Destruction Derby [Open Mission]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Destruction Derby [Open Mission]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2020 0:00:51 GMT
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Samuel had to admit that this was an interesting way of dealing with trash compaction. Make a game out of it and have some trainers do your work for you while attracting a large crowd to come to watch the spectacle was genius.

He had just been curious but that turned into him being involved in the game, it did seem like fun. With his Cooperajah the car would be quick work. Though there was the added factor that anyone could end up joining along with him which could make things better or worse.

”Don’t destroy it too quickly now, let’s put on a good show.” He’d caution his Pokémon.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Destruction Derby [Open Mission]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2020 0:40:22 GMT
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just destroy something, they said.

it shouldn't be too hard to do, they said.

liars, all of them. how was she supposed to destroy a car, of all things? she was a small girl, and the thing is that her pokemon weren't exactly the type to be up to the job, either (sae for her mimikyu, who would gladly grab a tree and bash its unholy rage upon the lump of metal). at least it was a good and fun way to get people to do some work. she knows from experience that a game makes everything seem less stressful and vexing.

at her side was a mimikyu and a dusknoir, both who seemed eager to punch and aggressively beat a car to a lump of metal. she finds a blonde man, standing with a.. an elephant? she's never seen it before. "e-excuse me..?" she raises her voice, the slightest bit, while raising her hand. "a-are you samuel? i-i'm supposed to be helping you today.."


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Destruction Derby [Open Mission]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2020 2:14:47 GMT
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Before Cooperajah would go to work on the car Samuel began to inspect it. It was pretty damaged and old, surprisingly so, you could barely tell by the faded paint job on this thing that it was once a bright red at some point. It was in a poor enough state that there was no way this was getting on the road without significant repairs that would probably cost enough to the point where you should just get a new one, so a waste of time.

”Hmm?” He’d slowly turn as a voice called out to him.

”O-oh, you are?” His uncertainty in his voice stems from the young lady’s demeanor not exactly conveying confidence that she should even be here.

She looked like the easiest thing will make her faint but if she was here for then then sure whatever.

”Alright then. Have you done something like this before?” He was pretty sure he already knew the answer.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Destruction Derby [Open Mission]
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2020 2:48:37 GMT
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the stutter from him didn't seem to instil any confidence in her, and the result was her fingers tenting together held close to her chest. "o-oh, i'm sorry. i hope i didn't startle you..!" she stumbles over her own words, trying to pick up the pieces of confidence she might have already shattered. deep breaths, wendy! this was someone she was gonna be working with! deep breaths!

"uhm.. my name is wendy" she starts, reaching for a lock of hair to twirl between her fingers, only to find her bangs falling over and covering an eye. in her embarrassment, she holds onto the edge of her cardigan. "i-it's nice to meet you."

she takes a glance over to the car, old and worn down without much hope of revival. her dusknoir hovers beside her, with her mimikyu trudging along and dragging its disguise with it. "i've never actually.. done anything with a car, before.." her voice is soft, as she sheepishly admits it. "i was hoping that it'd be something that my pokemon could punch.." though thinking on it now, maybe investing in a fighting pokemon might not be a bad idea. if this is what it led to.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Destruction Derby [Open Mission]
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2020 15:20:15 GMT
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Samuel smiled at Wendy’s response, that was a really simple way of putting it but she wasn’t wrong. ”Nice to meet you to Wendy and that’s more or less what we’re doing here.” He’d laugh.

There was no real specific way that they needed to get the job done so they could treat the car as their canvas.

He’d look over the car again, inspecting it to see where he’d want to tackle destroying it first. If he left it up to his Cooperajah the Pokémon would just smash it right now and call it a day but where was the fun in just dropping a brick on it?

”You want to get the first punch in?” He’d ask, throwing a thumb over his shoulder towards his steel elephant.

”The moment we let her at it I doubt there’ll be anything left for anyone else to get a hit in.”

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Destruction Derby [Open Mission]
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2020 7:43:16 GMT
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at least she wasn't wrong.

there's a slight wave of relief, seeing that samuel wasn't too put off by her anxiety. she was so used to it ruining the mood that she had, almost, completely forgotten the reason why she was here, in the first place! the young woman perks up the slightest bit, almost startled when he suggests that she takes the first hit at it.

"m-me?" she asks hesitantly, tentatively, as she tents her fingers as though she were a bit unsure. a glance at her mimikyu and her dusknoir and she knows that they're rearing to go beat a lump of metal up, but she wanted to make sure that the referee was okay, too (an excuse, because she doesn't know if she would do well to begin with). but seeing the ref getting out their timer and getting ready to record their progress? there was no going around this, was there?

"i-i'll do my best, then.."

she glances to the two pokemon at her arsenal, nodding to them to give the go ahead. the dusknoir wastes no time in zipping to the broken down car, coating his fist in flames before beginning to crash down upon the front of the car. meanwhile, a claw came from under the mimikyu's disguise to aggressively slash at tires and doors, leaving dents and marks in its wake.

watching it was enough to make wendy cringe, the tiniest bit, for the car. her words were soft as she thought aloud an apology to the car "s-sorry.."


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Destruction Derby [Open Mission]
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2020 17:01:55 GMT
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Samuel folded his arms as he watched the two Ghost Pokémon go dish their attacks out on the car. They seemed to be doing fine enough but at this rate they’d be here for a while. Their attacks were simple striking moves that didn’t cover a lot of area. But the one thing they most certainly didn’t lack was enthusiasm, both moved fast to get to smash the car.

It was a strange juxtaposition when compared to their trainer who didn’t seem like they would hurt anything and opposed getting violent. Maybe her Pokémon were just overprotective of their trainer?

Whatever the case may be Samuel was about to let his own Pokémon get a crack at it when he heard the woman next to him say something. A brow raised, she was apologizing? At least that’s what it sounded like to him.

”The car can’t exactly hear you, or feel anything.” He whispered with a smile. But now it was his turn to get some licks in and a simple motion of his head in the direction of the car made his Cooperajah move.

”You might want to tell your ghosts to move out of the way. This’ll probably be messy.” He’d warn, watching his elephant approach the car and raise its large trunk in the air.

”And we should probably back up a bit as well.” Samuel added, taking a good amount of feet back. He didn’t want to be in the splash zone for when the car gets pancaked by Cooperajah. The Cooperajah’s trunk then began to glow a bright orange aura as the trunk then came crashing down on the car.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Destruction Derby [Open Mission]
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2020 22:36:36 GMT
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even though that were the case..

the image of her pokemon being told to sic on it was a bit pitiful. it started with simple bashing, up until her dusknoir made a point to envelop his fist in ice, crashing it upon the hood of the car hard enough to leave a hefty dent. meanwhile, her mimikyu had used honeclaws for itself, before smashing down with a wood hammer in hopes to crush the metal. some window could be heard being shattered as the glass flew out, barely falling to wendy's feet.

her cheeks turn red, hearing his response to her apology. gods.. did she say it aloud? she didn't mean to, and the fact that he heard and took some amusement in it caused the poor thing to light up the tiniest bit more. "r-right.." she tents her fingers. how could she have messed up like that?

"er.. amygdala..! wernicke..! come back." she calls over to the two ghosts, who were having the times of their afterlives beating it u. it wasn't until they could hear the trainer did they perk up and - reluctantly - back away from the car.

she follows samuel's lead, taking a few steps back while watching the orange elephant ready itself to smash itself agains tthe vehicle. wendy instinctively takes another step to get behind him, almost hunching over and barely peeking past his arm.

"i-i'm sorry. can i stay here for a little bit..?"


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Destruction Derby [Open Mission]
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2020 21:39:23 GMT
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His attention was focused on Cooperajah, watching carefully as the Pokémon went to strike the damaged vehicle. While they were playing a game and putting on a show for people there was always the possibility that something might fly into the crowd and hurt someone and the last thing Samuel wanted, was for that to happen.

Because of this he caught Wendy’s reactions out the corner of his eye and found them endearing. The ghosts were called back and now it was safe for Cooperajah to do its work.

”You can but you’ll have a hard time seeing the show.” He said, replying to the younger woman.

”Go ahead.” Samuel said as he turned to the Cooperajah. His giving of permission signaled for the elephant to come down with all its might. The ensuing impact completely flattens and destroys what was left of the broken-down car.

There was loud applause and their job would be done. All that was left was for them to get their payment and call it a day. ”Bravo! Bravo!” Samuel began clapping for his Pokémon, petting its trunk when it approached.

”Don’t you think she did a good job?” Samuel would ask the person hiding behind him.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Destruction Derby [Open Mission]
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2020 23:56:03 GMT
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oh that car didn't even stand a chance. it was crushed. minced. minced to ground meat while the giant elephant thing was stomping all over it and rubbing salt on the already very open wound. the sounds of the crunching of metal and squeaking of shards scratching against surfaces brings a cringe to her face, shutting her eyes and using a hand to try and cover the closer ear.

"i-it's okay. it might be a bit dangerous, though.."
she tries to yell over it, keeping her eyes on the young man's back. it wasn't until after she watches other shards fly to the ground and sides, and she eventually peaks right past him - once it's all over, at least. yup. that car was most definitely done for, but she didn't know if the referee would consider this "valid". or.. if it were destroyed enough? she could only hope so.

she stands there, staring as the pokemon returns to the trainer. a red hue stretches across her cheeks when posed a question, solely from being caught off guard. "sh-she did a good job!" wendy stammers, eventually resting her hands under her chest and against her midriff. "i-i think she did a really good job. erm.. she's not hurt, is she..?"

her eyes glance at the pokemon's feet, as though to quietly assess them "there was a lot of metal, s-so.."


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TAG WITH @shiv
Destruction Derby [Open Mission]
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2020 4:45:17 GMT
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[attr="class","reward"]mission complete!!
[attr="class","reward2"]both of you receive the following: 100 poke, 5 infamy, 1x gachapon ticket (bonus).
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