moore, mercy

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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moore, mercy
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2018 19:34:25 GMT
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namemercy moore
agetwenty seven
orientationpanromantic demisexual
played bycrow

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]CHARACTER FACTION team rocket

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]CHARACTER RANK grunt

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]FACE CLAIM mystery girl from steven universe

[attr="class","freiwanttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER




her father is a titan. her mother, a lecherous whore with a heart of steel, iron in her blood. she left before the sweat of childbirth even had a chance to dry on her skin. [break][break]

her father, titan of wolves, (who so desperately wanted a boy) brought her up himself. her earliest memories are of hazy rooms, loud, loud voices, scruffy men in dark clothing. she was always quiet, and father didn't like that 'cause he thought her weak-willed; he didn't understand that really she was watching, listening, drinking in everything around her with a cold, precise calculation.[break][break]

"let me do it," she says, nine years old and never having spoken with such conviction before. [break][break]

chatter of adults droning on, a heated discussion. her father's boisterous laughter rising above all of them. fire in his eyes, challenge in his dipped brows, pursed lips. he hands her the pokeballs. a few reluctant members, shirts emblazoned with bright red r's, look on with disappointment, some with barely concealed anger.[break][break]

everyone ignores her. that's all she knew. and it made sense, when they mentioned needing someone who could go unnoticed, someone who wouldn't be stopped, hassled, questioned. and it worked flawlessly, just as she thought it would.[break][break]

her father looked at her differently after that.[break][break]

and that look, glint in his green eyes, was like a drug to her. admiration. pride. love.[break][break]

when she's of age, she is enlisted without question. in a room with bare walls, she, alongside her peers, is given a pokemon. these are your tools. that is all they are. do not get attached. her growlithe is a mewling pup with bright eyes and a shake that wracks his whole body.[break][break]

several weeks later, her father holds the pup in his hands and murmurs to her, "tools. what a clumsy word." they are in his private courtyard. he sets the pup down and it scampers back to her, paws at her feet. she watches silently. her heart beats faster because her father is laughing and it's the laughter she hears when he's on a job, when he's in a room with blood-streaked walls and the broken, bludgeoned body of an insubordinate pokemon at his feet.[break][break]

"tools," he says, "no, mercy--pokemon are instruments. instruments of destruction, capable of things far beyond our imagination. and because of this, they need fine tuning, a steady hand." he removes a pokeball from his belt. [break][break]

the salamence barely fits in the courtyard. its tail bunches, curling up the side of the wall, and its wings fold awkwardly against its body. it sits perfectly still, blinking, waiting for its master's command. [break][break]

he asks her if she's trained him? and she replies yes, top of her class--it's withstood the surf from a lapras, the ground rumbling beneath it from a sandslash. he's just shy, but he's powerful. and she orders it to face its adversary, but it shakes, hides behind her leg. rage (embarrassment) has her grabbing it by the scruff, throwing her in front of the dragon. [break][break]she is not prepared when her father commands a bite, when the dragon's fanged maw closes around her arm. [break][break]


the growlithe cries out in unison with her, scrabbles away from her, the dragon's target. she falls to the ground. "you will teach your next one loyalty. you will teach it that its life is nothing but its service to you. that it will sacrifice its life for yours." and as he snaps his fingers, as the fire spews from the dragons mouth, as her growlithe's cries are cut silent, her father kneels beside her, wipes the tears from her eyes, and says, "because you are what matters. they mean nothing without us. we--you are their maker, their master."[break][break]

he tells her he loves her, tells her that she is precious, that she is his everything, and there is a warmth that fills her steel heart as the dragon's flames die down before her and leave behind nothing but a pile of ash and charred bones. 


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