Sticky fingers

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @archer
Archer Garrett
Sticky fingers
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2023 9:13:19 GMT
Archer Garrett Avatar

[attr="class","rosepost"]Another day, another scam. Well, Archer wouldn't have called it a "scam" as such. More of a "heist"... Heck, it wasn't even that. It was stealing some random passerby's wallet and hoping that there was enough in there to mean that they wouldn't have to repeat the whole routine an hour later...


The young man contemplated the two new pokeballs that he had in his hands. He'd been given them not that long ago but hadn't really had much of an opportunity to use them. Already, he dismissed any notion of using Araquanid. A one meter eighty water spider was not something he wanted to be calling out in the middle of Slateport park unless it was absolutely unavoidable. The Scrafty however could potentially be useful. For the time being however, he would stick to the tried and tested method he'd been using for so long now. He cast a brief glance towards Dizzy. As usual, the dusclops stubbornly refused to be where she was supposed to be; that was to say her pokeball. The pokemon had been watching those present in the park for a while now, staring intently at them with her single large cyclops eye. Seeing her partner's interest, the ghost-type would point towards a figure in the crowd. "Them?" Archer questioned. "You sure?" He got only a nod from his accompanying pokemon. "Well, then, you know what to do."


It was a tried and tested technique. One that they had more or less perfected over the course of their time on the streets. Archer would begin to move, drawing in a little bit closer to their target. At the same time, Dizzy would follow them from afar. Then, when Archer was close enough to be able to move but not so much as to appear suspicious, she would let loose a little confuse ray. If it made contact, their victim would soon fall victim to its effects, staggering around. At which point, Archer would sneak in and help himself to their wallet and whatever they might have in their pockets.


At least, that was the theory.


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louise heidrich
Sticky fingers
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2023 20:43:46 GMT
louise heidrich Avatar

[attr="class","monbody2"]There was good news and there was bad news.

The good news: his plan worked! The confuse ray hit. Lou blinked into the late winter sun as it changed into myriad colors, like light falling through a crystal.

The bad news: she’d taken so many hits to the head in her time that she probably had her wits about her more than the average person hit with a confuse ray. And her instinct was always to kick first and ask questions later.

So that’s what she did, feeling the gentle brush of something at her side: wheel with a brutal roundhouse, driving the bottom of her boot towards whatever might be in her way.


[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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He, his
July 24th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @archer
Archer Garrett
Sticky fingers
POSTED ON Jan 26, 2023 8:13:25 GMT
Archer Garrett Avatar

[attr="class","rosepost"]Score. The confuse ray made contact. Archer knew that he wouldn't have terribly long to act and so went for the - figurative - kill.


He wasn't expecting a roundhouse kick. Perhaps years and years of pulling off the same stunt and it almost always doing so with some degree of success, he'd dropped his guard a bit. Usually, if there was trouble it was from someone else, after he'd stolen from his target. Then he might have to run. He wasn't too sure what manner of demon didn't feel the effects of Dizzy's confuse ray but this woman most certainly didn't. What Archer would say was that he most certainly did feel was the kick.


It was Archer who would go crashing into the dirt curtsy of a kick to the ribs. Dazed. With an alarmed cry, Dizzy was quick to rush over to his side. It only took him a few seconds to pull himself together. He would look up indignantly towards the person responsible:


"Hey! What's the big idea?!"


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May 12
Cianwood City
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TAG WITH @louise
louise heidrich
Sticky fingers
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2023 15:07:43 GMT
louise heidrich Avatar

[attr="class","monbody2"]She felt her strike connect, but she was still dizzy. Teetering on one foot, she stumbled backward, then clapped a hand to her head and bent over.


Pressing fingertips into her temples, she squeezed her eyes shut and tried to focus. Luckily there came an indignant voice to bring her back to her senses.

“You’re asking me–,” even her white-hot flash of anger was cut short by the nauseating way the world spun. She reached out a hand to feel for her downed assailant. “You attacked me first. C’mere, let me barf on you.”


[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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He, his
July 24th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @archer
Archer Garrett
Sticky fingers
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2023 8:11:27 GMT
Archer Garrett Avatar

[attr="class","rosepost"] Archer was quick to get back to his feet. On the ground he was vulnerable, at least now he had a chance of running should the need arise. As it was, he wasn't all that worried about the stranger managing to catch him should he decide to flee. Given how they seemed to be staggering around, he doubted that she would have been able to keep up at any rate. That meant in his mind that there was still a chance for him to get out of this.

"What are you talkin' about? You bumped into me!" A lie of course but one which he hoped would be enough to at the very least fool any onlookers. "You drunk or somethin'?" She could have been, at least to those who hadn't witnessed the incident. He would move back, desperate to keep out of the stranger's grasp.

"What?" Archer didn't know if it was possible to barf on command but he most certainly wasn't about to put it to the test. Right now, he was all of five seconds away from cutting his losses, calling out Rook and taking to the skies, desperate to forget about today. "You stay away from me, Crazy!"


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[newclass=.rouxcredit1]align:right; color:#AB4646; font-size:10px; text-align:right; padding:10px; [/newclass]

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May 12
Cianwood City
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TAG WITH @louise
louise heidrich
Sticky fingers
POSTED ON Feb 1, 2023 16:51:58 GMT
louise heidrich Avatar

[attr="class","monbody2"]There was a scrabbling noise and the vague human-shaped smudge in Lou’s vision got bigger, which meant he was standing. She groaned, and despite her instincts screaming that she needed to keep her eyes open, she covered them to stop the world from spinning.

“I wish I was drunk,” she said, sounding absolutely miserable. This was like having a concussion, only worse because it happened so fast.

When she removed her hands and blinked, though, it seemed to be fading, if only a little.

“Yeah, I suddenly get vertigo and then you appear, as if by magic,” she said, a slightly slurred snarl working its way into her voice. She was starting to get pissed. “I may be dumb but I’m not stupid.”

She put her hands on her knees and tried to focus.

“What did you want, anyway? Money?” Maybe he was homeless, or destitute. She obviously had no way of knowing he was a career criminal.


[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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He, his
July 24th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
17 posts
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TAG WITH @archer
Archer Garrett
Sticky fingers
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2023 8:24:37 GMT
Archer Garrett Avatar

[attr="class","rosepost"]Archer would have run, if there weren't so many darn people around here. The crowds which he usually relied on to go about unnoticed now had their eyes trailed on the curious spectacle that he and his victim were providing them with. Guilty people ran, so he wouldn't. Not right now. Not if he wanted to be able to show his face in this neck of the woods any time soon. Archer folded his arms stubbornly across his chest, raising his head disdainfully. "Look Lady, what could you possibly have that I would want?"

Money. Money that would mean food. Food that would mean that he and his little group of pokemon wouldn't be spending the night hungry as they were sometimes forced to. That he kept to himself. "How do you expect me to give you vertigo anyhow? I know I'm not a people guy but I don't usually have that effect on them!" Please let Dizzy keep her head down for once. Archer was too preoccupied to risk casting a glance to try and see just where the Dusclops had gotten herself off to.
"I was just passing through." He spoke with a shrug of his shoulders. "Which I'll get back to if you'll let me."



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[newclass=.rouxcredit1]align:right; color:#AB4646; font-size:10px; text-align:right; padding:10px; [/newclass]

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May 12
Cianwood City
Personal Trainer
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TAG WITH @louise
louise heidrich
Sticky fingers
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2023 14:23:10 GMT
louise heidrich Avatar

[attr="class","monbody2"]“That’s what I’m asking!” she said, half-shout, half-sqawk. She looked up a little as things began to right themselves.

Unfortunately for her attacker– Lou was starting to doubt that he was her attacker, but what other explanation could there be?!-- he was sticking to his guns.

“You have Pokemon, right?” She’d put dollars to donuts one of them had used a move. “Ugh, it doesn’t matter.” The threat was gone. She was quickly getting back on her feet.

She stood up fully, then, cracking her neck from side to side. All five-nine of her. Speaking quieter, she asked, “Look, if you need cash, I’ll give you some cash.”


[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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