy!" he called, and he did just that, laying down on his belly so his outer shell took the brunt of the attack, grazing off the icy steel surface of his back. "Now! Turn it into a rollout!" sandy spun quickly and slammed into the spheal that had been hit with Mimey's Double Kick, knocking it out and causing Nerian to wince slightly in sympathy.

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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POSTED ON Jun 24, 2020 3:10:24 GMT
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three hundred and thirty-two[break][break]


One down one to go!

"I don't plan on it, Rosey!" his response to her caused her to blink and she turned to look at him and retorted, "I thought I told ya to stop calling me that!" It was her usual thing, but she hoped he knew that it was never serious, just friendly bantering as really on the inside it made her smile. It felt normal, something that had been a part of her life since before they moved out to Hoenn - something familiar and she liked it. Rosalyn turned her attention back to where Slasher was doing his best to hold off two Spheals, but she could tell that he needed help. Nerian had sent out his Alolan Sandshrew and she knew she needed to follow suit. She felt a little tug at her jeans and she looked down and shook her head to Litty. Normally Litty would be a good match to ice, but not when Spheals were also water![break][break]

She grabbed a Pokeball from her belt which belonged to the only real choice that she had. Nodding, she threw the ball out and called, "C'mon, Kyu! Let's show them what you got!" Out from the Pokeball came Mimikyu "Come on guys!" she heard Nerian plead with the wild Pokemon. "Don't make us hurt you! We're just doing our job!" The Spheal that had been injured by Slasher already moved and suddenly the wind picked up as it used Blizzard. The other Spheal turned to Kyu and used Aurora Beam which promptly hit the Mimikyu, causing her disguise to fall. Rosalyn hated to see her Kyu in that state and frustration grew. "I don't think they're gonna listen, Nerian!" Quickly, she tried to fight back and called for Slasher to use Swords Dance while the blizzard raged on and as it started to subside, he used another Iron Head. It landed on point and the Spheal seemed to go unconscious. She called for Slasher to return, satisfied, and turned her attention to Kyu.








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POSTED ON Jun 25, 2020 2:50:14 GMT
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Sandy continued using Rollout, slamming into each of the spheals time and time again, sometimes sending them flying in Mimey's direction who then followed up with a double kick which generally led to them getting knocked out or close to it. Nerian felt for the poor pokemon, but it was his job to protect these miners.

"Are you almost done?" he called out to the miners. One of them shouted back. "Just about!" It certainly didn't SOUND like they were almost done. He groaned slightly, a small headache forming. "Sandy, Mimey, return!" he called out, holding out his two pokeballs, one in each hand, before shrinking them back down and hooking them back onto his belt.

The two spheals he had taken on weren't getting up any time soon. He felt bad about it but turned to see how Rosalyn was fairing, hoping she was holding her own against them. Who was he kidding? He knew she was probably doing just fine.

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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POSTED ON Jun 25, 2020 13:43:56 GMT
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three hundred and twenty-six[break][break]


let's go miners, let's go! -clap clap-

The two Spheals had put up a fight and Roslyn was enjoying the battle. Sher knew that in the end, they'd be fine. They weren't doing enough damage to permanently hurt any of them and they'd recover after a good rest. Her gaze moved to where Slasher stood and reached out for his Pokeball and called for him to return, knowing that Kyu could handle the other on her own. Her disguise might be down, but she was still a fighter to the end and Rosalyn believed in the Pokemon. Nodding, she waited for the Spheal who ended up going with a water gun. Quickly called out, "Kyu, Mimic!" The ghost Pokemon nodded and suddenly a Water Gun appeared from her as well, matching the Spheal's water gun. The two battled it out together, but Spheal had the advantage and barely won out, hitting Mimikyu and send her backward slightly. Rosalyn gritted her teeth, looked to her Pokemon, and called out, "You okay, Kyu?" Kyu got back up and responded with a noise of agreement.[break][break]

"Are you almost done?" she heard Nerian call out. After the short agreement from the miners, Rosalyn figured she should end this quickly. "Shadow Sneak, Kyu!" Kyu got herself together and let out a battle cry as she activated her Shadow Sneak, a move that would always go first and outspeed their opponent. It appeared to be enough as Spheal rolled into a wall after the attack and lay there, passed out. She took out Kyu's Pokeball, expanding it and called for her to return. Nodding, she looked at the miners and added onto Nerian's question earlier, "But by no means, don't hurry on our account." She gave them and then turned to Nerian and asked, "Are Mimey and Sandy okay?" She knew they both had moves that faired well against the Spheals, but she wanted to make sure.









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[newclass=.vivaroseright]font:bold 8px Roboto;line-height:10px!important;text-align:right;padding:9px;background-color:#141414;border:solid 1px #000;letter-spacing:1px;margin:-2px -10px -7px -10px;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Prospectin' Protection! [M]
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2020 3:05:25 GMT
Deleted Avatar

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"Yep, they're doing just fine!" he replied to Rosalyn. Then Nerian moved over to the unconcious spheals. He pulled out a few potions and gently sprayed them, not wanting them to remain hurt too badly. He felt bad for the poor pokemon. It wasn't really their fault, they were just confused and defending their home. He made sure none of them were hurt to badly and then motioned to the miners and Rosalyn. "We ready to go?" he asked. With an affirmative from the miners they started walking towards the exit of the cave.

Nerian looked over what the miner's had dug up and noticed lots of shiney things, but he didn't really recognize anything. He shrugged and pulled his hood up once more before continuing along the path in relative silence.

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

[newclass=".charactername"] [/newclass]
[newclass=".charactername b"]color:#A490FF; font-weight:lighter; [/newclass]
[newclass=".charactername i"]color:#A490FF; font-style:italic; [/newclass]
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[newclass=".wizzcred"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
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October 13
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808 height
40,898 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
Prospectin' Protection! [M]
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2020 4:25:10 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","reward"]mission complete!!
[attr="class","reward2"]both of you receive the following: 50 poke, 5 infamy, 1 free evolutionary stone evo (redeem in site shop).
@nerian & @rosalyn
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
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