Get the Goods and Get Out

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2019 2:38:54 GMT
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what will you do?

male / gluttony[break]
flame burst / crunch / yawn / lick




what will you do?

female / flash fire[break]
fire spin / safeguard / flamethrower / will-o-wisp

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POSTED ON Dec 1, 2019 6:00:39 GMT
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She takes to the idea well enough and Evan rewards her with a grin. He was hoping she would. It'll make their venture forward a little easier. "When you're getting worn thin it's best to think about how you can make your life a little easier.' he comments. something he's gotten the idea of through experimentation and with time, self education that allowed him to learn how best to put pokemon together. He returns the musharna, content that they shouldn't need him for awhile.

He tries not to laugh this time, he really does. It's exactly the kind of answer he expected and it amuses him to no end that she gives it the way she does. Listing it off like it should be a given almost and he doesn't really blame her. Most would look like that, he's something far more off the beaten path as the owner of something that would match none of that at all. "I don't think I would want to bat for any of that anyway!" he says, chuckling through his words again and grinning. It's a genuine sentiment, the idea of being so very mundane is almost appalling. Perhaps he really isn't suited to being an owner after all was he?

"Especially since it gets better, I have plenty of rings back home-" it's almost weird to call it that, but in a way having somewhere to leave things he doesn't really need to be carrying with him is a good thing. "I try not to have them on when I travel so I can't lose them and I think the absolute best I can offer you is the turtleneck I wear when it's cold because otherwise I'm usually a little bit of a mess." he says with pure honesty, because it's true. He doesn't get much more close to looking like an 'owner' but he's never really put much thought into what anything is supposed to look like, at least not things like that.

Evan reaches down to pet the Shinx in much the same fashion he had his own pokemon, smiling down at it while his Vaporeon twists its head sideways at the pokemon. The wide eyes make it almost as eery as when his trainer does it and they are a far more fitting match than they may seem. The water type chirps and bats his head against the other's paw before standing and slipping behind the other pokemon. Trainer and pokemon realize wha's to come in Tandem and Evan reaches to pull the shinx over with him as his vaporeon's body drips with acid seeping through his scales.

The crunch of the Simisage's teeth means little against the acid now filling its mouth from his acid armor, the water gun is simply the cherry on the cake pushing the fire type back and away again as it turns to look for others that be seeking a fight.

>>no capture

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Annie Mei
Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 16:35:18 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar
Annie put a finger to her bottom lip. “Sounds like a wise man’s words,” she muttered, her tone implying that it didn’t suit him much. “But I’ll try to think of it more.” He had some good points, and maybe even good intentions, but he was threatening to ruin the points he’d earned from her with his chuckles. She realised a moment later that he wasn’t laughing at her – just the idea of being normal. At least they could agree on that much.

“I guess I get it. Normal people spend their whole lives just drifting through, blending in. Sounds… dull. And boring. And lame. I don’t know about getting all those holes in me though. That sounds… painful.” Then again, she wasn’t in much of a position to judge. She was lucky that her clothes could be mistaken for a planned outfit, and not the cobbled together batch of charity shop clothes that they were. “If I wanted to give myself some flare – and I do – I would go for something less… permanent. Like a signature style or a hat. A really fancy, one-of-a-kind hat. A leader-y hat, so everybody knows who’s in charge.”

He purred under Evan’s hand, and met the Vaporeon’s eyes with hope and happiness. Small as he may have been, he wasn’t easily unnerved- even as the other trainer tugged him aside. He merely looked confused, as did Annie, but only the latter jumped as the Simisage tried to take a chunk out of its prey. The Shinx was on the alert for more enemies, but only found a Vulpix peering out from behind a rock. Its large eyes reflected curiosity instead of intimidation – a welcome change from the waves of Pokemon they’d been facing. Bolt looked to his trainer for orders; once she’d steadied her heart from the attack, she nodded to him. “Alright, go make a friend.”

Off he went, keeping to a walk and showing a faint smile, so the wild one knew that he meant no harm. That left Annie more time to interrogate the old man. “Why so many, then? Doesn’t it hurt, or take a while to take on and off? Don’t they get cold at night or something? And why try so hard to stand out anyway? I mean, I’ve got my reasons, but people call them silly all the time.” Likely because she only told them half of it. “So I wanna hear yours. Maybe there’s some secret that I’m missing.”

The Shinx returned from his mission, new friend not far behind. Both of them looked up at the trainer expectantly. That was all that she needed to see. She pulled out a Pokeball and showed it to the Vulpix. It didn’t back away, which was her cue to tap it against its head.

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Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2019 2:39:21 GMT
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what will you do?

male / effect spore[break]
rage powder / giga drain / spore / toxic




what will you do?

male / rivalry[break]
hyper voice / work up / fire fang / crunch

Annie caught the Vulpix successfully!
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Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2019 7:09:50 GMT
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"No hurry to master it really."

And being creative takes time, not everyone thinks about things in combos, it's easy to get caught up in the straight forward path and he figures she'll figure her own out with time. He was just helping as he was prone to do.

She continues to talk and he nods along, chuckling at her gusto. As long as she has a game plan no? Better to be looking for something than nothing at all as far as evan was concerned. "Every body has their own thing dear, mine just happens to be metal and ink. I wish you luck in your hat search." he's sure she'll find something one day. Or maybe multiple hats even. In truth there are worse things for her to seek out than hats.

In the midst of their conversation the pokemon wander off, his own seems to be tempted by something in the bushes and he allows him to roam free for the moment. She poses a valid question of him and his hand reaches for his chin in a faux show of thinking it over. Perhaps looking for the best way to explain it. Evan doesn't actually have to think about it though because the truth is, he's not going to tell her the full reason. It's nothing to do with her and everything to do with his lack of a want to talk about.

"It hurts at first but you get used to it. Once your body heals it doesn't hurt any more. I have to avoid harsh cold- usual night time chill isn't that big of a deal but frosting temperatures are. If it's cold enough it'll settle into the metal and it takes it longer to get warm again than not and can potentially cause frostbite or irritation to the surrounding skin and tissue." he's a bit matter of fact about it, figuring if she's smart enough to ask the questions she's smart enough to be given the answers. besides, it never hurts to teach someone a little about this kind of thing. "Removal and replacement is pretty easy for the most part and I have to do it for regular cleaning like any other hygiene matters but it's just part of having them." he seems to gloss over why he had so may and skips to a half answer. "And I have them because I like them, not really to stand out." well he has the specific piercings that are in his skin because he likes them. The actual placement has more meaning but he's not going to get into that.

While the two of them are busy chatting his pokemon finds a mushroom in the grass and deides its gross. the double kick is sufficient enough warning to send it running down the trail.

beat up foongus

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Employee at the Stray
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Annie Mei
Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2019 16:19:15 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar
Nothing about the process of getting and maintaining a piercing sounded appealing to the girl, and it showed. He could have explained the concept of cooties to her and gotten the same reaction. Still, she’s kind enough to spare him her comments, beyond a “…I guess. To each their own, right?” Her question had gone mostly unanswered, but if calling him out on that meant having to endure more talk about putting holes in himself, then she’d happily pass.

Instead, she looked down, hoping to find Bolt. Of course, her Pokemon had taken her moment of distraction as a chance to wander off and pick a fight. The roars of a Pyroar helped her find her Pokemon, who was sinking his teeth into the beast with a Crunch. “I swear, I’m going to get a leash for you some day,” she grumbled, but unlike last time, she didn’t sound concerned. Bolt was small, but his intimidation tactics often meant that one move was enough to scare off a wild Pokemon. Just as expected, the Pyroar began to back away once his attacker let up, and turned tail shortly after.

A smug Shinx marched back to his trainer’s side; she had a disapproving look for him, but decided to keep the rest for later. “If you own a place, shouldn’t you be over there instead of here?” She turned back to Evan. “Clothes are one thing, but even I know that there isn’t much business to do out here. Especially not with me. The only business I’ve got is selling berries and kicking butt.” And even that was debatable, as he’d already seen.


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evan fader
Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2019 20:01:11 GMT
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he chuckles at the look on her face. "Apologies, I'm a firm believer that if you are old enough and smart enough to ask me the question then you should also receive an actual answer." at least for the most part. He almost made a comment about not using the kid gloves but has a feeling her fiery personality may feel a little upset over the idea. He's not one to walk on tip toes around someone but that doesnt mean he shouldn't think before he comments a little. Just a little.

Eyes shift to her returning pokemon who seems rather pleased with himself. He grins before turning back to her with a shrug of his shoulders. "I was checking on some friends in my spare time. There's an old couple that's lived up here most their lives I was looking for but I got a dit distracted." he doesn't explicitly state she's the distraction but it wouldn't take much thought to realize that. He doesn't mind too much though.

"You manage to sell any berries up here? Not a lot of people to market to." he quirks a brow. He can kind of guess how the butt kicking is going but he questions the berry sales a little. Most people wouldn't really come this way unless they had to.

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Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2019 21:20:09 GMT
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what will you do?

male / blaze[break]
flame burst / quick attack / slash / focus energy




what will you do?

female / infiltrator[break]
poison fang / haze / air slash / leech life

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Employee at the Stray
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Annie Mei
Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2019 10:45:50 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar
“…Wasn’t what I was expecting,” she admitted eventually. Still, he’d seemed honest enough, and his answer implied a little respect for her, age be damned. It was a refreshing change from the uphill battle she often endured just to get an adult to give her the time of day. He’d earned a little smile for that. That, and for helping old people, which was always a plus in her book.

Perhaps that was why she decided to tell the truth as well. She would have loved to tell him that business was going great, that she was a young entrepreneur on the rise, and her face told as much when he spoke. At the same time, her clothes told that she was nowhere near. “…Not really. Nobody’s around here, and the people that do pass through aren’t keen to hang around. People don’t want to buy wild berries from a kid, when I can even find some to sell. So I’m not here to sell. Just to train up this little devil, and maybe catch a few more. Speaking of which…”

The little lion was poised to spring, his eyes fixed on a Golbat hanging from the ceiling. It was hard for Annie to not be amused by his eagerness. “You’re gonna wear yourself out at this rate… Alright, go for an Ice Fang.” Bolt pounced, fangs glimmering with ice shards caught in the light. One super-effective bite brought the Golbat crashing into the ground, while the Shinx landed a little more elegantly. Given a few seconds, and a little gesture from Annie to let it be, the Golbat scrambled onto its feet and fled the scene.

“He’s always had too much energy, so a bit of training helps him get better and let off some steam.”

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evan fader
Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Dec 28, 2019 7:19:49 GMT
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Is it just him or did he manage to get her to soften up to him a little bit? He's pretty sure she just smiled. He'll keep his little victory to himself but it doesn't go unnoticed. Not that he did it juts for the small victory but it was a bonus. He just remembers being her age and hating people treating him like he didn't deserve a real answer just because he wasn't tall enough to pass for being an adult yet. Well what he suspects her age to be at least.

"That sounds about right for this area." he nods along to her answer. It sounded like she was being a bit more honest with him now and he appreciated it, it showed in the smile he returned. "This is a hard place to be to begin with, far too warm." if only mild weather were a more common thing, no? "But at least you've succeeded in one part."

His eyes drift to the little bugger she's got with her, taking down another pokemon now that he has the chance to. "He seems to be doing pretty well. I'm sure as he gets older he'll learn to mellow out a bit. It takes some time usually." he remembers a fair few of his being awfully rambunctious when he first got them.

Speaking of, he snaps his fingers to get the attention of his own pokemon who has wondered further down the trail out of annoyance at him for insisting they continue to be in this dreadful place. The Vaporeon is a diva if he's ever owned one and is likely hoping that if he wonders off far enough he can force evan into heading home (where they can lounge around and the diva can be worshiped as he should be via pets) and getting more and more agitated that it is not only not working but now he's being called back.

The beast comes with a present, because he's not entirely heartless and something else has left the small bird rather beat up and obviously in need of attention. Poisedon comes trotting up to Evan with the small thing dangling from his mouth and leaves it at his feet. He would help if he could but the water type is no fool, his water will only make this worse. "Poor thing." the water type lays on the ground at his feet, content in his part that has been played in this.

Evan reaches down to scoop the bird up in his arm, cradling it against his chest while his free hand reaches into his pack for something to sooth the bird and get it to rest until they make it home. Beyond that he offers it a pokeball, his options for healing aren't much on the road but he can make sure it's well cared for at the Stray.

"Well, with berries being a bust then what are you planning to do now?" he looked back to the kid, curious.

>>capping a poor hurt torchic ;w;

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Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Dec 28, 2019 7:50:14 GMT
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what will you do?

female / white smoke[break]
shell smash / flame wheel / smokescreen / heat wave




what will you do?

male / flash fire[break]
extreme speed / play rough / howl / take down

Evan caught the poor, hurt Torchic successfully!

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Employee at the Stray
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Annie Mei
Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Dec 30, 2019 17:07:31 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar
His respect for her had put a smile on her face, but his kind words had kept them there. The girl didn’t have much (in case that wasn’t obvious already), but the few Pokemon she had, her Campers, her family… She treasured them above all else. To know that others could see that she was not only trying, but succeeding, brought out a relief few could draw out. “…Thank you.” It was an uncharacteristically meek reply. The girl was no stranger to praise, encouraging it more often than not… But most people glossed over the training of her Pokemon.

“Warm was what I was hoping for, but this is way too much for me. This is just uncomfortably stuffy. Makes me want to lie down, but not in a good way.” Speaking of lying down, the Vaporeon delivered a bird that had been doing just that, in what Annie would consider the bad way. It was enough to wipe the smile off her face and bring concern into the eyes of her and her Pokemon. She had no qualms about striking down beasts that threatened her and her peers, or even just to train her team, but she wasn’t even seen the Torchic, and she doubted that the Vaporeon was eager to show its hard work. Something or someone had given it a solid beating and left it for dead… And that didn’t sit well with her.

“Hold on, I’ve got this.” She took a few steps back, making a gap for the nurse to be sent in. A moment later, her Chansey stood between the two humans, wide eyes immediately fixed on her patient. A worried cry followed shortly after. If Evan allowed it, the pink ball placed a hand on the bird, and then both hands on her pouch. “Fortuna, think you can help?” The egg in her pouch had started glowing before she finished asking. Soft-Boiled lifted a glowing copy of the egg out of her pouch, which faded into the Torchic, taking some of the bird’s injuries with it.

“Now? We find a place to sleep. I like to think we’re a pretty self-sufficient bunch-“ She patted the top of her favourite egghead, who was in turn petting the little bird. It wouldn’t be completely healed, but if nothing else it would survive the trip back to wherever home was. “but the one thing we can’t make is a good bed. Camp Annie Tenet Number Three is ‘Eat well, sleep well’, so we’ll find a decent place, stop and camp out.” It was the same routine in a different location every night. Annie didn’t mind, but then, it wasn’t as if she had much of a choice. She opened her mouth to continue, but Bolt’s back drew her attention elsewhere.

An Arcanine had appeared, staring at the group – or specifically, at the Torchic, shortly before it disappears into the ball. The ‘Legendary’ Pokemon recognises that they aren’t the cause of its pain, and better still, they were trying to help it. That’s good enough for him to approach them, Bolt’s wary look be damned. Fortuna looked from the bird to Annie, indicating her owner, and so the Arcanine stopped before her. Annie looked up at the dog, confused but not afraid – she couldn’t be, when a pair of her Pokemon were on standby. What little fears lingered in her mind were put to rest when the beast lay down before her (in a good way!), showing that it meant no harm… Or perhaps, that it was offering itself to her.

The girl smiled, placing her free hand atop his head. “Well, you seem pretty alright… And I could use a big guy in the Camp. How about it?” She didn’t wait for an answer before she retrieved a Pokeball, pressing it against his head.

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Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Jan 3, 2020 11:40:24 GMT
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Evan offers her a smile, acknowledging the thank you but leaving it at that. He wasn't looking for anything like that anyway, just speaking what he had observed during their little conversation out here.

He doesn't get much of a chance to comment again before she's producing a pokemon he's never had the chance to own. Evan lowers the bird a little, not so much to risk dropping it but to allow the pink pokemon to do her thing. "Thank you, Poise has aqua ring but I wouldn't want to risk that conflicting with its typing." but he imagines that between his remedies and her pokemon the little bird should be fine once he gets it back to the Stray and can give it proper rest and TLC. He just wasn't exactly planning on doing this kind of thing today.

Once the pokemon is in its pokeball he turns back to his vaporeon and gives him a well deserve back scratch, the pokemon stretching out in response to the attention in a manner that implies he deserves this. Sometimes he really wonders about these eeveelutions.

"Personally I always thought the ground was a good enough bed to be honest, real beds are a bit odd." actually even now evan found himself sleeping on the floor sometimes because he simply could not get comfortable on a mattress. He was pretty sure it wasn't the mattress either because he tried buying a new one and hated every last one of them. "Probably just me though."

The Vaporeon slinks out from under his hand and he notices why shortly after, another pokemon approaches and the Vaporeon is, at this point, beyond aggravated. The way it stairs the fire turtle down makes him snap his fingers to keep him from going over board, instead the pokemon just stares it down with malice while they talk.

"It's not much, but if you're ever in Rustboro the Stray can give you a room in exchange for some help around the place, cleaning or repairs, nothing major just earning your keep." he can make her show up but he feels it would be inappropriate not to offer it. It would be in the spirit of the place's history to give her a room after all. Even if she doesn't stay in the town having a place you can rely on to be there when you need it to be can be a saving grace during your low points.

He would know.

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Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Jan 3, 2020 21:28:27 GMT
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what will you do?

female / infiltrator[break]
night shade / fire spin / shadow ball / overheat / acid armor




what will you do?

female / chlorophyll[break]
moonlight / toxic / petal dance / moonblast

Annie caught the Arcanine successfully!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Annie Mei
Get the Goods and Get Out
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2020 22:14:27 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar
Annie nodded along, pretending that she knew what an Aqua Ring was. Her free hand continued stroking Fortuna atop her head. Well, body. They were one and the same when it came to a Chansey. Unlike the Vaporeon, the child’s trainer seemed to be in a state of bliss with the affection she was given, eyes closed and mouth slightly agape. The predecessor to the Happiness Pokémon was easy to please.

“Going to have to give you another ‘to each their own’ there. I’ve slept on enough floors to not be in a rush to do it again.”
And yet, she didn’t have a room booked for the night. Or the night after, or any time soon. She’d surprised herself, even, with how open she’d been; few people got to hear that Annie’s life was less than ideal, even if it obviously was. It made his next words come as even more of a surprise. Her gaze switched from the little nurse to him, growing confused, and then suspicious. “…Who’s the Stray?” was the first question of many. “And what’s their business? More importantly… Why?” She had to be cautious. The streets had taught her that it always paid to be, especially when strangers were making offers a little too good to be true. “People don’t just pick up strangers for jobs. Or kids.” The bitter edge to her voice told that she’d learned that from experience, but it didn’t seem to be directed at him, just at life.

More Pokémon appeared, but Annie was too distracted by the suggestion to realise that Bolt didn’t care. The little lion had finally tired himself out, and had opted to lie at Fortuna’s feet.

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