Kahilii, Caleb

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @calebe
Caleb Kahilii
Kahilii, Caleb
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2023 5:38:28 GMT
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[attr="class","freiwantttop1"]- □ x




nameCaleb Kahilii
played byLynn

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER FACTION league

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER RANK Citizen

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]Aomine Daiki Kuroko No Basketball

[attr="class","freiwantttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER




  • Broad-minded: Although he can have a temper this doesn't mean he's not open minded. He's got a very broad mind. He is open to other options and is not often easy to get offended by someone's words. Not only is he not easily offended he also tends to see both good and bad sides. He only is with the league so he can play sprots. He doesn't think that all league members are good, and some are bad. Just as some rocket members are good and some are bad. He doesn't see it as one sided. He likes to look on both sides.
  • Driven: He is a very driven person for other this is both a good and bad thing depending on who you ask. For himself it can be very harmful to him. He will work himself to exhaustion that's how driven he is. To others this is seen as a person who loves what they do. But overall, it's a pretty good thing for him. He just needs friends that will point out when he's working himself into the ground. He loves playing sports and will do it as long as he can till, he breaks himself.
  • Sociable: He is the definition of a social butterfly. He is not at all shy about talking. He can even be too sociable. He has to be though to him as it wouldn't due to be a sport player that doesn't talk to their fans. Although don't take him in a library as he will probably get you kicked out of the library. This causes him to have friends on both sides of the line combined with his broad mind.
  • Confident: If you are the type to try to get someone to doubt themselves just give up now on doing that to him. He is very confident in himself, and almost never doubts that he can do something. However, many people mistake this for him being prideful and full of himself. He is not overly confident. He does sometimes go like oh we will lose this game. But then he thinks I will give it my all as long as I do that it anything is possible. He loves this about himself this is part of the combination that makes him so good at sports.
  • Deep Thinking: Almost nothing is straight forward with him. He can often be found lost in thought and daydreaming. He always thinks about things like the meaning of life and deep meanings to everything in this life. This doesn't mean he thinks deeply all the time though as he can be somewhat impulsive. But he does take time to think about this before judging something. He doesn't make decisions about people till he gives it deep thought.
  • Fun-Loving: If you're looking for a friend that will go on adventures with you go have a coffee, or anything that involves having fun he's your guy. He's not the kind of guy that likes to sit around and play video games he's the kind that likes to get out and go do things. Although if you want to play games, he will do that with you too. He's all about having fun and enjoying life to the fullest. He also makes sure he has fun doing it even though life may get hard for him. He tries to make everything fun although he doesn't always succeed.


  • Messy: If you are someone that loves things clean and orderly or have ocd with those kinds of things. This is something that might drive you insane about him. Although he keeps himself clean the area or space or items around him are never super clean. If you ever go to his place never expect it to be clean. Although he is not the type to have moldy food on purpose sometimes, he does forget about things and push them off till too late. So, if you're his friend you might have to nag him about this.
  • Childish: If you're someone that does not like fart jokes, dad jokes, crude and dark humor. Or that takes things seriously and in a grown-up way. You will most likely butt heads with him a lot. He is an adult that never fully grew up and may never fully grow up. Although he can be a deep thinker, he is very childish and always has wild and crazy stories he likes to tell. Although some people love this about him it can get annoying.
  • Unpredictable: Although this is great for the court this is not a good side that's become almost habit for him. It started as a way to protect himself from being hurt by others. But now it became a large negative and the most likely reason for him to lose friends. This doesn't make him it disloyal, but it does make him hard to predict. This is mostly a problem if you're first trying to learn if you can trust him. For example, if you're a rocket grunt he's so unpredictable that you won't know if you can trust him not to turn you in. Same with any info he gets on trainers from the league. But he doesn't like betraying people so once you learn you can trust him and can move past the fact, he's unpredictable.
  • Disorganized: This goes along with him being messy. So again, if you like things organized you won't like this about him. He never knows where anything is. Until he really needs it. Often his starter has to bring him some things when he loses them. He doesn't keep track of anything and will even sometimes lose his Pokémon in crowds which is why his Pokémon have a buddy system in case they get lost. He has lost them before, and this had been a problem his Pokémon though have his back and came up with this solution.
  • Cooperative: The thing is you would think this would be a great thing which it often is and can make it easy for him to make friends with. But it can also make it so that the opposite is true. Do not mistake this for him being gullible though or naive it is different. He chooses to be able to be persuaded but it will take a lot to get him to do this because of how deep of a thinker he is. This also doesn't mean he can't be persuaded back to the good side or to do the opposite, so you never know. Which is why this is dangerous for him and can be a double-edged sword for anyone else.
  • Focused: As was said before this is that negative side to him being driven. Because he is so focused on being driven for his own goals. He can get too focused. Which can make it, so he forgets to eat and sleep. That's why it's one of his Pokémon his starters job to look after him like a mom or father would. Being focused can be a good thing meaning he's not easily distracted but for him its more of a negative cause he forgets to take care of himself, and by extension sometimes his Pokémon without meaning to.

[break][break]Can be good and bad:

  1. Earthy: This can apply to two things with him. One he's very down to earth which is what this mostly means for him, but he also loves Pokémon and wants to see them living good lives. So, if you hurt humans, he may give you chances to prove you can change. If you hurt your Pokémon, you're on his enemy list. The other thing this means is he's very plain and simple with what he wears and eats. He's not very adventurous with his outfits or what he eats. He likes to be comfortable so if you want him to try something different it may take a lot of convincing. Which is why this can both be a good and bad thing about him depending on what side of this you see.
  2. Private: Although this is normally not an issue with him opening up there are times where he is very private. This is very concerning to his Pokémon and his friends. When he's being quiet and private and seems over all moodier it means somethings wrong. Or that something happened to him. You would normally think to leave someone alone with their private thoughts. But for him this is very dangerous. So, when he does get private even if it feels like you're pressing him too much for answers or if he gets mad at you for pushing him to answer you. It's always better for him in the long run.
  3. Unreligious: This is bad as far as his family is concerned. He doesn't have a religion that he goes by. He is driven by his own beliefs that Pokémon deserve so much more than people do. So as long as it's not harmful to Pokémon he doesn't care what you do. Even unto himself or his family this is something some see as sick and twisted of him. Especially if you hate Pokémon.
  4. Sceptic: This has to do with his region although he doesn't believe that there is a spiritual realm that humans can go to like how people tell him his parents are at peace, he is a skeptic and doesn't believe in that kind of thing. Doesn't mean he doesn't want to believe he just can't right now. He loves to do test peoples beliefs which is another thing he can be a skeptic with he thinks a lot of people don't go by their own beliefs and just fallow what other people believe. This can be a very cruel thing about him or judgey thing about him.

  1. Sports/Basketball
  2. Being Active
  3. Fast Pokemon
  4. Being Comfortable
  5. His family
  6. Sunrises
  7. Ancient Ruins
  8. History


  1. Fast Pokmeon
  2. Priority Moves
  3. Summer/Spring
  4. Pokemon in general
  5. Warm Days/Sunny Days
  6. Basketball

  1. Religion
  2. Pokemon Being Hurt
  3. People Trying To Change Him
  4. Snow Sports
  5. Fasion
  6. Math
  7. Video Games
  8. Being Stuck Inside


  1. Aerophobia: This is the fear of flying. He doesn't exactly hate Hights, but he does hate flying. When he's flying somewhere he it is out of his control. Hights he is in control. So, he hates flying unless it's on the back of a Pokémon he trusts. But flying in a plane forget it.
  2. Autophobia: This can be divided into three different fears that are all combined. Fear of isolation some Pokémon have separation anxiety. But for him and his Pokémon he's the one with this problem not his Pokémon. Fear of being abandoned can also be part of this fear. Then the fear of losing control of himself is also a part of this. These are the three different parts this fear can be divided into.
  3. Nosocomephobia: Fear of hospitals. Pretty self-explanatory if you know his history. This is a big word for being afraid of hospitals. This does not include Pokémon centers although he does get on edge in those its human hospitals, he has the big phobia of. Here he will not only be on edge, but he will be having anxiety attacks and panic attacks. He knows he sometime has to go to these but don't expect him to be calm when in these places.

[break]Ages 0-11 yrs: [BREAK]He was born to a young couple that would go and explore ancient ruins. He didn't really get a chance to know them sadly. His mother died giving birth to him in the hospital he had gotten his name from her as this is what she wanted to name him. So even though his father had not wanted to name him this, it was in honor of his mother's wishes that he was named Caleb. He did know his father a little but sadly not as much as he wanted to. There was an accident when he was six years old. His father then died at a hospital due to injuries in a rockslide when exploring some ancient ruins. Doctors had done the best they could but he couldn't be saved. He was then raised by his grandparents his mom's parents as his father had been distant from his family due to them being part of a cult.
[BREAK]Ages 12 to 18 yrs: He had a pretty happy life with his grandparents and even started life as a trainer at this time receiving his first three Pokémon. However, things where still hard for him as he had learned more about what happened to his mother and father. But he was glad to know stories about his parents as they were things that were important to him. Sadly, at age sixteen his grandparents one after the other had become to old to care for him. As he was sent to an orphanage. Bouncing from foster home to foster home till age 18 when he aged out. He had gotten a scholarship of basketball during this time.[break]
Ages 18-20 yrs:[break]He has now graduated normal school and now has been transferred to the Honnen region for sports. He has since then gained three new Pokémon. His Pokémon are his family for him, and he loves every single one of them.

[break]History Of His Pokemon:

  • Joel - Eevee: His starter his first Pokémon and planned to evolve into a Jolteon. This is the Pokémon who is very father/motherly to him and is pretty much his caregiver. He has been with Caleb since Caleb was 10 yrs old. So, for over 9 years.
  • Hollow - Ghastly: This was his second Pokémon and the one he had first caught on his own with the help of Joel. He found this Pokémon among some ancient ruins that his grandparents had told him about. This is Joels buddy when they are exploring in case, she gets lost or separated from Caleb and the other Pokémon. Caleb has owned her for 8 yrs.
  • Skidds - Skiddo: Skidds is the one that tends to get lost the most and gets into the most trouble due to her curious nature. Skids as her name is pronounced is his Pokémon that acts the youngest out of his Pokémon even though she isn't all that young. In fact, she been his mother's Pokémon that had been in the hospital after his father's accident. First owned by his mother, then his father and then him when he was old enough and experienced enough. He has had her for 6 years now.
  • Carl - Karrablast: Named after his father this Pokémon loves battling although it's not his strongest Pokémon it is one of his bravest that doesn't care what the challenge is it is determined to prove itself. Much like he heard his dad was which is why its named after his father. Carl is Skidds buddy in the exploring buddy system and also the one that often battles next to skidds when battling. He's only had him for five years, so they are not as close as his other Pokémon are to him.
  • Flecher -- fletchling: He is his second newest Pokémon and was a gift when drafted by the team that he now plays for. They have only known each other 2 years so he still is learning more about him.
  • Starz - Staryu: His newest Pokémon of a year. They just have met and so this and fletcher together are getting to know each other. This is often Flechers partner although they don't know each other well.

[break]* Is one of the fastest basketball players in the world.
[break]* Hates slow Pokémon for this reason she slowpoke line is one of his least favorite Pokémon.
[Break]* He values his friends as family even if they don't want to be called family.
[break]* Doesn't exactly like to battle with his Pokémon and has befriended all his current Pokémon.
[break]* His least favorite Pokémon in the world is Shuckle since it's the slowest Pokémon in the current Pokémon world.
[break]* He is an only child.

[break]Wishlist Items:
[break]* Quick Balls
[break]* Any Speed Increasing Items
[break]* Speed Increasing Berries

[break]Wishlist Pokemon: [break]
|  |  | [break]


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Kahilii, Caleb
POSTED ON Nov 13, 2023 5:52:09 GMT
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