Murphy, Katrina

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @katrinamurphy
katrina murphy
Murphy, Katrina
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2023 2:33:54 GMT
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[attr="class","freiwantttop1"]- □ x




nameKatrina Murphy
played byLynn

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER FACTION league

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER RANK cadet

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]FACE CLAIM Anastasia from Fate Grand Order

[attr="class","freiwantttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER





  • Shy: So, people should not mistake this for her being scared and cowardly because she's actually rarely scared. But what this is it's a reflection of her lack of self-confidence. She was focusing on so much to not be a cookie cutter type of princess girl like her family told her she was. That she forgot to leave room for her self-confidence. She explains it like building a character and giving it points but forgetting to leave enough left-over points for the self-confidence. This is why she joined the league to do something good, and to also get the friends to help her show her self-confidence alone she can't do it she relies on this to give her those points she forgot to give herself.
  • Disorganized: If you have occ about things going in the right place might not want to be near her. Although she does hyper focus on her box of Pokémon a house or pokeball arranging she doesn't keep anything else organized her brothers would legit have to train her how to keep her outfits even organized. This also carries over to not being prepared very well. Like she is the person that will always say oh shoot I never thought about needing a jacket where it rains often. Thats how disorganized her thoughts can get.
  • Hoarder: Now a lot of people think of hording items or things like that no she's a type and pokeball hoarder. She will grab and buy any pokeballs she currently does not have in her stock. If she doesn't have at least two of them she takes jobs to get money to get enough to get an even amount of that pokeball. If she doesn't have one, then she will get that too. It can be a real problem and that's only pokeballs. Her type hoarding is worse she only really works with ice, electric and fairy type pokemon sometimes water but she's not as bad with hoarding water types. She will capture any and all electric, fairy, or ice types. Let's say she has 10 delibirds she finds another doesn't matter if she already has ten, she will catch another. Same goes for the other two types. As you can tell this can create a very big problem. So, her friends should make her really think on if she needs the pokemon and make her trade one of her others if she gets another of that same species. Unless you're a fellow hoarder too then you will love this trait of hers.
  • Bewildered: Her friends some will not really notice this, but others will be confused by the things she does some of them. So, when you're just getting to know her, this is a trait that stands out a lot. This also is how crooks might explain meeting her. But see appearance for more info on this one. Meaning the explanation on why crooks often find her to be bewildering.
  • Meddlesome: Now this can be both good and bad for her. She always had a habit of ease dropping she knows it's not good manners, but she can't help it if there's a problem, she wants to help to solve it. If there's something you're not doing that she sees as right, she will interject herself and give her opinion. Sometimes this is a good thing sometimes it's a bad thing. But this is something anyone whose friends with her will have to accept she cares to much about other people's problems and trying to help them, so they are happy.
  • Brave: Like was said before she really doesn't get scared that easily, sure she's scared of things like her family dying, Pokémon dying, or someone getting hurt cause of her. But other than that, she doesn't really get scared of anything. Now this doesn't mean she doesn't feel fear it means she's willing to go despite of her fears. She doesn't let them bug her till the job or task is done. She had to be brave to stand up to her family who always told her she was their little princess. Although she lets her brother do that because she's his only sister she never let her parents do it. She has learned she has to be brave to do the work she wants to do. But this doesn't mean she should just rush into things not thinking about the dangers. So, she's brave but not so brave that she will just rush into anything without thinking first.
  • Sweet: This is why her brother calls her a princess is because of her sweet and gentle heart. Her parents call her it because she's their little girl their only daughter of 4 boys. Her brother calls her it for a different reason which is why he gets away with it. She is very sweet which is part of what gives off a naive and not weak but not strong type of air about her. Being around her even how she sounds like you're talking to a soft sweet piece of cotton candy. She's so sweet that some people get repulsed by it. Now she can always turn sour just like everyone can, but her general personality is very sweet and caring.
  • Adaptable: This is one of her best skills but also one of her biggest personality qualities. She is able to adapt to different situations she's put in. She is very good at reading situations and adapting herself to those different situations. Her other personality traits can sometimes collide with this skill so she's not perfect at reading situations. But she's usually pretty good. She can handle almost any kind of weather condition cold being her favorite. She able to make many friends this way too. But like was said just because she has this trait doesn't make her perfect to even close to perfect at reading people. Just gives her a little bit of a boost.
  • Independent: She has been independent since she was little leaving home as soon as she turned old enough to go on a journey where one of her little brothers waited a year. She then by age sixteen had gone to two regions in that amount of time where her younger brothers took longer to leave home for that long. She always has been more of a person to handle things herself rather than rely on help. Even when it came to her Pokémon's help, she would at first not accept any help. Which turned this positive into a somewhat negative she's learning she can't do everything on her own and is still working on accepting help from others.
  • Prudent: So, she doesn't apply this to money first off, she's not careful with that in the slightest. But like was said when we said she was brave. She is not so brave that she will rush into something without thinking about it. This personality trait is why. She doesn't rush into those kinds of situations without thinking first. She never has. Shes always wayed the different outcomes. So, although she doesn't fallow this all the time like with her hoarding and money handling. But any other situations this often helps out in those times.

  • Types: Ice, Fairy, Electric
  • Food: Sweet or Sour food
  • Smell: Pecha Berries
  • Favorite pokemon:
    Zebstrika, Mr. Rime, Mimikyu
  • Favorite Legendary: Articuno (kanto, and Galarian)
  • Favorite Region: Unova

  • Bitter Food
  • Fighting Types
  • Grass Pokemon (unless part one of her favorites)
  • Team Rocket's Goal
  • Space
  • History
  • Sabrina (dont ask why)
  • Anything Spicy
  • Fire Pokemon
  • Being Considered a princess
  • Ancient Ruins (she finds them boring)

  1. Marina Murphy: Mom | in her late 40's | Famous Actress | Rocky Relationship
  2. Damion Murphy: Father | EARLY 50'S | Director | Hates Him
  3. Edward Murphy | Older Brother | 27 | League Member | Brother Shes closest to
  4. Logan Murphy | Younger Brother | 18 | Rocket Grunt - Pokeball Maker | Worries about him
  5. McCay Murphy | 16 | League - Working to be a researcher/professor | Okay relationship
  6. Malcom "Mal" Murphy | Transgender MTF | 14 | League - no job | doesn't know him well but doesnt hate him

[break][break]Story begins:[break] So she was born the second child of a very rich family. At the time they were so happy they finally had their princess they already had their prince. But when her hair started coming in her father hated it. For he was blonde his mother had pink hair most the time but was born with blonde hair. How did she become a white hair which carried later to her youngest brother. He didn't like this however her mother still called her their princess and eventually her father got over it. He didn't ever forget though that she wasn't perfect. She and her brother were kept together putting them into classes together to try to make them perfect. She hated this so did her brother. Eventually when they were old enough, he even waited till she was old enough. They left home together to explore their home region.

[break][break]This is where she first Pokémon and got her first pokeball. Her brother had gotten one of the standard starters and let her use his Pokémon to catch hers. She didn't catch the first Pokémon she battled but did randomly find something tossed way that someone though wasn't of any value it turned out to be a fossil. So, they took it to the lab and her first Pokémon Sarina the Amaura was born. This was her first Pokémon later. By the time she was a teenager they ended up two other regions adding Jerika the oricorio pom pom style. Then Mic the dedenne. After they went to the next place, she got her final Pokémon. Nickel the cutiefly, then they separated paths once they got to this region. She loves her brother but now she needed to go enter the league as a job on her own. She expects to still see her brother from time to time but this was her time.


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TAG WITH @shiv
Murphy, Katrina
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2023 20:56:25 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]WELCOME TO HOENN!


congratulations on being accepted! ensure that you have read the site rules and view the getting started page should you require some guidance for the beginning of your journey. we hope you enjoy your stay in hoenn![break][break]

your character will begin with 50 pokedollars & 5 pokeballs,[break]which you can add to your personal computer (PC).


[attr="class","omacceptedlinks2"]FACE CLAIMS