crash [wild, duo / liam]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
angy houseband
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
crash [wild, duo / liam]
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2018 8:55:07 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar



someone's cave-exploring!

Okay, what was he thinking?

Going into another underground… wait, this wasn’t as dark as the Fiery Path, but still, it was a cave. At least this time the Granite Cave didn’t have a suffocating kind of darkness that would make him panic. In fact the place looked really pretty, seeing that there were all manner of gems and stones twinkling from beneath the cave walls. He had to be wary of any Sableye nests nearby; as he knew the nasty little buggers loved to eat them gems like it was just a midnight snack.

…but he wouldn’t mind having one of his own, either. As long as it didn’t go after any of his shinines, he was perfectly okay with that.

Either way, he’d gone down here to poke around as well as get his Riolu to burn off some steam. He knew that the Fighting-type was itching for a battle—well, maybe several, to be honest—and he had to get him reined in, otherwise Gabriel and Kyouya would find his presence more irritating than welcoming. He knew that his Salamence and Braviary had issues, but got along well enough with each other. As long as they didn’t turn against each other, he was all fine and dandy.

Anyway, he was on the lookout for something. He’d know it when he saw it. For now, he enjoyed the silence, looking around at the walls in silent wonder.

[newclass=".alex"] [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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crash [wild, duo / liam]
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2018 19:21:37 GMT
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[attr=class,punkiwof punkiwofmainbg]
[attr=class,punkiwoflarge punkiwoflargeinner]

world on fire

with a smoking sun


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]#505 words

Granite Cave is just how the book said back in Kalos! It's beautiful and dark but at least you get to see the pretty gems sparkling around drawing you closer and closer to them like some sort of spell. Either way this doesn't matter to the young man because as far as he knows this place is way too damn beautiful! It reminds him of his region back at home. Just imagine using these gems as a material for clothes or something like that. That would be amazing as hell! Despite this being a beautiful sighting for the young adult there was something on his mind. How the fucking hell did he get here?
In all honesty he doesn't remember he was strolling around then somehow he tripped then he rolled right into the fucking cave landing head first on the ground! Let's just say luck wasn't on his side at that time but at the same time it is! It was as if the gods wanted him to come here in the first place! Well either way it doesn't matter to him he wanted to explore the Hoenn region anyways. Would it be safe for him to pick our a gem as a souvenir or should he leave them be?
It was a difficult decision to make but Liam knows for certain he shouldn't be alone in a cave like this. You just never know something might pop out and try to kill him. Despite this being the case Liam decided to leave his Pokemon in his pokeball. The young adult needed time for himself anyways and besides, they will pop out of their pokeball the moment Liam encounters something dangerous as fuck or something like that.
Although Liam believes in his Pokemon it makes him wonder if they will actually do it this time. Remember the last time he was about to fall off a cliff and none of his Pokemon jumped out to save him? Thank goodness the trees caught his fall and the cliff wasn't too high up for him to break his back. Then there was another time were his mother got angry with him over something and unleashed her Delphox at him. His Pokemon didn't help him there either. Liam had a worried look on his face the moment he remembered those horrifying memories before sighing at this sight. "My Pokemon are so cruel." He mumbled to himself before shaking his head to look around the cave. "I better keep going or at least find away out of here. Now where the fuck did my map go?"
The first time he lost his map on his way to Fortree city for a mission. After leaving from there he was able to grab another map but for some reason he can't find it. "Eh..... EH?!" Oh dear Liam lost the map again causing the young man to pull his hair at this mess. "Why do I always lose my fucking map?" Yup just another typical day for Liam nothing new.
[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki
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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
angy houseband
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5,093 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
crash [wild, duo / liam]
POSTED ON Dec 11, 2018 15:57:19 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar



someone's cave-exploring!

The silence was then shattered by a loud exclamation that he heard not too far away.

Turning around nervously, he began fumbling in his pockets for one of his three shrunken-down marbles when he heard another louder exclamation (seriously, what was wrong with who was speaking) began berating themselves about missing maps.

Maps… wait a second, maps? He thought to himself, calming himself down with several deep breaths before eventually walking over to where the source of the noise came from; until he’d eventually come across a pale-haired individual—not as white as his own hair, but well, that remained to be seen—was bemoaning the loss of a piece of paper.

A piece of paper.

Seriously, who uses maps these days?

He listened quietly at the tirade that continued to burst forth from the other person’s lament of losing their piece of navigatory equipment, before he coughed softly and raised his hand.

“Uh… uhm, excuse me?” he began, raising his hand before eventually waving it in an attempt to get the other person’s attention. “Do you… do you have a PokéGear on you?” he began. Truly, he was curious as to how and why this other…man? Woman? He couldn’t tell because of the damned hair and the androgynous features—had gotten themselves lost without even checking their own PokéGear.

“Doesn’t your PokéGear work? I know that they made modifications to the technology so it can work with better access in caves…” he continued, taking a few steps back just in case he became a witness to another comical tirade from the other who’d… taken a tumble. Whoa.

“Uhm, whoops,” he added a few moments later, holding out a hand so he could help them get back on their feet in short order.

[newclass=".alex"] [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
crash [wild, duo / liam]
POSTED ON Dec 13, 2018 18:26:29 GMT
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[googlefont=Open Sans Condensed:300,700]

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[attr=class,punkiwof punkiwofmainbg]
[attr=class,punkiwoflarge punkiwoflargeinner]

world on fire

with a smoking sun


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]#507 words

This is just great what is with him losing maps all the time? It's not his fault really they just fly off on their own as if they have their own two damn feet! The worse part is his Pokegear only has the Kalos region map thank you client for not allowing him to update his pokegear right away! The male shook his head at this disappointment wondering how the hell he always ends up in a crazy mess like this? This is why he likes to record himself sometimes because of the shit he gets into it's fucking crazy! One time he was just doing his thing then a model agency tackled him to the ground being like 'hey you look like you could model join us NOW' like what the fuck? That's why he ended up making commercials for his parents fashion shop and now he makes PR Videos once in awhile. His life gets crazier from there too man his life is crazy as fuck. Oh speaking of crazy it looks like someone showed up to save the day!

Once again another mystery person showed up asking him about his pokegear. Liam sighed placed one hand on his hip ready to explain his whole life story. "You want to know why random mysterious person who appeared out of nowhere? I just landed here the other day and the moment I stepped one foot into Hoenn a client showed up dragging me away to Fortree City giving me no time to update my pokegear. He tossed a map at me and sent me off on a mission. After the mission was over I went back so I can get it updated but you know what they said? They said the system is down for maintenance and will take 24 hours to get it fixed like fucking shit! I waited for that long and it's still down my life I swear!"
He took a deep breath before flipping his bang away from his face. "Sorry about that I needed to vent. I live a life were random effects would appear out of nowhere." Liam stood there for a little bit before turning his gaze over to the guy wondering if he knows how to fix it seeing how he has his hand stretched out ready to snag his pokegear. The question is can he trust him? He doesn't seem like a bad person. "If you try to steal my pokegear you will find yourself on the floor wondering what the hell happened but sure." Liam warned while taking off his pokegear and handing it right over to the guy. "Liam Abraham by the way." Was he making a mistake?

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki
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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
crash [wild, duo / liam]
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2018 3:44:53 GMT
shiv Avatar




female / sturdy[break]
rock throw / stone edge / smack down / steamroller





male / iron barbs[break]
iron head / payback / mirror shot / ingrain

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
angy houseband
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
crash [wild, duo / liam]
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2018 17:30:13 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar



y u threaten the cinnatol, man, what'd he do to you?! OTL

“Why would I steal your PokéGear if I already have my own,” he began, blinking owlishly as he took the other person’s—well, Liam’s, now that he introduced himself—device and began prodding at it. “Huh. I haven’t seen this kind of C-Gear. You’re definitely not from Unova… or from around here, that’s for sure… the PokéGears in this region look nothing like the one I’m used to,” he muttered, now poking at it curiously.

“You can call me Alex, by the way,” he added a few moments later as he poked around and started rummaging around in his pockets before pulling out a small kit he’d begun carrying around with him as of late. Poking at it with a thin screwdriver, he then looked up at the other, before asking one more time just to be on the safe side, “You sure you don’t mind me tinkering ‘round with this thing, because once I do mess with it there’s no more turning back,” before flipping it over and slowly unwinding the small screws that held it in place.

All was quiet as he worked quickly, making sure to face the entryway where there was much better light pouring in from the outside when he heard a loud thudding noise. Said thudding noise became louder as it scraped forward; and he had a moment’s notice to quickly look up in time to see that a Ferroseed—how’d it end up here, they were so fa away from home—was literally throwing its spiked-up, ugly face in his direction!

“WHOA!” he yelped, quickly ducking as the spiky bowling ball attempted to use Iron Head but instead landing hard in the cave wall behind him, hissing angrily. “Gee, what a way to interrupt me,” he said with an irked tone, gesturing at Liam to come closer before handing him the tool kit to hold for a short while. “Hang onto that, I have to deal with the shithead,” he muttered angrily, rummaging through his pocket until he found the right Pokéball—a Moon Ball that had a scratch mark running right through the crescent shape in the middle.

Popping it to full size, he sent out a large draconid—a Salamence. Roaring at the Ferroseed, he continued, “Gabe, mind if you deal with it? Oh, and it flings itself around. Might want to just Flamethrower the hell out of it. But don’t kill it—I’m catching it, he said, dropping said Moon Ball back in his pocket and quickly taking the toll kit from Liam’s hold again as he continued puttering around with the settings, trying to look for the familiar circuitry within the small item he had in his hand.

Over where the Ferroseed was now spitting angry remarks, it had literally attempted to toss its entire body at the dual-type in another Iron Head attack—only to fling itself straight into the path of an incoming Flamethrower attack. Undeterred by the hot temperature, the spiky bowling ball continued on, trying to use Iron Head once again—only to get blocked by a second blast of superheated flames as the Salamence then chased it around like a golf ball. Another angry roar echoed through the cave before more flames, courtesy of the draconid’s Flamethrower, chased it around.

All the while he was busy tinkering around, not minding the proceedings happening behind him.

Eventually, a victorious screech came from the dual-type, and he reached into his pocket again (having placed the handle of the screwdriver he was currently using into his mouth temporarily) before tossing a blank Pokéball at the crispy-burned Ferroseed, hearing the clattering onto the cave floor a few moments later.


Alexei's currently finagling around with Liam's PokéGear, while Salamence turned Ferroseed into a golf ball before Alexei chucked a Pokéball at said burned 'bowling ball'.

Capture attempt on the Ferroseed, please!

[newclass=".alex"] [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
crash [wild, duo / liam]
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2018 23:46:16 GMT
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[googlefont=Open Sans Condensed:300,700]

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[attr=class,punkiwof punkiwofmainbg]
[attr=class,punkiwoflarge punkiwoflargeinner]

world on fire

with a smoking sun


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]#817 words

Why would he steal his pokegear if he already has one? Well for money of course like who wouldn't want to sell these things for money right? The Kalos adult couldn't help but to sigh at his decision because honestly he makes bad decisions for no apparent reason and it happens all the time. If this is the case it made Liam wonder if he should let this guy mess with his Pokegear because what if he fucks up and the gear just breaks in general? "Please don't break it." Liam sighed while scratching his head. "I don't have the best luck so if that breaks I'm done for! I'll be lost forever! It would be like my vacation as turned into nothing more than a nightmare!" He sighed.
Anyways this guy says this C-gear looks upgraded compared to the Unova region. It made Liam wonder if the Unova region has a C-gear as well but it's slightly outdated? "I'm from the Kalos region after all but I'm assuming the Unova region has C-gears as well?" He's a little curious about the Unova region now. Maybe he should've gone there instead of the Hoenn region? The boy needs to travel more often whenever he gets the chance.
It looks as is adventure gotten quite interesting especially when the guy had to dodge the damn spin ball of doom! Wait normally if there is one Pokemon that means there is another nearby. Gosh darn it why was he have to be correct this time? It wasn't like he doesn't mind getting himself into the action but not when a fucking Golem appeared out of nowhere being like 'I'm going to ruin your fucking day' oh dear god please whatever you do don't ruin his pokegear! The moment Alex tossed his pokegear back into his hands was when the Golem showed up but the after result wasn't so pleasant. It brought it's arm up to the air then brought it downward launching a bunch of rocks straight towards Liam! Okay listen he gets that he is acrobatic but do you expect him to dodge all of those while trying to protect his pokegear? No he's not the fucking Flash what the hell?
Liam was struggling, jumping to the left then right while desperately holding onto the pokegear into his hands then he tripped on his shoe laces to dodge the other one then landed flat on his fucking face. It looked like more of those rocks were coming straight at him and Liam didn't even have time to dodge or better yet to get up on his damn knees. It was thanks to his Pokemon he was able to make it out of there safe and sound. Was it Morgana the amazing Sneasel or Shadow the doggy dragon? Nah it was none of his main ones actually it was Blueberry popping out to save the day! Blueberry popped out of his pokeball lifting it's ears in the air to activate his move psychic. The psychic attack caused the rocks to float in place before the male Espurr tossed them to the side.
The Kalos adult let out a sigh of relief thankful one of his Pokemon decided to pop out to save his damn ass. "Thank goodness you showed up Blueberry because things would've gotten uglier! I'll let you handle this since I know how you work." And trust Liam when he says this, it's not a pretty sight to see. "Alright Blueberry do... wait wait hold on hold on!" With a quick reaction, Liam grabbed his Espurr lifting it into the air like Simba from the Lion King as the young man tried to jump out of the way from the Salamance chasing after the Ferroseed like a damn golfball! What the hell is going on over there? [break][break]

On the other hand Blueberry was enjoying this height. He had his arms in the air as light shinned down on the beautiful psychic type creature literally like the scene in the Lion King. The Espurr mouth was wide opened and you could just tell this little guy was enjoying every damn moment of it! Then the fucking Golem had to ruin everything! It did another Rock Throw sending rocks right at the poor cat like creature but not on Blueberries watch! He lifted up his ears once more to activate psychic but instead of tossing it to the side it went straight back at the Golem. Yeah that gotta hurt because guess what Blueberry is going to do next? He is going to psybeam that bitch! Yeah that's right a beautiful purple beam was sent straight at the Golem slamming right into the rock type creature but that's not all! Blueberry picked up the Golem with Psychic then tossed it right over Liam's head however, the moment he noticed this, Liam quickly turned around shouting directly over to Alexei. "ALEX INCOMING!!!!"

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki
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TAG WITH @shiv
crash [wild, duo / liam]
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2018 20:44:59 GMT
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male / blaze[break]
mach punch / fire spin / acrobatics / slack off





female / poison touch[break]
acid / drain punch / muddy water / echoed voice

caught the ferroseed successfully!

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
angy houseband
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
crash [wild, duo / liam]
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2018 11:13:16 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar



okay this was insane lol

He was so absorbed with fussing with the PokéGear he didn’t notice that he’d already captured the Ferroseed, and as the Salamence nudged the occupied Pokéball his way, it let out a warning roar as an incoming Golem sent airborne by one of Liam’s Pokémon was headed his way!

He looked up for the briefest of seconds before letting out a surprised holler and quickly ducking, almost flattening himself to the ground as the Golem roared angrily, sailing right over his head—before eventually colliding with another familiar sight from home, a Seismitoad.

“Oh, crap,” was all he had time to say as he looked up and stole a glance at the insanity that was beginning to break out; the Golem was now attacking the Seismitoad, which he found not only pretty silly, but also rather amusing! The Seismitoad punched it out of the way with a well-aimed Drain Punch, draining what little energy it had left before knocking it off to one side. Once that was done, it then turned its attention to the Salamence, before causing an uproar with its Echoed Voice.

In retaliation, the draconid roared in its face, before charging forward with a Dragon Claw. As the two Pokémon tussled in the area, Alexei picked himself up from the ground and continued to work, not minding the loud roaring and extremely annoying ribbiting in the background.

“Get rid of it, quickly,” he said without looking at the Salamence’s direction; where it let out another loud roar before soaring up as high as the cavern ceiling could allow, before slamming into the Seismitoad with a combination Fly and Dragon Claw to the face once he’d flown close enough. Tail lashing out at it, the Salamence continued to drive it away with Dragon Claw and not-so-effective Flamethrower attacks, before it finally retreated.

…all this happened while he was still tinkering around the small PokéGear he was working on, fixing chips around and flipping circuits around. Another few minutes passed before he finally looked up at last—did he even blink at all? Maybe not.

“There we go,” he said, tossing the fixed PokéGear back in Liam’s direction. “I cycled through it, should be fine and updated now.”

Passing on Seismitoad

[newclass=".alex"] [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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crash [wild, duo / liam]
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2018 22:10:44 GMT
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[attr=class,punkiwof punkiwofmainbg]
[attr=class,punkiwoflarge punkiwoflargeinner]

world on fire

with a smoking sun


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]#849 words

Whoops that uh didn't go too well. It's not his fault really he didn't expect Blueberry out of all Pokemon to toss a Golem at someone he just met! That's ridiculous if you ask him and yet you know what? Blueberry deserves a lecture for this oh yeah he is going to get it real good! Liam turned around his arms crossed and his foot tapping as he looked down at his Espurr. Despite this being the case the Espurr knew this was coming so he copied his trainer movements with his chest up and his puffing his cheeks.

"Blueberry what the hell was that all about?" Blueberry spoke back but of course Liam couldn't understand a word he was saying but the young man couldn't help but to point his finger at him. "Hey don't talk back with that tone of voice! You know better than to use psychic on a Pokemon then toss them at another trainer. Remember what happened back in Kalos while we were in Team Flare? You almost got us in trouble thank you very much!" The two of them continued to bicker back and forth not realizing that a Monferno appeared out of nowhere. The monkey was laughing at their stupidity causing the two troublemakers to growl underneath their breath.
Liam and Blueberry flipped their bang away away from their face. "Let's teach this monkey a lesson. I'll have Bridget deal with this one." Blueberry agreed by whacking her ball right out of Liam's belt causing the snake like creature to shoot out of her pokeball. The snake like Pokemon let out a little yawn before being greeted by both Liam and Blueberry! The Ekans wagged it's tail before wrapping her body around Liam's neck while rubbing her head up against his face. Liam pat her on the head before pointing his finger at the monkey like creature. "Bridget would you like the honors to teach that monkey a valuable lesson for us?"
The snake jumped off Liam instantly giving off a dark like aura and yet Espurr knew instantly what that meant. The Ekans was angry at the monkey for being rude to her trainer it must die! Blueberry hid behind Liam's leg causing the trainer to look down at it due to confusion. Then she launched her self straight towards the Monkey wrapping her body around the creature using the move WRAP! Liam on the other hand was nodding his head as an approval while bening down to Blueberries height. "Awww look at Bridget she is doing so well isn't she?" Right when he said that, Bridget spit out a ball of mud known as MUD BOMB at the monkey. The monkey was knocked over but Bridget was still wrapped around the creature making it difficult for the fire type Pokemon to attack her. With quick thinking the monkey turned into a ball of flames using the move FIRE SPIN to break free from the wrap and it worked!
The snake was hit by the flames causing the beautiful creature to sent skidding backwards. She activated her move STOCK PILE to boost up her status then rushed forward to use the move Belch and ouch that landed a hit right then and there! On the other hand Liam kept nodding his head as he continued to praise his snake. "She is so gorgeous look at her delinquent moves. The way she slithers around to confuse her opponent then used it as an adventure take over the battlefield." Blueberry couldn't help but to facepalm at this knowing why Bridget has a thing for Liam. It's not her fault really Liam just really likes snakes but for some reason he won't get himself a fucking Serviper. It's probably because he finds Serviper just creepy as fuck compared to Ekans and Arboks.
Well whatever his reasoning maybe it looks like Bridget ended up winning the match by knocking the monkey out with another MUD BOMB Blueberry watched Bridget slither over to Liam as the young man walked over to rub her belly. "Who is a good snake?" Oh god this is embarrassing why is he like this? Blueberry lifted up her paws walked over to a wall and just started banging his head on the wall due to his trainers stupidity! Thankfully that trainer he almost killed was able to snap Liam out of it. He tossed Liam his pokegear making the young man place a smile on his face. "That's great thank you. Do I owe you anything?" Liam asked as he scrubbed through his pokegear until he finally noticed a map of the Hoenn region has finally been updated on his pokegear. The young man lifted his arms up in the air. "NO MORE MAPS!" He cried out loud not too loud for more Pokemon to show up because that would be bad as fuck! He rushed over to the man grabbing him by his hands and shaking it up and down. "Thank you and sorry about my Espurr earlier I hope you forgive him for that! Anyways how much for this?"

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki
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crash [wild, duo / liam]
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2018 22:59:33 GMT




genderless / levitate[break]
explosion / sandstorm / earth power / psybeam





genderless / plus[break]
shift gear / gear grind / zap cannon / mirror shot

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
angy houseband
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
crash [wild, duo / liam]
POSTED ON Dec 25, 2018 17:35:39 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar



okay this was insane lol

His ears twitched when he listened in on Liam’s… essentially, he was basically telling the little Pokémon that the other was holding in his hands off for pretty much bowling a Golem right at his face. Thank the hell said Golem had landed in a Sesmitoad’s face, so that was thankfully resolved… at least until it decided to attack the Salamence he’d deployed!

Either way, thankfully the other threat had been driven away by his companion—before he was about to answer that he didn’t need payment for him fixing the other’s PokéGear when a loud, grinding noise caught his attention. “Let me get back to you on that,” he said before looking at the new interruptions—while one he wasn’t familiar with, the other he’d recognized easily, having seen so many of them flitting through the Chargestone Cave back in his home region.

“Gabe, take care of that one, will you?” he asked the Salamence, pointing at the Klinklang just as it began to charge up a Zap Cannon attack. “Cut it off with a Flamethrower, right away!” he shouted, seeing the other attack that was beginning to form—and a superheated blast of flames erupted from the draconid’s maw, slamming into the body of living gears; effectively interrupting its attack.

“Keep it up, incinerate it if you have to,” he added, before turning his back and turning to Liam as if nothing was going on in the background behind him. “Well, the first thing I’d like to ask—since you’d blurted out ‘no more maps’—was how terrible your sense of direction is. But… I’ll admit I’m curious. Team Flare? I haven’t heard about them anywhere… at least, not in Unova… he mused quietly.

Was he dealing with an ex-criminal? Who knew. What if this guy was working for the Rockets?! How’d he be able to get out of this situation?! But then again… Liam’s aura wasn’t as… menacing, or threatening as it appeared to be. To be honest, he was getting an extremely ditzy aura from the other.

“Do you know of Team Plasma,” he asked the other curiously. The best payment he could ask for was information, at the very least. He could hear the sounds of battle coming from the Salamence and Klinklang, turning to face the two Pokémon as the mass of gears tossed a series of objects at the draconid—only to have the Salamence incinerate them all and literally attempt to burn the other Pokémon alive.

Eventually, the Klinklang had been driven back due to the overwhelming heat from the Salamence’s relentless Flamethrower exhalation. The draconid then roared in the direction of the darkness, as if daring whatever else lurked there to come forward and attack.

Passing on Klinklang

[newclass=".alex"] [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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crash [wild, duo / liam]
POSTED ON Dec 25, 2018 18:39:01 GMT
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[attr=class,punkiwof punkiwofmainbg]
[attr=class,punkiwoflarge punkiwoflargeinner]

world on fire

with a smoking sun


[attr=class,punkiwofwordcount]#636 words

Of course wild Pokemon had to show up to ruin his damn day like seriously what's up with these damn Pokemon? Why do they have to ruin everything right now this is not okay! Liam at that point puffed his cheeks at the wild Pokemon that decide to show up out of nowhere! This is literally how Liam's life is in a nutshell. "Gosh fucking darn it!" Liam snapped returning Bridget to her pokeball then tossing out another one. "Casper take that fucker out! I'm trying to have a conversation here!"
Out of the ball came out his new companion he randomly gotten from someone... yeah like he said his life is crazy as fuck! The Gengar popped out of his ball lifting up his glasses while staring directly down at the Claydol. Liam crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at this annoying wild type Pokemon. "Hey Casper this will be our first match together do you want to give it a whirl?" With a slow nod from his Gengar, Liam lifted up his head then shouted out the move. "SHADOWBALL that bitch!"
The purple ghost smirked before jumping into the air! It lifted up it's little paws to create a dark purple ball then sent it flying at the Claydol. The Gengar twirled the around the moment it landed a direct hit then would twirl off to the side to dodge the PSYBEAM then let out a little laughter causing Liam to nod his head. "Yup you'll fit in just fine although I still don't understand the glasses too well. Alright let's do SHADOW PUNCH!" Casper rushed forward punching the shit out of the Claydol causing Liam to lift up his fist. "YEAH TAKE THAT AND THAT AND THAT!" Okay Liam was enjoying this far too much but the good news it the Claydol is down for the count! Liam walked over giving his Gengar a high five. "Great work partner!" He called the Gengar back to his pokeball before turning his head straight over to Alexei dude.
On the other hand Blueberry jumped onto Liam's shoulder as the young man tried to explain the situation to the guy. "Like I said before I'm new to Hoenn. Kalos is completely different compared to the Hoenn region after all." Then he said the word TEAM FLARE causing Liam to jump nearly out of his skin! Oh shit he said that out loud didn't he? Liam facepalmed at his stupidity. "I'm a fucking idiot I shouldn't have said that out loud but whatever I'm the innocent one here." He turned his attention back over to the guy while lifting up his finger as if he was ready to give him a lecture. "Team Flare is a evil organization back in the Kalos region. We didn't know they were evil at that time. They asked me to join their squad so I did but in all honesty I just thought they were a rock band. I didn't know much about them until their leader revealed their true purpose. I was doing a video of the base until we got called into a meeting. The guy was all let's take over the world with the power of beauty! World domination blah blah blah."
This was true he didn't know he was working for a evil organization heck not many people in the Kalos region thought they were evil at that time. The young man crossed his arms letting out a sigh. "I left after that it wasn't easy to leave though I had to fight my way out of there. Man I was so ready to play the keyboard for our rock band too!" Liam shook his head at this disappointment. "Anyways Team Plasma? I've never heard of them honestly. Are they similar to Team Flare or something?"

[attr=class,punkiwofcredit]by punki
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October 13
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crash [wild, duo / liam]
POSTED ON Dec 25, 2018 21:57:01 GMT
shiv Avatar




male / sturdy[break]
metal claw / take down / rock slide / roar





female / hustle[break]
bug bite / metal claw / dig / crunch

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
angy houseband
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5,093 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
crash [wild, duo / liam]
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2018 17:51:36 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar



all these WL 'mons appearing *screams*

He could only watch as Liam began explaining his situation with much exasperation, emphasizing that Team Flare, whatever they were, were definitely the bad guys. While Alexei was tempted to point out that the way he was reacting kind of gave him away that he was hiding something, he chose not to speak about it—at least, until Liam had mentioned that he didn’t know much of Team Plasma.

Squinting at him for the briefest of moments, he was about to comment on it when he heard another loud roaring coming from the passageway. By this time he was certain that his Salamence was getting tired of dealing with shit, he quickly recalled the draconid and was contemplating on who to send out next when his PokéGear went off again—another alert signaling him that one of the Pokémon he was looking for was nearby!

It didn’t take too long before a Durant appeared—but it wasn’t the ant he was interested with. It was the accompanying Lairon that caught his eye. Just as his draconid turned around and began to breathe out a stream of flames at the other Steel-type, a beam of red light shot out and recalled the Salamence before a second flash of red light sprang forward, transforming into his Riolu.

The Fighting-type looked around, extremely confused, before Alexei pointed ahead at the Lairon and said, “Go on, take care of him! That should be easy for you, before getting an equally confused stare from the Riolu.

“Look, Vince, you have to trust me on this!” he urged, shooing the Riolu forward. Eventually the Fughting-type shot forward; before the Lairon could start a Rock Slide attack, the Fighting-type sprinted forward, avoiding as many boulders as he could and striking out with a one-two Force Palm strike.

The Lairon let out a roar as the attack connected across its chin; before it could chain right into a Take Down retaliatory move, the Riolu lashed out with a second Force Palm strike; forcing it to one side. “Keep it up, Vince! Don’t stop until it flops over on its back!”

Turning back to Liam, he then sighed.

“Sorry, he’s just a little too overeager,” he said, before shrugging his shoulders. “…wait, rock band? You… you thought Team Flare was a rock band?

Cue the laugh track.

It didn’t take too long before the Lairon let out another roaring noise, followed up by the Riolu’s relentless Force Palm assault. The loud noise made him look up and see that said Lairon was now wiggling its feet in mid-air and the Riolu was continuously attacking it; before a beam of red light from a thrown Pokéball rescued the Lairon from the relentless assault that the Fighting-type was unleashing on it without blinking…

Capturing Lairon

[newclass=".alex"] [/newclass]