Cocklyn, Jackson

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Doc Cox
April 12
Castelia City
Combat Medic
It's not easy having yourself a good time
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Jax Cox
Cocklyn, Jackson
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2022 4:45:49 GMT
Jax Cox Avatar


[attr="class","freiwantttop1"]- □ x

Don't wanna be a bad guy



namejackson cocklyn
played byhollow

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER FACTION league

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER RANK cadet

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]FACE CLAIM Rook Hunt from Twisted Wonderland

[attr="class","freiwantttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER




Jax keeps his cards close to his chest, unwilling to share details about his life to anyone. Luckily I'm an omniscient narrator, so you are free to read all of his secrets in the 'file' below.[break][break]

Jackson Cocklyn was born into an upper-middle class family residing within Castelia City, Unova. From a young age, Jackson displayed a keen interest in how pokemon function. He would constantly send his parents up a wall, 'kidnapping' the family pokemon so he could play doctor. Eventually this interest blossomed into a passion, and decades later he would earn his PHD in Pokemon Biology.[break][break]

However, his dream of studying pokemon was quickly dampened by the competitive nature of the profession. Pokelab internships were highly sought after, and for one reason or another Jackson was continually rejected. The young doctor became frustrated and disillusioned, his desperation for work growing as opportunity after opportunity slipped through his grasp.[break][break]

Luck would one day be on his side, as he would actually be offered an internship by the Harmonia Foundation. The Foundation was well known for its Pokemon shelters across Unova, so the chance to study and take care of pokemon was at last within reach! However, the work Jackson would be assigned would be less than beneficial. It started off innocent enough, nursing lost pokemon back to health and whatnot. But then the shelter he worked at began performing tests--horrible experiments that put the pokemon in their care into grave danger.[break][break]

Jackson was appalled when he was tasked to basically mutilate pokemon in the name of science. He wanted to quit--but then he remembered how poorly his search for a proper job within the pokemon research field was going. The Harmonia Foundation was offering him a very generous wage to continue working with them, and he would technically be conducting research.[break][break]

He caved, and ended up working as a Harmonia Researcher for several years. The experiments he conducted would be invaluable to understanding pokemon biology, but it would have a heavy cost. The screams of his pokemon subjects would haunt him every night, and there was not enough anxiety medication in the world to drown out his guilt. That same guilt would end up saving his ass.[break][break]

Jackson's shelter was raided without warning one day, and Jackson would be arrested with the rest of his colleagues. The shelter researchers were offered a deal: testify against the Foundation's leaders in exchange for a lighter sentence. Half of the researchers accepted the deal, including Jackson. Once the trial was over and Jackson's part was done, he expected at most a five year sentence for his crimes. What he did not expect was a job offer.[break][break]

Jackson's 'sentence' was to aid the Unova government in a top secret operation to find a cure for an extremely deadly pokemon virus that was slowly spreading through the region. Jackson worked along side his fellow Harmonia turncoats, using what they had learned from their horrid experiments to find a cure. Two years of grueling work later, and their efforts would lead to a breakthrough. A cure was developed and Jackson would finally feel the rush of doing some good for the world.[break][break]

Jackson was put on probation after his work was done, and one more year later he would be a free man. Desiring to do more good, Jackson left Unova and traveled to the Hoenn region. It was well known that Hoenn was a burning shithole, with disasters and untold mayhem occurring daily. Jackson quickly enlisted into the region's Rangers, determined to work on the right side this time.[break][break]


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TAG WITH @shiv
Cocklyn, Jackson
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2022 4:55:05 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]WELCOME TO HOENN!


congratulations on being accepted! ensure that you have read the site rules and view the getting started page should you require some guidance for the beginning of your journey. we hope you enjoy your stay in hoenn![break][break]

your character will begin with 50 pokedollars & 5 pokeballs,[break]which you can add to your personal computer (PC).


[attr="class","omacceptedlinks2"]FACE CLAIMS