the salt dump [ven's borrowed things]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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he / him / his
july 26
Sootopolis, Hoenn
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
1210 height
1210 height
nessuno vince.
3,835 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
the salt dump [ven's borrowed things]
POSTED ON Nov 11, 2019 8:44:52 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar
League | 25

Sugar plum carrot cake lollipop lemon drops. Marzipan lemon drops marshmallow sweet brownie marshmallow marshmallow. Croissant fruitcake bonbon tart. Biscuit candy icing muffin topping macaroon marshmallow.

Sugar plum carrot cake lollipop lemon drops. Marzipan lemon drops marshmallow sweet brownie marshmallow marshmallow. Croissant fruitcake bonbon tart. Biscuit candy icing muffin topping macaroon marshmallow.

Sugar plum carrot cake lollipop lemon drops. Marzipan lemon drops marshmallow sweet brownie marshmallow marshmallow. Croissant fruitcake bonbon tart. Biscuit candy icing muffin topping macaroon marshmallow.

Sugar plum carrot cake lollipop lemon drops. Marzipan lemon drops marshmallow sweet brownie marshmallow marshmallow. Croissant fruitcake bonbon tart. Biscuit candy icing muffin topping macaroon marshmallow.
League | 28

Sugar plum carrot cake lollipop lemon drops. Marzipan lemon drops marshmallow sweet brownie marshmallow marshmallow. Croissant fruitcake bonbon tart. Biscuit candy icing muffin topping macaroon marshmallow.

Sugar plum carrot cake lollipop lemon drops. Marzipan lemon drops marshmallow sweet brownie marshmallow marshmallow. Croissant fruitcake bonbon tart. Biscuit candy icing muffin topping macaroon marshmallow.

Sugar plum carrot cake lollipop lemon drops. Marzipan lemon drops marshmallow sweet brownie marshmallow marshmallow. Croissant fruitcake bonbon tart. Biscuit candy icing muffin topping macaroon marshmallow.

Sugar plum carrot cake lollipop lemon drops. Marzipan lemon drops marshmallow sweet brownie marshmallow marshmallow. Croissant fruitcake bonbon tart. Biscuit candy icing muffin topping macaroon marshmallow.
Rocket | 15

Sugar plum carrot cake lollipop lemon drops. Marzipan lemon drops marshmallow sweet brownie marshmallow marshmallow. Croissant fruitcake bonbon tart. Biscuit candy icing muffin topping macaroon marshmallow.

Sugar plum carrot cake lollipop lemon drops. Marzipan lemon drops marshmallow sweet brownie marshmallow marshmallow. Croissant fruitcake bonbon tart. Biscuit candy icing muffin topping macaroon marshmallow.

Sugar plum carrot cake lollipop lemon drops. Marzipan lemon drops marshmallow sweet brownie marshmallow marshmallow. Croissant fruitcake bonbon tart. Biscuit candy icing muffin topping macaroon marshmallow.

Sugar plum carrot cake lollipop lemon drops. Marzipan lemon drops marshmallow sweet brownie marshmallow marshmallow. Croissant fruitcake bonbon tart. Biscuit candy icing muffin topping macaroon marshmallow.

[newclass=.dd_back]width:122px;height:0px;padding:0px 20px;background-color:#222;margin-top:-134px;overflow:hidden;transition:ease-in-out 0.8s; -webkit-transition:ease-in-out 0.8s; -moz-transition:ease-in-out 0.8s; -o-transition:ease-in-out 0.8s; -ms-transition:ease-in-out 0.8s;z-index:10;position:relative;[/newclass]
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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
angy houseband
дождь крови
5,099 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
the salt dump [ven's borrowed things]
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2020 21:41:07 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

[attr="class","coveredhills-icon"][attr="class","lnr lnr-star"]


snow-covered hills

can i sail through the changing ocean tides?



#@ one

#@ two

#@ three



[attr="class","ch-p-2"]? ?


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]? ?


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]? ?


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]? ?


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]? ?


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]? ?


I took my life, and I took it down. Climbed a mountain and then turned around. And I saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills 'til the landslide brought it down. Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love? Can the child within my heart rise above? Can I sail through the changing ocean tides? Can I handle the seasons of my life?[break][break]

Well, I've been afraid of changing 'cause I've built my life around you. Well, time makes you bolder. Even children get older, and I'm getting older, too.[break][break]

So take my life and take it down. Climb a mountain and then turn around. And if you see my reflection in the snow-covered hills, well, the landslide will bring it down. And if you see my reflection in the snow-covered hills - well, the landslide will bring it down.[break][break]

I took my life, and I took it down. Climbed a mountain and then turned around. And I saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills 'til the landslide brought it down. Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love? Can the child within my heart rise above? Can I sail through the changing ocean tides? Can I handle the seasons of my life?[break][break]

Well, I've been afraid of changing 'cause I've built my life around you. Well, time makes you bolder. Even children get older, and I'm getting older, too.[break][break]

So take my life and take it down. Climb a mountain and then turn around. And if you see my reflection in the snow-covered hills, well, the landslide will bring it down. And if you see my reflection in the snow-covered hills - well, the landslide will bring it down.


word count: 000



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[newclass=.coveredhills] }.ch-p:hover + .ch-p-2 { opacity:1;[/newclass]
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she / her / hers
october 31
Shalour, Kalos
wandering martial artist
Hit fast, strike hard, but show mercy when they surrender.
102 posts
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TAG WITH @andrea
Andrea Benoit
the salt dump [ven's borrowed things]
POSTED ON May 7, 2020 19:09:21 GMT
Andrea Benoit Avatar
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." Sed quis pretium purus. Ut non orci ut sem iaculis facilisis eu vitae quam. Aliquam erat volutpat.

'Phasellus sed faucibus quam.' Sed tellus velit, cursus ut augue ac, pulvinar facilisis massa. Nullam mattis arcu in faucibus condimentum.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras sed semper nibh, nec iaculis nisi. Nulla fermentum id lorem a ultrices.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi posuere, nibh non pulvinar commodo, purus urna aliquam lorem, at malesuada erat lacus non lectus. Maecenas a justo efficitur, placerat quam non, ornare felis.

+ @tag
+ notes here

[newclass=".wizzsl"] text-transform: lowercase; [/newclass]
[newclass=".wizzsl b"] color:#ce3dbc;font-size:13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=".wizzsl i"] color:#ce3dbc;font-size:13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=".wizzsl a"] font-size:13px; font-family: courier new; text-transform: lowercase!important; [/newclass]
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he / him / his
september 10
Enju, Johto
errand boy
108 height
108 height
what’re you lookin’ at?
283 posts
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TAG WITH @duke
Arashi Akiyama
the salt dump [ven's borrowed things]
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2020 17:30:20 GMT
Arashi Akiyama Avatar

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." Nullam sit amet turpis felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam justo libero, fermentum id nunc in, tincidunt lacinia massa. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

'Ut consequat sit amet ipsum eget posuere.' Maecenas non ex at arcu iaculis faucibus ut quis magna. Morbi cursus lacus a urna tristique, eu accumsan est ultricies.

Morbi elementum a felis at dictum. Suspendisse eget faucibus arcu. In ac nisl vitae enim eleifend euismod. Proin lobortis tristique mauris nec luctus. Phasellus ante massa, imperdiet sit amet vestibulum sed, dignissim a mi.

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
angy houseband
дождь крови
5,099 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
the salt dump [ven's borrowed things]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2020 4:07:31 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

redeem, redeem, redeem

sprite to the left, description here

[div style="width:300px;text-align:justify;margin:0 auto;font-size:11.5px;"]

text goes here

[img src="https://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/sun-moon/icon/ribombee.png" style="margin-right:10px; float:left;"][b]ITEM - PD[/b]

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played by


Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
angy houseband
дождь крови
5,099 posts
part of
TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
the salt dump [ven's borrowed things]
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2020 15:50:29 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." Nullam sit amet turpis felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam justo libero, fermentum id nunc in, tincidunt lacinia massa. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

'Ut consequat sit amet ipsum eget posuere.' Maecenas non ex at arcu iaculis faucibus ut quis magna. Morbi cursus lacus a urna tristique, eu accumsan est ultricies.

Morbi elementum a felis at dictum. Suspendisse eget faucibus arcu. In ac nisl vitae enim eleifend euismod. Proin lobortis tristique mauris nec luctus. Phasellus ante massa, imperdiet sit amet vestibulum sed, dignissim a mi.

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he / him / his
august 1
silently judging everything
112 posts
Adam Lycaon DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @adam
Adam Lycaon
the salt dump [ven's borrowed things]
POSTED ON Oct 3, 2020 20:58:00 GMT
Adam Lycaon Avatar

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." Nullam sit amet turpis felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam justo libero, fermentum id nunc in, tincidunt lacinia massa. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

'Ut consequat sit amet ipsum eget posuere.' Maecenas non ex at arcu iaculis faucibus ut quis magna. Morbi cursus lacus a urna tristique, eu accumsan est ultricies.

Morbi elementum a felis at dictum. Suspendisse eget faucibus arcu. In ac nisl vitae enim eleifend euismod. Proin lobortis tristique mauris nec luctus. Phasellus ante massa, imperdiet sit amet vestibulum sed, dignissim a mi.

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he / him / his
july 26
Sootopolis, Hoenn
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
1210 height
1210 height
nessuno vince.
3,835 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
the salt dump [ven's borrowed things]
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2020 4:53:19 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." Nullam sit amet turpis felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam justo libero, fermentum id nunc in, tincidunt lacinia massa. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

'Ut consequat sit amet ipsum eget posuere.' Maecenas non ex at arcu iaculis faucibus ut quis magna. Morbi cursus lacus a urna tristique, eu accumsan est ultricies.

Morbi elementum a felis at dictum. Suspendisse eget faucibus arcu. In ac nisl vitae enim eleifend euismod. Proin lobortis tristique mauris nec luctus. Phasellus ante massa, imperdiet sit amet vestibulum sed, dignissim a mi.

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Zuzu (Josh only)
she / her / hers
april 17
Lavaridge, Hoenn
senior ranger
always look ahead, but never forget what you left behind.
412 posts
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TAG WITH @izumi
Izumi Yamamura
the salt dump [ven's borrowed things]
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2021 15:52:40 GMT
Izumi Yamamura Avatar

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." Nullam sit amet turpis felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam justo libero, fermentum id nunc in, tincidunt lacinia massa. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

'Ut consequat sit amet ipsum eget posuere.' Maecenas non ex at arcu iaculis faucibus ut quis magna. Morbi cursus lacus a urna tristique, eu accumsan est ultricies.

Morbi elementum a felis at dictum. Suspendisse eget faucibus arcu. In ac nisl vitae enim eleifend euismod. Proin lobortis tristique mauris nec luctus. Phasellus ante massa, imperdiet sit amet vestibulum sed, dignissim a mi.

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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,206 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
the salt dump [ven's borrowed things]
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2021 16:45:31 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
Travel Companions

♀ Gardevoir
Level: 35
Ability: Synchronize
Moveset: Teleport / Heal Pulse / Magical Leaf / Psychic / Moonblast / Calm Mind

» Is the voice of reason who keeps Damian from panicking whenever he's alone.

Keeps him in line most of the time. By most that's like 85%, seeing as Mike is the other 15% that keeps him sane.

(Basically she's kinda like Mike, only not human.)

Eternally unimpressed with idiot Pokémon who try to harass Damian wherever he travels, she does all she can to protect her companion from whatever creepy-crawlies come chasing after him.

It takes quite a lot to actually impress her, and whoever does that, regardless if Pokémon or human (only Mike has done it so far) will gain her respect.

Now that she’s reached her final form, she is now truly a ‘ballerina of terror’ in the guise of an angelic, emotional healer.
♀ Sneasel
Level: 29
Ability: Keen Eye
Moveset: Beat Up / Taunt / Quick Attack / Icicle Crash / Agility / Ice Shard

[ unknown ]
♂ Chikorita
Level: 15
Ability: Overgrow
Moveset: Tackle / Razor Leaf / Poison Powder / Synthesis

» History / personality blurb

♂ Sableye
Level: 30
Ability: Keen Eye
Moveset: Detect / Scratch / Shadow Sneak / Confuse Ray / Shadow Claw / Power Gem

» A disillusioned Sableye that belonged to another trainer before being released into the wild, Loki has become cynical ever since he’d experienced the way of life he’d gotten used to with his previous owner.

Having gone wild in the time that had passed since he was released, he’d taken a nihilistic, if somewhat negative turn towards treating the world and everything that exists in it…at least until Damian appeared.

He didn’t know why, but he’d noticed something…he couldn’t quite place with this particular human. Despite his trickster nature, he could sense something that Damian had, which his former owner lacked.

Call it intuition or just plain instinct, he’d decided to accompany the other on his journey.

♂ Staravia
Level: 31
Ability: Intimidate
Moveset: Wing Attack / Double Team / Endeavor / Growl / Brave Bird / Quick Attack

[ unknown ]
♂ Skrelp
Level: 20
Ability: Poison Point
Moveset: Water Gun / Acid / Smokescreen / Double Team

» History / personality blurb
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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
angy houseband
дождь крови
5,099 posts
part of
TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
the salt dump [ven's borrowed things]
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 17:25:11 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar




        FOR TRADE

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          played by


          Alex / Lexy
          he / him / his
          december 22
          Mistralton, Unova
          homosexual demiromantic
          angy houseband
          дождь крови
          5,099 posts
          part of
          TAG WITH @alexei
          Alexei Ivanov
          the salt dump [ven's borrowed things]
          POSTED ON Mar 2, 2021 13:36:36 GMT
          Alexei Ivanov Avatar

          KEY ITEMS


              HIDDEN AWARDS

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                he / him / his
                august 1
                silently judging everything
                112 posts
                Adam Lycaon DOLLARS
                part of
                TAG WITH @adam
                Adam Lycaon
                the salt dump [ven's borrowed things]
                POSTED ON Mar 8, 2021 3:08:06 GMT
                Adam Lycaon Avatar



                what's public, what's not



                • lol
                • HAHA
                • reeeeeeee

                WHAT THE LEAGUE KNOWS[break][break]

                • Galarian on a working tourist visa.
                • 3
                • 3

                WHAT ROCKET KNOWS[break][break]

                • n/a


                • Heir apparent of the Angelopoulos Metalworks, old family business back in Motostoke, Galar.
                • ?
                • ?
                • ?
                • ?
                • ?
                • ?

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                played by


                Alex / Lexy
                he / him / his
                december 22
                Mistralton, Unova
                homosexual demiromantic
                angy houseband
                дождь крови
                5,099 posts
                part of
                TAG WITH @alexei
                Alexei Ivanov
                the salt dump [ven's borrowed things]
                POSTED ON Apr 14, 2021 16:58:26 GMT
                Alexei Ivanov Avatar






                Age / 27 years old [break]
                Occupation / Fortree Gym Leader [break]
                Status / has had enough heartbreak [break]
                App / Here [break]
                Does infinitely better at non-traditional battling styles for those who wish to obtain the Skyrider Badge. Low-key obsessed with Flying-types Flying as an entire theme. Owner of the Fortree Rescue & Treatment Sanctuary, which also doubles as the Fortree Gym. Worked several legal odd jobs previously, some of which include: bartending, baker’s assistant, wait staff, among other things. Loves his feathered ‘children’ (his Flying Pokémon) a little too much.
                Stress baker; can and will bake himself out of his own house to calm down. Specializes in desserts, as he previously worked for the Pastelle bakery; long since gone out of business. Is also knowledgeable as a bartender, having worked in that field as well. Saved his salary for the better part of six years before opening the Fortree Rescue and Treatment Sanctuary; one of the city’s well-known establishments that deals with conservation of Pokémon wildlife of the avian (and not-so-avian) variety.


                ‘Flying’ Enthusiasts / Those who share his passion with Flying—not just the Pokémon type, but as an entire theme



                → 99.9% cinnamon roll jaded pessimist, 0.01% deep unbridled unrestrained rage[break]
                → “the ones who smile the most are the scariest when angered”[break]
                → loves his siblings, will do anything for them. literally anything[break]
                → a very cheesy romantic, a definite sucker for all the tooth-rotting fluff and sweetest shit one would ever imagine if he had someone to share this with[break]
                → not easily impressed anymore by anyone who catches his eye. After several failed attempts he has finally drawn the line, he’s closed himself off from any kind of romantic interaction[break]
                → once you have his trust, he’ll do anything for you, within reason
                → bring in some injured avians to the Sanctuary, he’ll come running and do a concern[break]
                → invite him to a drinking party, see what happens when you challenge him[break]
                → find him near any body of deep water? Watch his reaction and see what happens[break]
                → run into him somewhere, anywhere (as long as it’s on land)[break]
                → take him to any kind of haunted house? You’ll be in for a surprise.[break]
                → drag gatherings and events? Hella[break]
                → fellow drag queen / gender-confused need help / advice? He gotchu, fam
                Adelaide Ivanova → sister (younger)[break]
                Alethea Ivanova → sister (older)[break]
                Angelo Vestri → fellow avian enthusiast #1[break]
                Billi Marsh → drag son[break]
                Isra Nightingale → bff#1[break]
                Locke Jamison → fellow avian enthusiast #2[break]
                Ruby Walker → ‘little sister’ figure[break]
                Skyler Dross → drinking partner & popcorn chaser[break]
                Selena Desmarais → bff#2[break]
                Thomas Benoit → League contact & friend[break]
                Vic Wexler → a friend from home

                [/PTab={--accent: #a890f0; --bannerimg: url(https://img.nickpic.host/lPh5fO.png)}]







                Age / 29 years old [break]
                Occupation / Head Ranger & courier [break]
                Status / single and curious[break]
                App / Here [break]
                Oldest of three siblings hailing from the City in the Crater (Sootopolis). Had a dysfunctional early family life. Always butted heads with their father. Loved their mother so very much while she was still alive. Things were ‘normal’ for a while until she disappeared; only to turn up dead some time later. Confrontational, won’t back down from any kind of challenge especially when it involves the remaining members of his family.
                Left home at sixteen. Made a vow to never return to Sootopolis for as long as ‘he’ was there. Traveled to Alto Mare, Johto (the region of his mother’s birth) and stayed with relatives there for five years. Joined the Alto Marean branch of the Rangers and trained there, before being transferred back to Hoenn at the age of twenty-one. Worked other jobs alongside being a Ranger while making his way through the ranks.
                Currently one of Hoenn’s two Head Rangers, although he still works as a courier (even if the courier job told him he was free to go). Consummate vaper, heavy preference for vanilla. Also a rather heavy drinker, although prefers his drinks made by one particular person…


                Cousins / Due to the size of his family, he has a lot of cousins scattered around the region (or may have left Hoenn but recently returned). As of the moment, he knows of two. However there may be more…



                → Cynical. He’s been that way ever since he’d left home. Kind of hard to get out of him.[break]
                → Has a sarcastic sense of humor. No, really, he does.[break]
                → Keeps most of his other emotions deep within him; only emerges with those he feels safe around.[break]
                → Also kind of paranoid, especially when it comes to… certain things.[break]
                → Hot-headed and stubborn. Which is kind of hilarious considering what he’s the avatar of.[break]
                → As of recent, very snarky. Might be something influencing him.
                → Young Rangers looking to complete the Ranger mission chain? He’s definitely your man[break]
                → Some drinking partners would also be nice. Come challenge him with a lager or two.[break]
                → Rival couriers he’d meet while delivering packages? Oh he would know the secret routes and all that[break]
                → Friendly couriers who work in the same company he does, nice to meet you[break]
                → Mission partner? You got your man[break]
                → Mention the ‘old man’ around him, see what happens
                Angelo Vestri → friend and a rival courier[break]
                Claude Anderson → brother (younger)[break]
                Elinor Anderson → cousin (younger)[break]
                Evan Fader → lost loved one[break]
                Fernando Silph → work associate[break]
                Lumia Peura → cousin (younger)[break]
                Razz Kingsman → fellow Ranger[break]
                Skyler Dross → bff & drinking partner[break]
                Stormy Silph → it’s hella complicated[break]
                Thomas Benoit → Friend and fellow Yveltal witness[break]
                William Anderson → ‘il vecchio’

                [/PTab={ --accent: #a03939; --bannerimg: url(https://img.nickpic.host/lPhESD.png)}]







                Age / 24 years old [break]
                Occupation / martial artist practitioner [break]
                Status / taken by [break]
                App / Here [break]
                Food qualities braise chicken cuts bowl through slices butternut snack. Tender meat juicy dinners. One-pot low heat plenty of time adobo fat raw soften fruit. sweet renders bone-in marrow richness kitchen, fricassee basted pork shoulder. Delicious butternut squash hunk. Flavor centerpiece plate, delicious ribs bone-in meat, excess chef end. sweet effortlessly pork, low heat smoker soy sauce flavor meat, rice fruit fruit. Romantic fall-off-the-bone butternut chuck rice burgers.
                Juicy meatballs brisket slammin' baked shoulder. Juicy smoker soy sauce burgers brisket. polenta mustard hunk greens. Wine technique snack skewers chuck excess.


                Daemon / Minutes clever slotted tongs scrape. Sweet one-dozen scrape delicious, non sheet raw crunch mustard.
                Sacrifice / Minutes clever slotted tongs scrape. Sweet one-dozen scrape delicious, non sheet raw crunch mustard.



                Persona / Slice butternut cooking home. Delicious romantic undisturbed raw platter will meld. Thick Skewers skillet natural, smoker soy sauce wait roux. slices rosette bone-in simmer precision alongside baby leeks. Crafting renders aromatic enjoyment, then slices taco.
                Ideas / Minutes undisturbed cuisine lunch magnificent mustard curry. Juicy share baking sheet pork. Meals ramen rarities selection, raw pastries richness magnificent atmosphere. Sweet soften dinners, cover mustard infused skillet, Skewers on culinary experience.
                Razz Kingsman → fellow ‘Kalosian’[break]
                Rikiya Oshiro → boyfriend[break]
                Selena Desmarais → childhood friend[break]
                Thomas Benoit → twin brother (younger; fraternal)

                [/PTab={ --accent: #ce3dbc; --bannerimg: url(https://img.nickpic.host/lPhgE8.md.png)}]







                Age / 17 years old [break]
                Occupation / occasional errand boy [break]
                Status / single [break]
                App / Here [break]
                Food qualities braise chicken cuts bowl through slices butternut snack. Tender meat juicy dinners. One-pot low heat plenty of time adobo fat raw soften fruit. sweet renders bone-in marrow richness kitchen, fricassee basted pork shoulder. Delicious butternut squash hunk. Flavor centerpiece plate, delicious ribs bone-in meat, excess chef end. sweet effortlessly pork, low heat smoker soy sauce flavor meat, rice fruit fruit. Romantic fall-off-the-bone butternut chuck rice burgers.
                Juicy meatballs brisket slammin' baked shoulder. Juicy smoker soy sauce burgers brisket. polenta mustard hunk greens. Wine technique snack skewers chuck excess.


                Daemon / Minutes clever slotted tongs scrape. Sweet one-dozen scrape delicious, non sheet raw crunch mustard.
                Sacrifice / Minutes clever slotted tongs scrape. Sweet one-dozen scrape delicious, non sheet raw crunch mustard.



                Persona / Slice butternut cooking home. Delicious romantic undisturbed raw platter will meld. Thick Skewers skillet natural, smoker soy sauce wait roux. slices rosette bone-in simmer precision alongside baby leeks. Crafting renders aromatic enjoyment, then slices taco.
                Ideas / Minutes undisturbed cuisine lunch magnificent mustard curry. Juicy share baking sheet pork. Meals ramen rarities selection, raw pastries richness magnificent atmosphere. Sweet soften dinners, cover mustard infused skillet, Skewers on culinary experience.
                Sigmund Sauer → childhood friend

                [/PTab={ --accent: #e7f01d; --bannerimg: url(https://img.nickpic.host/lPhq8q.png)}]







                Age / 28 years old [break]
                Occupation / Ranger & housewife [break]
                Status / married to [break]
                App / Here [break]
                Lavaridge born and raised. Mother used to be a Kimono Girl from Johto, moved to Hoenn upon marriage. Raised by a single parent most of her life, therefore had a skewed perception of men after finding out what had happened to her father, at least until she met Josh. Family owns a not so little café frequented by the locals.
                Met her husband-to-be while doing some errands around the area. Very traveled individual, having gone across several regions along with her then-boyfriend, Josh. Very nearly died in Kalos during an incident. Astraphobic—generally does not use Electric-type Pokémon. Knows several martial arts due to traveling extensively before returning to Hoenn to settle down with her husband.


                Siblings / due to her father being a womanizer, she is aware she has other siblings outside of her little circle. The question is how many half-siblings does she have.



                → Your typical overbearing mother figure, she has two kids so how much can she handle? Apparently a lot[break]
                → Easily gets embarrassed, especially when the husband is up to no good[break]
                → Is apparently(?) the voice of reason between the two, she ain’t having spoiled children running around on her watch[break]
                → Knows how competitive her husband can get, don’t encourage it! She has seen things and does not wish to speak of them again[break]
                → Sometimes takes things way over her head, only because of the way Josh can overcomplicate things at times[break]
                → Naggy. Trust me, don’t catch her in this mode. It’s hell on earth[break]
                → Turns into the stereotypical nagging tiger mom when pushed too far
                → Not a fan of motorbikes. Blame her husband. Want to know why? Take her out on a ride[break]
                → Ask her about Myst, her Toxtricity, and observe her reactions about the Pokémon[break]
                → Drop by the family café and have her (or her mother) serve your meal[break]
                → Want some quick self-defense lessons? Feel free to approach her about it[break]
                → Ask her about her kids. See what happens
                Amor Rose → associate[break]
                Josh Dragomir → husband[break]
                Razz Kingsman → fellow Ranger[break]
                Ryuto Nakamura → half-sibling (not yet aware)

                [/PTab={ --accent: #6a9c69; --bannerimg: url(https://img.nickpic.host/lPhcvm.png)}]







                Age / 24 years old [break]
                Occupation / mercenary for hire travel blogger [break]
                Status / single [break]
                App / Here [break]
                Food qualities braise chicken cuts bowl through slices butternut snack. Tender meat juicy dinners. One-pot low heat plenty of time adobo fat raw soften fruit. sweet renders bone-in marrow richness kitchen, fricassee basted pork shoulder. Delicious butternut squash hunk. Flavor centerpiece plate, delicious ribs bone-in meat, excess chef end. sweet effortlessly pork, low heat smoker soy sauce flavor meat, rice fruit fruit. Romantic fall-off-the-bone butternut chuck rice burgers.
                Juicy meatballs brisket slammin' baked shoulder. Juicy smoker soy sauce burgers brisket. polenta mustard hunk greens. Wine technique snack skewers chuck excess.


                Daemon / Minutes clever slotted tongs scrape. Sweet one-dozen scrape delicious, non sheet raw crunch mustard.
                Sacrifice / Minutes clever slotted tongs scrape. Sweet one-dozen scrape delicious, non sheet raw crunch mustard.



                Persona / Slice butternut cooking home. Delicious romantic undisturbed raw platter will meld. Thick Skewers skillet natural, smoker soy sauce wait roux. slices rosette bone-in simmer precision alongside baby leeks. Crafting renders aromatic enjoyment, then slices taco.
                Ideas / Minutes undisturbed cuisine lunch magnificent mustard curry. Juicy share baking sheet pork. Meals ramen rarities selection, raw pastries richness magnificent atmosphere. Sweet soften dinners, cover mustard infused skillet, Skewers on culinary experience.
                Billi Marsh → fellow Vantage employee[break]
                Marina Angelopoulos → sister (younger)[break]
                Selena Desmarais → boss at Vantage

                [/PTab={ --accent: #dd5928; --bannerimg: url(https://img.nickpic.host/lPhudd.png)}]







                Age / 26 years old [break]
                Occupation / redacted [break]
                Status / single [break]
                App / Here [break]
                Bladed weapon expert of Kanto Rocket. Last of the Yamada line from Celadon. Parents’ status unknown. Older brother Kenichiro’s status unknown (killed by Kenjiro). Jack of many trades, but no real master of a single particular line of work. The face of an angel, however has the soul of a demon.


                Rocket / Those who know of him during the Kanto takeover / worked alongside him



                Persona / Slice butternut cooking home. Delicious romantic undisturbed raw platter will meld. Thick Skewers skillet natural, smoker soy sauce wait roux. slices rosette bone-in simmer precision alongside baby leeks. Crafting renders aromatic enjoyment, then slices taco.
                Ideas / Minutes undisturbed cuisine lunch magnificent mustard curry. Juicy share baking sheet pork. Meals ramen rarities selection, raw pastries richness magnificent atmosphere. Sweet soften dinners, cover mustard infused skillet, Skewers on culinary experience.
                Theo Beckett → mentor & boss

                [/PTab={ --accent: #69acf8; --bannerimg: url(https://img.nickpic.host/5GN8mQ.png)}]

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                played by


                Alex / Lexy
                he / him / his
                december 22
                Mistralton, Unova
                homosexual demiromantic
                angy houseband
                дождь крови
                5,099 posts
                part of
                TAG WITH @alexei
                Alexei Ivanov
                the salt dump [ven's borrowed things]
                POSTED ON Apr 19, 2021 15:35:03 GMT
                Alexei Ivanov Avatar

                "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." Nullam sit amet turpis felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam justo libero, fermentum id nunc in, tincidunt lacinia massa. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

                'Ut consequat sit amet ipsum eget posuere.' Maecenas non ex at arcu iaculis faucibus ut quis magna. Morbi cursus lacus a urna tristique, eu accumsan est ultricies.

                Morbi elementum a felis at dictum. Suspendisse eget faucibus arcu. In ac nisl vitae enim eleifend euismod. Proin lobortis tristique mauris nec luctus. Phasellus ante massa, imperdiet sit amet vestibulum sed, dignissim a mi.


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                it's a long life full of long nights