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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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nacrene city
Freelance Enthomologist
176cm height
176cm height
Bugz 4 life
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Oliver May DOLLARS
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Oliver May
Petrichore Parley
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2024 13:47:20 GMT
Oliver May Avatar

Oliver tries to speak, but all he gets out is a raspy mutter. He awkwardly clears his throat before continuing. “Excuse me. It’s been a while since I spoke last.” He rises to his feet, takes off his hat and places it over his chest as he continues with a swift smile. “I appreciate the offer, but I am fine, truly.” Oliver’s eyes start to drift past the adventurous looking lady and land on her mount. After a moment he focuses on Shalin again.

“My name is Oliver and this here is Aly.” Oliver bends through his knees a bit to pet the dewpider hiding behind his leg. He gently pushes his finger through the bubble in order to scratch Aly’s soft little head. She calms down a bit and Oliver stands again.

“That is quite the impressive beedrill you have there! Her colouration seems unique, but healthy nonetheless. Seeing as she allows you to mount her, you two must have quite the trusting bond!” Oliver breaks eye contact as he realises that his phrasing came out a bit weird. He continues his ramble whilst staring at the ground. “I mean, beedrill tend to be aggressive, so letting you get so close already says a lot about how much she trusts you…”

Oliver looks up at Shalin again. “And the other way too! I have never seen anyone fly on a bug pokemon before, let alone a beedrill!” Realising he is rambling he grows timid again and clears his throat.

“So yeah… I never quite got your name.”

Aly    Dewpider     Shy

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nacrene city
Freelance Enthomologist
176cm height
176cm height
Bugz 4 life
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Oliver May DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @oliver
Oliver May
Petrichore Parley
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2024 21:15:19 GMT
Oliver May Avatar
An oran berry, picked from a wet bush. The force it took to dislodge the fruit shakes the brush gently. Droplets sprinkle about. The sound, however brief, is reminiscent of the summer rain that just passed over the Petalburg Woods.

Oliver has been lazily sitting under a tree to wait out the shower. He rubs the berry he picked on his shirt and takes a bite. With closed eyes he takes a moment to appreciate the soft crunch, followed by the juice practically bursting from the bite. A second bite came with a sigh of joy. The near neutral balance between sweet and sour is what made the Oran berry Oliver’s favourite wildland snack.

Aly, his dewpider, returns from her excited wander through the rain. Oliver simply smiles at her with his eyes half closed, as she takes a seat in his lap. With the tip of one of her legs she picks out individual droplets on Oliver's waterproof jacket. Aly adds the droplets to her own collection of water on her head.

With a third bite Oliver takes in his surroundings once more. The nincada’s of the forest started to sing again when the rain died down. Part of a rainbow is visible through the leaves overhead and it is still pleasantly warm. Truly, Oliver thought to himself, today is a fantastic day to do nothing. He takes a big final bite of his berry, and hands the rest to Aly. With a finger he tips his straw hat low, places his arms behind his head and nods off.

He is unsure how long he slept when he woke up, it couldn't have been more than a few hours judging by the sun. What rose him was a shadow passing overhead. He opens an eye and lifts his hat to look to the sky and see nothing. There was a brief buzz. Oliver looks behind to follow the sound. Again, nothing. He sits up and as he looks forward again he is startled as a beedrill on all legs sits before him. More peculiarly is the young lady who seems to be mounting the majestic bee!

At a loss for words Oliver just looks up at her with an expression of wonder.

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nacrene city
Freelance Enthomologist
176cm height
176cm height
Bugz 4 life
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Oliver May DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @oliver
Oliver May
Oliver's Knapsack
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 23:23:25 GMT
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nacrene city
Freelance Enthomologist
176cm height
176cm height
Bugz 4 life
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Oliver May DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @oliver
Oliver May
May, Oliver
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 22:12:13 GMT
Oliver May Avatar







[attr="class","leaguecardname"]Bug Maniac Oliver











[attr="class","leaguecardsliptextright"]Oliver May




[attr="class","leaguecardsliptextright"]Bug Pokemon



Oliver May, An enthousiastic selfemployed enthomologist with a dream.[break][break]

"I hope to one day prove to everyone, that bug pokemon are not to be underestimated!"



[attr="class","leaguecardbigname"]Oliver May

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played by


nacrene city
Freelance Enthomologist
176cm height
176cm height
Bugz 4 life
3 posts
Oliver May DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @oliver
Oliver May
May, Oliver
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 21:17:41 GMT
Oliver May Avatar


[attr="class","freiwantttop1"]- □ x




nameOliver May
played byQubix

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER FACTIONLeague

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER RANKCivilian

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]FACE CLAIMAkito Shinonome from Project Sekai: Colorful Stage

[attr="class","freiwantttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER




Growing up in Nacrene City, Unova was a little boy named Oliver.[break]

Oliver was a curious child who enjoyed playing in the nearby woods. He would sift through the brush and befriend the many creepy crawlies he could find. The other children of his hometown found him strange and would bully him for it. Oliver did not mind however, his bug friends were there to protect him.[break][break]

First was Tiny.[break]

When Oliver was five years old, his father’s galvantula had an egg. Oliver was tasked to raise it carefully as a lesson of responsibility. He kept it under his pillow for many nights, until one night he felt a tickle on his nose. On it sat the little baby Joltik. He named it after all he knew about it.[break][break]

Second came Rusty.[break]

One day during Oliver’s seventh summer, the little man stared at a row of durants passing through the woods. He noticed one of them had a rusty brown spot on top of its head. The other durants kept pushing it out of line, hitting it on top of the spot. Oliver grabbed the poor thing and petted it gently over the sore spot. After it calmed down, Oliver took it to the pokecenter. Ever since then, the two were inseparable.[break][break]

Third came Souvy.[break]

On his father’s business trip, Oliver was allowed to travel along, since the trip to Castelia City was not too far. When his father had some free time, he took him to see the desert. Oliver's eyes lit up when he saw a small orange bug appear from under a rock and move with it. His father laughed at the amazed little face and casually tossed a nest ball its way. “Since you like it so much…” His father groaned whilst he leaned over, picked up the ball and placed it firmly in Oliver’s hands. “Have a souvenir,” he said with a smile.[break][break]

Fourth and Fifth came Galy and Aly.[break]

On his tenth birthday, his parents - who both travelled a lot for work - returned with a net ball each. His father returned from Galar and brought with him a sizzlipede. Likewise, his mother returned from Alola and brought with her a dewpider.[break][break]

Having learned there are many pokemon all over the world, Oliver decided to study all he could about bug pokemon. However, when doing field studies, Oliver often got distracted by passing trainers looking for a battle. Although most ended in defeat, he enjoyed it nonetheless. Over time he started dreaming about becoming an expert like the gym leaders and elite trainers of the world. If only a mere bug boy could become so strong.[break][break]

When he was sixteen he completed his entomology studies and was fit to start working as a professor's aid. However, his heart was not ready to be a working adult yet. First he has to see this world he had been reading about for so long. Soon after, he packed his bag and left for the most peculiar region he knew. Hoenn!


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