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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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january nineteenth
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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sariel duong DOLLARS
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sariel duong
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2024 7:24:34 GMT
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EDEN is currently not a concrete group, but a set of ideas that revolves around the ABOLISHMENT OF AVATARSHIPS. this movement is mainly spearheaded by and , who were witnesses to the SOOTOPOLIS TAKEOVER and to its eventual capture. to them, avatarships are weapons of mass destruction, and individual humans should not be trusted with the extent of its power. legendaries meddling in human affairs is seen as an overstepping of their divine power. to resolve this, project eden seeks to disarm avatarships and perhaps if given the chance, to kill legendaries.

this group plot is open to development if there is enough interest, but is currently in EARLY FORMATION stages.

anyone is open to join, however they will need to prove that they share the same basic goal of ABOLISHING AVATARSHIPS. since this group is in early formation, there are no formal ranking systems or titles. however, this is very open to change. we will also be keeping track of interested characters, threads, and arcs through this thread.


currently, EDEN is in the process of evaluating the validity of their ideas, as well as potential early memberships as loose relationship builders for sariel and verona. the group will be researching legendaries, their motives, and ways to potentially neutralize their influence. other ideas discussed may include religion, separation of pokemon and human, and the death of legendaries. we are mainly looking to establish relationships, whether it be friendly, antagonistic, or even a mixture of both.

to keep narrative focus, arc i will mainly consist of SLEEPER AGENTS, whose goal is to amass power and knowledge, whether in rocket or league. this will ideally culminate into KILLING/MAIMING A LEGENDARY POKEMON, or if we want something milder, BREAKING AN AVATARSHIP.

the prophet and the sheep — sariel and verona's first meeting after the sootopolis raids. character-centric.


ANTAGONISMS of course, publicly hating legendaries and avatarships puts a target on your back. it also opens you up to interesting conversations: do you think pokemon are dangerous to society? why or why not? are you afraid of your pokemon? is there a possibility of a world in which you can imagine without them? have you been traumatized by an attack? tell them your thoughts.

RECRUITMENT anyone who is at least open to the core beliefs of the group is open to join. if you have ever resented or even questioned either league/rocket, it could be a good starting point. for civilians, the destruction that has come from conflict may have affected you in some way. for trainers, it could be that they know someone or they themselves have been adversely affected by an avatarship/legendary. to be recruited, you will probably need to go through either sariel or verona first. their methods of recruitment also vary by character, so please feel free to ask! not all recruitment need to be successful either.

QUESTIONING we've alluded to this thus far, but part of this group plot also seeks to examine the relationship between human and pokemon, gods and humans, etc. both verona and sariel approach their relationships to pokemon in a unique way. this certainly asks meta questions and goes very deep into philosophical nuances and how that might affect your characters.

POKEMON DEATH considering the upcoming war and the nature of pokemon, this will inevitably happen. both sariel and verona are capable of killing pokemon, as well as orchestrating it through your character if need be. they also have roots in religion, so they may very well explore different rituals, ceremonies, and spiritual beliefs when it comes to a pokemon dying.

for more in-depth information about sariel and verona, DM cila or aphelion on discord, or take a look at the following:
sariel's plotter


do you have to swear off avatarships forever?
a situation may come where the only way to kill a legendary is with the powers of another legendary. and in that case and if you do eventually attain an avatarship, you must swear to end it in a post-eden era. we will definitely want to see how it plays out IC and take it as an opportunity for potential conflict/character development!

will you actually kill legendaries?
in theory and with consent, yes.

what to expect?
this will be less of an action-based plot and more of a character-driven plot. this group, as well as the characters, can change due to IC-developments. not only is that expected, but encouraged as well!

we also may touch on dark and sensitive topics such as: abuse, religion, suicidal ideation, body/psychological horror, and death.
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january nineteenth
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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sariel duong DOLLARS
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sariel duong
sariel's plotter
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2024 22:19:04 GMT
sariel duong Avatar


"in a world with false gods and false idols, who will tell the truth?"

a bereaved mother who became a refugee after the sootopolis takeover took her daughter in the process. she took refuge in lilycove for about three years, taking on odd jobs and grieving until she made enough money to come back to her home in sootopolis.

sariel had a child when she was young, and so she grew up as an impoverished single mother. she doesn't know much about pokemon, and she has a deep hatred for legendaries and avatarships because she thinks that that humanity isn't fit to control them. to achieve her goals, sariel wants to become a stronger trainer, and will likely join the RANGERS as part of the incoming draft. in the future, she may establish EDEN, an anarchist group with a final goal to kill legendaries and reject avatarships.

personality-wise, sariel is a strict and serious woman who takes her jobs seriously. she is still deeply affected by the sootopolis takeover, and thus has both negative views towards rockets and rangers, particularly ones who have avatarships. but she is still a mother at heart, and has a soft spot towards weak or struggling trainers. expect her to get worse and more radicalized with time, as she has a long road ahead of her.




sariel, while usually a solidary woman, is inclined to look for those that have 'potential' to live out her ideas, she is more than willing to project her own ideas and values to those who she deems worthy (or malleable). ideally, these should be young and idealistic trainers that are willing to listen to her ideas. in theory, it may work similar to eden's 'heir' in the future. she is a tough mentor who uses tough love as a learning tool. similar to arlecchino and the house of the hearth from genshin impact.

also looking for antagonists, those who disagree, and those who want to be questioned.


sariel was born and raised in sootopolis, and much like many of the people who lived there, was a deeply religious and spiritual woman. and recently, has come back to live in sootopolis since it's her original home. if you have lived in sootopolis, or are there to visit rocket HQ, you have probably seen her around. while she has lost faith her deities (kyogre, groudon, and rayquaza,) she still has spiritual inclinations and is more than willing to discuss religion.


since sariel evacuated with a ranger during the sootopolis takeover, she likely kept in touch with said ranger and sends gifts as a thank you for saving her. this ranger will probably come to mind first when she applies for the draft. tell her what to expect, the good and the bad.
sariel had her child when she was a teenager, and as a result, did not have a proper education growing up. she doesn't know what may be common knowledge, such as type advantages, movesets, and about pokemon in general. she will need some teaching, and might take on unique or strange habits since she is new to being a trainer. why don't you test it out with her?
sariel will eventually witness her pokemon evolving in the process of training. but she is a spiritual person who also has control issues, and considering that these pokemon do not revert to their past forms, she will want to grieve for them. be a person that she trusts, and create a ritual that will honor the pokemon's past form, and bless the new one.

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january nineteenth
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
15 posts
sariel duong DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @sariel
sariel duong
the prophet and the sheep
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2024 1:08:34 GMT
sariel duong Avatar
the false foxglove was one of the few flowers she would come close to saying ugly; small and insignificant, with its bulbous proportions and parasitic nature. her lips curl at the thought of putting them in the garden, and alongside the pristess's cryptic words, likening it to sariel's person.

the words linger in the air, heady and thick in the silence. the priestess leans out the window, and when she knocks over some of my-hoa's belongings, sariel is quick to catch them, her maternal instincts kicking in. one by one, they fall into her open hands: a figurine, a book, bottle of lotion that was far past its due date. she growls as she pulls the objects together and cradles them to her chest. these were common objects, bought from the market. their worth was worth sariel's life hundreds of times over; how sentimental she felt towards these ordinary objects surprised her.

because my-hoa would be upset if they broke.

"priestess–" she calls, but her words fall on deaf ears.

the other baubles are set safely back where they came from, but the last one is still yet to be safe, and she's not quick enough to catch it. it is a glass bauble in the shape of a terastallized eevee; pink for its type. she gasps as it falls to the ground, shattering into a million pieces. sariel's hand quickly follows, crashing into the broken glass. searing pain burns through her palm as the shards dig into her hand, blood weeping from her open wounds.

it hurt. broken glass always did, but nothing hurt more than witnessing another death. a death of a memory, as if a part of my-hoa had been shorn away.

she cries out, her face twisted into an ugly snarl as she takes her hand and shoves it against the priestess's back.

but then in the same motion she clenches her hands, glass and blood and fury in its motions, wrenching the gathered the fabric back. she lets the priestess fall back against her body, now suddenly full of regret. so much had happened in an instant that she had been shocked into silence, her body acting on impulse rather intention. sariel has never killed before; the thought made her heart beat loud and quick in her ears, rushing adrenaline that makes her hands shake.

she was afraid.

"what..." she holds the priestess, her hand still gripped tightly onto her dress, now stained red with sariel's blood. she breaths, shaky and deep and tries to think; to calm the storm inside. her voice comes out calm, yet barely restrained.

"what do you want from me, priestess?"

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january nineteenth
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
15 posts
sariel duong DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @sariel
sariel duong
the prophet and the sheep
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 15:30:07 GMT
sariel duong Avatar
she had heard the humming from the room and followed it, recognizing as a derivative of one of the temple's hymms. sariel had thought that her mind was playing tricks on her. but she thinks, having now seen the actual truth, that she would have preferred to lose her mind than to see the harbinger again. she may only be a messenger, but every message comes with her personal venom; sickening and painful, but not enough to die.

it is the curse of living that haunts sariel duong, not the blissful release of death.

in some ways, the thought gives her comfort, as much as my-hoa's room does. only, there was no solace when her daughter's resting place had been so thoroughly disturbed. and so her objective now was to get this intruder out—by any means necessary.

the window leading to outside this room gives them the full view of sootopolis's cliffs, battered from the sea. sariel had always been so fearful of that window, and a mother worries like no other. she had always imagined herself staring down at those cliffs, wondering if her daughter would ever fall into the slippery currents running underneath.

she doesn't have to wonder now. that is a fault of her own.

"even dead roses have thorns."

sariel has been restrained thus far, but her patience was wearing thin.

she walks to the woman, looming over her and standing so close that she can smell the scents of her perfume. light citrus and the scent of lit incense, burning to the nose. it brings her back to the temple, the ceremonies and prayers pressed into their collective memories. in her eyes is a distant place; she peers out into those cliffs with a bitterness so strong that she can taste it in the back of her mouth, and it coats her tongue with such hatred that she has to spit it out like a spoiled meal.

"and birds that chirp too loud are the first to get shot."

tempting as it was to see the priestess's broken body among the rocks, sariel keeps herself for committing such an act, if only because she needed not to defile the resting place of her daughter. she so badly wanted to make the priestess suffer as the gods had to her.

but even so, she wondered: if she pushed this parasitic bird out of her nest, would it still fly?

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january nineteenth
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
15 posts
sariel duong DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @sariel
sariel duong
the prophet and the sheep
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 23:27:02 GMT
sariel duong Avatar
for better or worse, sootopolis city has changed.

she had not stepped foot here in for three years. since she had left, the pain of past memories, as well as the presence of occupiers, still present, have always prevented her from returning to her homeland. but she had promised to herself that she would eventually return. her homeland had always called to her, its weak yet constant pull, a call of a ghostly apparition. and for someone like sariel; that ghost was her daughter.

she wanted to see her daughter again.

when she came upon her house, it seemed frozen in time. the flowers on the windowsill were strangely alive, basking in the sun, and her garden maintained. she thought this odd. perhaps the neighbor had done her a favor? the key she had kept so close slid into the keyhole easily, and when she turned, she braced herself for what she would see.

the smell of her home hits her first; the fresh scent of stone and wood, of linen and just the smidge of roses, which she had so lovingly surrounded the house with. it was just as if she had woken up from a deep slumber. three years a refugee was far too long for an old woman like her. but in spite of lost time, taking off her shoes under the doorway felt like a step back towards the past. old scents and old sights; each room hit her with such a strange sense of nostalgia that it was almost too overwhelming.

and then there was the last room. the door to her house had remained closed for three years, and yet this was the only room she dreaded opening. she had dreamed about this room; turning the handle and finding her daughter there, waiting for her. despite knowing that her child was deceased and that they may never find her body, she still holds on to the hope that one day, she would find her daughter alive and well.

surely, the gods took joy in her misplaced hope.

she takes a deep breath before wrapping her fingers around the handle, turning it and letting the door swing open. the room was just as messy as they had left it.


there's someone here.

someone who does not belong.

her feet remained planted on the ground, but her eyes latched onto to the strange with a mixture of hate and hope. rage pulses through her veins, and yet she could not summon it to the surface. she speaks to the intruder in a calm tone, barely simmering.

"i thought you dead, priestess."

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january nineteenth
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
15 posts
sariel duong DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @sariel
sariel duong
duong, sariel
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 7:20:01 GMT
sariel duong Avatar

[attr="class","freiwantttop1"]- □ x



namesariel (xuan) duong
played bycila

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER FACTION league

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER RANK civilian

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]FACE CLAIM raiden ei from genshin impact

[attr="class","freiwantttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER



o our dear gods,
in land and sea and sky. [break]
hallowed grounds,[break]
the tempest oceans,[break]
and in the gates of heaven[break]
bless us with your holy protection[break]
from the temptations of evil[break]
and lead us into our enlightenment[break]
for the earth is yours[break]
and i am of the earth[break]
may we seek eternal verity in our souls[break]
blessed may the powers be[break]
and glory for the ages[break]



entry #163[break]

today i went to the market, and the fruit vendor to whom i usually go to was missing. he was a rather elderly man, who used to work in the league. i asked about his whereabouts to his colleagues, and none could give me a straight answer. i am not ignorant to the rumours in this city, and it does not take a genius to realize what is happening. this was in part, due to the influence of foreign forces.
many of my neighbors are sympathizers to their cause, though i am wary. i trust no one, not rocket nor league. if this world has taught me anything, it is that nothing is free, and we will always have to fend for ourselves. i have not asked the gods for much, all i want is a peaceful life. i was a troubled and angry child, and know that the gods have tested me for my worth.
i pray that the gods protect us. i pray that we can live an idle and peaceful life that i always wanted. i have always trusted the gods and their plan. thus far, they have never failed me. my family and i have been faithful to the temple for generations, and i do not intend to leave.
i will go to the temple tonight to pray once again.
and by the gods, may hoenn survive what is to come.


the end of the world looks like this.
first, the harbinger appears. you've seen her before; she is a priestess from your temple. she is a strange woman, but kind. sometimes, you and her talk about the state of sootopolis, your common home. she comes to you in the morning, and she tells you to prepare for the reckoning. you think she is joking. she is not.
you go about your day, not thinking much of what she had said.
and then when the reckoning comes, it comes like a supernova; in an instant, and with a fantastical explosion. it is so quick that your mind almost cannot comprehend it. the soldiers swarm the city like locusts from both sides, and you are caught in the crossfire. they come with weapons and mythical pokemon that you have never seen or heard the likes of. you cannot believe your eyes—the world is ending. gods, the world is ending. will it hurt when you die?
but then you remember you can't die. in fact, you must live. not for yourself but for your child. where is your child? your daughter? you run. you try to find her, but she's nowhere to be found. you can't get in touch with her. you are running, desperately running away from the gods.
you mutter a prayer under your breath as fire and lightning and poison blast past you. you have always been a mother, a young one. you never had the chance to go to school really, or learn the ways of a trainer. you are afraid of the ferocity of these pokemon, these beasts that are so strong their trainers can barely control them.
please, let me at least live for my child. you pray. you are begging the gods, you do not know if they're listening. they must be. you finally find her at the market, hidden behind a table. you thank the gods; you want to cry out to them and praise them. you want to collapse. but you cannot, you think, for her.
and now the most pressing thought in your mind is this: leave, or stay?
the syndicate had promised you that you would stay safe. this is your home after all, and your connection to the city cannot be severed so easily. but this is rapture; this is the end of the world. as you look into the distance, you see that the holy spire has been damaged—no, it is actively being demolished, one by one, by beasts that can kill you and your family.
"we need to leave." you say. your daughter doesn't want to. you would lose everything. but what worth is your belongings with no life to enjoy them?[break][break]
and so you take her with you. you take what belongings can fit into your bags, and you lock the doors to your house, taking your key with you. you run to the rangers who are attempting to evacuate civilians like you.
and while you both are at sea, boarding pokemon take you away from sootopolis.
here, you see god.
your god that has never cared for you.
because your god raises a pillar of water so large that you dip in its missing space. your god, the leviathan, the ancient deity, summons sky-felling rains and falls into the ocean like an errant shooting star. the currents have always been so strong around the island, and you had treaded around them so carefully growing up.
but you are swimming in the riptides now.
you are drowning.
and so is your child.
later, you wake up alone. you think you died. perhaps you should have.
because the gods took your daughter.
and one day, they will pay.


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