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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 13
Littleroot Town
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Althus Rex DOLLARS
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Althus Rex
[WOPS] - Razz and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 7:36:44 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
The region is unstable.

No shit. The region had been ablaze for almost six years now. Six years since the first members of Team Rocket had sailed from Kanto and set the world up in smoke. Four since Littleroot had been pushed to the brink, where gods had dictated their world irrelevant. When Dialga had soared over Littleroot, all Rex could think was one thing:

I'm gonna beat that thing in a fight. Watch!

Then his neighbors had died and that dream had vanished into mist.

"Gotcha. Well, we gotta help these people then. If they need our help, then we should give it to them. Nobody should suffer alone. It's not fair." And when he got strong enough to beat every trainer and seize every badge, he would climb the steps of Ever Grande and become Champion. "C'mon!"

As Razz heals the engineers, Rex guides them towards the exit. They'll have to leave orderly, lest the wires do them in. He directs them, but it is up to Razz to clear the way back up to the surface.

The wires are threatening.

"That all of them, Razz?"

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March 13
Littleroot Town
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Althus Rex
[WOPS] - Eris and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 6:50:49 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
A silly comparison. Eternatus wouldn't get stuck in a room because Rex didn't know what an Eternatus even was. That's why she was ten and he was a mature adult who could drink two craft beers before getting trashed.

"Yeah, the Sealeos and Woopers need our help! They're supposed to be stuck in the cafeteria if I recall. Apparently a few ate too much when the workers left and got stuck." The fact that Rex stared at Eris with absolute faith in this absurd wreck of a tale proved that he wasn't joking. "We gotta save them. Who else will?"

A certified tool, through and through. He looked around to ensure that they didn't get jumped.

"It should be through that... door." He turned to point towards the cafeteria's double doors. His blood ran cold. "Damn."


41. Secure corners and blind spots to ensure the area is safe to act in.
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March 13
Littleroot Town
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Climb the ladder, one rung at a time.
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Althus Rex DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @althus
Althus Rex
[WOPS] - Razz and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 6:45:42 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
As the ranger spoke, the trainer relaxed. Maybe it was Razz's calming voice, his experience, or the fact that Salem was a cute little fellow. Maybe it was the fact that Razz respected the truth. It was hard to tell, but it didn't really matter.

They would work together and save innocent lives. Just as Littleroot had deserved all those years ago, before Dialga had appeared and twisted the world asunder.

"I see 'em. Don't worry." Rex bobbed and weaved around the wires like a Grimer avoiding a shower. "We'll need to be careful on our way up, though."

Water and exposed wiring didn't mix. Rex wasn't a scientist, but he suspected that there wasn't enough liquid to diffuse the electricity if it touched the rapidly increasing supply of water. Razz and Rex would become Razzed and Erexicuted if they weren't careful.

After descending, the duo reached the blocked room. Much of the ceiling had collapsed, blocking most of the way forward. With a murmur, Rex's Munchlax emerged and began lifting large chunks of concrete and rebar out of the way with minimal hassle. While the little demon worked, Rex skirted closer to Razz.

"So... erm..." Rex shuffled nervously. "Why's the place sinking? Did you guys forget to pay rent, or...?"

32. Clear debris or other obstacles to create safe pathways.
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March 13
Littleroot Town
Wandering Trainer
Climb the ladder, one rung at a time.
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Althus Rex DOLLARS
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Althus Rex
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 6:21:48 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
The princess's words were a sign of endearment and respect for Galar's Once and Future King, but all Rex could do was nod. When he spoke, his wisdom came in spades.

"I like the way his bulb-head wobbles when he dances." He beamed at her before looking at the glowing head of Calyrex. The way the king's head glowed and danced to and fro made Rex jealous of the silly fellow. "It's like jello."

Althus Rex was a wise man. At least he recognized that Charles was an adorable and important Pokémon, even if his reasons were delegated to the bounciness of the head.

Meanwhile, Rex's Munchlax yawned and fell asleep in front of a door. The little monster was a fiendish creatures, but his lazy nature made for prudent barricades in times of crisis. If anything, he ensured that they wouldn't be jumped while freeing people from the depths of the sinking preserve.

"Come now, we gotta go down the hall. I think the blocked room is up ahead!"

44. Use a pokemon to place temporary barricades.
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March 13
Littleroot Town
Wandering Trainer
Climb the ladder, one rung at a time.
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Althus Rex DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @althus
Althus Rex
[WOPS] - Razz and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 6:07:03 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
Oh, to be a Salem without a care in the world. What a lucky cat.

"Sir, I have a Kirlia that is good at communicating. He's very calming! Very levelheaded, too. He'll work well with Cyan! I promise. No, I double promise. I have a Munchlax that can lift things out of the way, if need be. I also..." He bit his lip. He shuffled awkwardly for a few moments, before silently groaning. He couldn't lie, not to Razz. "I've got a Togepi, but she's just a baby! I feel obligated to mention her because omitting facts is as bad as lying, but she's too important to bring out!"

He bowed his head awkwardly, burning with shame.

"I apologize!"

Still, he produced his Kirlia from a belted Pokeball. The petite Psychic-type regarded Salem and Cyan for a few moments, before allowing the Noibat and himself to share minds for the sake of Telepathy. The power of Psychic-types was not to be underestimated.

Closing his eyes, Rex's Kirlia sends out a psychic pulse, feeling the brush of consciousness two floors down. He nudges Salem, chattering in the language that only Pokémon knew, before pointing downward.

10. Use tracking skills to locate victims or threats.
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March 13
Littleroot Town
Wandering Trainer
Climb the ladder, one rung at a time.
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Althus Rex DOLLARS
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Althus Rex
[WOPS] - Razz and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 5:17:50 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit! It was Razz Kingsman! The Razz Kingsman! The guy with the cool kitty cat that could move things with its mind!

He had also flown on a white dragon, way back when. That was cool, but the Meowstic was the real prize.

"Woah..." Rex stared at the scarred ranger with a mix of envy and hero worship. This guy was super strong, competent, and also adept. He was everything that Rex aspired to be, besides the whole 'civil servant to the government' thing. The perks were probably pretty nice, but if Rex had wanted good perks, he would've trained a bunch of Delibirds to work in the delivery service. "Mr. Razz!"

They were supposed to be saving people and that took top priority, but Razz would make it super easy. He could stop New Mauville from sinking in one hand while solving cancer with his other.

They were totally in the clear.

"I'll do my best to help save the engineers trapped in one of the generator rooms, sir!"

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March 13
Littleroot Town
Wandering Trainer
Climb the ladder, one rung at a time.
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Althus Rex DOLLARS
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Althus Rex
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 5:04:50 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
The flooded grate between the two men demanded their attention, like a gate that led directly into the bowels of hell. Many thought it was a hot place, full of demons and monsters and eternal punishment. That wasn't the case at all.

Hell was a tight squeeze with water up to your neck.

"Alright, Sylvio." Rex had started calling the Paldean that instead of using his proper name. Maybe the younger man thought that it'd make them closer. Maybe he was saving himself a few syllables. Maybe he wasn't all there, and this was a conscious decision to use his last utterances on nicknames before drowning. "I ain't gonna lie to you, this is gonna suck. I've never done this before."

Inspiring words. Rex shimmied in his wetsuit as he spoke, before stacking up another oxygen cannister.

"There's a safe down there, full of cool stuff. We hook a chain to it and the lovely rangers over there..." Rex waved at the two rangers chatting through the doorway. "Pull it up. Lots of fun, and they offer lunch. Sound good?"

12. Ensure sufficient supplies are available for the operation.
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March 13
Littleroot Town
Wandering Trainer
Climb the ladder, one rung at a time.
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Althus Rex DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @althus
Althus Rex
[WOPS] - Eris and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 4:55:48 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
"Uh, no?" Rex frowned at Eris. No way this kid was fifteen with brainwaves like those. "The sign said to not trespass. What, do you want to break the law or something?"

His tone dripped with derision, as if his intellect was miles above Eris's. Maybe if she stopped lying about her age, he'd actually respect her. Saying she was five years older than she actually was, though? Criminal. Evil. Malicious.

Evil ten year old.

"Be free, Woopers! Go!" Rex watched as they scampered out of the room to safety. "Not sure why you're that color, but..."

Alas. Whether a Wooper was blue or brown, it was always a Wooper. Wooperness ran deep in their genetics.

"C'mon. Hop down! I'll catch you."

01. Escort a group of workers or non-combatants to safety.
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March 13
Littleroot Town
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Climb the ladder, one rung at a time.
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Althus Rex DOLLARS
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Althus Rex
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 4:43:37 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
"Hm..." Rex narrowed his eyes thoughtfully as he inspected the restroom door. His gaze wandered towards the sign on the door. That was definitely a triangle, and it was definitely placed in a way that indicated a dress. Next to him was his ranger partner. He snuck a glance at her, before returning to the sign. "Alright."

Yep, this was definitely a women's restroom. Cross-referencing Airi with the sign proved it.

The men's restroom next door was blocked by the trainer's Munchlax, who unceremoniously slept in front of the door to ensure that the angry Krabby within didn't come out and attack them.

"I can't go in there, Airi." Rex looked at the ranger nurse earnestly and with much regret. It looked like he was about to deliver terrible news, instead of the nonsense that fell from his lips. "It's a women's bathroom. I'll get in trouble."

Judging from the state of the door, and from this section of Sea Mauville, nobody had used this bathroom in the past sixty years.

44. Use a pokemon to place temporary barricades.
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March 13
Littleroot Town
Wandering Trainer
Climb the ladder, one rung at a time.
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Althus Rex DOLLARS
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Althus Rex
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 4:34:58 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
"Oh my god! I know who you are!" Rex snapped his fingers as they delved into the depths of Sea Mauville. For much of their journey towards the reserve's generators, Rex had been scratching his chin and frowning in an attempt to remember where he had last seen the Ranger beside him. "You're the princess with the funny deer guy!"

What had reminded him, ironically, was a drenched calendar of a Sawsbuck that he had tripped into while trying to figure it out.

He could've just asked, sure, but that wasn't particularly fun. She had a scary vibe, like she could raise a hand and command his execution and it would actually happen. Instead, he had decided to muse in silence.

"Y'know, the whole 'crow-rown' thing? He does a little dance and all that? They were supposed to be freeing a few engineers, but this took up Rex's attention. "He's a silly guy. I saw him in Ever Grande once, y'know?"

While Rex yapped at Elise, he poked his head around a corner to ensure their safety.

41. Secure corners and blind spots to ensure the area is safe to act in.

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March 13
Littleroot Town
Wandering Trainer
Climb the ladder, one rung at a time.
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Althus Rex DOLLARS
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Althus Rex
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 4:11:36 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
"You're telling me there're people stuck? In there?"

Rex's eyes were wide as dinner plates as he pointed towards the woman's restroom at the end of the hall. Half-submerged vending machines, old reports, and wet floor signs floated aimlessly in the water as Rex began to shake. Not from fear, but from some other emotion. The bathroom itself was blockaded by a collapsed ceiling.

It was one he could barely place a finger on.

"Caleb, what do we do?" A Magikarp aimlessly flopped in the water by their feet. "This is really bad!"

He shook the older man by the shoulders. His expression was serious, in complete contrast with the utter nonsense that was about to come spilling out of his mouth.

"Neither of us are women!" He hissed at Caleb, before looking around. "We can't go into their restroom! That's disrespectful!"

10. Use tracking skills to locate victims or threats.
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March 13
Littleroot Town
Wandering Trainer
Climb the ladder, one rung at a time.
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Althus Rex DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @althus
Althus Rex
[WOPS] - Roze and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 3:53:20 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
Rex peered down a hallway, his eyebrow arched at the obvious gas leak that had knocked out the Pokemon Ranger captain that had been assigned to him and Roze. The captain had been a braggart, but he was also the only person who knew the communication code to contact more rangers. Without him, it was up to the two volunteers to solve this issue.

How did you even deal with a gas leak? Rex was lucky that he didn't smoke, otherwise he and Roze would've likely exploded by now.

"Okay. I have an idea." Rex beamed at Roze as his Munchlax waddled forward. "Don't be mad, but this is totally gonna work. Trust me."

Trusting a random stranger? Bad idea. Still, it couldn't stop Rex from sending his Munchlax into the room with a gas leak. The big luggard waddled forward, inspecting various things before eating a moldy sandwich.

04. Direct a pokemon to scout ahead for reconnaissance.
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March 13
Littleroot Town
Wandering Trainer
Climb the ladder, one rung at a time.
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Althus Rex DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @althus
Althus Rex
[WOPS] - Eris and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 3:36:15 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
"I'm telling you, small lady. This place is dangerous. That's why the Pokemon Rangers put out a bunch of posters. We gotta protect the Sealeos!" Rex frowned as he and Eris continued crawling through a ventilation shaft. They had run into several 'NO TRESSPASSING' signs in Sea Mauville. Rather than ignore them, Rex had avoided them entirely.

Hence why they were crawling through a rusty ventilation shaft rather than a perfectly functional door.

"How cool is it that you're a ranger too? You're like, ten!" Rex gushed as he threw his weight against a vent screen. The vent came loose, and the young trainer hopped down. "Like in the movies!"

Now that they were on the other side of the door, the 'NO TRESSPASSING' sign on the door no longer applied. Rex opened it, allowing several Paldean Wooper to scamper out.

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March 13
Littleroot Town
Wandering Trainer
Climb the ladder, one rung at a time.
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Althus Rex DOLLARS
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Althus Rex
[WOPS] - Annalise and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 3:18:56 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
When Littleroot had burned a few years ago, Rex had said nothing. When he had started his journey to be the best trainer in the history of ever, he had said nothing. When the Top Champion, the best trainer in the history of ever had died, he had said nothing. He had cried a lot, but ultimately little had been said.

This was different.

A locked door stood before the duo. A sign with the phrase 'KEEP OUT' spoke to Rex's soul. He turned to the woman next to him, eyes wide, much like a student.

"Lady, we gotta go around." He pointed at the sign with all the earnestness of a child. "Sign says we can't go in."

That sign had been there since before Annalise or Rex had been born. It would be there far after they were dead. Still, it was a sign that someone had bothered to put up. Rex opted to obey it as a result.

Even if there was no other way forward.

03. Address environmental hazards.
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March 13
Littleroot Town
Wandering Trainer
Climb the ladder, one rung at a time.
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Althus Rex
[WOPS] - June and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 3:01:03 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
"Geez." Rex frowned as he peered through the porthole window into what was once a vibrant breakroom. Nothing in Sea Mauville was vibrant anymore, but he could see the faint hints of bright paint peeling on the window before Mauville had discontinued this place and turned into a reserve. "That'll be rough."

Within were a rampaging group of Krabby and Kingler, enraged by the shifting of Sea Mauville as the sea below began to sink and churn.

"We gotta get those Krabby out, Package Girl!" Rex turned to June. "They're in danger! What if they get stuck?"

Water-types getting stuck underwater seemed like a redundancy, but Rex was earnest. Honest. There had been a 'no running' sign in one of the abandoned halls and he had actually stopped running.

"One sec, we're gonna need reinforcements." Rex took a deep breath, before bellowing out in a voice that echoed through the halls. "MUNCHLAX! C'MEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

09. Use signaling methods to call for additional support.
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP