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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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He / Him
october 29th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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liber sen DOLLARS
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liber sen
Bee-g Problems
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2024 23:09:30 GMT
liber sen Avatar

"Huh? Aviation? The hell're you on about?"
Liber said, beginning to bring himself to his feet, taking in what he saw. Two fat Combee had flown out of trees and were now assaulting the Conservationist. This wasn't good. They looked chunky and harmless, but a sting is a sting, and Liber didn't want to deal with any new injuries, whether, he got them or someone else. There was only one option here.

Despite it being a given to some, Liber never had the thought or desire to use his pokemon for battles. When he had found them, he originally had the idea of training them to play sports, to entertain others and maybe join a Pokemon league dedicated to athletics. However, as he got more and more absorbed into the Cleaning company, he had thought about the idea less and less. The thought of being a bonafide trainer was gone, and his pokemon were simply his friends. Allies through thick and thin. But, in this kind of situation, that fire that once burned lit up once again, and he began to give orders to his pokemon.

"Hino! Use Flame Charge and try and tag at least one of those Combee. That girl's gonna get overwhelmed by those bees if we don't do anything to stop 'em. You two stay put for now. Hino and her Pawmo might be able to handle everything, if we're lucky."

Scorbunny began to charge up, becoming wreathed in flames as she rushed towards the Combee. But just as Liber had never though of training these pokemon for battle, these pokemon did not have any sense of logic when it came to fighting other pokemon. So when Scorbunny took a leap to try and tag one of the Combee, instead of hitting it, she instead gave it a warm faceplant hug, before falling onto the floor, earning the ire of at least one of the Combee. "Crap, Hino's not a fighter... none of you are fighters!" He said, looking at his team of small pokemon, who began to tug at his pants leg. Battle experience or not, they had a job to do, and Liber Sen always finishes a job, guaranteed. He just needed to think of a plan, and quickly, before any more Combee showed up.

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He / Him
october 29th
5'8 height
5'8 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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liber sen
Sen-D Singing Crew [MoM]
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2024 22:26:05 GMT
liber sen Avatar

This was sick as hell! Music filled the air and there were tons of stands with music themed products to check out. Finally, a day away from the sounds of dump trucks, construction equipment and the like. Even Balor looked like he was having a good time, even if he had the same old stoic face. Right as he was about to suggest they try ANOTHER street food stand, Liber and Balor were seemingly whisked away to join a main event. Liber hadn't a single clue on how to sing, nor did he have a lick of musical knowledge, but what he did have was heart. Hopefully, this would be enough.

In the room was his brother, some high school girl and another girl who could probably do backflips with her excitement. So, Liber thought it best to match that energy, get everyone pumped. "Yo, name's Liber. First thing I wanna say is, whatever we do, we're gonna crush it, no problem, as long as y'all give it your best." He then dug into his jacket pocket and pulled out a tiny harmonica, something he used to entertain his pokemon on long car rides or breaks. "I can even play a killer harmonica, if y'all wanna hear"


Round 1 - Excited
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He / Him
october 29th
5'8 height
5'8 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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liber sen
Street Sweepers [M]
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 7:14:08 GMT
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The destruction was truly immense. It was one thing to go through the evacuation process but, looking at the aftermath, it's hard to imagine that a creature was capable of this level of destruction. It felt more like a natural disaster, a result of nature's violence against man... an act of god.

For once, I agree. We could work at this for a year at the very least... and Dewford would still look banged up." Liber said, taking in the view. "Thankfully, you called the right guys, Sheriff. I won't rest until this site- our home, is cleaned up." Liber accepted the coffee and began to take a sip until those dreaded words hit his ears.

"I'm not putting on those damn suits, Balor." he spat "They're gaudy, stuffy, sticky and unnecessary. I don't care if my men wear 'em, their bright orange funeral, but just give me a mask for the fumes and I'll be set.

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He / Him
october 29th
5'8 height
5'8 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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liber sen
Roadside Aggression
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 7:05:30 GMT
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Liber had already began to kneel down to get the lifting straps underneath the body of the truck. He had absolutely no clue what he was doing or if he was even doing the right thing. Now was not the time for hesitation or second guessing. Adrenaline and vibes were everything he was running off of.

Just as he finished up the preparations, he saw Tinkaton waddling over his direction. "Hey there, Tink! Don't worry your little head, Uncle Lib's got this under control. Just gotta get a good grip and this truck will be right as rain. Stand back..."

Liber squatted, the straps tied around his waist, and underneath the truck. All he needed to do was pull up and back as hard as possible. Up.. and back. He began to drive his heels into the ground as he yanked the straps and hard as he could. He heard the bottom of the truck scraping and it encouraged him further. More and more he pulled, grunting, throwing all the weight into his back, until....



The truck was righted again. Back onto the road and, as level as a truck with a fucked suspension could be. And on the same level flooring was Liber, clutching his back groaning in pain, weakly calling out to Tinkaton,

"h-hospital.... my back.... tink...."

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He / Him
october 29th
5'8 height
5'8 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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liber sen DOLLARS
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liber sen
Bee-g Problems
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 6:59:53 GMT
liber sen Avatar

Liber chuckled, "I feel that. Damn hot out here, feels like I'm being roasted alive. Speaking of..." He began to sift into his bag, before retrieving 3 pokéballs, and releasing his friends, a Scorbunny, Scraggy and Tyrogue. "You three have some fun while I rest my back here a while." A smile formed as they ran off to play tag, and Liber turned to face the lady again.

"Liber Sen. I own a cleaning company based out of Dewford, my home. And yeah, you got me pegged, took this League commission to just help out around the area. Wild Combee is bad for business, yknow!" he chuckled again, before going silent. He was picking up on a slight buzzing. At first he didn't hear much of anything, but it was getting ever so louder and ever so closer. It was to the point where his three pokémon had stopped their game of tag and ran back over to Liber, as he slowly sat up.

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He / Him
october 29th
5'8 height
5'8 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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liber sen DOLLARS
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liber sen
Bee-g Problems
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2024 3:57:04 GMT
liber sen Avatar

'sen-d the cleaning crew™' commonly deals with trash removal and disaster relief, but more recently, Liber expanded into pokemon capture and rescue efforts. Was he specially qualified to be wrangling random pokemon? Hell no, but at the end of the day, people needed these little buggers caught and cared for, and Liber was more than willing to do the job.

Unfortunately, due to a very…. unfortunate set of circumstances that have occurred to Liber, he was stuck with no truck and a back brace tightly fastened to his waist, reminding him why he needed to do this job despite his injuries. Repairing the company truck was not going to be a cheap endeavor, and dedicating even a quarter of his pay to saving up for a proper repair job is proving to be slightly too pricey for his blood.

So that leaves him here, trekking into a forest underneath that hot hoenn summer sun, using his trusty baseball bat at a walking aid when the pain in his back was too much to bear, all coming to ahead when he came to a nice enclosure with some good shade. He saw a young lady already resting here, so at the very least he wasn't totally alone and vulnerable in the forest. “Howdy!” he yelled as he threw his bookbag to the ground before using it as a cushion to lay down. “You wouldn't have happened to see any wild Combee in the area, have you?”

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He / Him
october 29th
5'8 height
5'8 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
9 posts
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liber sen
Roadside Aggression
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2024 3:45:36 GMT
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"Jeez man. you just don't miss a beat ever, do you?" Liber started, turning around to face his brother, before quickly freezing up and going pale. “Holy shit man, forget the police, we gotta get you to a doctor, you're bleeding like a pig!”

Right across Balor’s forehead was a sizeable gash, that was currently dripping blood down his face. Could he even feel it? Was there so much adrenaline from this situation that he just didn't even realize it? Whatever animosity that Liber had phased right into a deep sense of worry, regret and shame. He had to make this right, no matter what. “Look man, don't worry about calling anyone, pop a squat on the side of the road and hold this to your head” he said, tossing Balor a clean handkerchief from his pocket. “I know a guy, did a job for him recently, I think he has a tow he can bring down he- Actually wait I think he’s on vacation.” He was rambling, pacing back and forth thinking of a quick solution, until it hit him. “Better idea! Sit tight dude…” He quickly rushed to the back seats of the trunk, pulling out some heavy duty lifting straps. He usually kept these handy for carrying large appliances or metal, but he had never tried using them for something as heavy as a car, but all he needed to do was get the truck on level ground. The longer it stayed tilted, the higher the likelihood of it tilting over, and that would be a very expensive bookend to this already dire situation.

“…I got this.”

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He / Him
october 29th
5'8 height
5'8 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
9 posts
liber sen DOLLARS
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liber sen
Roadside Aggression
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2024 7:49:35 GMT
liber sen Avatar

As soon as that name managed escape Balor's lips, Liber's temper rose to new heights. His grip on the wheel tightened, and without realizing his foot was slowly pushing harder onto the gas. The motor revved loud but Liber matched its roar with his own.

"The HELL is your issue, man? You're pinning his fall on ME now? I never even wanted to step foot on that rickety ass site, but YOU insisted! You ALWAYS do that shit, y'know, you make a shit call and put ALL the blame on me! You wanna talk about Concord? Let's talk about how he could actually take responsibility for his actions, unlike YO-"

Liber's tirade only went on for a few seconds at most, so loud that a family in Littleroot could hear it. Small tears began to form under his eyelids, and even though he was now staring directly onto the road, he was blinded by anger. Who the hell weaponizes someone's dead brother over a recycling job? Had he finally gone senile from those sleepless nights? So many thoughts raced through Liber's mind, but they were all washed away by a sound louder than his rant.


Odd. Before all this, Liber was on the road. Now the entirety of the passenger side of the truck was grinding against the edge of the road. How could this have happened? Quickly, Liber went from yelling at his brother to yelling. In general.

"Shitshitshitshit, SHIT. Liber quickly yanked the e-brake, unfastened his seatbelt, and flew out his side of the truck. The company truck was tilted halfway into a ditch. The tires? Shredded. Didn't even want to imagine the suspension, but there was no way to see how damaged it truly was until they got onto lift. Until then, Liber did the only thing he could do. Run his fingers through his hair and cuss into the wind

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He / Him
october 29th
5'8 height
5'8 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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liber sen
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2024 7:07:16 GMT
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pokémon storage system




items in possession




garden pokémon info


pkmn name


   ♁/♂︎/⚬ ability[break]

   move, move, move,[break] move, move, move



pokémon for trade




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He / Him
october 29th
5'8 height
5'8 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
9 posts
liber sen DOLLARS
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liber sen
Roadside Aggression
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2024 5:54:36 GMT
liber sen Avatar

Windows down, one hand on the wheel, one hand rhythmically smacking the door in sync with the song on the radio, cruising down the road into Dewford. The sun is shining, the wind is blowing, and to add to the current vibe, Liber cranks the the air to max and points it towards himself. He’s feeling like a real king today. Feelin’ so good, he only truly has mild annoyance towards his older brother, cruising right alongside him.

”Weather ain’t too bad, huh, big bro?” He asks Balor, taking his eyes completely off the road, while turning to talk. “Cool 78°, not a raincloud in sight either! This job’s gonna be a breeze, long as you don’t take forever. Nobody needs nor wants to sweep up glass shards when they’ve just finished hauling metal scraps, dude.”

Quickly, Liber began to critique his brother’s awful working habits. Christ, not even a week ago he forced him to pull a vacuum out of storage to ‘collect every last bit of debris left behind’. Upcycling is cool, dude, save the squirtles or whatever, but hearing the ear-grating sound of metal running through plastic tubes at 1 AM is absolutely worth getting mad over. The sound still plagues him at night. As his temper rose, so did the pressure that he applied onto the pedal. “When we get there, we do what the contracter asked, and nothing more, dude. I’m not fucking around here. We leave at 6pm on the dot." The truck slowly accelerates.

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He / Him
october 29th
5'8 height
5'8 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
9 posts
liber sen DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @libersen
liber sen
sen, liber
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2024 8:45:32 GMT
liber sen Avatar



[attr="class","freiwantttop1"]- □ x




nameliber sen
pronounshe / him
agetwenty one
played bystarkoda

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER FACTION league

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER RANK civilian

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]FACE CLAIM ganji gupta from IDENTITY V

[attr="class","freiwantttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER




young, carefree and arrogant are the most apt descriptions available for liber. he runs part of the cleaning company "sen-d the cleaning crew" with his elder brother, balor, but his heart really lies in becoming a professional athlete, so much so that its begun to impact other areas of his life, like his business. despite this, he does good work and always manages to pull his weight no matter the scenario. [break][break]


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