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POSTED ON May 29, 2024 2:40:08 GMT
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Time passed as the duo searched through the lobby. Their initial scrounging would reveal no keys, but what they would come upon was a...


The careless rummaging of Hitoshi yields detrimental results. A click could be heard as he opened one of the supply closets, followed by a long string of quicker clicks. Looking within the closet, he would find a mall dummy strapped to an office chair--holding a booby trapped box of fireworks.

The fireworks would unleash themselves indiscriminately, turning the supply closet into a wall of smoke and color. Loud pops would shake the walls, giving a clear indication of where the duo was located. Yet the trap's worst trick would not be revealed until the fireworks were finished, with the smoke now pouring out like water from a broken dam.

Smoke has enveloped the first floor. For three rounds, roll twice on the first floor. For Search rolls choose the lower number. For hiding rolls choose the higher number.

Genesect knows where you are.

Prime turned its head as a loud commotion occurred downstairs. It had been so lost in its thoughts that it almost forgot to pull up the timer on its HUD. Numbers flared up on its visor, revealing that it was in fact one minute behind. It closed out the timer, running toward the stairwell to get to the first floor. It could not deny that it was not in the best headspace, but it had a job to do and it would execute its master's orders without fail.

Not bothering with the stairs, Prime would leap over the railing and plummet to the first floor landing. A loud crunch could be heard from within the lobby, and unfortunately for our participants it was not the Genesect. Prime stomped out of the mangled stone created by its impact, and burst out into the lobby to seek out its targets.


()Fourth Floor:
()Third Floor:
()Second Floor:
()First Floor: Genesect (Search), ,
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POSTED ON May 27, 2024 15:37:58 GMT
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The wardens fall, and Oscar allows himself a brief moment of satisfaction. The beast behind his torment had been slain, and it felt so good. Yet the fight was far from done. The true hosts of this prison excursion remained, and neither were happy to see their plans undone.

Toxic mochi had been fired in every direction, and unfortunately Oscar could not hope to avoid the ones that had come straight for him.Entangle by yet more chains, Oscar heaved as even more toxin was injected into his body. He was far too weak to break out from the grasp of the chains, but luckily he had a loyal Mega Urshifu nearby.

Abner grabbed his master’s chains and ripped them apart with ease. It was a truly humorous sight, Abner might as well have been ripping a daisy chain. He dragged Oscar from out of the broken chains before helping his master to his feet. Oscar stumbled, struggling to maintain his balance. “Thanks Abby.” He mumbled in delirium. “You’re a–strapping young man.” A distinct feeling of malaise was starting to consume him, his every thought suddenly scattered into an indiscernible jumble. The room began to spin, and his vision blurred into a mess of light and color. Was–was he dying?

No, not yet anyway. The malevolent duo had transported everyone to the ruins of Lesser Megalopolis, and once Oscar realized this he would let out a groan. He meekly stepped forward, the muscles in his legs giving out as the poison he had taken on thus far ravaged his insides. Abner caught his arm, and Oscar looked up to find that his Urshifu had returned to normal. Oscar let out a choked chuckle, “We’re really fucked now.”

Maybe not, their hosts offered them the choice to leave. made a compelling argument, though Oscar moreso aligned with that of . He got the vengeance he wanted, now he just wanted to go home. Chaos erupted as those who chose violence clashed with those that wanted to spare their captors. Oscar watched for a bit from a safe distance, hearing ’s call for Rocket to fight back. Oscar would not heed it, he did not want to reveal himself as a member of Rocket. Also he just didn’t feel like it, sorry Cil.

He stared at the toxic duo, indifferent to their struggle. He felt bad for the Megalopolans that they strung along, but not enough to jump to their defense. The only creature he would regret abandoning was the pecha shaped patron of their general, the one he supposed was ‘The Neverrot’. It looked so scared, flinging its chains in every which way, trying to influence the minds of the meek megalopolans…

Hey wait a minute.

Oscar’s mind clicked as he recalled the powers bestowed upon him earlier, the ones manifested by his desire. This creature had those very same abilities. The power to influence others, to enforce one's will upon the feeble minded. Oscar had thought of it as a passing fancy, a fun one off gaffe and nothing more. But–was the key to actually harnessing such power right in front of him?

Oscar’s trance was broken as red chains began to envelope the fruity life form, pulling it away from the general. Oscar followed the chain, and spotted trying to pull the Neverrot to safety. There were two other people wielding the red chain too, but Oscar only recognized and cared about Eris. had lent his aid to their cause, using his Urshifu protecting them as the Neverrot was wrangled. One Urshifu surely would not be enough though.

Oscar looked to Abner, “Abner, how long can you stand next to another Urshifu without trying to kill them?” Abner looked up as he gave the question some thought before lifting his free claw, indicating five minutes. Oscar nodded, “Good enough. Go help Urshifu protect the red chain.” Abner hesitated, and Oscar would misinterpret the bear’s expression as worry. “I know you will worry about me, but this is more important. I’ll be f–

Abner abruptly dropped Oscar, having decided that he did not mind standing next to one of his kind–temporarily. Oscar fell onto the cold concrete, raising his hand into a thumbs up. “You got this!” He then began to drag himself toward the group, at the very least wanting to be physically present should they succeed.

Abner stood beside his fellow ursine, stoically providing a nod of encouragement before closing his eyes. He lifted his arms into a loose stance, flowing like the wind blew through the high grass on the plains. With complete concentration, Abner would be able to deflect and redirect projectiles that came toward the group (Detect).


--Oscar is way past poisoned.
--Oscar ignores 's call to attack to maintain his civilian cover.
--Seeing an opportunity in Pecharunt's survival, Oscar sends Urshifu to protect , , and with Detetc alongside 's Urshifu. Thus, he is choosing to Spare.
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POSTED ON May 26, 2024 21:30:04 GMT
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Oscar's invitation to begin was met with a deluge of questions from Hitoshi, each more offbeat than the last. As the onslaught went on, Oscar's smile slowly turned into a placid frown. This guy really had a motormouth, and Oscar had no gas to fuel it. The scientist began to slowly close the door, before decisively shutting it upon Hitoshi's final question.

Now safely within his security room, Oscar jumped into the rolling chair in front of the security monitor control panel. He spun around once before toggling a switch to turn all of the monitors on. They gave him a clear view of every major angle of the four floors, but Oscar's favorite monitor could be found in the very center.

It was the point of view of Prime the Genesect, allowing Oscar to see right through its HUD. Prime was currently staring at its reflection within one of the foggy windows. It had been--contemplating a lot lately. Its interactions with its 'siblings' had left Prime feeling rather unfulfilled. By helping them reclaim their individuality, it had come to find that it did not have much of an identity of its own. It was the first Genesect, but what was it beyond that? Was it meant to be anything beyond that?

It had the shadows of memories floating through its artificial brain, a foggy image just out of reach. A life that was not its own, among the jungles of a world long past. A community, a purpose, a family, a culture, all within its grasp and yet unreachable. It gave Genesect a feeling it was not familiar with, it could not even place the name. We call it yearning.

--Thirty Minutes until Genesect becomes active--

()Fourth Floor: Genesect (Idle)
()Third Floor:
()Second Floor:
()First Floor:,

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POSTED ON May 25, 2024 20:56:27 GMT
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"Right on." Oscar mused as Fern stated their trajectory. Oscar had no problem with being aimless, that was how he made most of his discoveries. Oscar kept his eyes up for most of the initial trek, trying to get peeks through the windows of the shattered skyscrapers. They were all so dark, as if nothing were inside. Just black holes. It was pretty rad.

Oscar looked to Fern when they made the indication that they were about to drink something. Oscar raised an eyebrow, wandering over to the barely lit vending machine. Just like Fern he would put two and two together about the z crystal slot, and after scrounging for a complete one off the ground Oscar would order a beverage of his own.

Oscar raised the can to his eye level and turned it slowly, unable to read the Megalopolan text that wrapped around it. "I've always wondered what would keep working within our world, after the end. Probably everything but the useful shit." Oscar lifted the drink toward Fern before cracking open the can and having a long drink. He has had worse things travel through his body, this alien drink was nothing.

Except, maybe a little gross. Oscar cringed as he pulled his lips away, setting the can down delicately onto the ground. "Tastes like--lemonade, charjacola, and grape juice. Fuckin' abysmal." No doubt it was some cocktail of Ultra Space fruit and whatever they had instead of sugar. Oscar would pass.

Oscar wandered past the vending machine into a nearby alley way. This empty stretch between buildings was pitch black, with no light able to touch its isolated position. Oscar pulled out an ultra ball, opening it to reveal a former Ultra Space resident: Navitas the Xurkitree. Navitas stretched out its wiry limbs, wrapping them around its master in an affectionate display. Oscar chuckled, "Yo thanks but we're on the clock here. Can I get a light?" Navitas let out a sing-song hum, its head emitting a bright glow that stabbed through the darkness of the alley (Tail Glow).

The alley went deeper than Oscar anticipated, apparently toward an entirely new street where similarly no light could touch. Oscar gestured toward the alley, "Wanna head down here? Could be something cool." Oscar would let Fern lead the way regardless of the path they chose.

01 use an ELECTRIC-TYPE Pokemon to help light your way.

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POSTED ON May 25, 2024 17:27:04 GMT
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And just like that, it was show time.

Oscar smiled, turning around to open the main doors for his participants. "After you, gentlemen." The entry corridor was a dimly lit, with an open door to their right and two double doors ahead of them. The glass of the double doors had been painted black, preventing any peeks into the office building's lobby. Several inactive bolt locks had been welded onto the sides of the doors, waiting for the test to begin. Through the right door, the duo would find the security room. Once they were fully inside, Oscar would move over to open this door entirely.

Blank security monitors lined the walls of the security room, waiting to be throttled awake so that Oscar may observe the training from afar. Oscar bent over behind the door and pulled out a black plastic box, which he quickly shoved towards Hitoshi. "Place all pokeballs and weapons in the box and then hand it over to Zev." Oscar's glasses slid down slightly as he gave Zev a cheeky grin, "I wonder if our beast remembered to leave his shit at home though." Oscar chuckled and waited patiently for everything to be put into the box. Once that was done, he would place the box into the security room and cross his arms. Time for the briefing.

"Alright so here's the deal. Once you walk past those doors the locks will activate. On the other side of those doors is an electric padlock. This padlock needs four keys to open, one for each floor. Your mission is to get the keys and escape the building within eight hours. Easy right?" Oscar sneered and clapped his hands together, "Nah, there's a little hitch. My Genesect is in the building with you, and after thirty minutes it's gonna start hunting your asses down. If it finds you, it's been instructed to use as much force as possible to prevent your escape--you know, without destroying the building. I've scattered some tools you may find helpful throughout the building, but you will mainly be relying on your own cunning and survival skills. The only rules are that you don't try to break any of the windows and don't use avatar powers--which only applies to one of you. Timer starts once you cross the threshold."

Oscar snapped his fingers, as if he had forgotten something. "Oh right! And remember to have fun!" He gestured towards the double doors, indicating that it was time to enter when they were ready.

OOC Rules

This game is played through chosen actions and dice rolls. Every turn you may choose two of the following actions.

>Search for Item
>Hide (or Run)
>Use Item
>Move up or down a floor

--Search: When you search for an item, make a roll.
>1-40: You find nothing. Lower numbers may activate a trap that gives away your location.
>41-70: You find one of Oscar's Tools.
>71-100: You find a key.

--Hide (or Run): When hiding, you are challenging Genesect's search roll (see below) to avoid being spotted. Simply roll, and if your roll is higher than Genesect's you will succeed. If you do not hide while Genesect searches the same floor as you, you will be spotted and a hunt will begin. This includes if you intend to switch floors.

If Genesect is Hunting you, you will do the same thing as before to avoid being caught. You have three 'lives', losing against Genesect's Hunt roll three times will result in being eliminated.

--Use Item: Use one of Oscar's Tools or use the keys to escape. Tools are revealed upon successfully locating one. They will always be advantageous.

--Move up or down a floor: Exactly what it says on the tin, use the stairwell to move up or down one floor. Try not to move up or down at the same time as Genesect, it is very easy to be spotted within the stairwell. There is an elevator that allows you to skip floors, but it requires the use of an Oscar Tool to open.

Every round of posts is worth 30 minutes of time.

--Genesect: After this first round, Genesect will become active and start hunting you. Every round, Genesect will choose a mode to be in.

>Search: Genesect is using its senses to search for a target. Loud noises and frequent movement will attract its attention.
>Stealth: Genesect is trying to move stealthily. What floor it is on cannot be tracked while in Stealth mode.
>Hunt: Genesect has spotted you and wants to break your bones.
>Rest: Genesect has been stunned and needs to recharge.

Moving up or down a floor is a Free Action for Genesect.

New mechanics may appear depending on in-game actions and developments.
You win when: You use all four keys to open the double doors.
You lose when: Genesect catches both Zev and Hitoshi or eight hours have elapsed.
You have complete creative freedom when it comes to the appearance and layout of the office building.

Here is an example gameplay loop to tie it all together:

Round 1
>Zev Goes up to the second floor
>Hitoshi searches for an item, rolls 56, gets an Oscar Tool
>Genesect becomes active

Round 2
>Zev searches for an item, rolls 30, gets nothing
>Hitoshi searches for an item, rolls 23, gets nothing
>Genesect moves from the third floor to the second floor and goes into Search Mode, rolls a 76

Round 3
>Zev tries to hide from Genesect, rolls a 44
>Hitoshi searches for an item, rolls 67, finds an Oscar Tool
>Genesect finds Zev and begins a hunt, rolls a 55

Round 4
>Zev runs from Genesect, rolls a 89
>Hitoshi searches for an item, rolls a 96, finds a key
>Genesect loses Zev, moves down to the first floor and goes into Search Mode


Current Layout:

()Fourth Floor: Genesect (Idle)
()Third Floor:
()Second Floor:
()First Floor: ,
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March 18
Heahea City
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POSTED ON May 25, 2024 0:17:57 GMT
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CHARACTER: [break]
WHAT IS YOUR IC REASON FOR ENTERING THE GAUNTLET?: Oscar was grandfathered into the modern day SPECTRA, having been chosen to be a member within the previous two iterations. This Gauntlet is a chance for him to prove to the current Rocket leaders (and himself) that he deserves his place within the initiative.
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POSTED ON May 24, 2024 2:46:58 GMT
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The army of trainers faced off against three titanic wardens. The trio's masks glistened with unearned power, and the sight of the cocky bastards grinning as they held them aloft made Oscar's blood boil. He and Abner pushed forward beside Navy, watching through the endless sea of attacks for an opportunity to unleash one of their own.

Out of the three targets, Oscar had his eyes locked onto his former warden: Fezandipiti. Its smug smile taunted the fuming scientist from behind its mask, the very same that earlier revealed his deepest desire. Yet desires are fickle things that tend to change from day to day. While staring upon that blasted crying mask, all Oscar could think about wanting was seeing that bird die.

Navy unleashed some sort of bizarre sygna suit effect that enhanced fighting type moves. As Abner felt his muscles solidifying into abject perfection, Oscar knew the time to attack had finally come. Oscar pointed to the peacocking fowl, "Abner, fry that turkey!" The ursine titan roared, clapping his hands together with staggering force. As he pulled them apart, an orb would form within the gap between them. Abner pulled back before chucking the Aura Sphere directly at the bird--its impact inevitable.

Oscar's eyes could not help but drift away from his pokemon's attacks to his fellow fighters. A lot of them were performing awesome combos and working together, while he stood alone. Oscar frowned, "Damn I'm slacking."


--Empowered by 's Type Field:Fighting, Mega Urshifu uses Aura Sphere on Fezandipiti.

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POSTED ON May 22, 2024 16:01:48 GMT
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It had been a while since Oscar got to host a Genesect training session. The past few were successful enough, but Oscar had felt the need to elevate it for SPECTRA. Being hunted by a relentless cyborg was all fine and good, but SPECTRA required more than just surviving against a superior foe. You needed to be able to defend yourself as well, ideally even fight back.

So Oscar had hit the drawing board, cooking up something that could reasonably test the mettle of SPECTRA's agents. It had been a side project though, just a few notches above a hobby. So when he got the call from to set up a Genesect hunt for a SPECTRA assessment, Oscar had not finished his final draft for the exercise. Fuck it though, we'll call it beta testing.

Oscar sent Zev the address of an abandoned office building on the outskirts of old Mauville. Oscar had bought up a few of these abandoned properties for these very occasions, and with just a week of preparation the office building had been transformed into the world's deadliest escape room. It was approximately four stories high, its once gleaming glass windows worn into foggy husks. A fitting enclosure for the terror to come.

Oscar was waiting at the front of the building, dressed in black combat fatigues. He smirked coyly as his aviator glasses reflected the setting sun, waiting patiently for his charges to arrive.

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just another monday
POSTED ON May 21, 2024 15:53:08 GMT
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Trigger warning: gore

The door responded to Sylvie's knock, slowly creaking open to reveal the foul interior of the lab. The normally bright fluorescent lights were caked in dried blood, casting a crimson shadow across the room. Despite this gloomy effect, the horrors of the lab itself would be quite clear.

Several tables were cluttered piles of limbs. At first it would be hard to tell what they were, but further examination would reveal that they were arms from who knows how many Gallades. There was blood all over the floor, overflowing from buckets that had been scattered across the room. Behind the tables sat a large mound of something covered in a stained white sheet. Bloody equipment took up every other surface, most of them damaged in some way as if they were slammed with great force.

Then there were the walls, which had been completely enveloped with mathematical equations written with a pen. The further back you looked, the more manic the penmanship became before devolving into harshly written repeated phrases 'Wrong, where is the future, my mind is broken' yada yada ect. The corner stone of this cavalcade of horrors would be a translucent curtain at the back of the lab hastily hung with staples from the ceiling. Behind it one might recognized what seemed to be an armless humanoid strapped to a surgical bed, bizarre shapes attached to its shoulders.

Then Oscar would pop into view from out of nowhere, wearing a yellow hazmat suit. His eyes could be seen from behind the visor of his mask, at first giving Sylvie an accusatory glare before lightening up. "Oh! You must be Sylvie Faust. I'm Oscar, nice to meet ya. Thanks for coming on such short notice, made a bit of a clutter during my last project." From a nearby spotless cart Oscar would pull out a bagged up hazmat suit and hand it toward Sylvie. "I picked up one for you just in case. Is that coffee? Aw you shouldn't have."

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mise en abyme
POSTED ON May 21, 2024 1:30:33 GMT
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Oscar was startled by the popping cork, flinching as it flew across the room. As Lulu handed him a brimming glass, Oscar would eye it quizzically. He did not know what exactly they were celebrating, but whatever put a smile on Lulu's face made him happy too. Oscar accepted the glass. His face shifted into a smile, and he gladly tapped Lulu's glass as she lifted it. "Fuck yeah, cheers."

He took a small sip before turning his attention back to the machine. His enthusiasm began to steadily build, fueled by his curiosity at what Lulu had meant. He had not given the paradox pokemon much thought, which in retrospect was foolish. They were as mysterious as any legendary pokemon or natural energy--and if Lulu had the key to their secrets Oscar was more than happy to take a peek.

"Now tell me everything. Spare not a single detail, what do you have planned for us tonight?"

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POSTED ON May 20, 2024 3:50:41 GMT
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Oscar's efforts proved partially successful, with at least one of the nihilego turning against the fiery monster. Oscar concentrated as hard as he could, attempting to get the other to act as well. Regardless of his failure to do so, the mask would end up getting ripped off. As the heat died down, Oscar extracted his chains. He found himself suffering a small daze, wobbling to-and-fro as the room started spinning. No doubt a side effect of further using his powers.

It would be because of this daze that the floor's caving in would be a surprise to Oscar. He felt Theo's chain rip itself out of him, sending a bolt of pain across Oscar's body. This pain would end up becoming a blessing, as it brought him back to his senses so that he may act. Heedless of the consequences, Oscar sent his chains toward three nearby random prisoners. As they latched onto them, Oscar would pull the trio toward him and begin exerting his will. The three obeyed his whim, and clung onto each other to form a bracing buffer to cushion Oscar's fall.

The three would hit the ground first, with Oscar quickly landing onto of them. Oscar was shocked that his maneuver worked, sliding off the miniature dog pile and wobbling off to the side. As his chains returned to him, Oscar would examine the three prisoners to make sure he had not just used their corpses to break his fall. The three seemed alright, though multiple limbs seemed to be bent in an unnatural fashion. Oh well, they probably did not even have names.

Oscar trotted after Navy and the one known as Baki. Trotted might have been a generous term, as he more so limped with extraordinary tenacity. His various ailments were taking his toll, with that last little stunt truly kick-starting his fatigue. As he caught up Oscar would look around without focus. There was too much happening, though his gaze would end up fixating on the floating body of his unique Genesect: Prime. It was trapped in one of these tanks, with toxic chains wrapped around its body. Oscar felt a sense of dread, suddenly imagining having to fight his most faithful companion one on one. That would not go well...

Luckily other forces were at play, and Oscar's attention would be drawn to the mangled Azelf. Despite its current state, the Azelf would unleash a wave of power that would free everyone from their chains. As Oscar felt his chains disappear, he would sigh heavily with hoarse relief. He ripped off his mask, exposing his sweaty face to the cool air of the room. Finally, a respite from his torment.

He could not indulge for long, as the tanks would start rapidly depositing pokemon. As he saw Prime get regurgitated by its tank, Oscar's first instinct was to run and embrace his cyborg comrade. Yet he hesitated, Navy's voice keeping him planted like a tree. Oscar suddenly became very aware of his recent actions, particularly the acceptance of aid from . Had Navy noticed? Would he notice Oscar embracing a Genesect? How many others would notice? He still had a front to upkeep, damn these mundane complications!

Oscar looked toward Navy's Urshifu as it approached, followed by a discolored Urshifu shooting a death glare toward its counterpart. It was Abner, Oscar's own Urshifu. He too took the liberty of gathering his master's equipment upon being released, resisting his genetic desire to beat down any other Urshifu within the vicinity, notably Navy's. Oscar noticed that his other pokemon were following Abner's lead, each of them looking overjoyed to find their master. None were happier than Prime...

Oscar thought quickly, "Uh Abner, gather the troops. We can do a reunion later." Abner furrowed his brow, had he not played the servant enough today? Fine, as his master commanded Abner began withdrawing Oscar's other pokemon into their balls. Oscar stood to the side of the broad Abner, trying to block Navy's view to perhaps keep him from noticing Oscar's Genesect being withdrawn. "Can't let them see their master like this. They might think I lost my edge." Oscar chuckled nervously, trying to keep attention on himself while Abner finished up.

The grumpy Urshifu pushed Oscar's ball belt toward him, and Oscar would frantically click it on. The bear warrior then pushed his other hand toward Oscar, a shining ring resting within his palm. It was Oscar's Mega Accessory, which he gladly slid onto his left ring finger. "My hand is complete again." Oscar kissed his ring, happy to see its glimmering visage back where it belonged. Oscar suddenly noticed the loud banging that was rapidly approaching from above, as well as his fellow trainers preparing for a huge fight. Oscar would lift his ring, which flashed as it activated its keystone. Abner was suddenly surrounded by pink energy, which quickly burst to reveal that his black and white coat had been replaced with red and white. The mega-Urshifu roared, slamming his fists together as he awaited his oncoming foe.

Oscar looked to Navy, shooting him a thumbs up and a smile. "I've got your back."


--Oscar uses his chain power one last time to force three randos to cushion his fall.
--Oscar hesitates to celebrate their freedom, realizing that he will have to be careful about how he handles his Genesect if he wants to maintain his cover.
--Oscar has his Urshifu withdraw all of his pokemon for him, hoping to distract from noticing his Genesect.
--Oscar stays by Navy and , Mega Evolving his Urshifu as the mysterious threat approaches.

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POSTED ON May 15, 2024 16:32:32 GMT
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As Oscar made it to the lift he found himself struggling to maintain his balance. Using his strange new ability seemed to drain him greatly, if not for 's empowering chains who knows if he would even still be alive. Everyone else seemed more or less alright, so maybe things were not so bad for him either. As the platform moved would introduce Oscar to . Oscar stammered as the stranger insisted upon a shorter name, "Uh ye-yeah, pleasure and all that." No one said he would have to socialize today.

This Baki would end up expressing gratitude, and declaring her protection should Oscar ever require it. Oscar was taken aback, not sure how to react to this gesture. Perhaps it would prove useful in the future, though that would require making it out of here alive. Nevertheless he was expressed his thanks plainly, "Thanks, it was no problem really." It was actually a huge problem but she did not need to know that.

They arrived at their destination, and were greeted by an incredible heat. Oscar gasped as his body buckled under the intensity, nearly doubling over. He regained his senses fast enough to see Navy and his allies pushing forward. Oscar was glad that he did not need to prop up Navy any longer, but it made it much harder to keep up with him.

Oscar staggered after the cowboy and his posse, clocking among them. Oscar probably would have tried to greet him if not for the imminent danger. The source of the heat was a bizarre creature flanked by two twisted nihilego. It wore the visage of a familiar mask, one of the three that the megalopolans had been building during this whole endeavor. If this was the power of one mask, Oscar could only shudder to think what the others entailed.

His first instinct was to run, but alas his sense of duty pushed him forward. Navy would end up asking for his assistance, but just like him Oscar was not sure what he could do. He felt Theo's chain tighten, he could not go much further without losing it entirely. Yet without its power, his ability could not overpower the toxins of the chain. Then he shall make his stand here, he decided.

The three monsters were being battered by every side, but this would not stop Oscar from trying to do his part. After all, these were very durable creatures. Surely they would not be so easily killed by such simple volleys. Oscar extended his own chains toward the trio, hoping to latch onto them and exert his will. Theo's chain flexed from within, filling Oscar with that familiar euphoric strength.

He exerted his will upon the trio: If they could not rip off the chains, rip the mask off of the creature!


--Oscar feels woozy.
--Oscar notes Baki's promise for later.
--Oscar follows Navy and his crew into the battlefield.
--Empowered by Theo's chain, Oscar uses his own power to try and exert his will upon the Nihilego and Ogrepon and command them to rip off Ogrepon's mask.··
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oscar clayton
Lending a Hand [M]
POSTED ON May 13, 2024 15:47:07 GMT
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No one came to the door. If one tried to open it themselves, they would find the door to be locked. By now, faint noises could be heard from within the lab. The grinding of metal, the lashing of chains, something resembling a bone saw slicing through meat. Whatever was going on within this lab was truly ghastly. Further lingering would allow one to overhear the mad muttering of Oscar:

"No it's too small...stop it stop it fit damn you...I need more, I need mooooore...what is that melody!?"

Eventually one should reach the conclusion that Oscar was not ready yet. Surely he would call upon Shred when it was time...

Oscar would end up working on the arm for a month. He would gradually get more casual with his work as he gained progress, but the mess he had left during the first week of the project was so immense that he kept that lab locked at all times. He had to, lest discover what he had been up to this entire time. The other scientists knew to stay away, the fear of what they would find preventing them from investigating what was now unmistakably Oscar's lab.

Shred would eventually be summoned by Oscar, though they would not meet within that grotesque laboratory. Instead Oscar would bring the finished product to one of the open workshops during the slower hours of the day, presenting a polished robotic arm upon a pedestal.

It was a work of art, a metal arm with pristine chrome skin. A fusion of the technology of today and tomorrow, the very first of its kind. The stainless surface of the arm hid technology so complex that it would make any sane person wonder how it could even function in the first place, yet Oscar ensured that it would work flawlessly. Dressed in his finest suit, Oscar would proudly present his masterpiece to Shred.

"Here we are at last, what do you think? Be honest."

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