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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Konikoni City
Treasure Hunter
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @lani
Leilani Keawe
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2024 20:10:40 GMT
Leilani Keawe Avatar
Things were starting to get a little out of hand now, with the sudden appearance of the Gouging Fire in addition to the other robot-like Pokemon. Their plus one's Garganacle was swiftly felled in one fell swoop as it was the rciepient of a thorough Bulldoze. The impact had even caused Leilani to wince, raising her eyes just in time to catch sight of the stone giant falling to the ground. "Curses." Lei spoke underneath her breath, annoyed that they were one less in total numbers. Against powerful enemies like these, it was all the more reasons to consider falling back. "Tell us you have more Pokemon." Lei put simply, feeling her lips ready to launch into another longwinded ramble before she had caught herself at the last minute.

Her Pikachu, however, was running into a bit of an issue, in the form of the Iron Crown gazing down upon at after the Thunderbolt and retaliating quickly. It charged at the electric mouse with its head down low, glowing in a turquoise color. With what wa slikely some kind of kingly, defiant growl, its head experienced rapid growth as lights formed above it, styling itself into the shape of majestic antlers. Ones which slammed into her Pikachu full force, knocking her aside. The attack had sent her knocked back all the way to Leilani, her eyes gazing down at her KO'd Pokemon. Returning her to the ball, the Rocket exhaled while gritting her teeth. That was one Pokemon out of her team of three, and the one she had the closest bond with.

Leilani looked over at Aurelie with an anxious look. "Got any plans?" She motioned her head to Mitsuru while keeping an eye on her partner. It was a look that didn't need any sort of explanation, one suggesting flee from a lost battle and leaving the other foolish woman to take the attention off of themselves. Lei definitely wasn't evil enough to do so maliciously, it was just the best course of action for ensuring they at least got out alive, perhaps in time to be punished for their failure here at the caves.

The environment around them shook as loose bits of rock and more would free themselves from their imprisonment on the ceiling. The ground trembled before them and the Pokemon even looked confused by what was happening. The Alolan tried to steady herself while glancing above them.
"The stone above us stirs so shaken. Could such coincidences mean that certain celestial creatures enclose our current contexture?" What was going on up there anyway? Wasn't somebody supposed to keep that Kyogre from getting closer?

MP Earned:
10 MP - Posting
50 MP - For getting your Pokemon knocked out in your prelude thread.
210 MP - Total

Leilani Fear: Isolation, being contained away from people and without the ability to socialize or anything.
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Konikoni City
Treasure Hunter
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @lani
Leilani Keawe
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 0:22:45 GMT
Leilani Keawe Avatar
With a little elbow grease and perhaps some kind of prayer asking for some kind of luck, the Walking Wake was felled before them, Aurelie had gotten a hold on their more floundering partner in these depths and everything appeared to be going well for a change. Leilani breathed a sigh of relief, walking towards her Pokemon with heels clacked against the hardened stone floor beneath them.


Leilani raised her partner onto her shoulders. "You did well." The spunky, Pikachu swung its heart shaped tail as she received some well earned neck scratches from the Alolan before the next stop on their undergroudn tour was revealed to them. After their foe was vanquished, the caverns opened once more. Tera crystals continued to grow rampantly down here, as if it had been chipping away at the cavern's innards. Lei spotted a crystal just starting to form overhead while they continued deep inside of the system. While they continued, the temperature was starting to climb, and the waters here smelled...old.

"These opulent oddities of old overhead bring about such questions. Could our odyssey downwards bring about answers to these ominous threats?" Leilani asked to the other women, walking along behind them while Aurelie led the way with their plus one taking up mantle behind them, only for their peace to be disturbed by the ground shaking behind them. Lei turned back with her Pikachu, ready to start zapping the Walking Wake if had decided to test them again, only for the other woman's Garganacl to return to them both. She shook her head for a moment then quietly walked alongside the party while her head was lost in her thoughts.

The path took them to an open area with plenty of room, though no exit in sight. Leilani exhaled and crossed her arms over one another as she looked out at the field. Yet the crowning jewel was a large blue crystalline structure that was still slowly growing in the middle of the landscape. Her eyes scanned over it with intrigue. Was this another tera crystal, or perhaps, something more? "Be on your guard. This twisted terrarium may not be as tranquil as it appears." Lani disproved her own advice to walk to investigate that stalactite in her eyes, wondering what it could be used for. Aurelie must have had the same idea, as the two of them got closer before their next interruption came in the form of something snarling behind them.

Another Pokemon presented itself to them, though it appeared robotic, in a way. The sight had made her somewhat confused. "Is that a Pokemon? I've never recounted such a rambunctious rapscallion before. Might it be-" Leilani noticed it attack the Garganacl with a ferocious attack, one which she got into battle mode to help the weakest link here. The Pikachu jumped from her shoulder and readied another Thunderbolt at the attacker. Lei looked over at Mitsuru. "The beast's advance will test our aptitude, and I advise you to assist us in its approach!"

MP Earned:
10 MP - Posting
150 MP - Total

Leilani Fear: Isolation, being contained away from people and without the ability to socialize or anything.
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Konikoni City
Treasure Hunter
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @lani
Leilani Keawe
Dragon Baker [dw][o]
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2024 6:57:00 GMT
Leilani Keawe Avatar
It was strange trying to catch one's bearings around the city thus far. Leilani had been here for the combined total of a couple of days and already she was convinced that this was a fairly unassuming region. Y'know, aside from the wartime that was currently bringing down a lot of the charm and buzz around Hoenn. Still, a nice walk around Rustboro City was a nice reminder of her home back in Alola. The Rocket quietly hummed along the pathway with her Pikachu as the playful yellow mouse hopping along with her own step. "Slow down, Maka." Lei said, pausing before she launched herself into another long winded ramble. "Tch. Don't run off." The very last thing she wanted on a day off was to spend it looking like some crazed verbose woman out in the city. Maka's heart shaped tail swung in the air as it picked up a scent. The Pokemon bound away across the route in search of that heavenly aroma. "Maka!" Leilani ran after her, her heels clacking against the soft ground.


The brush in front of Biscotti spat out a silhouette, as a Pikachu jumped out and latched itself to his face. "Pika!" The Pikachu bound towards the man while aiming to try and get a sampling of whatever treats he had present in the bag. The jump-scare aside, Maka didn't mean to do him any harm. If anything, she nuzzled against his cheek in order to try and work her charm to get his snacks. Behind her came the shape of a woman pushing through the brush. Her tanned hands parted the foliage just in time to see the boy. "There you are!" Leilani groaned, slowly attempting to pry the Pikachu from the stranger. "You rambunctious, restless rapscallion! Don't accost this ambitious, arbor loving friend!" The Pikachu soon let go and Biscotti and jumped up on Leilani's shoulder. A few head scratches later and she focused back onto the younger man.

"Apologies." Lei said, offering an apologetic nod. "She's got a mind of her own." Her lips quivered again, as the woman fought back any and all attempts to continue the sentence anew. SHe took a moment to wait for the sensation to go away before she continued. "I'm Leilani. Just moved here from Alola." A hand extended itself to Biscotti if he wanted to shake it.

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Konikoni City
Treasure Hunter
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @lani
Leilani Keawe
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2024 21:49:19 GMT
Leilani Keawe Avatar
Her head canted over all the way towards where Aurelie had been shining the flashlight to. In this cavernous area, a dark turn would lead them further into the caverns of this palace of earth and stone. Leilani turned back around to see the crystals were...growing?! She took a step back and followed the group towards safety, where some amount of refuge could be heard. "Good eye." She summarized quickly and hurried with the other to towards their exit point. Hopefully this led to an exit or something!

But no, that would have been so easy for the three of them. Instead, this path led them to a water laden area. One which was guarded with a Walking Wake. However, it didn't sink into the water like many would have assumed it would. Its feet kept it above the surface as it let out a threatening roar at them. "Well, we've trespassed towards facing a terrible, timeless tempest, haven't we?" Leilani looked down at her team, deciding which could have helped them the most in the situation. The other two had chosen their pokemon, with the unknown woman from before sending out a a room filled with water.

The obvious thing happened and Lei cast her a judgemental gaze. "Just leave it to us." Her lips trembled, cut short before they would flow again beyond her control. Quietly thanking whatever part of her biology that had prevented from rambling, Leilani threw out her Pokemon of choice, a Pikachu. The yellow mouse gazed up at the Walking Wake as it would come charging at them. "Thunderbolt." Its cheeks crackled with electricity while the pokemon launched an electric attack at the quickly approaching Pokemon.

MP Earned:
10 MP - Posting
140 MP - Total

Leilani Fear: Isolation, being contained away from people and without the ability to socialize or anything.
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Konikoni City
Treasure Hunter
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @lani
Leilani Keawe
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2024 9:39:57 GMT
Leilani Keawe Avatar
The other girl appeared to be quite confused by her exact wording, it wasn't something that Leilani had been ignorant of. She groaned, wanting to shout and screech at the top of her lungs about the fate that had befallen her, but alas, such was the price of knowledge. The Alolan gave Aurelie a look with a nod. "Yes. We lay low and let the lively creatures languish in these luxurious crystalline lanterns." Her expression suggested that she was frustrated trying to get to the point with the other Rocket. After that, she sighed and took a moment to clear her thoughts, then speak. "I can explain later. Right now, this." She focused her attention back on the show in front of them. The bumbling heroine in front of them unable to calm her pet down enough would make for the perfect distraction.

Perhaps even too good, as the cave in around them was increasing in intensity. Leilani tried to ensure that nothing was going to crush their skull in at any moment. She had been through worse, though not has potentially hair ruining as having to comb pebbles and crytals at of one's hair for an evening. Back onto more important things, Lei gasped at her partner's decision. "Aurelie!" She ran towards the trainer before them in an attempt to save them from a falling stalactite. While one for heroics, to do so for somebody they had no knowledge of their allegiance was beyond foolish. The rock smashed into the ground just as they dove off to the other side and down an incline leading into parts unknown. "Damn it."

Leilani clenched her teeth before calling down to the other woman. "Are you two alright?" Should she follow them and make sure that the other woman wasn't down there and impaled on one of the crystals down under? Or stay up here and wrangle all the people just roam around? She took a moment to consider her option and then groan. It would be an interesting meeting for sure. "I'm coming down!" Leilani dove down the same pathway leading into the deeper parts of the caverns. The sounds of her descent could be heard up until she came to a skidding stop before the pair. "There you are." Leilani walked over to Aurelie and sighed again, moving her eyes back to their newest friend here.

"Our little tunnel appears to have transported us into a twinkling treasure trove of tera crystals." Leilani walked forward in a quiet observation. The crystals here were dense and many. A finger tapped the exterior as it let out a soft hum. "Such peculiarly potent portions of crystals here."

MP Earned:
10 MP - Posting
50 MP - Have your character make a regrettable decision
130 MP - Total

Leilani Fear: Isolation, being contained away from people and without the ability to socialize or anything.[/quote]
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Konikoni City
Treasure Hunter
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @lani
Leilani Keawe
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2024 3:37:05 GMT
Leilani Keawe Avatar
The second Entai would no doubt provide quite the formidable opponent should either of the two try and attack them. By sheer force alone, they stood no chance against the proper legendary, but the other close relative could perhaps offer them a slight chance at walking away from this unscathed. Leilani watched them closely with a great intrigue. Her natural curiosity made her all the more curious about the false Entei and the "maybe a mirage" Entei in particular. Darkened fingers drummed against the earthen wall the two of them saught shelter behind, one finger after the other to an unheard beat. Aurelie's did make her question how another disfigured clone of Entei could come to be. Her hands fell into an L-shape, resting her chin between them in thought.

"Perhaps. These kinds of keen kings are not fond of invaders. Kindred spirits they may be, kinship is not always kept." Lei pointed out while the plan for Aurelie's Leafeon was settled upon. She gazed down at the small eevee-like grass type before her. The other Rocket member beside her appeared to be on good terms with it. Leilani wasn't one to be overly type of any kind of Pokemon type or shape. All of them had their cute perks, although Eevees did always hold a special place in her heart. She just wanted to catch all of them! Aurelie's pokemon was sent away as Leilani observed. "This should serve as slippery stimuli for our two canines." She aimed a smirk at the other woman and watched along.

The Leafon made for a great distraction for the two of them. It darted around the fake Entei's legs while the woman by him seemed to struggle for control of her pokemon. The challenger to the staredown between the Enteis had resulted in the strange looking one causing a ruckus and attempting to attack the Leafon with a move. The resulting effect had caused the cave to shudder, as rocks above them began to litter down upon the both of them. Lei had to cover her head of a few small ones, gritting her teeth as the effort it would take to try and get any loose pebbles out of her gem tipped dreads. "Clearly our friend can't contain her cantankerous companion." she mumbled to herself, still watching from afar. "We may be able to weave her woe into our win. Our enigmatic Entei friend may evacuate the cave entirely, should we egg it on further. What say you?"

Leilani locked her eyes against the woman across from them. Her body language suggesting that perhaps confidence was not a strong suit for her.

MP Earned:
10 MP - Posting
50 MP have your character self-doubt or cast doubt on another's confidence/allegiances/beliefs, etc.
70 MP - Total

Leilani Fear: Isolation, being contained away from people and without the ability to socialize or anything.
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Konikoni City
Treasure Hunter
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @lani
Leilani Keawe
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2024 0:01:56 GMT
Leilani Keawe Avatar
The winds above howled endlessly
Gusts cutting the tension like a knife.
Certain destruction was near.

It wasn't exactly the kind of haiku that she could write, but those three sentences were enough to describe the ongoing climate near Sootopolis. It hadn't been 24 hours since she had broken out of prison in Sinnoh and already, she was being sent to the warscape of Hoenn. Leilani hadn't been one to look a gift Rapidash in the mouth, as it was preferable to rotting in a cage for several decades. She did find the strategy of placing people inside of the Cave of Origin. It was directly in the line of fire, and eventually, somebody was going to do something incredibly stupid and potentially collapse this place. People around them were a bit hurt and in worse for wear. Her eyes paced across each head, every detail of each with critical eyes at the impromptu hospital.

But hey, at least the Tera crystals gave it that nice "tourist trap" vibe.

Clack. Clack. Clack.

Leilani's heels slapped the ground below, as her head swiveled at the sound come from nearby tera crystals. Red, so they meant they related to fire. Lei swiped a pokeball from her belt and prepared to do what she did best (break things) only to watch as the form of none other than ENTEI himself walked into the cave unannounced. "What?" she asked to herself inwardly. Was it the real Entei, or was this an illusion? A hand wiped across both eyes just in case this was some type of oddity, but no. It was still here. Even her partner seemed to mirror her thoughts. "I am. His presence is positively preposterous." Lei's hands fell under her chin as the two watched him. Entei didn't seem like he was there to burn everything, quite the opposite. The people taking shelter here were following it as she ground her teeth together.

"We'll be doing both either way. We find our fantastic beast fleeing the cave and we'll find the others, no doubt." Lei's calm and singsongy voice lacked the confidence about whether they could take an Entei, even if some kind of version of it that could be an illusion. "If our erroneous Entei wishes to eradicate us during its evacuation, we fall back and watch. It's no use turning in information if we're dead."

Leilani called out her Pikachu, the lovely yellow mouse pokemon appearing in record time. It let out a cheerful cry and begin to sniff the ground to track their wily beast. The path took them in the same direction that the others had gone. It was simple now, but then another large series of footprints were coming closer. They were large based on the sheer size and feel of the thuds, but nothing could prepare Leilani for the discovery of another Entei.

Or was this some type of clone? It's head was very clearly not canine-like. It had stopped Entei from going any further at least, and Lei was thankful for it.

"We appear to have company." Leilani rocked her head to the other Entei. "Try and tempt the people towards us."

MP Earned:
10 - Posting

Leilani Fear: Isolation, being contained away from people and without the ability to socialize or anything.
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Konikoni City
Treasure Hunter
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @lani
Leilani Keawe
Leilani's PC
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2024 1:58:57 GMT
Leilani Keawe Avatar



[attr="class","pkmnpc-boxtitle"]BOX 01


[img src="" title="Venusaur - Ability - Attack 1 | Attack 2 | Attack 3 | Attack 4"]

[img src="" title="Charizard - Ability - Attack 1 | Attack 2 | Attack 3 | Attack 4"]

[img src="" title="Blastoise - Ability - Attack 1 | Attack 2 | Attack 3 | Attack 4"]


[attr="class","pkmnpc-boxtitle"]BOX 02













[attr="class","pkmnpc-boxtitle"]BOX 03








[attr="class","pkmnpc-boxtitle"]BOX 04

































[attr="class","pkmnpc-boxtitle"]BOX 05



[attr="class","pkmnpc-boxtitle"]BOX 06







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Konikoni City
Treasure Hunter
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
7 posts
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TAG WITH @lani
Leilani Keawe
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2024 4:11:14 GMT
Leilani Keawe Avatar



OOC NAME: masharum[break]
CHARACTER: [break]
FACTION: rocket[break]
SCENARIO: A[break]
POKEMON PARTY (MAX 6) see below[break]
NOTES/COMMENTS: im sorry for signing up so late

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Konikoni City
Treasure Hunter
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
7 posts
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TAG WITH @lani
Leilani Keawe
keawe, leilani
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2024 2:27:27 GMT
Leilani Keawe Avatar

[attr="class","freiwanttop1"]- □ x




nameleilani keawe
played bymasharum

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]CHARACTER FACTION team rocket

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]CHARACTER RANK grunt

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]FACE CLAIM dolores from king of fighters

[attr="class","freiwanttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER





PRISONER ID: 01778-C [break][break]


AGE: TWENTY-SIX [break][break]

SEX: F [break][break]

ETHNICITY: ALOLAN [break][break]


SENTENCE: 41 YEARS (3 SERVED) [break][break]

INCIDENT REPORT: at 17:25, PRISONER 01778-C was caught breaking curfew hours. when approached and detained by OFFICER FRANKTON, she requested assistance with PRISONER 01694-S who had been found with a tool lodged into his windpipe. PRISONER 01778-C ambushed OFFICER FRANKTON and incapacitated him before stealing his identification and keys. Security System E was disabled during the search for PRISONER 01778-C. When brought back online, PRISONER 01778-C's garments were found outside of the facility grounds alongside handcuffs and inmate monitor. [break][break]

STATUS: PRISONER 01778-C is suspected to have escaped with assistance from an outside party, likely from ROCKET associates. [break][break]


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP