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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jul 9, 2019 6:54:57 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
"Was I supposed to bring the map?"

The question was followed by an easy-going smile and a girly giggle. Already halfway into the dark cavern because she insisted they needed to go 'right now', she'd packed plenty of things. Water, pokemon food, berries - snacks. Tons of snacks. Of course though, the most important thing though, she'd forgotten it...Which wasn't exactly out of character for the air-headed individual. "Oopsie!"

Nonchalant as ever, despite her blunder, she continued her merry way along. "This place kinda reminds me of the Dragon Den back at home, y'know? Pretty big, tons of water - although, it's missing that sorta mystical feeling. That feeling that'll make you go 'whoa' or ah...'wow'! It makes your heart feel all funny, and it's sorta like-- hey, are you listening to me? Listen to me!" Talkative, and bubbly, as ever, Noelle babbled on about whatever it was that crossed her mind. Even if he seldom paid attention to her, it didn't kill her vibe much at all. She'd just...keep on chugging along.

Too busy running her mouth, she didn't really pay attention to where she was putting her feet. Despite being pretty darned elegant when she was performing her roles as a priestess...typically, she was anything but. It was why, even to this day as a grown adult, bandages covered her arms and face.

"Although, it, of course, lacks in one big thing from the den back in Blackthorn. Where are the drag-" Before she could finish her complaint, her body began to lurch forward. Seemed she had, quite literally, walked off the edge of one of the narrow and rocky paths.
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Adam Shepard DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Jul 10, 2019 15:53:07 GMT
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Meteor falls was as beautiful as Adam remembered it, maybe even more so. Back when Adam was a young lad and was gallivanting around to different regions to challenge their leagues, Hoenn had been one of those stops and his journey through the region eventually brought him here.

The beautiful waterfalls, the mysterious yet serene atmosphere, yeah he loved this place alright. And it was a nice breeding ground for some rare Pokémon, great for training and capturing. He hadn’t come here with any particular reason, mainly just to see the place and what was going on. The man lived nearby so it wasn’t that big of a deal.

At his side walked Siren, his Noivern, who happily followed along with her trainer. ”Brings back memories doesn’t it?” He’d ask the dragon, getting a happy nod in response. While he had some fond peaceful memories there were also plenty of hectic ones as well.

He could remember getting into a battle with multiple trainers at once and how crazy that had gotten. It was fun as hell time though and he managed to get out of that battle the victor. The thought made him laugh, he hadn’t really grown out of doing crazy shit like that.

Eventually, the two had taken to the air with the goal of reaching some of the higher points of the fall, skipping all that climbing and shit. As they ascended Adam noticed they weren’t alone…..but they soon might be given that the other person dipped off the cliff.

Without any words needing to be said Siren flew to help this person, Adam catching the falling civilian before they’d end up a pretty stain on the floor. ”Ya know I don’t remember there being any indication of raining people in today’s forecast!” He’d laugh staring down at the person he’d just catch.

”Wait a second!” He knew this person. ”Noelle?! What the hell?! What are you doing here?! And don’t you know that walking off of cliffs is bad for your health?!” He’d throw a million questions at her as Siren took them back onto dry land, the stretch that the dragon princess had been walking before her dip.

Adam would put her down back on her feet before wagging a finger at her. ”You know you need to be more careful! You won’t always have a dashing knight like me to save you!” He jokingly scolded her.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jul 11, 2019 7:22:18 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
There was a brief rush of air as she lurched forward, the pink and green strands of her hair batting at her face whilst her eyes slightly widened. She could feel one of her pokeballs against her hip wriggling; likely Odessa feeling her trainer's intense terror at the notion of falling and struggling to release herself. Thankfully though,the scatterbrained woman was saved with a flap of ebony wings and the sensation of talons lightly gripping onto her shoulders, followed by a hearty laugh and a voice - wait...

That voice was familiar - perhaps a bit too familiar!

Coming to and out of her brief scare, her famously wide smile returned to her lips as she glanced upwards. Oblivious to the fact that maybe she shouldn't have been moving much whilst hovering over nothing but air, she began to frantically wave at him. "Hey, Adam!" Her greeting was painfully casual for someone that'd very nearly fallen to their death. Settled down onto ground, she brushed herself off, letting out a soft 'phew'. "That was a close one, right? I've fallen off of the ledges before back in the Den, but that was something totally different." She chuckled.

"You could sound a bit happier to see me though!"
Huffing with her cheeks briefly puffed out, she opted to ignore the man's scolding in a bit of retaliation...if just to coddle the wyvern pokemon a bit. Her finger gently stroked underneath Siren's chin a few times, a far softer look in the priestess' eyes in comparison to her usual loud-mouthed nonsense.

"D-Dashing knight?" Noelle abruptly froze, looking left and then right...were those hearts in her eyes? "Mateo's here?! Where is my darling-- mean you?...Mmh...Yeah, sure, sure." For a moment, the woman's eyes had blazed with enough fiery passion to match that of a Charizard's flame. The adoration she held for the Dragon Master was, obviously, no secret in her eyes. And why should it be? They were supposed to get married, after all! Still...ugh, the mere mention of his name left a longing that made her previously, and typically, peppy attitude falter, if just slightly. "He's really not here, is he? Mmh....that sucks..." She complained loudly.
 // dont get her hopes up like that you jerk

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jul 11, 2019 18:43:05 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
Even if he had been mad at her and her reckless abandon when it came to her wellbeing the woman’s overall sunny disposition would’ve made it hard to be mad. ”I’d be happier if it didn’t involve having to prevent a soon to be funeral.” He scoffed, waving a dismissive hand at the prospect her words implied.

His Noivern was more than happy to see the girl, outside of the pampering she was currently receiving the dragon was well familiar with the girl and always enjoyed being around her, even nuzzling her in response to the attention. The sight of her and Noelle brought a bit of a smile to Adam’s face, it was cute.

The nice moment was completely ruined as Noelle shot Adam right through the heart with her Mateo comment. ”You could have at least sort of played along, jeez.” The man hung his head in defeat.

This sort of reaction wasn’t unusual whenever Mateo was brought up and while it was always sort of funny the way she reacted it he honestly wondered how nuts she would have gone if he was actually here. Weren’t they supposed to be getting married? Did that ever happen? No, he was pretty certain he would’ve heard of that if they had already tied the knot.

”Well hey now you don’t have to look so depressed!” Damn he really shouldn’t have brought him up. ”Let’s change the subject!” That should do the trick! ”What brings you to the falls? To check out the beautiful scenery? Catch some Pokémon? Learn more about the ancient people who supposedly lived here?”

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POSTED ON Jul 11, 2019 20:01:54 GMT
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male / own tempo[break]
withdraw / psychic / headbutt / heal pulse




genderless / levitate[break]
explosion / solar beam / psychic / heal block / stone edge / rock polish

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jul 12, 2019 4:23:29 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
nestling into the noivern a bit as a means to 'cure that ache in her heart', her companion thankfully wasn't too offended by her lack of 'going along with it', as he tried to brighten up her dampened mood a bit. thankfully, very few things truly brought the ever smiling woman down.

it didn't take much for her to perk back up with a thoughtful hum. "truthfully," she stated, sounding surprisingly wistful, "there's something about these falls that reminds me of the dragon den.'re not a priestess, it's a bit hard to explain gives me this feeling. a feeling that connects human to pokemon, a dragon tamer to a dragon. it's a nice feeling." she tried to explain the odd phenomena, but, fell a bit short.

stroking her hand over siren's head one last time, a sudden yawn behind them both caused the pinkette to curiously look over her shoulder...and she nearly squealed. just behind them, a slowbro lounged on the ground, looking at utter peace with itself. it noticed the two trainers, yes, but, didn't seem to care in the slightest as it rested with this dopey, at-ease smile. as for noelle? there were literal hearts in her eyes.

"its...its so...cute!" despite her occasionally 'rough and tumble' attitude and less than girly lifestyle, noelle did have her moments, and she wasn't afraid to show them either. and the sight of the scarily large, yet tranquil pokemon only fueled it. without any sense of caution in approaching the wild, reptilian like pokemon, she strolled right up to the slowbro.

"you're adorable!"

"like super cute."

she raised a hand, and the slowbro slowly lifted its own, giving her a high-five with that same, blank, dumb smile. "adam look!" it was...such a simple thing, but, the girl was downright ecstatic. "aren't we cute together?"

she failed to notice the hunk of levitating rock nearby that looked a bit jealous. dangerously jealous, as its tiny red eyes narrowed. it wasn't happy. why wasn't she calling it cute?!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Adam Shepard DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Jul 12, 2019 7:26:54 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
There really wasn’t anything that could keep this girl down and that was something he liked about her. Definitely a good person to be around to keep spirits high, it was definitely hard to feel glum around here with this contagious giggly and playful attitude of hers.

Seriously, he wondered if he had ever seen her actually sad and depressed about anything for more than a moment. Not like he wanted to see that, be sort of a dick move if he did but regardless, negative emotions don’t last long around these parts it would appear. It was like her sort of super power.

”I don’t have to be a priestess to get what you mean.” He began, walking over to Siren and petting the creature lovingly. ”I’ve felt that feeling before many times…well maybe not exactly what you’re talking about but something similar to it. That deep bond you have with your Pokémon and to the world in general. I’ve traveled around to world for years seen so many things, done so many things. Trust me I definitely understand what you’re talking about.” A rare moment of his more serious and sentimental side, not something to take for granted.

He had gotten lost in thought so he completely didn’t notice the Pokémon that appeared and that Noelle’s attention had gone to that rather than what he said. Again the man hung his head in utter shame as the woman fawned over the Slowbro.

”Ah c’mon, again?” He rubbed the back of his head and then looked up to see Noelle playing with the Slowbro. ”Very cute, have a nice super pink thing going on.” If they were any brighter Adam would have to wear sunglasses. The other Pokémon that had appeared looked less than pleased about the whole situation.

”But let’s not forget this cool looking Solrock here!” Adam quickly scurried over to the Pokémon, it looked like it was going to go postal.

”Isn’t this one cool? It’s cool and cute in its own way, right? And a super rare Pokémon to boot! Much cooler than that Slowbro right?!” For the sake of god this was the one time that playing along actually mattered. Hopefully, Adam’s ass-kissing would keep it calm before a fight broke out. The damn thing looked like it was about to explode in anger over who knows what. Adam wasn’t in the mood to have to fight this thing.

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Dragon Princess
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Jul 15, 2019 3:27:14 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
oh, she'd heard that surprisingly sentimental, and serious, statement from the man. and, perhaps one day, she wouldn't mind sitting down and still long enough to converse with him about it...but, today was not that day. not when there was an incredibly adorable pokemon right before her! both pokemon and trainer beamed at the notion of their 'mutual pinkness'. although, noelle couldn't help but pause for a moment, suddenly perking upwards. "i...didn't even notice that we're both pink. oh my god," she breathed out slightly, the childish excitement in her voice incredibly hard to miss. their high-five had, at some point, deteriorated into some form of 'patty cake' as she couldn't help but play with the slowbro a bit. it was such an incredibly relaxed, chill pokemon. far different than the 'high strung' and 'rough' energy most dragons gave off. to her, it was incredibly relaxing, and something she could 'vibe' with quite well.

"adam, who're you talking to-..." Nearly jumping when she noticed how...close that levitating mass of rock had drifted, she stared at it just as equally as it stared back at her. while the solrock was definitely happy that the boy recognized who was really the cutest here...what about the girl?

noelle's face seemed to visibly contort at the thought of the solrock being cuter than the slowbro before her. with her arms wrapped lazily around the lazy, pink pokemon and leaning against it as it dumbly chewed on her hair, it was quite clear who she favored out of the two of them. the solrock's eyes seemed to narrow, its body starting to shake in both anger and...possibly an explosion...uh oh.

"you're not cute," noelle began, and almost immediatedly, a bright light began to envelop the solrock. she was quick to keep on talking, "because you're just so...pretty! those red eyes and, gosh golly me-" 'alright tone it down a bit, make it believable noelle!' "you're round. but...not round. it's...a perfect blend?" starting to run short on things to say as her gaze slid over to adam as if begging for help.

thankfully though, the solrock seemed content. with an almost happy hum, the odd pokemon floated off.

looking up at adam as the slowbro idly patted her head for one reason or another, noelle gave him a thumbs up and a wink. "nailed it, right?" still, the thought of it coming back for 'compliment me round 2' was more than enough to convince her to untangle herself from the slowbro and return to adam's side.

however, hearing the almost sad whine the large pokemon came made her abruptly pause. the two stared at each other for a moment before the girl smiled. "you...maybe wanna come with? it'll be fun with you around!" taking out an empty pokeball, she gently tapped it to the pink pokemon's head, watching as it was absorbed inside.

capture attempt on slowbro!
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POSTED ON Jul 15, 2019 7:13:21 GMT
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male / shell armor[break]
harden / crabhammer / protect / metal claw




female / sand veil[break]
dual chop / dragon rush / slash / sandstorm

Noelle successfully caught the Slowbro!

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POSTED ON Jul 16, 2019 18:25:08 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
Adam let out a deep sigh of relief, if she hadn’t played along there was a very good chance the Solrock might have went postal which would have caused a fight. Granted the girl almost gave her a heart attack in the way she did respond.

His hair might already be basically white but that sure would have made it white then. She might honestly be the death of him at some point so maybe it would be better off to throw her at Mateo and cuff the two of them together. Hell, it’d be doing her a favor that was for sure.

”Yeah you did great,” The man shook his head in response to Noelle, returning a thumbs up. ”But next time let’s not do any dramatic pauses please? You’re going to give me a heart attack.” Adam looked to the Slowbro, at least this one wasn’t a pain to deal with but when are Slowbros really a pain?

The slow Pokémon only ever managed to be mild annoyances when they got in your way but other than that he was a-okay with this Pokémon. This one seemed to like Ms. Dragon Princess and watching their interaction was cute.

The man clapped as the sound of the pokeball indicated that the capture was successful. ”Well isn’t that nice, you’ve got yourself a new buddy there. Slowbros make for interesting Pokémon to raise and care for.” He was happy for the girl. She was branching out from her whole dragon shtick.

Granted he knew about her main Pokémon that wasn’t a dragon at all but it was still to see her diversify. Speaking of Pokémon, there was another duo of Pokémon that appeared. One that did so out of the waters nearby and another that popped from the ground.

Adam figured that the Gabite was going through a series of tunnels that probably stretched all through this place. ”So how about that one, huh?” He’d nudge Noelle with his elbow and point toward the Gabite.

”That’s gotta be up your alley right? Don’t you really like this species?” If memory served him correctly she was a big fan of Garchomp. Adam wasn’t particularly too interested in either, he already had a Garchomp.

I'ma be skipping these boys
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Dragon Princess
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 8, 2019 1:12:10 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
"I think the pause added to the effect of it all. Like, in those romance movies, where the guy says, 'No, I don't like you....I love you.' - that sorta thing...Oh, do you think maybe that's how Mateo feels? Maybe that's why he rejects me when I say I like him." Oblivious as could be to her...'situation' with her 'fiance', Noelle mused aloud with a small hum. Smiling widely at his praise, she gave an eager nod. Having a new pokemon was like adding a nice, spicy mix into your journey; what results it would bear was always a mystery. And yet, that made it all the more interesting.

Pocketing the pokeball, and mentally trying to decide on a name for her newfound companion, the sudden appearance of a gabite provoked a squeal - yes, a squeal from the girl. Without saying a word to Adam, she, once again, raced on up to the gabite. "You are absolutely stunning - my names Noelle, how about we become teammates-" However, unlike the slowbro, Noelle abruptly stopped short as both she and the dragon/ground type met eyes. There was a glower within those sharp eyes, a look of mature experience. The gabite had a few scars here and there. One of the fins of her arms was torn, whilst there was a notable chip in one of its dagger like hand-claws. It wasn't her appearance that made Noelle freeze though, as they locked eyes. As though reading the pokemon like a book and understanding it in a matter of mere moments.

"So that's what it'll take, huh?" She muttered out with a sigh. The dragon let out a snort, turning its back towards the girl, to continue idly digging away at the rough, cavern terrain.

"If I want to catch her, I'll have to beat her in a fight." She soon told Adam. The female seemed...incredibly hesitant though. Which was much unlike her, since, really, when was the ever 'rash and bold Noelle' ever hesitant, or even nervous? "She looks pretty strong though - no, she is strong," she bit her lip, huffing. "I'm not saying I'm scared - Dragon Tamers don't get scared. We're supposed to be super strong and brave - like or @mrtm87 . But...ah..." Rambling on in her bout of rather sudden anxiety, the gabite behind them - who had perhaps looked the slightest bit hopeful - soon merely scoffed in slight disgust.

// gimme my DRAGON
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POSTED ON Aug 15, 2019 14:41:19 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
”Right, right. Whatever you say.” Sheesh this girl was nothing but a handful. Adam wasn’t sure what to do with her! Maybe that’s why Mateo often rejected her, didn’t want to deal with the headache.

Smart guy, though Adam would be lying if he said there wasn’t something endearing about this knucklehead. Honestly the mere thought of it brought about a mix of emotions ranging from annoyed to loving.

Perhaps her handling of one of these new wild Pokémon would yield less stressful results. Adam’s blood pressure could only take so much before he’d end up in the hospital from a heart attack.

And running towards the Gabite without much of a word wasn’t helping either but at least the man trusted that she wouldn’t do anything dumb this time. Her interactions with wild Pokémon might be a bit strange but there was something endearing about it that made Adam smile as he watched her interact with the Gabite.

Though there was something off about this, she was hesitating? Adam figured she’d be all over this Gabite like white on rice but where was this caution coming from? The Gabite was going to wander off and never be seen again if she keeps this up.

”Yes that’s usually how a lot of people capture a wild Pokémon.” The man responded, a brow raised at the girl’s words. ”Oh come on.” Adam groaned to himself as he listened to Noelle ramble on. He walked over to the girl and gave her a light chop to the head.

”What exactly are you doing here?” He asked, not really caring for the answer. ”Aren’t you Noelle Bellemoore? “Dragon Priestess”? Isn’t this your territory? Come on then! This should be easy for you! So grit your teeth and go get em!” Shaking his head, Adam pulled out a capsule hosting one of his Pokémon.

”Or I guess I can catch the Gabite, keep it for myself.” Adam shrugged. ”Might not NEED another one but having too Garchomps is never a bad thing. Oh, I definitely won’t be giving it to you. No need to give it to a scaredy-cat.”

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Dragon Princess
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 16, 2019 6:24:42 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
"ow- hey! you don't have to-" the pinkette's complaint abruptly stopped as the silvery haired man continued. she...was the dragon priestess, yes, but..."that's not-!" this time, she purposely bit her tongue as the man mentioned catching the pokemon himself. he was right though, there was no way a 'scardy cat' could hope to train such a powerful creature or maintain a genuine bond with one. ah...but, what was she saying? she...she was noelle bellemoore, dammit! sure, chance and mateo were stronger than her - but, she had her own way of doing things. and one day, maybe just once, she could offer them both an actual challenge? she'd never get to that level if she shied away from every challenge, now, would she?

"hands off my dragon!" in a spirited shout, a leg cranked back and kicked the man none too gently in the leg. given her monstrous strength it...yeah. still, it was contained and restrained, least she might've sprained his poor ankle. "oh- sorry adam! i got a little bit worked up and uh..." her hands waved about in a frazzled manner, as she felt genuinely bad about hurting him. "...but seriously, stay away from my dragon though," she once again reminded in a more serious tone, a frown permeating her lips and everything.

letting out a little breath, she approached the gabite, who looked over her shoulder to stare at the encroaching human once more. "lets fight," she spoke in confident tone, even if she was honestly a bit shaken up. but, that was something mateo would do in a situation like this, right? no - wait, as much as she admired him, he wasn't her, and she wasn't him. she had to do this, her own way. "the faster i end this, the quicker we can become friends." she offered a bright smile, to which the gabite scoffed, but accepted her challenge with a motion of its jagged claw.

with the toss of a pokeball, argos stood before her. slightly surprised to be out in such an obvious fight, the blastoise looked back at his trainer with a questioning look. "i got this," she beamed with a nod. and then, all at once, the battle began. the gabite charged forward in a dragon rush, a powerful move.

"ah...defend with rapid spin," the tortoise retracted into his shell, spinning swiftly. the two met with an ear ringing clang; the physical attack didn't do too much terrible damage to the turtle whilst he was in his shell. in fact, being far larger than the dragon, he was able to push it back, the sharp spin grinding into the gabite before it was thrown back.

The two clashed several times in an exchange of moves that, noelle surprisingly kept up with. a few times, she stumbled, looking unsure what to do. but, finally, the gabite yielded. with its head bowed in an almost graceful defeat, the two emerged victorious. tapping a pokeball gently onto the dragon's forehead, noelle practically bounced where she stood. "i did it! i ddiiddd it! your face, adam you-" she paused, eyes narrowing for a second. "oh. i get what you did....oh....heh, thanks, adam!"

capturing gabite uwu
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POSTED ON Aug 17, 2019 2:31:51 GMT


what will you do?

female / tough claws[break]
water gun / fury cutter / razor shell / clamp / skull bash



what will you do?

male / rain dish[break]
pursuit / water pulse / roost / growl / aqua ring

successfully captured Gabite!


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POSTED ON Aug 26, 2019 18:56:14 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
Adam had a shit eating grin the entire time, she was so easy to bait. But hey at least it was for the greater good. She didn’t HAVE TO KICK HIM IN THE LEG THOUGH THAT SHIT HURT WHAT THE HELL! ”Jeeeeez, was that really necessary!” The man laughed as he grabbed his leg and feigned a serious injury.

”Fine, fine! Go fight the damn lizard!” Now that was more like it, that was the spirit that he loved to see outta her. All anyone really needed was a bit of a push and they would be gold.

And she did a pretty good job all things considered; he wondered why she was hesitant before. Wasn’t dealing with dragon types her whole thing? Maybe there was some sort of pressure and anxiety pushed on her due to her position?

Sheesh, this whole dragon family was filled with a bunch of weirdos who were going to be the end of him. But hey he was asking for it he supposed, he loved hanging around them it was never a dull moment. Though having a nice relaxing day would be nice, maybe he should hit up the beach or something soon.

”Finally caught onto it, huh?” Adam smirked. ”Maybe next time you can skip the leg kicking.” He laughed.

”But I never hear or see that oh what am I gonna do! sorta shit from you again, alright?! You’re a dragon! Not a scared little baby.” The two Pokémon that he could see nearby them didn’t interest him any at all.