Hot Pursuit (Past/Closed)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,510 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
Hot Pursuit (Past/Closed)
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2019 19:02:25 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

A couple of hours before the Slateport Invasion.

"This is Agent Striker! In pursuit of the suspect in the skies! We're currently above the Department Store, over!", Thomas called out through the earpiece.

"Copy that!", the voice on the other end confirmed, before requesting officers to fly out over the rooftops.

Moments ago, Thomas caught word that a vandal had been spotted in Lilycove. While this would normally be far from his problem, two things caught the attention of the Interpol Agent. One was the fact that suspect was tagging buildings with Rocket insignias. The other was the fact that she physically attacked the cops that caught her, taking them out before flying off on her Staraptor. So needless to say, as soon as Thomas heard that a possible Rocket was fleeing violently at that, Thomas quickly joined the pursuit.

Thomas flew in behind the woman on the back of his Flygon. The green dragon was happy to be back in action, after what happened in Unova. Though the woman's Staraptor was fast, the Flygon was fast enough to keep up with the large bird. Thomas could either manage to catch up to her, despite the head start she had, or keep up the chase just long enough to get out of the city limits, before attempting to knock her out of the air with Kiryu's Boomburst.

notes: Pursuing an unknown Rocket across Lilycove's skies

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she / her / hers
october 31
Shalour, Kalos
wandering martial artist
Hit fast, strike hard, but show mercy when they surrender.
102 posts
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TAG WITH @andrea
Andrea Benoit
Hot Pursuit (Past/Closed)
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2019 21:38:19 GMT
Andrea Benoit Avatar




Why did she allow herself to get fucking caught?

Ah, shit! She thought in a panic, having barely gotten away from the advance squadron that was sent to chase and trap her. Fuck, oh shit, no, nope, I can’t get caught! She frantically kept to herself, quickly unballing a Staraptor and putting as much distance between the ground and the next group that was chasing her down as much as possible.

She knew she was in for it—and she had absolutely no idea that she would be meeting someone today. Someone who would shake her to the core, almost break her disguise.

Oh, fucking hell!

“Go faster!” she hissed at the Staraptor, attempting to flatten herself on its back as they were now above Lilycove proper—specifically, the Department Store—and she knew that there was someone intent on shooting her down.

Wait, they didn’t have guns out here did they?

Either way, she had to make space, and FAST!

“Go, go, go!” she continued, keeping her voice muffled as she urged the dual-type on, hoping that she didn’t have to warp out of the area so quickly with her Ralts—they hadn’t gotten around to memorizing the area yet!

[newclass=".andie"] [/newclass]
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played by


October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,510 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
Hot Pursuit (Past/Closed)
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2019 2:20:14 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

If Thomas wanted to shoot the Rocket down, then Kalameet would've been a far better option than Kiryu. But then, if he started blasting at the Rocket with Dragon Pulses, all it would result in was collateral damage, something that he wanted to desperately avoid. So for the time being, Thomas was forced to chase down the woman, hoping that she would eventually land, or make it into the wilderness.

"Suspect! This is the International Police! Land on the nearest rooftop, recall your Pokemon, and put your hands on your head! If you do not comply, I will blast you out of the sky!", the Agent called, using a megaphone to blast his message to the criminal before him.

Thomas would give the Flygon a pat, and got himself ready for what was to come, hanging on tightly, before Flygon performed a rather flashy Dragon Dance, one that he performed while still moving forward. From there, the Flygon would trail the Staraptor and the mysterious Rocket, its gain in flight speed being noticeable, if the Rocket were to look back.

If necessary, Thomas would keep this up, until his Flygon would outright clip the wings of the beast with a Dragon Claw, or smack it out of the sky with a Rock Slide, if necessary.

notes: PULL OVER!