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TAG WITH @percy
Percival Berlitz
Orangutan Work [M]
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2024 3:49:21 GMT
Percival Berlitz Avatar

Once again, Percy blanched. He didn’t like how stern this mother was getting with the boy, but he didn’t want to intervene in this family’s affairs – heavens knew he had family trouble of his own. So instead, he decided that a change in subject was in order.

“What you described sounds like an Oranguru, little buddy,” he said, as he looked down kindly on the young boy. “I think that you’ve just given us our first clue. Now all we’ve got to do is find wherever it is on this beach!”


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TAG WITH @percy
Percival Berlitz
Orangutan Work [M]
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2024 22:20:25 GMT
Percival Berlitz Avatar

“You’re the – excuse me?”

Percy’s jaw dropped. He could scarcely believe what he’d just heard; this woman wasn’t the kid’s older sister, but the kid’s mom? That was impossible; she looked so pretty! Or at least it seemed to be, but the kid confirmed that it was true immediately. “I’m sorry, miss. I had no idea…I’m sorry if I offended you.”

“I…well, okay, then.” Percy cleared his throat, then shook the pretty mom’s hand. “I think your son just had some sort of monkey Pokémon steal his own. I’m looking for wherever said monkey Pokémon is, and if you could give me some pointers…”


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Percival Berlitz
Setup Sweeper [Battle]
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2024 5:46:56 GMT
Percival Berlitz Avatar

“The pleasure’s all mine, ma’am! I mean…Princess Elise!” said Percival, with a goofy smile. Despite all that had happened to Percival in eight years, the country bumpkin in him had never left, and it showed. His cousins probably would’ve fainted if they’d heard him address royalty that way…but who cared what those snooty jerks thought?

He just hoped that Torches would obey him this once. He didn’t mean to disrespect a lady!

“Go, Torches!” he said, pointing forward. Fortunately, Torches nodded and jumped forward onto the arena – then waited for Her Highness to let out her own Pokémon.


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[newclass=.pizzabox .milkcredit a]font-weight:bold; color:var(--accent)!important;[/newclass]
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TAG WITH @percy
Percival Berlitz
Orangutan Work [M]
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2024 0:24:10 GMT
Percival Berlitz Avatar

“Hey, don’t worry – I’ve got no bad intentions. I’m with the League, remember?” said Percival, with a small laugh. Then he heard an apprehensive voice address him, and turned to the voice’s source and – whoa, he was not expecting all that.

Upon seeing the woman, Percival felt heat rise to his face. Wow, he knew he was on a beach, but he wasn’t prepared to see so many pretty women! But as soon as said blush appeared on his face, Percival bit it down. Good gentlemen didn’t make overtures like that, especially towards women that were probably older than them! “Oh, miss, I was just…”

“Oh, wait, you must be this little guy's older sister. We’re looking for your parents, if that’s okay?” Percival scratched his head. “They’re the ones we want to sort things out. I thought that was clear, but sorry for the mix-up in any case.”


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[newclass=.pizzabox .milkcredit a]font-weight:bold; color:var(--accent)!important;[/newclass]
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TAG WITH @percy
Percival Berlitz
Orangutan Work [M]
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2024 4:51:37 GMT
Percival Berlitz Avatar

“A stupid monkey…challenged…”

Percival cocked his head. What the heck was a monkey Pokémon doing, going around challenging other people with Pokémon of its own? This was the first he’d ever heard of something that unusual happening. In any case, though, he couldn’t just do nothing – he had to act, and fast.

“Well, could you point me to where it is?” Percy blinked, still trying to comprehend the situation despite how weird it was. “And anyway, where are your parents right now? Maybe they could help us sort this whole thing out.”


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[newclass=.pizzabox .milkcredit a]font-weight:bold; color:var(--accent)!important;[/newclass]
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May 23
Floccesy Town
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TAG WITH @percy
Percival Berlitz
Orangutan Work [M]
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2024 22:34:49 GMT
Percival Berlitz Avatar

A…crying young boy?

When he heard crying, Percy looked around for where said sound was coming from. It didn’t take him long; up ahead on the beach was a crying child! As a League cadet, he had to do something. For all he knew, that kid could be lost!

Percy went up to the kid, trying his best to not look weird. “Hi there, youngster. Are you lost?” he said. He put his best smile on; it was his job to put on a brave face in these sorts of situations. “I’m with the League. We can get you help if you need it!”


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[newclass=.pizzabox .milkcredit a]font-weight:bold; color:var(--accent)!important;[/newclass]
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May 23
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TAG WITH @percy
Percival Berlitz
Setup Sweeper [Battle]
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2024 4:59:04 GMT
Percival Berlitz Avatar

Once he heard the princess’s greeting to him, Percy felt relief wash over him. So far, so good – this princess didn’t seem like the arrogant type he’d been worried about. He straightened his back, then bowed slightly. “Hello, Your Highness,” he said; even if he wasn’t Galarians, he as a Berlitz felt the need to go the extra mile. “I understand your situation.”

Then his shoulders relaxed. “I do want a traditional battle! Is two against two okay?” Which, sure, was a bit of a big change in tone for him…but he felt as though she wasn’t the type to push the issue. Still, he’d continue calling her ‘Your Highness’ unless she said otherwise.


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[newclass=.pizzabox .milkcredit a]font-weight:bold; color:var(--accent)!important;[/newclass]
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May 23
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TAG WITH @percy
Percival Berlitz
Setup Sweeper [Battle]
POSTED ON May 24, 2024 8:09:27 GMT
Percival Berlitz Avatar

“Alright, Torches. I know we don’t usually see eye to eye, but this next Trainer’s a princess from Galar. So mind your manners around her, okay?” said Percy, as Torches the Ceruledge stared up at the building. With a quick but silent cocking of his head, Torches appeared to acknowledge Percy’s request.

Percy wasn’t one for big, showy displays of wealth and status; Arceus knew that as a Berlitz, he had enough smoke blown up his keister. But he knew how royalty and nobility could have attitudes, and didn’t want to tick Elise off. So, with a sigh and a hope in his heart, Percy walked in – and Torches followed slightly behind, as though ashamed to be in Percy’s presence.

He just hoped that this princess wouldn’t be a chore to deal with.


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[newclass=.pizzabox .milkcredit a]font-weight:bold; color:var(--accent)!important;[/newclass]
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TAG WITH @percy
Percival Berlitz
Percy's PC
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 10:15:35 GMT
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items in possession




garden pokémon info


pkmn name

   ♁/♂︎/⚬ ability[break]
   move, move, move,[break] move, move, move



pokémon for trade




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I'll stand with my friends until the day I die!
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TAG WITH @percy
Percival Berlitz
Berlitz, Percival
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 13:40:30 GMT
Percival Berlitz Avatar

[attr="class","freiwantttop1"]- □ x



namepercival berlitz
played bypsychesaur

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER FACTION league

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER RANK cadet

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]FACE CLAIM roy from fire emblem

[attr="class","freiwantttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER



Ever since he was a little boy, Percival “Percy” Elliot grew up enamored by the world of Pokémon – but for a kid in a far-flung rural town, that glamorous life seemed impossibly far away. Raised by his childless aunt and uncle-by-marriage in Floccesy Town, Percy had an idyllic but boring childhood. [break][break]
Percival never knew either of his birth parents; his mother Rachel had died from birthing complications, and his father Cornelius had seemingly abandoned them both. The more relevant matter, however, was that there weren’t many fun things to do in Floccesy Town. It seemed as though Percy was destined for a humble life. [break][break]
Shortly after Percy turned eleven, Cornelius’s best friend Owen appeared in town with an ornery Ceruledge that had belonged to Percy’s father. Owen explained to Percy that Cornelius had died fighting Team Rocket during the fall of Kanto, and that Cornelius’s dying wish was that Percy would reconnect with their side of their family. Cornelius hadn’t really abandoned Percy voluntarily – it was just that Percy’s grandfather had forbidden him from marrying Percy’s mother. And was Percy in for a surprise. [break][break]
They flew back to Sinnoh, where Percy discovered that his father “Cornelius” was Cornelius Berlitz, one of the scions of the immensely wealthy Berlitz family. After they took a brief tour of his family’s five-acre manor, Owen introduced Percy to the rest of his father’s family – starting with his stern grandfather Arthur Berlitz. Percy spent the next seven years being inducted into high society by his grandfather. [break][break]
Despite Percy’s now-glamorous existence, however, he has never forgotten his roots in Floccesy Town.


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