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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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he / him
february 14
Verdanturf Town, Hoenn
special forces soldier
10 height
10 height
They made you into a weapon, then told you to find peace.
18 posts
Marcus Lang DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @marcus
Marcus Lang
Lost & Found [M]
POSTED ON May 3, 2023 22:46:56 GMT
Marcus Lang Avatar

Bad dreams and restless nights. Marcus immediately understood the cause of Mrs. Sawyer's predicament.[break][break]

"It wasn't us," he replied, continuing to trudge toward the rift. He could see it clearly in the distance; it grew larger with every step toward it. "The creature chasing us and the mist that it turned into — that's probably what's been causing your friend's nightmares."[break][break]

He would have to report it to his officers, but he doubted they would go out of their way to evacuate the locals down to Dewford proper.[break][break]

"Do you live in town?" he asked the girl, though he had a suspicion he already knew the answer.



Mission: Into the Wild[break]



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[newclass=".marcus1 h1"]font:bold 15px Poppins;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.1px[/newclass]
[newclass=".marcus1 h2"]font:bold 14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.1px[/newclass]
[newclass=".marcus1 .tag a"]font:bold 15px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".marcus1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".marcus1 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
[newclass=".marcus1 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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played by


he / him
february 14
Verdanturf Town, Hoenn
special forces soldier
10 height
10 height
They made you into a weapon, then told you to find peace.
18 posts
Marcus Lang DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @marcus
Marcus Lang
Lost & Found [M]
POSTED ON May 3, 2023 17:25:14 GMT
Marcus Lang Avatar

The girl's ankle looked ugly, and even before she tried to stand, Marcus knew she wasn't getting anywhere by herself. Without answering her — again, because he had a habit of not holding conversations with people — Marcus bent down and scooped her up, one arm under her knees, one arm wrapped around her back.[break][break]

She was small and warm against him, a fragile thing. He imagined he could crush her in his bare hands.[break][break]

"Hold on tightly," he said, his deep voice rumbling in his chest.[break][break]

Even burdened by her weight, he walked easily across the uneven ground of the Ultra Deep Sea toward the rift that led back to Granite Cave. His Pokémon followed, guarding his back as twin sentinels.[break][break]

"And no, I don't know what that was," he added after a moment's silence. "I just hope we don't run into it again. What are you doing out here, anyway?"



Mission: Into the Wild[break]



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[newclass=".marcus1 h2"]font:bold 14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.1px[/newclass]
[newclass=".marcus1 .tag a"]font:bold 15px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".marcus1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".marcus1 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
[newclass=".marcus1 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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played by


he / him
february 14
Verdanturf Town, Hoenn
special forces soldier
10 height
10 height
They made you into a weapon, then told you to find peace.
18 posts
Marcus Lang DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @marcus
Marcus Lang
Lost & Found [M]
POSTED ON May 3, 2023 12:17:02 GMT
Marcus Lang Avatar

Something grasped Marcus' forearm, startling him. He almost jerked away, thinking it might be a feature of the realm — seaweed, perhaps — that had ensnared him.[break][break]

But it was only the girl, clinging to him as if he was a lifeline. So he relaxed, only extricating himself from her when the battle was over and the tusked behemoth had dispersed into mist.[break][break]

"Are you okay?" Marcus asked as his Braviary returned to his side and his Falinks hopped away to give the girl some space. His voice was terse and rough, but not unfeeling.[break][break]

He noted that she still sat on the ground. "Did you hurt your leg?"



Mission: Into the Wild[break]



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[newclass=".marcus1 h1"]font:bold 15px Poppins;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.1px[/newclass]
[newclass=".marcus1 h2"]font:bold 14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.1px[/newclass]
[newclass=".marcus1 .tag a"]font:bold 15px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".marcus1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".marcus1 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
[newclass=".marcus1 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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played by


he / him
february 14
Verdanturf Town, Hoenn
special forces soldier
10 height
10 height
They made you into a weapon, then told you to find peace.
18 posts
Marcus Lang DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @marcus
Marcus Lang
Lost & Found [M]
POSTED ON May 3, 2023 1:13:19 GMT
Marcus Lang Avatar

The girl's scream cut through the air, and for a moment, Marcus wondered if the creature had gored her. A glance back, however, confirmed she was still alive — but not for long. The tusked beast was closing in on her.[break][break]

Marcus' body moved automatically, reactions from training kicking in. He lobbed a Pokéball in the direction of the advancing creature, as far as he could throw it. His Falinks appeared in a flash of light, its segmented body arranged around the girl as it threw up PROTECT.[break][break]

The strange Pokémon's BULLDOZE bounced harmlessly off the shield. Roaring with frustration, it reared back, only to be buffeted by a HURRICANE from Marcus' Braviary.[break][break]

The soldier was at the girl's side in an instant, but he neither looked at her nor spoke to her. Instead, his attention remained focused on the battle between his Pokémon and the hostile one that faced them.



Mission: Into the Wild[break]



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[newclass=".marcus1 h2"]font:bold 14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.1px[/newclass]
[newclass=".marcus1 .tag a"]font:bold 15px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".marcus1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".marcus1 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
[newclass=".marcus1 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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played by


he / him
february 14
Verdanturf Town, Hoenn
special forces soldier
10 height
10 height
They made you into a weapon, then told you to find peace.
18 posts
Marcus Lang DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @marcus
Marcus Lang
Lost & Found [M]
POSTED ON May 3, 2023 0:36:57 GMT
Marcus Lang Avatar

In the aftermath of Team Rocket's attack on Dewford Town and Granite Cave, Marcus had remained with a small squad of soldiers to do cleanup of Ultra Deep Sea. Though he said nothing out loud to the others or his commanding officers, the fighting had invigorated him, filling him with a vitality that he'd lost in the months since the meteoroid incident.[break][break]

Between going home to the restless quiet of his apartment and staying to prolong the adrenaline rush, he would choose the latter every time.[break][break]

Marcus had picked up the last injured Ranger off the floor of Ultra Deep Sea and sent them through a rift back to Dewford Town when the ground beneath him began quaking with great violence. His Braviary screeched in warning, prompting him to whirl around, seeking the source of the disturbance.[break][break]

An enormous Pokémon with huge, curving tusks was charging straight at him, wreathed in pink interdream mist. It trumpeted loudly, the very air quivering with its noise. League officials would later grant it the moniker Great Tusk, a fitting name for a ferocious beast.[break][break]

Marcus turned, but the rift he'd sent the Ranger through had vanished. So he cursed under his breath and ran. He had to find another rift, and quickly. His Braviary joined him in the retreat, positioning himself between Marcus and the strange, new Pokémon, striking with AERIAL ACE to try and distract it. But the charge continued, undeterred.[break][break]

Ahead, the soldier spied a figure by a tall cliff face. A girl? What was she doing here? A small Pokémon stood at her side, too small to protect her from the tusked behemoth.[break][break]

"RUN!" he yelled at the top of his lungs.



Mission: Into the Wild[break]



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[newclass=".marcus1 b"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
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[newclass=".marcus1 a"]color:var(--accent);font:12px Roboto;[/newclass]
[newclass=".marcus1 h1"]font:bold 15px Poppins;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.1px[/newclass]
[newclass=".marcus1 h2"]font:bold 14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.1px[/newclass]
[newclass=".marcus1 .tag a"]font:bold 15px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".marcus1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".marcus1 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
[newclass=".marcus1 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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played by


he / him
february 14
Verdanturf Town, Hoenn
special forces soldier
10 height
10 height
They made you into a weapon, then told you to find peace.
18 posts
Marcus Lang DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @marcus
Marcus Lang
Lang, Marcus
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2023 18:08:09 GMT
Marcus Lang Avatar

[attr="class","freiwantttop1"]- □ x



namemarcus lang
played bygunsmile

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER FACTION league

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER RANK cadet

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]FACE CLAIM Bruce Wayne from DC Comics

[attr="class","freiwantttop"]ALL THE PAIN AND SUFFERING



they made you into a weapon[break]then told you to find peace


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