tobias' plotter

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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tobias' plotter
POSTED ON Dec 29, 2019 4:45:20 GMT
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[attr="class","hooksnatname"]TOBIAS LOOKER

[attr="class","hooksnattab"][attr="class","fa fa-star"]

[attr="class","hooksnatname"]TOBIAS LOOKER

[attr="class","hooksnatsub"]23 - HE/HIM - ASEXUAL - SINNOH - PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR



Outwardly, one could easily mistake Tobias for a socially awkward introvert; he doesn't go out of his way to interact with people, and finds his exclusion from the interconnected social network to be a blessing. He appears as a neurotic, drone-like man dedicated to his craft and not much else. He doesn't make an active effort to improve relations with people outside of his work and he's often slow to pick up on social cues - which, in turn, make him sometimes come off as callous or rude. [break][break]

The truth is that Tobias is a methodical, meticulous intellectual with a hunger for hunting down the truth behind a good mystery. Though he isn't the most personable investigator, he exudes an atmosphere of class and maturity that play off the more eccentric, loud-mouthed trainers who come bumbling into his office as clients. Opposites naturally attract, so Tobias often finds himself in the company of those more emotionally charged than he. It's these people who truly draw the warmth out from Tobias, uncovering facts about his strong moral compass, his distaste for deception, and his desire to help anyone and everyone who comes to him with a problem. Though he may remain distant and impersonal, he'll never completely cut people out of his life - helping people is the point of solving crimes, isn't it?[break][break]

But the fact of the matter is that if you want to be friends with Looker, you'll have to make an effort for it.

[attr="class","hooksnattab"][attr="class","fa fa-bolt"]

[attr="class","hooksnatname"]TOBIAS LOOKER

[attr="class","hooksnatsub"]23 - HE/HIM - ASEXUAL - SINNOH - PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR

[attr="class","hooksnatlyrics"]YOU COULD DO BETTER, BETTER THAN THAT: YOU'RE A FRAUD


Tobias learned from a very young age that devoting too much thought to your so-called 'enemies' is a surefire way to keep yourself out of a job. Just as he's distant with his 'friends', Looker doesn't waste too much time troubling himself with individuals that choose to antagonize him for whatever reason. The natural enemy of Looker, then, would be the very criminals he's hired to investigate. [break][break]

The detective should harbor no inherent ill-will towards his suspects, except for the truly deranged and cruelest among them, but he shouldn't look at them as names and faces on the wanted poster either. There's a certain balance Looker maintains in his operandus modii - get too personal and you become a vigilante, get too dispassionate and you become a bounty hunter. He's more interested in understanding the criminal - their motives, methods and history - before unravelling their schemes. The beauty of the criminal investigator is the complexity of the crime necessary for his presence. He wouldn't be there if the culprit was easy to find, so every 'enemy' that Looker is hired to catch must possess a certain degree of cunning to remain uncaptured for so long. [break][break]

For that reason alone, Looker has a certain degree of respect and even sympathy for his enemies, but never enough to let them walk away.

[attr="class","hooksnattab"][attr="class","fa fa-heart"]

[attr="class","hooksnatname"]TOBIAS LOOKER

[attr="class","hooksnatsub"]23 - HE/HIM - ASEXUAL - SINNOH - PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR



No thank you. [break][break]

For Looker, happiness and emotional expression come in doses smaller than another person. He believes he's fundamentally incompatible with intimate relationships, and never in his life has he met anyone that changed his mind. People might assume he's just never had anyone reach out to him, but it's quite the opposite; he tried everything. Abstinence from intimacy seemed to be the only option that made sense in his mind. The pleasures of the flesh were never appealing to him either. He never found any happiness in it, and he's never emotionally or physically available for those he was with. Making flirtatious advances towards Looker is a good way to get him to ignore you, even as a friend. He finds such advances to be unusually annoying.

... Though, of course, nothing is ever set in stone. [break][break]

[attr="class","hooksnattab"][attr="class","fa fa-cloud"]

[attr="class","hooksnatname"]TOBIAS LOOKER

[attr="class","hooksnatsub"]23 - HE/HIM - ASEXUAL - SINNOH - PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR

[attr="class","hooksnatlyrics"]AND IT'S DISGUSTING HOW LITTLE YOU TRY



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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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Remiel Calcifet
tobias' plotter
POSTED ON Dec 29, 2019 6:13:37 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

— @looker

Remiel's already received a warning from rangers for unlawful mining in Meteor Falls that's been disruptive to the natural wildlife. I would say that one or two of the rangers at the station, however, suspect that he's still doing something unlawful behind their backs. He's got a cunning look in his eyes that makes them suspicious, anyway.

Meanwhile, Remy has in fact continued his 'research' but he's been operating far more cautiously and under the radar since his run-in with the rangers. There's a trail of mercilessly beaten wild Pokémon, unsanctioned digs, and even strange devices left to follow, but the rangers can't make heads or tails of it and Remy always seems to be two steps ahead. On top of that, he's been going by the book now and receives permits (and lawyer protection) from the Devon Corporation for the research he conducts in plain sight.

I was thinking this is maybe where your detective comes in, hired by the rangers to investigate Remy and try and catch him red-handed. Whether or not he gets caught, this would be a good way to introduce them to each other and maybe set up some sort of rivalry. Maybe even shaky friendship? The two seem like pretty clever and calm people, anyway.

But idk! Just an idea. Lmk what you think!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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tobias' plotter
POSTED ON Dec 29, 2019 21:14:29 GMT
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I figured you'd come rolling up to my plotter after replying to everyone elses, lol.

But yeah no, that sounds like a good idea to get some action between Rem and Toby. Presumably, the goal is to catch Rem doing his work outside of what he gets with his Devon Corporation permits. I don't know if you'd want me to RP out all the investigative busywork that Tobias would do, but it'd probably look something like...

- Get in touch with Devon Corporation, understand exactly WHEN and WHERE and HOW Rem is allowed to research with his permits.
- Gathering info on Rem himself which is presumably available from the rangers who warned him before - what he looks like, where he works, possibly even what Pokemon he has.
- Getting in touch with a person or company associated with Remiel who would know where he might be at any given time, in order to get an idea of what his usual schedule is like on a given day.
- Get an idea what where he conducted his illegal mining before and where the rangers suspect he is now based off of the evidence left behind at the unsanctioned dig sites, possibly even get a sense of the time frame in which they believe the digs took place.
- Investigate the actual dig sites themselves, as well the strange devices and beaten Pokemon left behind. Tobias doesn't carry around a DNA scanner or anything, but he can gather evidence of certain Pokemon being used/present, physical evidence tied to Rem being left behind, so on and so forth.
- Identify a pattern in where and how the suspect is digging. Ascertain exactly what he's trying to mine for.
- Cross reference schedule discrepancies with new discoveries of evidence appearing in the Falls.

I'm assuming you don't want to have all this shit RPed out, so all of this work could probably happen over the course of two weeks and the actual thread starts when Looker predicts the time and place when Remiel goes for his next dig, and moves to encounter him there. Rem could be clever enough to know he's been investigated over the past week or so and try to lure Looker into a trap, or he could be caught off-guard by someone other than a ranger showing up with a scary Gliscor.

Up to you on how you wanna do it but I'm totally down, lmk what you think.

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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Remiel Calcifet
tobias' plotter
POSTED ON Dec 30, 2019 4:57:10 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

— @looker

I'm a hoe for plot, what can I say. 8-)

And whoa, I love the detail! Thanks for expanding on that! I definitely think we can fast-forward to them meeting, or at least playing cat-and-mouse in Meteor Falls as Tobias' investigation comes to a close, but here's my thoughts on the info available:

— I'm not sure contacting the Devon Corporation is going to provide too much information, since they'll likely only give Tobias so much info without a warrant or definitive proof of wrongdoing. They pretty much allow Remy to operate independently with his permits at this point in time. He chalked up his prior issue with the rangers as nothing but a misunderstanding, anyway. But I imagine they would at least tell Tobias what he does and where he came from/where he studied.

— The rangers who found him out the first and only time probably know his full name and that he works at the Devon Corporation, but the only Pokémon they saw him with was a Galarian Meowth. (Also, as I'm typing this, note to myself: I need to set up an infamy thread to detail all of Remy's exploits so far lol.)

— Remy's a lone wolf and, as stated before, I don't see the Devon Corporation divulging the whereabouts or personal details of their employees without a warrant or proof of wrongdoing. But Remy's an insomniac who likes to talk long walks in the night to tire himself out for sleep. So I imagine that if Tobias did some sleuthing and asking around (with something like a picture he acquired somehow), he miiiight get a general idea of which direction he walks in when he goes on these late-night walks. Nosy neighbors and hobos and the like probably see him at 3AM and are like 'where tf is he goin'?'.

— Remy is pretty conscious about where he chooses to dig, and there's no discernible pattern. At least, not yet. If I'm being completely honest right now, aside from him digging in or around Meteor Falls (which I'm supposing is a pretty vast place), he's shooting blankly for the thing he's looking for. But I think Tobias could definitely figure out that most of these digs take place at night.

— There have been four unsanctioned dig sites since the one that got him on the ranger's radar. He leaves behind strange sonar transmitters that emit sounds undetectable to the human ear, but they look like old and recycled tech and there's no fingerprints on them. There's also no concrete residue or camping gear left behind. The beaten Pokémon, on the other hand, could be pretty damning to Remy. They have claw marks consistent with Galarian Meowth claws, and there likely isn't another one for miles. But the fallen Pokémon aren't always near or around the abandoned dig sites, so it could prove to be troubling connecting one to the other.

— Remy's digging with a Flygon, so it's expeditious and quick. I'll let you determine how Tobias finds that out. Usually during a dig, the Flygon goes straight down doesn't stop until it hits rock. So far they've found nothing of value, however. And no one really knows he has a Flygon, since he keeps most of his Pokémon as private as his personal life currently.

But yeah! I do like the timeline of two weeks and I think we can start RP'ing at the tail-end of that. I think Rem will be expecting trouble and could certainly have a traps set up, but when they do meet he'll be hooded and masked. (I'm not looking to out him as Rocket just yet, so early in the game lol.) There'll be a conflict, they can part ways, then they can meet the next day in public somewhere, where the two can share their thoughts and make a big reveal or two. From there, we just keep this cat and mouse thing going for a little while, yeah?

If that sounds alright with you, let's start a thread at Meteor Falls! Do you wanna do the honors? 
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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6 ft 3 in height
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Kazimir Wynter
tobias' plotter
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2020 18:09:51 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

[break]ok so what would a private investigator say about running into a costumed hero? probably not much but said hero could always use someone who has his ears to the ground. kazimir could come to looker and bug him about any sort of info about team rocket he can dig up or of any other happenings around the region. in return the great pokenger can help him out with smaller cases as his partner in solving mysteries. he'll even bring his lycanroc so they can have their own scooby doo.

i haven't quite worked out what exactly their dynamic would be like outside of the above, so i'm open to more ideas about it unless you have something different in mind. but yeah i think a p.i. and caped crusader would make one hell of a team.

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