rocks remember [s]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Remiel Calcifet
rocks remember [s]
POSTED ON Jan 4, 2020 18:25:19 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
the trees can't grow without the sun in their eyes; and we can't live if we're too afraid to die

There was a lot about Mauville that certainly did remind Remy of the Kalos region. From the stylish architecture to the luxury clothing stores, including the people who walked around wearing their luxury clothing. There was a certain joie de vive that hung in the air as well. One that wasn't so simply recreated. One that he hadn't felt since his last visit to Lumiose. In truth, Remy seemed to fit in here perfectly. When his work at Rustboro and with the Devon Corporation was done, he could see himself moving here.

Having managed to find a Kalosian-inspired café in Mauville's massive shopping center, the blue-grey eyed young man was seated outside on one of its patio chairs. As he sipped his bergamot herbal tea— mixed with a touch of sage, a pinch of lemongrass, and a dash of mint, all expertly blended with both red and green rooibos— the Sinistea floating beside his shoulder appeared to mimic the action, tipping its tea cup backward with each sip its master took. The master in question had come to ignore it as he held up a newspaper with his other hand and read.

Sitting beside Remy's leg was a black duffel bag. It appeared to have something square-shaped inside of it. The shade of black the bag was almost matched the coal black of his knitted sweater. He wore his trademark black glasses today as well, along with a pair of khaki chinos and dark brown loafers. His hair was neatly combed.

He had texted Magnolia well in advance with the location of their rendezvous. Now all there was to do was wait. He trusted a woman of her caliber wouldn't be late.

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