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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Street Sweepers [M]
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2024 5:22:56 GMT
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"Oh come now Liber. You know it's the only suit that we have that can handle the conditions that we'll need to to get through this mess." Balor would say, bringing out the suit in question. It was an orange suit akin to more of a hazmat suit with a mask. It was a little clunky and not very fashionable, but the orange helped with visibility among unforeseen circumstances.

"A mere gas mask is not enough, I will not..." Balor would think about it for a moment as a certain flashback of a brother went through his head. "...garner any more lawsuits. You, and the other employees will wear the suit and-" Balor would look at their contractor, before calming down and realigning himself. This was not him, he is professional, he is... He would speak toward the sheriff.

"Any questions or suggestions sheriff? Anything we need to look out for in particular while we clean up the town?" A sudden shift in conversation, Balor thought, was a good idea. But the following awkward silence was anything but.

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Sen-D Singing Crew [MoM]
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2024 3:46:44 GMT
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Balor was walking around with Liber, trying to enjoy one of his only days off from work, his walk accompanied by his cane. He didn't really listen to music all that much, but it seemed that Liber was interested in looking around, and both of his pokemon seemed to enjoy the festivities as well. He was just interested in finally taking a breath of relief after all that was going on. That WAS the case, until he was pulled into one of the main events due to some internet entertainer or something like that? He wasn't really sure.

What he WAS sure of was that this was a way to get the Sen-D Cleaning Crew's name out there on the net that wasn't just through taking jobs via their website. And thus, he was pulled into doing at least this for the company. He had studied music before as a one off thing when he was looking into his choice of careers, so this should be easy, right? Yet, there was a major problem. Aside from Liber, he didn't know any of the other people here. Some sort of overactive hyper girl and another girl, a student it looks like.

The overactive one introduced herself as Bella, and then said some words that probably did not belong in the bible. "I'm Balor, Balor Sen. It's nice to meet you all. I'm sure this performance will be alright, good or bad... That being said, what ARE we singing?"

Balor would offer a bow as his right hand was placed over his heart and his left repositioning his cane.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 12, 2024 2:31:07 GMT
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A Clean Embassy is a Happy Embassy
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 3:27:50 GMT
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Balor is used to traveling all over for cleaning jobs, even if Balor's place of business was established in Dewford. He usually did normal jobs for offices or homes so that they managed some semblance of a clean area before they make it dirty again, but imagine his surprise when he found out that the Galarian Embassy in Rustboro decided to enlist his services in helping maintain organization and cleanliness in their establishment. 

Balor would've arranged a whole team to clean the entirety of the Galarian Embassy, but it seems like they just need a few extra hands to most likely maintain their offices and rooms. An easy job, if you weren't considering the importance of the client. He would require his best employees... but since most of them have to clean up Dewford, it seemed like it was gonna be another solo mission.

With a raxi, a flight, another taxi, and the supplies he deemed necessary, he'd finally make his way towards the Galarian Embassy. He'd grab his luggage (full of cleaning supplies and tools), and made his way to the front desk. "I'm Balor from Sen-D Cleaning Crew." He'd say to the receptionist. "I'm here to provide cleaning services to my client, Elise. If you could please show me the way..."

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A Race To Erase... Mess
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 1:53:14 GMT
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Balor had to account for everything, after all, this is supposedly a cleaning job for a gym and its gym leader after all. The description of the job just states that they needed a cleaner for their offices and/or groundskeepers for their racing grounds. The second part was the stranger, yet more interesting part of of the job, as it seems the gym already had some staff hired for such a thing.

He'd take a look all the crew he had brought onward, all were quiet, ready and willing for the job. He had taken some experienced groundskeepers, and some newer members for cleaning the office. They were all following him, before meeting just outside the Mauville City Gym. "This is an important job, even if we are just temporary. Follow the instructions of those who are already here, make note and keep track of the cleaning supplies, I do not want to impose on the gym leader themselves after all. And most importantly, make sure everything is perfect. If it isn't, page me and I'll get it done. Is that understood?" Balor would look around the group.

A few agreements and nods were all Balor needed. "Good, then let's go in." Balor and his cleaning crew were now on working hours... right after they'd meet with the receptionist and asked where to go of course.

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Museum Cleanup
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 1:02:21 GMT
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"Is this the place?" Balor would mutter to himself, holding a piece of paper in his hands with what seems to be an address and a description containing the nature of the cleaning job he had taken. He wouldn't have been here to do this job, but one of his cleaners called in sick, and so Balor had to make his way to Slateport from Dewford, a... nice detour from all of the rubble he had to clean up.

Balor hadn't had to tackle a museum in awhile, mostly because he had feared causing damage to artifacts and/or fossils found elsewhere in the region, so he had a reliable person take those jobs for him. Unfortunately, today wasn't one of those days, and well, after a quick flight and a taxi ride, he was able to get through all the hassle (and his cleaning materials as well).

Upon walking through the entrance of the museum, he'd reach receiving and would talk to the clerk. "This is Balor with Sen-D Cleaner Crew, I'm here looking for... He took a glimpse down at the paper once more. "Miss Higashi. The client asked for me to help her clean up her section of the museum."

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Street Sweepers [M]
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2024 17:01:19 GMT
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Balor would look over the destruction that Regice had caused throughout the town. He'd never thought a disaster like this would ever befall his hometown. Balor was relieved when he was able to evacuate Liber and his parents to safer ground, but even his childhood home fell to the destruction. Honestly, he'd thought a hurricane would do Dewford in, but this was definitely not expected. Balor would then take out a report detailing the extent of the damage throughout Dewford, an effort made possible through several disaster inspectors, while taking a sip of the coffee that was provided for Balor and Liber.

"It'd take a few months at the very least, even with all hands on deck, just to clean all of this up." Balor would begin flipping through the pages. "And that's not including the unexpected variables, civilians missing in the rubble, wild pokemon running throughout the ruins..." Balor would then take a more threatening tone. "Other... ruffians that might take advantage of the destruction. However, I'm assuming the authorities will help quell these issues." Balor would nod to their Sheriff.

Balor would sift through the list of damages even more. The ice is the most profound obstacle, followed by rubble and the damage of the great battle that had happened. Dynamax was a term lost to him, but toxins were also a threat. He'd probably have to draft a team all around purifying the toxins from the bodies of Nihilego.

"Yet, the job must be done, and... Liber." Balor would look at him with some discomfort before speaking onward. "We'll need all hands on deck." Balor would pause a little. "And we'll need the suits."

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And What Does This One Do?
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2024 16:21:10 GMT
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Balor would grab the notes that Roze picked up, letting out a 'thank you'before hearing her question. Balor had not really thought about Pokemon on how interested he were in them personally, but... "Pokemon are entities we have to live with every day. I treat them like how I treat my family..." Balor would say, a bit of a more indifferent look on his face would appear. "I usually avoid them if they don't interrupt my work." His mother and father did not participate in the 'Sen-D Cleaning Crew' business, being old and living in a comfortable home with their own pokemon, although relocated to another part of town as their home was somewhat affected by Regice. And his brother Liber, hm, well, Balor would try to actively avoid needing him until he really, really needed it.

"But it looks like you were looking at my notes. Yes... my employees have their own and I was taking notes on them while on my lunch break. They definitely have their uses..." Balor would look over as a Galar Wheezing would attempt to purify the dust around the worksite as a Machamp picked up rubble by the armloads and would deposit them in a wheelbarrow. Balor would look a little concerned, thinking about the implications of, 'Do Pokemon have worker's rights?' and 'Should I pay them extra for having Pokemon expediate the work?'.

"But in terms of... personal taste. I have no qualms either way, mostly because most pokemon tend to stay away from me." Balor would say, remembering multiple times in his childhood where he would approach some pokemon before they looked at him, looked scared and ran away. Those sad memories would quickly be washed away into the present, where all Balor did was work all day, especially with this disaster cleanup job.

"And what about you? Do you like pokemon?" Balor would ask, formulating a guess in his head that she would probably agree. She has some similarities to his brother, kind of. At least in terms of Pokemon anyway.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Roadside Aggression
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2024 15:52:56 GMT
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"It is not-" Balor groaned as the pain from the gash quickly set in as the adrenaline would fade away. "...that bad." Balor would go from having a tense face to a more relaxed one. "Fine, you're right, I should probably sit down a little." Before Balor would take his... clean(?) handkerchief and would attempt to clean up the blood on his head and stop the wound from bleeding a little longer. As he watched Liber ramble on about getting a tow service, Balor would lose himself in wondering about the cost of this accident. The truck was obviously a big loss, the medical bills that he might have to contend with, the loss of pay from the contractor...

He would only zone back in when Liber would take the lifting straps meant for moving furniture to trying to make the car level with the ground to prevent any further damage. "Liber, damn it don't hurt yourself. You know those straps need two people to use." With some quick thinking, Balor would pull out a pokeball, click the button and out came Maushold. He looked at them, knowing that he definitely sent out the wrong pokemon. The Maushold looked confused, and panicked when they saw the truck. The Maushold would pull at his clothes, while he already knew what they wanted. He pulled out the only other pokeball he had, and Tinkaton came out.

"Tinkaton, go help Liber out, he will require it, else his efforts become meaningless." Tinkaton was a bit surprised at Balor's words. She had never heard 'Help' and 'Liber' in the same sentences without Balor having such a hateful look on his face. With a smirk, she would go to follow Liber's next command.

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And What Does This One Do?
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2024 8:27:37 GMT
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He would look at the young lady approaching him, at first thinking that it was one of his workers that needed guidance or maybe some tools because they broke or something of that sort. But then he saw the sling on her arm and then realized that she was walking into the area without any safety equipment on, and the broken arm of course. The girl came closer, seemingly wanting to talk with him? Perhaps she was looking for work, after she properly healed from that injury, more than likely though she's probably lost something or someone, as many people would ask him if they had found a pokeball with their name on it, or if anything 'valuable' was found so that they could start some claim about how they deserve it first.

Balor was pleasantly surprised when all she said was a "thanks" for helping clean up all of the debris. Despite all of this, he had to maintain a professional air around him, he put down the notes of pokemon to his side and started to look more, imposing. "Hello Roze, my name is Balor, the supervisor of this cleaning crew. Thank you for the concern, but I do have everything under control, I assure you." He would say, almost reaching out his hand to shake hers before taking it back, noticing the amount of dust and grime on his gloves. In the same action, he would try to hide the notes, but seems to make more of a mess... something he would attempt to promptly and properly clean up.

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balor sen
And What Does This One Do?
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2024 18:50:47 GMT
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Rubble, glass shards, possibly hazardous liquids lies a clean up crew dedicated to restoring all the damage that Regice has wrought upon Dewford. The hustle and bustle of the workers are what you would expect of a crew under Balor's watch. They follow all regulations, all instruction, all the proper procedures in accordance to Balor's expectations. The work is slow, but it is not without its purpose as the work is seemingly perfect. Balor takes a sip from his mug, some ginger tea to awaken himself from the grogginess of the morning.

As he looks around at the work being done, he looks at some of the pokemon that follow in some of his worker's steps. They help break up rubble into various pieces for the workers to clean up, they are able to dispel some hazardous material, plus they can provide a bit of protection from any wild pokemon running around through the debris.

Balor, at the beginning of his business once declined the use of pokemon in the workforce, saying that working with your own hands provides a greater reward and self-accomplishment, but even he cannot deny the efficiency of pokemon in the workforce, when properly trained. He had come around to obtaining his own Pokemon, although not on purpose. His Tinkaton and Maushold were once Tinkatot and a Tandemaus in Pokeballs abandoned in the trash. A younger Balor felt bad and took care of the pokemon, but was surprised when they evolved just by working with him for years.

Now? Tinkaton's own hammer and strength proved to be a great boon when dealing with heavy trash and equipment, and Maushold has learned from Balor about cleaning strategies... although that plan could be called barely a success.

Going back to the present, he realized that there are a lot of pokemon he has always seen his workers with, but had never actually inquired about their names and what they could do. To combat this, he had kept a log with his worker's information that had the information of their pokemon, which he had only written through mere observation during work. Although even he knew that his notes were crude at best, looking through them, he had to admit, he had no understanding of Pokemon in the slightest. The information he did know was just enough to take care of his Tinkaton and Maushold, but moves? Abilities? He never had the time to learn any of that.

Balor sighs, placing down his mug and putting his hand to his face, seemingly distraught by this lack of knowledge.

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Balor's PC
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2024 18:10:14 GMT
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items in possession




garden pokémon info


pkmn name

   ♁/♂︎/⚬ ability[break]
   move, move, move,[break] move, move, move



pokémon for trade




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Roadside Aggression
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2024 17:00:49 GMT
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His anger that had blinded him had been replaced by the fear that cleared his vision. He would brace himself for the impact, as his side did not have the luxury to jump out. The first impact had released the airbags, giving Balor a cushion, although smacking him in the face. He would brace for the other impacts by holding on to something and attempting to protect his head with his other arm. The crash got him good, almost making him black out before he would be able to regain consciousness.

"Ugh... Liber... I knew I shouldn't have... left you behind the wheel." Balor would mutter, before taking off his seatbelt and attempting to navigate the shattered glass inside the car to the driver's side to try and get himself out. The door was flung open, so he didn't have to gamble on a jammed door thankfully. One step after the other, he would finally get himself out of the car before realizing there was a drop of liquid going down his head. He would wipe away at it, realizing that it was his own blood.

However, his sense of surprise was cut short by... his brother of course, yelling out into the open sky like some sort of teen dealing with his hormones. Balor had already reached for his phone to call for help, as if he didn't just suffer a crash that could have ended his life."Quit your screaming and calm down Liber, since w-, you crashed the car, we'll have to go through all of the legal steps, call the police, etc." He would ring the local police, before looking grimly at his brother.

"Another one of your messes I have to clean up, and now we have to delay the work from our contractor, I guess you finally got that vacation you were dreaming of."

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POSTED ON Jul 26, 2024 16:36:54 GMT
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First, a look of concern would slowly take over his face. Balor would've said something like, "If you wanted to help, you could go through the more official lines of help at the very least, proper regulations and whatnot." But before he could open his mouth, he would hear the child say, ""Besides, aren't you a little old for this job? What if your back starts hurting when you pick a piece of rock up?"

And his visage would turn from a concerned look to more of a look of despair. He knew that at some point, he would have to face the facts, he... looked old. Years of overwork, hard labor and stress to keep his company afloat during these trying times (and arguing with his brother) would gray his hairs, wrinkle his face, etc. He frowned and tilted his head away from the child, saying in a more quiet and depressed tone, "I am still in my early forties..."

He would then look back at the child, in a much more dutiful voice. "But still, someone has to do the work. I've been doing stuff like this my entire life, I have the experience and most importantly..." He would grab the bag of tools at his side, pulling out a piece of paper. "I actually have a permit to be here, as well as the rest of my employees." He'd proudly display the work permit at the child, feeling some sort of accomplishment, before realizing he's just bragging to a child, disappointment in himself would wash over him.

"However, this Navy of yours would probably be proud to have a kid like you do such admirable work. Just do go through more official means next time, legal disputes are more costly than you think." Balor would advise, seemingly as if he had to experience multiple throughout his life.

The little members of the Maushold had almost gotten away with it, before the one holding the piece of meat looked up at the Luxray watching him, his mouth opened, letting out a terrific SHRIEK! before running back to its parents, in which they scolded the child for stealing the meat, and went over to the Tinkaton to offer it AND an apology.

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Roadside Aggression
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2024 6:18:21 GMT
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The weather was admittedly nice, a nice breeze filled the car as Liber drove. Of course, that was one of the only good things he had while on the job. He waited for this, the moment that Liber finally speaks up about the work that he was given and so graciously received from the benevolent contractor. "Leave at 6 PM on the dot would be nice, Liber, but when the contractor says he wants everything to be spotless we will make it spotless. No glass shards, no pebbles, not even a speck of dust. Balor would scoff at him.

The work had to be done down to a tee, to the most minute of detail. For each time Liber complains about his job, he is reminded of every time before when the job was done sloppily, as if an amateur had just started that has barely learned how to use his tools. Balor had to hear the complaints of some of the contractors when Liber had worked solo, and it was awful.

"If you're too lazy and are off trying to go to some land of fantasy in some professional sports, you can leave after 6 PM of course, and leave the contract money to me." Balor said, heightening his voice. "If only you had resembled me a lot more, then maybe Concord wouldn't-"

Balor stops that sentence in his tracks. Even he knew he had gone too far mentioning 'that' name in something like this. In this brief moment of reflection, he felt the breeze pick up on from his side, but his anger blinds him once more.

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