AZ Excursion A: MMM, Mitsuru Marina Moment

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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April 8
Ecruteak City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Mitsuru Kagami
AZ Excursion A: MMM, Mitsuru Marina Moment
POSTED ON Mar 22, 2024 6:05:57 GMT
Mitsuru Kagami Avatar
Finally, after hours of aimlessly wandering through the Great Chasm, Mitsuru had made it to the enigmatic Area Zero.

The glow of a hundred Tera Crystals danced upon the still waters of an underground lake. The shining lights do not clash, but instead, they blend into a harmonious kaleidoscope. Even the Feebas, idly swimming about the waters below, are works of art, their dull scales a canvas upon which all the colours of the rainbow and beyond are painted.

It's breathtaking. Or, maybe the oxygen down here is just thinner than up above? Whatever the case, Mitsuru hasn't moved since she first laid eyes upon the sprawling cavern.

This is it. The place she's looking for. If Raikou, Entei, and Suicune are truly to be found in this place, then she'll find them here.

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castelia city
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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marina blanc
AZ Excursion A: MMM, Mitsuru Marina Moment
POSTED ON Mar 24, 2024 1:46:35 GMT
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a flash from a compact digital camera reflects against all crystals, blinding everyone in the cavern.

"oh, no. oh, no, i can't see. fudgesicles."

her soft voice echoes on the walls surrounding the underground lake, breaking the silence it would have otherwise had.

combined with their eyes adjusting to low visibility underground, the sudden exposure to bright lights were made extra effective. marina rubs her eyes as the camera hangs on a strap attached to her wrist.

"vaporeon, are you there?" she calls out, still rubbing her eyes.


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April 8
Ecruteak City
5'11" height
5'11" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Mitsuru Kagami
AZ Excursion A: MMM, Mitsuru Marina Moment
POSTED ON Mar 24, 2024 5:03:39 GMT
Mitsuru Kagami Avatar
And then, without so much as a word of warning, she was flashbanged.


A yelp of pain filled the air as every crystal in the cavern explodes into blinding light. Mitsuru forced her eyes shut as she staggered forth, her body struggling to process the eye-searing pain it just experienced. Ow ow ow ow OW OW OW! What the heck?! Foolishly, she took an uneven step forward, immediately sending her sense of balance out of whack. So, she took another forward, and like the swaying of a pendulum, she was now off-balance in the opposite direction. One step forward, one step back, one step forward, one step back, she staggered back and forth, trying to get a grip, until--


She accidentally tripped over a stray Vaporeon, and proceeded to stumble forward, right over the edge, and down to a lower level.


She was lucky, really. Compared to her previous fall, at least this was only five feet instead of a hundred. But then she thought about it for a second, and came to a different conclusion: The fact that she could even make that comparison meant that wasn't even the slightest bit lucky!

Ugh... Well, at least her landing had been soft...

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march 1st
castelia city
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5'5" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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marina blanc
AZ Excursion A: MMM, Mitsuru Marina Moment
POSTED ON Mar 24, 2024 18:51:04 GMT
marina blanc Avatar
due to their mostly water based biology, there’s no doubt in their mind that a vaporeon would be incredibly wet. it would make sense for someone to slip and fall when they come into contact with it.

the weak mewl similar to the sound of a puppy whose paw was accidentally stepped on pointed marina to the direction of her pokemon in her blindness. she could see the silhouette of a figure fall down as she forces her eyes open.

adjusting her sight to her surroundings was becoming a problem.

"hello?" she calls out. "are you hurt?"

hoenn was indeed a dangerous place when you can just slip and fall anywhere. she supposed she has to report to her superiors about these particular dangers for when someone asks for life insurance.


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April 8
Ecruteak City
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5'11" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Mitsuru Kagami
AZ Excursion A: MMM, Mitsuru Marina Moment
POSTED ON Mar 25, 2024 5:05:12 GMT
Mitsuru Kagami Avatar
"I'm fine! I'm fine..."

She wasn't, but she also wasn't eight years old, so she couldn't complain about her ouches and owies anymore without sounding extremely silly.

With a groan, Mitsuru peeled herself off the ground (and the poor unsuspecting Stunfisk that had broke her fall). Then, with an even louder, more unathletic groan, she grabbed onto the ledge and dragged herself back up to the main level of the cave. It was, frankly, an embarrassing display. On one hand, she was lucky that only Marina was around to see it. On the other hand, oh heck, Marina was around to see it.

Still, she rubbed her eyes, cleared her throat, and did her best to ignore the obvious blush spreading across her face.

"It's nothing serious, just a few scrapes and bruises. Some jerk flashed the entire cave, and I got so disoriented, I lost my balance. Ugh, seriously, the nerve of some people? Can you believe it? But, Ah! Enough about me, are you okay? You didn't get caught up in any of that, did you?"

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march 1st
castelia city
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5'5" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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marina blanc DOLLARS
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marina blanc
AZ Excursion A: MMM, Mitsuru Marina Moment
POSTED ON Mar 25, 2024 7:00:47 GMT
marina blanc Avatar
"oh, um, hehe..."

she hides her camera discretely to her pockets.

"i just didn't move when that flash went off." she was more startled than anything, and not moving was her default response. "i probably should have though, just in case that was from one of those paradox pokemon i heard."

the vaporeon, on the other hand, was obviously moving around. if it didn't trip her directly, she probably would've slipped from all the liquids that came out of it.

"do you think it could be one of them that caused it?" she asks.


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April 8
Ecruteak City
5'11" height
5'11" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Mitsuru Kagami
AZ Excursion A: MMM, Mitsuru Marina Moment
POSTED ON Mar 27, 2024 10:32:01 GMT
Mitsuru Kagami Avatar
"A Paradox Pokemon?"

Mitsuru blinked. Huh! Now that she mentioned it, that certainly seemed plausible! Maybe one of them caused that big flash? She looked around, peering to the left and to the right, glancing over her shoulders, and even leaning over to take a peek at the fish in the water. Yet no matter where she looked, she couldn't see any sign of a dinosaur nor a robot...

...Ow. Why did her neck feel so stiff? And her head was so heavy, too. She really hoped she didn't break anything when she fell...

"No, I don't think so." Mitsuru shook her head, though given how little it moved, it barely seemed like it. "At least, I don't see any around here. I think if they did do it, we would've noticed them by now, right?"

Unbeknownst to Mitsuru and very beknownst to Marina, there WAS a Paradox Pokemon among them. In fact, it was far closer than the mystic seemed to think. Perched atop of Mitsuru's head, little feet precariously balanced on her head, was none other than an Iron Bundle.

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march 1st
castelia city
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5'5" height
5'5" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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marina blanc DOLLARS
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marina blanc
AZ Excursion A: MMM, Mitsuru Marina Moment
POSTED ON Mar 27, 2024 15:42:50 GMT
marina blanc Avatar

she stutters as she watches one in front of her. she's been told that it's dangerous, and she's not going to take chances.

"paradox pokemon!"

she grabs her vaporeon and uses it as a shield against the iron bundle, only for it to freeze-dry the pokemon immediately, rendering it useless in a fight in one hit.


marina lobs her frozen vaporeon at it, mustering strength in times of need. it hits the pokemon off of mitsuru, after which marina recalls her pokemon back to its ball in a panic.


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April 8
Ecruteak City
5'11" height
5'11" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
69 posts
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TAG WITH @tsuru
Mitsuru Kagami
AZ Excursion A: MMM, Mitsuru Marina Moment
POSTED ON Mar 27, 2024 18:09:46 GMT
Mitsuru Kagami Avatar

At first, Mitsuru was confused. Then, as a spray of snow blasted out from right above her, she was even more confused. Finally, she turned her head upwards, and all of her questions were answered.


Much like the poor Vaporeon, Mitsuru froze. Except instead of extreme cold, she was frozen by extreme panic. What? Huh? When? Why? Why her? Heck? Heck. HECK!

The mystic wasn't sure what she was supposed to do, but in the end, she didn't get a chance to do anything. Instead, Marina threw her ice cube of a Vaporeon straight at the robot, hitting it head-on. That was good! Except for the fact that its tail ended up nailing her right in the nose. That was bad.

"ACK!" THUNK. And then, unconsciousness.

And so, for the second time in the last few minutes, she fell. This time, however, instead of a nice soft Stunfisk breaking her fall, she landed on hard, rigid metal. Needless to say, CRUNCH.

The battle was over. The two of them laid there, one defeated by head trauma, the other defeated by head trauma related clumsiness. In the end, only Marina remained standing.

If only there were an insurance package that could've prevented this. Alas.


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march 1st
castelia city
damage assessor
5'5" height
5'5" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
28 posts
marina blanc DOLLARS
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marina blanc
AZ Excursion A: MMM, Mitsuru Marina Moment
POSTED ON Mar 29, 2024 5:29:28 GMT
marina blanc Avatar
"so, um..."

she doesn't kmow what to do now, but she knows she can't leave her alone. area zero was a dangerous place, and she heard these strange pokemon will kill on sight.

"i'm so sorry for this!"

she grabs her feet and drags her across the ground to get her out of the underground cavern housing the lake. maybe they can get help once they're out of here.


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AZ Excursion A: MMM, Mitsuru Marina Moment
POSTED ON Mar 29, 2024 5:32:37 GMT
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