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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 18:17:31 GMT
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[attr="class","finn b"]
[attr="class","finn i"]the faint sounds of sirens echoing in the distance is their cue to get inside. he definitely doesn't mind, no, which is why he's smiling when she takes charge and leads them up the stairs towards the entrance of the building.

"third floor, last room on the left," he says, tapping his key card against the sensor to unlock the door. he's following her like she owns the place, like this is her apartment they're going to, and honestly, he doesn't mind.

his apartment is small, rustic, much like the building it's in. they're met with the kitchen first, then the small living room with a couch and a tv, and then the bedroom, which lacks a door so it's more like an archway. the only personal items he has are the framed pictures on the mantle above the tv. they are all of him and his mother.

"make yourself comfortable." he has a feeling she already will.

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gia, gigi
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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 18:39:18 GMT
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[attr="class","giada b"]
[attr="class","giada i"]she offers nothing more than a distracted hum and the clicking of heels against the floor. it's a quick climb up stairs to reach the third floor, the concept of an elevator escaping her mind for the moment. and while she shouldn't act like she owns the place or like this is her home, she has this nasty habit of making herself comfortable anywhere. perks of being a cat, maybe?

the kitchen meets them first and then the living room and finally, the bedroom. it's a lot to process, you know. seeing someone's living space despite them still realistically being a stranger. she's used to it, though, if only due to the line of work she does. it's still an odd feeling to be in someone's space and not for taking things. her eyes wander, absorbing the surroundings almost like a sponge. there's not many personal touches. only pictures and memories on a mantle. it almost feels half lived in if she had to put it into a concept.

there's no hesitation when she crosses through the kitchen, focus on the couch. she'll plop down with an attempt to be graceful, head already turning to find him. a slightly lazy smile rises to her lips. "comfortable," she chimes with a laugh. even if he didn't tell her to, she would've anyway. it's a habit.

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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 18:47:49 GMT
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[attr="class","finn b"]
[attr="class","finn i"]and just like that, she's making herself at home with her surroundings. it's honestly impressive to see someone able to do it as quickly as she did. he tilts his head, smiling as he shrugs the bag off his shoulder and onto the floor by the couch.

"you can stay until things settle down outside."

it doesn't feel like she needs his permission to stay, which is a strange feeling considering this is his home. he doesn't dwell on it too much as he walks over to the fridge. there's some liquor in it that he never really drinks. he settles for two bottles of water before walking over to the couch and settling in the spot next to her.

"i don't really have food at home, but we can order something if you're hungry." he hands her the plastic bottle. "here."

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gia, gigi
november 12th
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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 19:04:28 GMT
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[attr="class","giada b"]
[attr="class","giada i"]admittedly, she's probably already a little too comfortable. stretching herself out on one end of the couch, prying thigh high boots off her legs without hesitation. they softly land on the floor with a thump and she takes the opportunity to prop her legs up on the end of the couch. definitely a house cat settling in for a nap, maybe.

"okay," she murmurs, even though she had an inkling that he wouldn't kick her out after inviting her in so soon. she doesn't think over the choice of words used, or the time limit he's given. no, she's too busy relaxing a little more to care.

her eyes do wander, though, as he drops his bag. they follow him to the kitchen, curious when he opens the fridge and plucks two water bottles out. she doesn't see the alcohol but if she had, maybe she would've preferred that instead. he returns and pipes up again and she's not bothering to lift her head up from the back of the couch to fully look at him. her eyes drift to his anyway and that's enough effort for her.

"i mean," she begins, shifting a little to make more room for him. it's his house and his couch, after all. "i could eat if you're hungry?" running from law enforcement tends to make a girl hungry but she doesn't bother to mention it. she's imposing enough. "thank you," a smile is flashed before the water bottle is plucked from his hands. it sits in hers for a moment before she's untwisting the cap to sip.

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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 19:14:42 GMT
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[attr="class","finn b"]
[attr="class","finn i"]he supposes he is a little hungry. stressing out at the job did work up an appetite. he pulls out his phone and opens up one of hoenn's few food delivering apps. on it are a few different restaurants, and knowing her, she probably has her own preference on what she wants to eat. so he hands her the phone.

"i don't mind anything, so you can choose."

the tv switches on with the push of a button before he's leaning back into the couch. he settles in nicely, familiar with the comfort it provides. he feels a little more comfortable this evening, however, and he wonders why.

"so what'd you try to steal today?"

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gia, gigi
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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 19:33:52 GMT
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[attr="class","giada b"]
[attr="class","giada i"]she takes the phone without any complaints, already having an idea of what she'd get. pasta, nothing but pasta. she's but a vessel for pasta so fitting, definitely. it's a quick series of taps before she's extending it back to him, grinning. "pick your meal, darling."

and once the phone is out of her hand and the thought of food lingers, she's stretching to get more comfortable. her legs are sore, now that she thinks about it. the healing wounds add to the ache, sure, but it's mostly the running that did her in today. maybe she'll just end up becoming one with the couch by the end of this. hmm, wouldn't be too bad, right?

"your heart," comes naturally, quickly, and definitely teasing. she adds a wink and a laugh into the mix before rolling into the actual explanation, rolling tension out of her shoulders as she does. "jewels, actually. if it glitters and pays a fortune, i'll take it." jewels, precious artifacts, anything rocket needs her to take really. of course, her personal heists are more of the usual thief antics but sometimes she branches out for specific requests. depends on the pay, though, and the level of difficulty. besides, there's actually a bit of method to her targets. a list drawn up for her own loose morals. she'll never disclose that, though. you'd have to find it first.

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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 19:43:23 GMT
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[attr="class","finn b"]
[attr="class","finn i"]he takes his time to pick his meal, scrolling through the few pasta options they have, unable to land on one he wants just yet. and then he's peering over to her at her quick response, rolling his eyes at it.

"not that easy, darling," comes out as naturally as hers did. he ends up picking buffalo chicken mac and cheese, and with a few more taps on the screen, the order is placed.

he stays on his phone, navigating to his emails as she speaks. "what went wrong?" he pauses to look over. "i don't see jewels on you." but to be fair it's hard to see anything on her except for her catsuit. the outfit really is distracting.

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gia, gigi
november 12th
celadon city, kanto
in a stranger's lap.
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when the lights go out and i'm all alone again.
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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 19:53:44 GMT
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[attr="class","giada b"]
[attr="class","giada i"]"for now," she counters while he browses through his options. a tap later and the order is finished. and with it, comes more questions.

a light laugh escapes her because really, he's asking all the right kinds of questions. it's to be expected from a journalist but damn, putting a girl on the spot like that? "sometimes i'm clumsy when leaving?" that and she picked a bad time to strike instead of waiting for the late hours of the night like usual. it had been a little too close to the police station, too, so their response time was shorter than she originally anticipated. oh well, she still managed.

there's an almost devious grin that rises when he mentions the jewels. and naturally, she leans a little toward him, an eyebrow raising. "right here," she whispers and a hand rises to gesture to the chest part of her catsuit. when you wear an outfit like this, it doesn't come with pockets. really, most clothes designed for the female lack pockets but catsuits? definitely no storage options. and when left with no pockets and no bag, what does she do? she uses the only holder she has: her bra.

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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 20:00:03 GMT
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[attr="class","finn b"]
[attr="class","finn i"]"ah."

his eyes linger for longer than they should and he peels them away the moment he realizes. he returns it to his phone, to his emails, as a finger desperately taps to try and find a distraction. except he continues to be distracted by her, unable to get her out of his mind.

"i'll take your word for it."

stupid finn. just say what you're thinking, you fool. but he doesn't, instead choosing to deflect to something he's more comfortable with. it just so happens to be work, unfortunately.

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gia, gigi
november 12th
celadon city, kanto
in a stranger's lap.
5'6" height
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when the lights go out and i'm all alone again.
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POSTED ON Aug 5, 2020 18:15:18 GMT
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[attr="class","giada b"]
[attr="class","giada i"]her grin widens the longer his eyes linger. it's a little thrilling if she had to put it into words. an extra jolt of a spark or whatever you'd call it. either way, she's almost mildly disappointed when he turns his attention to his phone.

and yet, she won't put up much of a fight about it. she will, however, see just how far she can push it.

"what, don't wanna find out for yourself?" her head tilts as if she's trying to come off as innocent. there's no innocence in her body, however. just a whole lot of bad decisions and bad intentions rolled up in one catsuit. and while he might really have to use his phone for something, she has this little inkling that he's trying to find lifelines in things just like at the bar. using a drink to distract himself from his company has now evolved into staring at a lit phone screen to avoid staring at her chest.

stare away, she's used to it.

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POSTED ON Aug 5, 2020 18:27:05 GMT
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[attr="class","finn b"]
[attr="class","finn i"]her little inkling she has is accurate, as he desperately clings onto his lifeline. he feels his grip loosening with every passing second, with every word that escapes her. she's intoxicating and he wants more. so what's stopping him?

"i do, but—" but he doesn't know her, not really. he knows her name and what she does, but beyond that, she still is a stranger, someone who perhaps guards their secrets and insecurities because they're afraid of being vulnerable. afraid of being hurt. he understands, in a way, because he does it too.

he sighs, deciding to give in to his desires just this once, he tells himself, but a part of him knows this won't be the only time. his phone is locked and discarded somewhere on the couch. he looks up at her.

"show me."

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gia, gigi
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celadon city, kanto
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when the lights go out and i'm all alone again.
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POSTED ON Aug 5, 2020 18:59:58 GMT
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[attr="class","giada b"]
[attr="class","giada i"]his hesitation is met with the clicking of a tongue. as if she's not exactly disappointed but she's something. and really, maybe it's just that she doesn't understand not giving in to desires or that she does whatever the fuck she wants because no one can stop her. either way, she shifts a little closer, raising an eyebrow.

"but what?" pressing, prying, seeking. she'll get it out of him. eventually, anyway.

of course, she isn't given the chance to apply more pressure. no, he discards the phone and looks at her and she knows then and there that she has him. the grin turns sultry and he doesn't really need to say what he says. no, she's already moving and already placing herself into his personal space.

"that's more like it," she laughs. and while she should probably break eye contact to get out of her suit, she doesn't. it's deliberate, like a cat making eye contact as they do something bad. she's no different. in fact, the slowness with which her hands move to pull zippers down is almost dragged out to the point of overkill. oh well, it's a show he asked for anyway, right?

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 5, 2020 19:17:21 GMT
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[attr="class","finn b"]
[attr="class","finn i"]she has him, and it should worry him how easily she does it, how easily she makes him give in. it's a thought that's forced to be left for later, as she continues to distract him, now holding all of his attention with her cat-like movements.

his heart races much quicker than the zippers being pulled. it's almost alluring, teasing, not to mention the way she's looking at him, and it draws him in even more. the concept of personal space is swiftly tossed aside. he's shifting closer, eyes drawn to hers.

"stop teasing," he says, almost pleading, because he's waited so long for this. for her. his hands find her hips to pull her close.

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gia, gigi
november 12th
celadon city, kanto
in a stranger's lap.
5'6" height
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when the lights go out and i'm all alone again.
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POSTED ON Aug 5, 2020 23:49:07 GMT
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[attr="class","giada b"]
[attr="class","giada i"]there's an almost lazy way to her now, as if she wants to take her time and savor it. enjoy the teasing, enjoy the thrill. except, he's shifting closer and she's going to have to relent eventually. cat and mouse doesn't belong here but damn, she wishes it did.

it's almost pleading and almost music to her ears. her lips widen, teeth flashing in the light of the living room. almost like a predator playing with prey, not quite ready to sink teeth in but toying with the concept. she's no different.

"why?" escapes softly, a sigh when hands find hips and he's pulling her close. there's only so many minutes to tease, to push buttons and find which reactions are which. and it's almost like exploring but not quite because there's a plea and a compromise and she's giving in without much of a fight.

she leans in to relive the taste of lips from a hotel room, her mistakes forgotten until they'll happen again and again. but that's because she'll never stop running, never stop leaving. not yet, not now.

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POSTED ON Aug 6, 2020 17:08:33 GMT
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[attr="class","finn b"]
[attr="class","finn i"]it's almost excruciating how she toys with him. like a predator who has their prey trapped and helpless, he is at the mercy of her whim. control has to be fought for but he doesn't put up much of a fight, perhaps favoring the dynamic they currently have. sometimes it's easier to relent. it's much easier to relent for her.

"because i want you."

the taste of her lips does little to satisfy his cravings. he wants more, and it shows in how one hand moves off her hip to pull at her zipper, finishing what she started but so cruelly stopped. the room starts to dissolve around them, fading into nothingness. the only thing that matters in this moment is her. nothing else.

he's pulling away moments later to whisper, "please."

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