coral reef [c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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kris flynn-edwards
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thea
Alethea Ivanova
coral reef [c]
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2020 7:24:13 GMT
Alethea Ivanova Avatar


Her class is let go early, allowing her free time to spend by the water. She had intended to be uninvolved - at the time, there had been nothing to involve herself in. When she sat on a makeshift stone ledge, back propped up against her jacket to read a book, she had been alone.[break][break]

Now however, it appeared that she was very far from it. [break][break]

Several hundred pink, paranoid Pokemon burst from the edge of the shore. They seem to detach themselves from underneath the rocky ledge, previously hidden from sight. The Corsola in question are agitated and afraid, apparently disturbed by some predator that lurked beneath the surface.[break][break]

Thea sets aside her studies, leaving the page open to the chapter on poison effects, when it becomes apparent that she might very well be the only one around to rectify the situation. From her understanding, the Corsola were in danger. It didn't really occur to her that this wasn't at all her place to intervene. Nature taking it's course and all that.[break][break]

But she hikes up her skirts and rolls up her sleeves, leaning down to rescue whatever Corsola were close enough for her to reach. Once one or two were at her hip, she released her Pumpkaboo. There was definitely something under the water ruffling feathers. Purple liquid rose to the surface and she was careful not to touch it.[break][break]

"Just.. hold on guys.. I'm trying, I'm trying."


[attr="class","notes"]notes: corsola conservation


template by kay

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Alex / Lexy
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december 22
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
coral reef [c]
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2020 20:26:44 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

There was a very specific reason Alexei preferred flying in the air over sailing on water any day.

And Arceus it was an extremely embarrassing thing to admit.

Him? Not being able to swim?

It wasn’t his fault entirely that it happened that way!

He could handle being close to the shore, sure—but anything that was more than waist-deep was an automatic hard pass for him, and all things considered he was second-=guessing himself when he agreed to respond to the distress call from someone who needed help guarding a bunch of Corsola.

While not as similar as the other job that had people flying all the way out to the isolated island village—Pacifidlog, or something like that the name eluded him—this one was relatively…closer to land.

But of course, this being Alexei, he came in on the back of a now blue-plumaged Braviary—he had no idea how, or when, Kyouya’s feathers had molted from red to blue.

He liked the color change though, and he suspected the Braviary did too. Either way, the sight of something purple spreading across the surface of the water, accompanied by someone in the waves trying to pick up the pink Pokémon and move them away from the miasmic liquid.

Not until he got close enough did he recognize who it was.

Sestra—Allie?” he blinked out of surprise.

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january 1
mistralton, unova
battle academy teacher
kris flynn-edwards
60 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thea
Alethea Ivanova
coral reef [c]
POSTED ON Oct 2, 2020 20:44:25 GMT
Alethea Ivanova Avatar


Thea gasps as the sharp spines of Corsola bump against her hands. One after another, she manages to haul them up out of the water. Some are so disoriented that they jump back in, and it becomes apparent that she'll need to handle the poison seeping into the water rather than worry about evacuating these Pokemon. Sweat brims on her brow as she leans back, desperation making her hands shake as she forces herself to focus.[break][break]

"Okay, Thea, breathe. It'll be okay. Poison, poison."[break][break]

And then she reaches for her belt, picking two pokeballs. They open to reveal two psychic-type Pokemon. Her Dottler bumbles around clumsily, the shining lights of her shell sparking and glowing. The Delphox seems downright disgusted to be so near the water, but she comes to attention at Thea's firm voice. The woman is so hyper-focused on her task that she doesn't even notice the shadow over her, the voice muffled above the wind.[break][break]

"I need you both to push the poison back. Don't let it touch you or any of the Corsola. You can combat it, your psychic abilities will be extremely effective in destroying the poisonous properties."[break][break]

Delphox leads by example, channeling her PSYCHIC to destroy and push back the water and with it, the poison. Dottler does her best to follow suit, though her strength is nowhere near as powerful as Delphox. In the meantime, however, Thea resumes scooping nearby Corsola to the best of her ability.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: corsola conservation


template by kay

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
coral reef [c]
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2020 18:30:51 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Looks like she’s in a bit of a pickle… he thought as he fussed around in the pockets of his jacket, looking for a particular Pokéball that he had with him.

Who knew that lugging around Hera’s containment unit would come in handy?

Whistling, he then popped it open before tossing it downward into the water. The flash of red light landing in the water would probably draw her attention, and then the Gyarados let out a rather loud bellowing noise, the Intimidate kicking in and hopefully scaring away whatever the hell was in the water.

“Hera. Hera! Don’t bite her!” he shouted a few moments later as the Gyarados’s little beady eyes focused on the lady in the water. “Use Twister instead—“

A few moments later he realized that he had to warn her.

“Sis—Allie, you might want to brace yourself!

The Gyarados then took a deep breath, and purposefully aimed the Twister attack towards the spreading noxious purple poison spreading in the water. He wasn’t sure if it was going to count as healing the poison, or merely just warding it away—but it had to count for at least something, right?

Either way…

Gyarados used Twister on the water's surface, an attempt to funnel the noxious poison away!

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played by


january 1
mistralton, unova
battle academy teacher
kris flynn-edwards
60 height
60 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
264 posts
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TAG WITH @thea
Alethea Ivanova
coral reef [c]
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2020 23:46:50 GMT
Alethea Ivanova Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]





i'll send a storm to capture

your heart


Just as she reaches down into the water, a gigantic splash nearly takes her under the waves entirely. Out of nowhere pops up a gigantic Gyarados, it's scream loud enough to churn the water. The woman scrambles back and away from the edge, heart pounding in her chest. The last thing she needed was to be eaten by a Gyarados trying to help a bunch of Corsola not get eaten.[break][break]

Wait-- did she hear someone speaking? Referring to the Gyarados by a name? Thea hesitates, still clutching her chest. Her Delphox is thoroughly drenched and disgusted, waving her damp stick around fruitlessly. Her hair is flattened to her body, and she shakes herself violently off to the side. Thea blinks, searching for the voice, only to see that it belonged to a young man in the air, on the back of a blue Braviary.[break][break]


But he's yelling for her to brace herself, and she whistles for Delphox to come to her as they make a break for it. The twister is violent but successful, mostly, in clearing away the toxin in the water. In a last-ditch effort, the Delphox has attempted to pull the Corsola caught in the twister to her with another psychic. [break][break]

"Be careful, there are Pokemon still in the water!"[break][break]


notes: corsola conservation



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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
coral reef [c]
POSTED ON Dec 8, 2020 7:11:23 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“Hera! What did I tell you about—“ Alexei groaned from his current position. If the Braviary had hands, he would most certainly smack them against its own face too.

“Honestly, try to have a little more finesse than that!” he added a few moments later. God, out of all his Flying-types it was his Gyarados that gave him a lot of trouble. Honestly, he should get a partner for this scheming, salty little ‘draconid’ wannabe to keep her in line…

Deciding that this was going to need a little more… handling of the unconventional variety, he thought a few moments before bringing out another Pokémon. Watching as his Noivern emerged from the red beam of light, he pointed at the still-going Twister.

“Fen, go catch the other Corsola!” he pointed, before the Noivern nodded and flew off right into the swirling mix of debris and… well, well, there were a few more spots of pink Corsola crying amidst the howling grit.

Snatching them up as best as he could, he then flew clear to the other side before banking in mid-air and turning around, eventually coming close to where the Braviary was still hovering.

“Okay, Fen, drop them back in the water—gently!” he added a few seconds later. The two Corsola riding in the Noivern’s claws let out little noises, but the Noivern hovered as close to the water as possible before letting the two pink Pokémon jump out of his grip with a splash back into the water.

“Go get the others, I’m sure you saw a few more up there,” he added, and the Noivern was off again, flying towards the Twister that was still swirling above the surface of the water.

Looking down from the Braviary, Alexei attempted to call her attention again.

“Sis! Up here!” he called out to her once the coast was clear.

Noivern out on the field, flies into the Twister and retrieves two Corsola! Returns Corsolas to the water before flying out again.

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january 1
mistralton, unova
battle academy teacher
kris flynn-edwards
60 height
60 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
264 posts
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TAG WITH @thea
Alethea Ivanova
coral reef [c]
POSTED ON Dec 29, 2020 5:38:06 GMT
Alethea Ivanova Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]





i'll send a storm to capture

your heart

For the most part, Alethea worries more about her own wellbeing and whether or not she's dry. She wrings out the ends of her warm dress, wipes her hands dry on her thighs, and stands up to observe her brother handle the situation by himself. [break][break]

At some point, she starts to smile, watching him so hard at work. This was a completely new look to her baby brother, to the man who, as a child, hadn't even been allowed to step outside.[break][break]

"You're so much stronger now, Alexei. I'm proud of you."[break][break]

She retucks stray golden hairs behind her ear, back into her perfectly coifed curls.[break][break]

She waves up at the boy.[break][break]


notes: corsola conservation



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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
coral reef [c]
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2021 1:36:51 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

The Noivern had spotted a few more pink, crying Pokémon in the remnants of the Twister that was dying down and so proceeded to pluck them away, two at a time, before flying off some distance and setting them back down into the water.

All this while Alexei was busy giving an earful to the Gyarados, who still maintained the Twister until the last of the Corsola had been plucked from the mess and set back down into the water.

“Sorry about that! Hera here can get a little… too excited when she’s in the water,” he apologized from his current perch astride his Braviary. “I told her to knock it off a little, hope she listens to me in the future, he added a few moments later as he recalled the snickering Gyarados, which left the Noivern who had circled back and dropped off the last of the Corsola in the water.

“Sorry if I got you wet, too,” he went on, sheepish grin on his face.

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played by


january 1
mistralton, unova
battle academy teacher
kris flynn-edwards
60 height
60 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
264 posts
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TAG WITH @thea
Alethea Ivanova
coral reef [c]
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2021 23:41:33 GMT
Alethea Ivanova Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]





i'll send a storm to capture

your heart

Alethea is damp, the bottom-half of her skirt more than a little water-logged. But she manages just fine in wringing it out by hand, and when her brother sets down next to her to apologize, she looks up with an expression a little bit softer and more natural than what he may have first experienced during their reunion. It seemed to be a glimpse of the Thea he had known as a child, more carefree and easygoing.[break][break]

"It's quite alright, I'm not made of sugar, I won't melt."[break][break]

Her attention catches the sight of a little pink Corsola still stranded, but it seems to have taken a liking to her, specifically. The tiny creature is so rattled and nervous that it sits on top of her boot, trembling like a leaf. It is in no state at all to be cast back into the water, so she scoops it into her arms.[break][break]

"Thank you for the rescue, Alexei, you impress me more and more every day."[break][break]


notes: corsola conservation



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played by


Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
part of
TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
coral reef [c]
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2021 0:40:34 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“I just happened to be in the area,” he replied with a sheepish chuckle. “As they say, two heads is better than one when it comes to tackling stuff like this, right?”

“At least that should keep the Corsola safe until they make it to the migration grounds further east,” he added a few moments later. Now that the Corsola were safe, the Gyarados was recalled back in a flash of red light.

He would need to talk with the Gyarados again later, good grief.

“Do you need a ride somewhere dry? We can catch up if you’re not too busy,” he offered.

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played by


October 13
808 height
808 height
40,631 posts
part of
TAG WITH @shiv
coral reef [c]
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2021 4:39:31 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP