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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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May 13th
Fallarbor Town
Figuring It Out
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2 posts
Asher Graham DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @asher
Asher Graham
berry problematic [m]
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2024 23:42:04 GMT
Asher Graham Avatar


[attr="class","sebwtw"]A piercing screech erupted from above the trees in Petalburg Woods, soon followed by the beating of wings on the air. These Aipom should have known better than to throw fruit at strangers, not only was it rude and wasteful, but also liable to attract predators. [break][break]

"Wait, wait, wait!" A voice came into earshot, branches snapping and breaking as a Noivern burst through the canopy, their rider riddled with small scrapes from branches and leaves. The Pokémon snatched one of the berries out of the air, crunching it happily between fanged jaws.[break][break]

Guess it was lucky for these Aipom that this predator was only after the fruit. "Really? We came down for some berries?!" The rider sighed, pulling leaves and twigs out of his clothes and hair.[break][break]

It took a moment for him to see the other trainer, an embarrassed shade of crimson creeping into his cheeks upon realization. "Oh. Hey."



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May 13th
Fallarbor Town
Figuring It Out
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2 posts
Asher Graham DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @asher
Asher Graham
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2024 23:23:04 GMT
Asher Graham Avatar
[attr="class","sebwtw"]"Shit!" Asher stumbled backwards away from a gout of flame, narrowly avoiding being burned. A pair of Rocket Grunts cackled mockingly a short distance away, amused looks on their faces as they watched the inexperienced trainer struggle. [break][break]

"C'mon, this is just pathetic!" The grunts goaded between laughs, their Monferno and Charmeleon moving into place for another attack. [break][break]

Asher gritted his teeth, plucking a Pokéball from his belt and unleashing the Tyranitar inside. A flash of surprise washed over the terrorist's faces for a brief moment, not expecting such an evolved Pokémon. Still, there was two of them and one of him.[break][break]

"Iron Defense!" The Tyrantiar dashed in front of Asher, taking a defensive position before gathering energy in their armored plates, causing them to shimmer like metal in the light of the flames.[break][break]

Twin bursts of Flamethrower struck into the large Pokémon, buffeting them with the blaze. As strong as Tyranitar was, he wouldn't be able to keep this up forever.


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played by


May 13th
Fallarbor Town
Figuring It Out
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2 posts
Asher Graham DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @asher
Asher Graham
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2024 2:07:02 GMT
Asher Graham Avatar

[attr="class","freiwantttop1"]- □ x



nameAsher Graham
played bybanished

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER FACTION league

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER RANK civilian

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]FACE CLAIM koby from one piece

[attr="class","freiwantttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER



A farm boy and avid spelunker from Fallarbor Town, Asher departed his hometown to seek out adventure in the greater Hoenn region. The future is uncertain, but he knows that he'll find his place in this world before the end of this journey. [break][break]

However, this sojourn couldn't have been taken at a more tumultuous time for the Hoenn region: war.[break][break]


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