This is our island in the sun [mission]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
This is our island in the sun [mission]
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2020 17:23:18 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
You would think a spa town in the shadow of a volcano would be one of the cooler spots in Hoenn. You'd be wrong. With an average daily temperature of 106 degrees, the damn city might as well be under lava. In that spirit, the spa had begun a program to help keep pokemon who normally couldn't stay in their balls cool. It was a simple yet effective measure; a large temporary pool filled regularly with ice. The spa relied on volunteers to keep it running, their duties being to play lifeguard for the swimming pokemon and to continuously pour ice into the pool.

Enter Oscar, who saw the plight of overheated pokemon and decided to volunteer out of the kindness of his heart. Or, he saw it as an opportunity to steal unattended pokemon while their trainers were off enjoying the spa. One or the other, I forgot which. Oscar was on ice duty, hauling buckets back and forth between the spa kitchen and the pool. Dumping ice, waiting for it to melt, getting more ice, dumping it again, it was rather boring.

But he knew the reward would be well worth it, whether it be the feeling of accomplishment that came by doing a good deed or a pokemon to sell for big bucks. Like I said, I had forgotten why exactly he was here.

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january 1
mistralton, unova
battle academy teacher
kris flynn-edwards
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thea
Alethea Ivanova
This is our island in the sun [mission]
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2020 17:44:22 GMT
Alethea Ivanova Avatar


Thea has a fan with her, the constant movement of her wrist causing mild discomfort- but nothing compared to the flush in her face. Even without much clothing(she's at a hot spring), she's overheating. Was this normal? [break][break]

How can anyone possibly enjoy this?[break][break]

Even her thoughts are muddled as she makes her way through the lobby. She's heading for the changing rooms to grab her cover-up and purse when she stops short, watching a young man who's face seemed awfully familiar pass her by. He appeared to be carrying a bucket of ice. Curiosity gets the better of her and she follows along.[break][break]

Someone mistakes her for a volunteer and passes her a bucket of ice. She shifts the bucket in her arms and blinks in surprise, but goes along with it. The cold of the bucket is an immense relief, regardless.[break][break]

And then she comes across the familiar face and the pool of ice water. Several overheated Pokemon are enjoying the bath, thoroughly relaxed.[break][break]

"Oh these poor things.. how can anyone stand this heat?"


[attr="class","notes"]notes: heat wave


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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
This is our island in the sun [mission]
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2020 0:57:56 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar dumped his ice in as a woman behind him expressed concern for the pokemon. That's just what he needed, some stranger trying to engage him. Oscar stretched out his back and replied as he turned around, "Yeah well I'd say they're the lucky ones. They get to--ACH!" Oscar had turned only to see Thea, the school teacher who has kept popping up in his life lately. Geez fate was a funny thing.

Oscar realized he probably looked terrified, and that's because he kinda was. When they first met, he had played off that he was a pokemon professor. However their little adventure in the Tower of Strength made it very clear that Oscar was nothing of the sort. To run into her in the wild again was rather disconcerting, however Oscar pulled himself together as not to offend. 

He sheepishly rubbed his head and chuckled, "Why miss Thea, whatever are the odds? I didn't know you were volunteering." Oscar would have continued but a splash of ice cold water embraced his backside. Oscar's face contorted into a look of horror as he looked behind him. Apparently a dragonite decided to partake and dove into the pool, emptying a good 60% of it. The lifeguard on duty called out that they needed a water refill. Oscar bit back his rage, "No wOrRieSss, I goT it!"

He twitched as he pulled out a pokeball and released Wrath the empoleon. "Be a DeAr aNd ReFffill the p-p-pool. Please." Wrath saluted and pulled himself into a position to Hydro Pump into the pool. Oscar turned back to Thea, "I wish I could say this was refreshing."

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january 1
mistralton, unova
battle academy teacher
kris flynn-edwards
60 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
264 posts
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TAG WITH @thea
Alethea Ivanova
This is our island in the sun [mission]
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2020 21:10:52 GMT
Alethea Ivanova Avatar


At his startled choke, Thea takes a small step back and looks visibly surprised. Part of her considers his response is rude, but another part is genuinely concerned that something might be wrong. People didn't normally react like that when they saw someone, right? Had she gotten something on her face that was unsightly?[break][break]

In return, she studies his face for familiarity. It dawns on her that she does recognise him. [break][break]

"You look familiar..."[break][break]

She narrows her eyes, trying to figure out from where. It only sets the situation in stone when he refers to her by name. The blush she produces is plain as day - embarrassment that she couldn't place a name to him in return.[break][break]

"I-- I apologize, I'm afraid I don't--"[break][break]

But before she could even attempt to rectify the situation, a Dragonite cannon-balls into the ice bath, spraying everyone and everything in the vicinity. She gasps in shock as ice-cold water is splashed down her front.[break][break]

When she blinks her eyes open, the man has called out an Empoleon that begins refilling the pool with it's hydro pump. It proves effective, for the most part.[break][break]

"Well-- that was certainly exciting."[break][break]

She chuckles.[break][break]

"I apologize, however. Normally I can put names to faces but I'm.. horribly out of my element with yours. Were you the young man assisting Mr. Leivern during that tower challenge assignment we were participating in?"


[attr="class","notes"]notes: heat wave


template by kay

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
This is our island in the sun [mission]
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2020 18:23:01 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar listened to Thea and eyed her curiously. She only remembered him from the Tower? Hm, interesting. This would be his opportunity to brush that business with the slowpoke under the rug. Wrath hopped down from his perch, having completed his work on the pool. Oscar withdrew him and chuckled, "Yep, that was me. I'm Asher's semi-regular bodyguard. If I recall correctly you had some pretty good pointers about how to raise a hydreigon."

Oscar had resented her chastising in the moment, but being firm with ol' Puffnstuff really did help in taming him. Now he's a good little soldier, while still managing to be bizarrely adorable. Oscar hefted up his bucket and began walking toward the kitchen, motioning for Thea to follow. "From your getup I feel it's safe to say you're not a volunteer. Are you enjoying your summer break?

Oscar was being careful not to be dismissive. He wasn't the most social person, but anyone who was on 's good side was worth being cordial with.

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january 1
mistralton, unova
battle academy teacher
kris flynn-edwards
60 height
60 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
264 posts
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TAG WITH @thea
Alethea Ivanova
This is our island in the sun [mission]
POSTED ON Jul 19, 2020 23:26:20 GMT
Alethea Ivanova Avatar


Semi-regular bodyguard? Interesting.[break][break]

She couldn't think of a reason would have need for a bodyguard. He was, after all, a teacher same as her, was he not? Perhaps he had alluded to or literally told her about other business arrangements he was involved in, but she must have brushed it off or assumed he was exaggerating. He seemed the type.[break][break]

Regardless, the bemused look on Thea's face fades immediately and is replaced with sheepish embarrassment when he, in turn, reminds her of what she had so assertively stated within the tower. She clears her throat, quelling the blush that threatens her cheeks before it might come to fruition.[break][break]

"Ahh.. yes. My apologies for my rudeness."[break][break]

She intends to use his name but fails because his name still eludes her. Despite her properness and attention to detail and social cues - she is too overwhelmed or embarrassed to outright ask him. [break][break]

Instead, the man opts to change the subject to her attire and what it is she's doing here. For a moment she is mildly put off at how brazenly he addressed her bikini get-up. She glances down at herself briefly before meeting his eyes again, chalking up his statement as matter-of-fact instead of inappropriate.[break][break]

"I am, thank you. But I didn't mind lending a hand where it's needed, either. Many hands make light work, as the saying goes."


[attr="class","notes"]notes: heat wave


template by kay

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
This is our island in the sun [mission]
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2020 18:08:19 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar was quick to correct Thea on his disposition, "No apology needed, I mean sure in the moment I was peeved but your advice worked. In fact I believe I can learn quite a lot from you, Ms.Thea." By happenstance, Oscar had created a bond with a school teacher that knew a great deal about raising pokemon. With Oscar striving to become a powerful trainer and rise up the ranks of Rocket, her knowledge would be a valuable asset. And thus a friendship was determined to be on his best interest.

"Well if you're offering I sure could use a hand. The quicker we get this done the sooner I can relax at the spa myself. Oh wait.." Oscar had noticed ber hesitation to address him by name, now would be as good a time as any to drill it in. "My name's Oscar by the way, just in case you forgot."

Oscar helped Thea fill her bucket and engaged in idle chitchat while heading back to the pool. Nothing interesting enough to note, just basic things to get to know her better. Upon reaching the pool, Oscar was careful to aim most of the ice at the dragonite, still lounging within. A small, fleeting peek into Oscar's petty nature. The dragonote shivered, and now it knew how it felt to be forcibly chilled beyond comfort. Oscar feigned ignorance to his aim, satisfied with his coldly served revenge. He flung his bucket over his shoulder and waited for Thea to catch up.

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january 1
mistralton, unova
battle academy teacher
kris flynn-edwards
60 height
60 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
264 posts
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TAG WITH @thea
Alethea Ivanova
This is our island in the sun [mission]
POSTED ON Jul 22, 2020 2:03:44 GMT
Alethea Ivanova Avatar


Thea empties the bag of ice she's been carrying, now that she remembers its burning a cold spot across her shoulder. Her skin is cold to the touch but quickly warms up. When the ice hits the water it cracks and splits, splashing cooler water back up onto their skin.[break][break]

She finds herself watching Oscar as he compliments her, commenting on her knowledge and disregarding her apology. It brings a small smile to her face.[break][break]

"I'm glad my advice helped."[break][break]

Of course, the woman's smile would falter and flush with embarrassment when he bluntly informs her of his name. She exhales in a slight laugh, unsure how to properly respond.[break][break]

"Oscar, my apologies. It's a pleasure to officially meet you, then."[break][break]

They return with more buckets of ice water to pour into the pool and she takes note of the way Oscar pointedly pours ice on the Dragonite. She chuckles.[break][break]

"Revenge is a dish best served cold... isn't it?"[break][break]

Thea winks at the man, clearly understanding his less-than-friendly intentions.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: heat wave


template by kay

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
This is our island in the sun [mission]
POSTED ON Jul 22, 2020 2:18:23 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
As Thea pointed out his actions, Oscar first grew red with embarrassment. However, his appreciation of her pun quickly expelled such feelings from his body. He couldn't help but start laughing, softly at first before growing into a cackle. Oscar let out a deep sigh, "That was good, you got me there. Holy shit--D'uh I mean crap. Oof my sides stomach hurts." And thus Thea learned Oscar's greatest weakness: Puns.

They needed but two more runs before the sun was low enough to keep the ice from melting completely. Satisfied with his work, Oscar stretched and looked to his companion, "Well Ms. Thea I am sure you have somewhere to be, but in case you don't it would be lovely to grab some dinner. If you don't mind too much I'd like to pick your brain about a few pokemon on my team. I uh, have a lot to learn.

He gave Thea a nod of respect, "And if you can't, I am sure we'll meet again some day!"

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january 1
mistralton, unova
battle academy teacher
kris flynn-edwards
60 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
264 posts
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TAG WITH @thea
Alethea Ivanova
This is our island in the sun [mission]
POSTED ON Jul 22, 2020 17:39:40 GMT
Alethea Ivanova Avatar


She notices his face go red and she relaxes her smile in favor of subtle concern - she hadn't meant to embarrass him. But the man quickly erupts into laughter and she finds herself relaxing once again.[break][break]

The woman stands back up to her full height after dumping the bucket, using the back of her hand to wipe sweat from her brow. Her attention is soon grabbed by Oscar, however, when he suggests dinner. It leaves a wide-eyed look of surprise on her face as she considers his offer.[break][break]

"That sounds wonderful!"[break][break]

Although, she glances down at the current state she is in, mildly embarrassed. She had a change of clothes, of course, but she certainly didn't look date material. Even if it wasn't really a date.[break][break]

"I'm not exactly dressed for dinner, however."


[attr="class","notes"]notes: heat wave


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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
This is our island in the sun [mission]
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2020 23:21:37 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar was pleased she would be up to dinner, though she was correct about her outfit. No restaurant would let her in if she was just in a bikini. Oscar chuckled, "Right right, well you go change. I need to swap outfits as well, so we'll meet at the um, resteraunt. Do you know anything about places to eat around here? If not I can look around before meeting you back here."

Where did Oscar eat yesterday? Ah yes, a ramen shop near his hotel. It was delicious but he didn't want to eat the same thing twice in a row. Ugh, there had to be other places nearby. He will have to look. Oscar scratched his head, "Right, that will be the plan. I'll meet you back here in an hour. Is that alright?

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january 1
mistralton, unova
battle academy teacher
kris flynn-edwards
60 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
264 posts
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TAG WITH @thea
Alethea Ivanova
This is our island in the sun [mission]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2020 2:26:08 GMT
Alethea Ivanova Avatar


Honestly, she definitely didn't. This had been a quick trip to Lavaridge to explore the town and enjoy its hospitality. She hadn't intended on staying long and had likely booked a hotel for just tonight. She'd be leaving for Lilycove city in the morning.[break][break]

Thea tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. The blonde piece coils around her ear but bounces back out of place at the turn of her head.[break][break]

"No, I'm afraid not. This is my first time visiting Lavaridge town."[break][break]

Which meant ample opportunity to enjoy whatever the area had in store. Hoenn had so far delivered many unexpected delights in terms of meals. It was vastly different from what she was used to in Galar.[break][break]

"Sure, that sounds wonderful. I'll meet you in an hour, Oscar."[break][break]

She dips her head, a small smile on her lips, before retreating to gather her things and get to the hotel and back again.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: heat wave


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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
This is our island in the sun [mission]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2020 2:36:39 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","reward"]mission complete!!
[attr="class","reward2"]both of you receive the following: 50 poke, 5 infamy, 1x tm/tr.