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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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august 26
slateport city
bellamy's restaurant
civilian / head chef
5'7'' height
5'7'' height
sometimes your burden, it gets so heavy
3 posts
lenora gray DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @lenora
lenora gray
the bartender
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2024 22:00:24 GMT
lenora gray Avatar
[attr="class","sunboy lenora"]




she sipped and watched, sure that sooner or later, one of them would stumble upon the other. it was he that stood out to her first, easy to spot with his looks and style, and the same air about him that she thought immediately better suited him to this position – though he’d not seemed out of place behind bellamy’s bar, either.[break][break]

she was wordless as he approached the bar, observing his interaction with his staff. there was a hint of amusement on her face that she hid behind a quiet sip of her gin and tonic, for she was almost certain that he’d been on the other end of a similar situation at least a time or two.[break][break]

she leaned just a little closer to him, so his bartender couldn’t hear as they were working, and suggested casually, ”maybe you should show them how it’s done.” she wasn't serious; perhaps he'd known her well enough to figure as much if he looked over.




[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".lenora"] --accent:#7f8877!important; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".sunboy .subtext"] padding-top:5px; font:9px 'Poppins'; letter-spacing:0.7px; text-transform:lowercase; [/newclass]


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played by


august 26
slateport city
bellamy's restaurant
civilian / head chef
5'7'' height
5'7'' height
sometimes your burden, it gets so heavy
3 posts
lenora gray DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @lenora
lenora gray
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2024 21:18:24 GMT
lenora gray Avatar
[attr="class","sunboy lenora"]




”two foie gras, two shells, three bouillabaisse all day!”[break][break]

call-backs echoed through a bright, fast-paced kitchen, silent in the tastefully dim-lit room on the other side, of tinkling wine glasses and soft conversation. two alternate worlds, thriving together in dichotomy.[break][break]

a young host briefly passed through the rift, calling,”councilwoman’s here!”[break][break]

”thank you! let me know when she has a drink, please.” lenora peered over shoulders at feebas sliding into a pot, and shellder searing in shimmering grepaseed oil.[break][break]

restaurants did not only create memories, but the best ones had great memories themselves. it was known that the morningstars had once been regulars. their notes remained in the computer, a true archive of hoenn’s upper echelon: important dates, details of conversation, favorite foods and wines.[break][break]

lenora knew that her mentor had always gone out to speak to them, about the menu and whatever else came up. in his absence, she would do the intimidating honor at the table of the lone, remaining dragoness.




[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".lenora"] --accent:#7f8877!important; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".sunboy .subtext"] padding-top:5px; font:9px 'Poppins'; letter-spacing:0.7px; text-transform:lowercase; [/newclass]


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played by


august 26
slateport city
bellamy's restaurant
civilian / head chef
5'7'' height
5'7'' height
sometimes your burden, it gets so heavy
3 posts
lenora gray DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @lenora
lenora gray
the bartender
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2024 1:18:08 GMT
lenora gray Avatar
[attr="class","sunboy lenora"]




for years, lenora had kept up with hoenn’s thriving entertainment industry. she performed divination through the crystal ball of social media, fine-tuning special menu plans far ahead to suit what crowds would undoubtedly reach out for seats at bellamy’s.[break][break]

it was on one such afternoon of scrolling that she’d happened upon a familiar smile, backlit by a glistening chandelier.[break][break]

”no way.” she pinched at the screen, zooming in to confirm that yes, it was that same cocky smile she remembered, and had nearly forgotten. ”so that’s where you went.”[break]



weeks later, when she’d found time, she took a cab from slateport. after the ride to neighboring mauville, she stood before the face of the nightclub icarus in a plunging neckline and very nice pants.[break][break]

entering past security, she was met with all the excitement and luxury she’d been promised in the club’s ad – but not the face she was looking for.[break][break]

she approached the central bar, guessing he was probably lurking. if he was, she was sure he would see her before she saw him, and that she was in as good a spot as any to be found. a friendly smile was given to the bartender with an order for a gin and tonic, before she cast her searching gaze through the dark and the glitter nonetheless.




[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".lenora"] --accent:#7f8877!important; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".sunboy .subtext"] padding-top:5px; font:9px 'Poppins'; letter-spacing:0.7px; text-transform:lowercase; [/newclass]


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played by


august 26
slateport city
bellamy's restaurant
civilian / head chef
5'7'' height
5'7'' height
sometimes your burden, it gets so heavy
3 posts
lenora gray DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @lenora
lenora gray
mad tests code
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2024 22:06:21 GMT
lenora gray Avatar
[attr="class","sunboy lenora"]




nashville snow on the beach piano songwriter director remix deluxe i kept you like an oath snake solo blondie


i kept you like an oath all too well era tour film i swear i don't love the drama, it loves me snow on the beach grammy debut remix soft 3am label evermore joe surprise fans fans


cardigan alison blondie willow casette rollout (taylor's version) back catalogue grammy stadium squad swift hot 100 red lipstick style lover country taylah joe red eras tour guitar you need to calm down 3am shake it off betty casette




[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".lenora"] --accent:#7f8877!important; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".sunboy .subtext"] padding-top:5px; font:9px 'Poppins'; letter-spacing:0.7px; text-transform:lowercase; [/newclass]


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played by


august 26
slateport city
bellamy's restaurant
civilian / head chef
5'7'' height
5'7'' height
sometimes your burden, it gets so heavy
3 posts
lenora gray DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @lenora
lenora gray
mad tests code
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2024 21:56:27 GMT
lenora gray Avatar

[attr="class","angel lenora"]






I swear I don't love the drama, it loves me Nashville rock sexy baby stained glass windows in my mind betty snake Nashville debut album of the year Long Pong Sessions 13 betty artist Willow Speak Now Shake it Off Marjorie Anti-Hero back catalogue deluxe guitar record Marjorie Lover Fest here's how Cruel Summer can still be a single co-writer Alison clock you need to calm down


"you don't become an angelic's arm dealer without arming yourself first."


glitter gel pen cottagecore song (10 Minute Version) Fearless quill vocals New York I swear I don't love the drama, it loves me Swift reputation bonus Grammy private jet red lipstick style Jack Antonoff re-record masters debut stadium Haim Fearless Cats presale here's how Cruel Summer can still be a single lyrics red lipstick Delicate London


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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played by


august 26
slateport city
bellamy's restaurant
civilian / head chef
5'7'' height
5'7'' height
sometimes your burden, it gets so heavy
3 posts
lenora gray DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @lenora
lenora gray
The Local Hoenn Guidebook
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 21:58:09 GMT
lenora gray Avatar


category: restaurant
owners: & (character here)
location: upper slateport
description: bellamy’s is a popular restaurant located in upper slateport. its seasonal menu fuses classical kalosian culinary art with the flavors of hoenn and other regions around the globe.

its interior is sleek and formal, with white tablecloths and an intimate atmosphere. occasional greenery and enough space between tables provide a sense of privacy. for more romantic settings, there is candlelight.

with opening hours only on thursday-sunday evenings, bellamy’s can be notoriously difficult to get into. want a table this weekend? you better be someone or know someone. otherwise, reserve several weeks ahead.

restaurant history:
bellamy’s, originally bijou kitchen, was first opened in 2004 by the entrepreneurial couple jeanette and seiji amada. the kitchen was led by pascal bellamy, a kalosian chef of international renown and experience, who wanted to explore global fusion cuisine in hoenn. following the invasion of slateport, the imada family decided to leave the region behind, passing full ownership of the restaurant to the talented man who had made them a comfortable fortune.

the restaurant was a crumbling parting gift, with battle wounds that looked nearly more trouble than it was worth. it was unlikely that bellamy and his staff (those who could stick around) would be able to get it back on its feet. however, despite all odds, bijou was rebuilt, and the clientele came trickling back in.

a couple great years passed, despite all the region’s chaos. then, bellamy fell ill. everyone noticed, but he waved them off, at least until collapsing one saturday night in front of a johtonian ambassador and his company, after which the chef admitted it was time to get some rest.

sous chef lenora gray took over the kitchen, eventually sharing ownership with another of the old restaurant’s loyal survivors. the name was changed to bellamy’s, in honor of the man that had fought tooth and nail to ensure their dream didn’t die.

staff: (head chef, co-owner), (server), NPC's

seeking: co-owner (must have worked at restaurant for 10+ years), back-of-house (kitchen brigade), sommelier, bartenders, servers, and other front-of-house. please dm mad on discord if interested!


expand below


escargot dumplings
      shelmet dumplings, served with niniku butter sauce and a drizzle of touga oil.

foie gras torchon with miso caramel and brioche
      rich foie gras torchon paired with a sweet and savory miso caramel sauce, served with toasted brioche.

shellder with nomel hollandaise and strib puree
      seared shellder, served with nomel hollandaise sauce and a smooth strib puree.


      a fish soup with seaking, barraskewda, shellder, and clauncher in a tamato base.

chilled strib and mint soup with nomel crème fraîche
      a chilled strib soup with fresh mint and a dollop of tangy nomel crème fraiche, garnished with microgreens.


niçoise salad with feebas and miso mustard vinaigrette
      topoes, beans, tamato and seasonal greens topped with seared feebas and miso mustard vinaigrette.

ducklett confit salad pomeg and oran-ginger vinaigrette
      ducklett confit with ginema, drash, toasted shuca and pomeg on seasonal greens with oran-ginger vinaigrette.


ducklett breast with lum sauce
      sliced ducklet breast with a tangy lum sauce, served with niniku ducklett fat mashed topoes.

tandoori spiced wooloo chops
      juicy wooloo chops marinated in aromatic tandoori spices, served with rosemary mint yogurt sauce.

coconut and nomelgrass poached clawitzer with basil risotto
      shiny clawitzer poached in coconut and nomelgrass broth, served on basil-infused risotto.


nomel crème brûlée with sake-poached wepears
      classic crème brûlée infused with nomel, topped with sake-poached wepears and a caramelized sugar crust.

chocolate touga soufflé with spiced oran sorbet
      an airy chocolate soufflé with a hint of touga for a subtle kick, served with oran sorbet.


bellamy's has an extensive wine list. please feel free to get creative, as well as with liquor and cocktails! signature drinks may be added if others are interested in playing bartenders.
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played by


august 26
slateport city
bellamy's restaurant
civilian / head chef
5'7'' height
5'7'' height
sometimes your burden, it gets so heavy
3 posts
lenora gray DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @lenora
lenora gray
mad tests code
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 21:27:53 GMT
lenora gray Avatar



category: restaurant
owners: & (character here)
location: upper slateport

description: bellamy’s is a popular restaurant and wine bar located in upper slateport. its menu fuses classical kalosian culinary art with the flavors of hoenn and other regions around the globe.

its interior is sleek and formal, with white tablecloths and an intimate atmosphere. occasional greenery and enough space between tables provide a sense of privacy. for more romantic settings, there is candlelight.

with opening hours only on thursday-sunday evenings, bellamy’s can be notoriously difficult to get into. want seats this weekend? you better be someone or know someone. otherwise, reserve several weeks ahead.

restaurant history:
bellamy’s, originally bijou kitchen, was first opened in 2004 by the entrepreneurial couple jeanette and seiji amada. the kitchen was led by pascal bellamy, a kalosian chef of international renown and experience, who wanted to explore global fusion cuisine in hoenn. following the invasion of slateport, the imada family decided to leave the region behind, passing full ownership of the restaurant to the talented man who had made them a comfortable fortune.

the restaurant was a crumbling parting gift, with battle wounds that looked nearly more trouble than it was worth. it was unlikely that bellamy and his staff (those who could stick around) would be able to get it back on its feet. however, despite all odds, bijou was rebuilt, and the clientele came trickling back in.

a couple great years passed, despite all the region’s chaos. then, bellamy fell ill. everyone noticed, but he waved them off, at least until collapsing one saturday night in front of a johtonian ambassador and his company, after which the chef admitted it was time to get some rest.

sous chef lenora gray took over the kitchen, eventually sharing ownership with another of the old restaurant’s loyal survivors. the name was changed to bellamy’s, in honor of the man that had fought tooth and nail to ensure their dream didn’t die.

staff: (head chef, co-owner), NPC's
seeking: co-owner (must have worked at restaurant for 10+ years), back-of-house (kitchen brigade), sommelier, bartenders, servers, and other front-of-house. please dm mad on discord if interested!



escargot dumplings
      hisuian sliggoo escargot in delicate dumplings, served with niniku butter sauce and a drizzle of spicy touga oil.

foie gras torchon with miso caramel and brioche
      rich foie gras torchon paired with a sweet and savory miso caramel sauce, served with toasted brioche.

shellder with nomel hollandaise and strib puree
      seared shellder, served with nomel hollandaise sauce and a smooth strib puree.


      a fish soup with seaking and barraskewda with a tamato base.

chilled strib and mint soup with nomel crème fraîche
      a chilled strib soup with fresh mint and a dollop of tangy nomel crème fraiche, garnished with microgreens.


niçoise salad with feebas and miso mustard vinaigrette
      topoes, beans, tamato and seasonal greens topped with seared feebas and miso mustard vinaigrette.

ducklett confit salad pomeg and oran-ginger vinaigrette
      ducklett confit with ginema, drash, toasted shuca and pomeg on seasonal greens with oran-ginger vinaigrette.


ducklett breast with umeboshi sauce
      sliced ducklet breast with a tangy umeboshi sauce, served with niniku ducklett fat mashed topoes.

tandoori spiced wooloo chops
      juicy wooloo chops marinated in aromatic tandoori spices, served with rosemary mint yogurt sauce.

coconut and nomelgrass poached clawitzer with basil risotto
      shiny clawitzer poached in coconut and nomelgrass broth, served on basil-infused risotto.


nomel crème brûlée with sake-poached wepears
      classic crème brûlée infused with nomel, topped with sake-poched wepears and a caramelized sugar crust.

chocolate touga soufflé with spiced oran sorbet
      an airy chocolate soufflé with a hint of touga for a subtle kick, served with organ sorbet.


please feel free to get creative or be vague with wine, liquor and cocktails! signature drinks may be added if others are interested in playing bartenders.
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played by


august 26
slateport city
bellamy's restaurant
civilian / head chef
5'7'' height
5'7'' height
sometimes your burden, it gets so heavy
3 posts
lenora gray DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @lenora
lenora gray
gray, lenora
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 4:15:31 GMT
lenora gray Avatar

[attr="class","freiwantttop1"]- □ x



namelenora gray
played bymad

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER FACTION league

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER RANK civilian

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]FACE CLAIM du ruo from path to nowhere

[attr="class","freiwantttop"]YOUR BURDEN, IT GETS SO HEAVY



heaf chef, co-owner of bellamy’s restaurant in slateport (guidebook)[break][break]

i wanna let you know that if you can just hold on[break]
hold on a little while longer[break]
it’ll all be over


i got my start early. my parents worked late into the evenings growing up, so i made a lot of my own meals, but i didn’t mind it. i watched plenty of cooking shows. by eleven, i had a dream that i never let go of.[break][break]

when it was time to get a job, chef bellamy let me in the doors to what looked like a paradise far removed from my world. i did work prepping and cleaning, but i longed to be over the heat, painting memories in the heads of important people.[break][break]

bijou was beautiful. everything upper-class always looks so smooth on the surface, but a restaurant is a complex beast. we yelled, cried, we picked up the slack when people threw down the apron. eventually, i learned to dance around fire.[break][break]

it’s been fourteen years since chef bellamy gave me that chance. four years since the megalopolan invasion nearly took us out, one since i became head chef, and six months since a piece of the restaurant became mine.[break][break]

we’re booked a couple months out. nothing can stop us.[break][break]



bellamy’s, originally bijou kitchen, was first opened in 2004 by the entrepreneurial couple jeanette and seiji amada. the kitchen was led by pascal bellamy, a kalosian chef of international renown and experience, who wanted to explore global fusion cuisine in hoenn. following the invasion of slateport, the imada family decided to leave the region behind, passing full ownership of the restaurant to the talented man who had made them a comfortable fortune.[break][break]

the restaurant was a crumbling parting gift, with battle wounds that looked nearly more trouble than it was worth. it was unlikely that bellamy and his staff (those who could stick around) would be able to get it back on its feet. however, despite all odds, bijou was rebuilt, and the clientele came trickling back in.[break][break]

a couple great years passed, despite all the region’s chaos. then, bellamy fell ill. everyone noticed, but he waved them off, at least until collapsing one saturday night in front of a johtonian ambassador and his company, after which the chef admitted it was time to get some rest.[break][break]

sous chef lenora gray took over the kitchen, eventually sharing ownership with another of the old restaurant’s loyal survivors. the name was changed to bellamy’s, in honor of the man that had fought tooth and nail to ensure their dream didn’t die.[break][break]

bellamy’s is an eclectic kalosian-style fusion restaurant, open in the evenings thursday-sunday. on other days, lenora spends time with the old chef in his home kitchen, where culinary magic is made. his touch remains in the menu.


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